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join kids had family hey TIA yes tofu my teacher wrote a report that I need to get signed by mom what why she said that I didn't do things as asked oh why is that I just thought she's giving instructions just like that I didn't think there was any meaning to her instructions that's not a good thing to fool yes but why does she give so many instructions and why do I have to follow them always hmm I think you should follow your teachers instructions otherwise you will experience something similar to beat a rabbit why what did he experience Peter Rabbit once upon a time they lift a rabbit called Peter Rabbit he lived with his mother and brothers Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail one day the mother told them that she was going out for some work children I have to go finish some errands till then you can go and play in the lane just be careful that you do not go to Mack Brothers garden at all you all remember that your father had an accident that don't you mrs. McGregor had put him in the pie once the mother had gone all the brothers went down the lane to play [Music] Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail the very good kids and they followed their mother's instructions but Peter Rabbit was a naughty one he went to the McGregor's garden all by himself and squeezed himself under the fence the garden was full of delicious vegetables Wow so many vegetables I will eat them all and quickly Peter Rabbit filled his stomach with lettuce french beans and radishes [Music] oh I think I have eaten too much I need some fast way to help my stomach and so Peter went looking for parsley deeper in McGregor's garden he was just crossing the cucumber patch when he ran into mr. McGregor thief stop stop right there mr. McGregor ran after Peter trying to catch him the moment Peter saw him coming he took off oh no I must run if I get to the shed I should be okay [Music] Peter quickly dashed into the tool shed and dived into a can the can was filled with water but Peter had no choice mr. McGregor had followed him into the shed where did that rabbit goat mr. McGregor couldn't find Peter anywhere and so he decided to check outside the shed [Music] as soon as he turned away Peter got out of the can and dashed out but mr. McGregor spotted him they're that deep after hit I won't let him go this time [Music] somehow Beto managed to get away [Music] he cut his breath and sat down under the blueberry bush just then he heard someone talking to him are you okay can you help me find a way out of here the mouse showed Peter the way out of the garden Peter quickly got out of the garden and headed home Oh Peter good you're home what took you so long nothing mom I'm just worried tired I think I will sleep the mother was very surprised she let Peter go to sleep early [Music] at suppertime she made the children's favorite dinner and serve them the carrot pie that she had got for them from the market but Peter Rabbit was so tired that he slept through the entire dinner and missed his favorite meal oh no I don't think I ever want to experience anything like that I will think twice before not following any instructions from my elders that's awesome tofu come on now we'll get you some carrot pie and then you can get the report signed by mom yes let's go TIA [Music] look at that man Tia he looks so scary I wouldn't want to be around him that is not a nice thing to say to a fool just because he scares you doesn't mean he's not kind and caring let me tell you a story of the Beauty and the Beast [Music] the Beauty and the Beast been lived in a village with her father Morris who was an inventor one morning as she was returning from the market a hunter named Gaston stopped her Gaston was an arrogant young man everybody in the village knew he always got what she wanted but no one ever dared stand up against him because his father was the village head the only person who paid no attention to Gaston was bell but Gaston was obsessed with her and wanted to marry her both let me walk you home while Gaston no thank you I can go home myself I insist I have to talk to your father about something important to Belle continued walking ignoring Gaston who started walking with her once home Bell quickly went inside moriss moriss come out I have to talk to you what is it it is your lucky day I am going to marry Belle you have lost your mind go away Gaston Belle is never going to marry you just then there was a loud explosion in Morris's life and he took off towards it well also ran towards her father's land seemed that there was no one he could push around Gaston left I have done it Belle my experiment was successful I am leaving for the fair in the nearby village immediately you will see my child people are going to love this and so Morris left on his horse fell ik and rode off but as he was crossing the forest he got lost [Music] after a few ARS Philip and he landed in front of a huge lonely castle there was no one in sight Sam Morris died Phillip to a pole at the entrance and went inside the castle it was pitch dark inside a few candles were lit in the corners hello is anyone here I am lost can you help me a large shadow came across the wall as it came into light Morris saw that it was not a man but a huge angry beast with an ugly scar across his face how dare you enter my castle you need help I will help you I'm sorry I will leave immediately and Morris started running back the way he had come but the Beast caught him and started dragging him he took him down on the staircase and locked him in the dungeon please please let me go please let me go you will stay here forever this dungeon is your world now [Music] a whole day had passed and Morris hadn't returned Bell got worried and decided to go to the nearby village to look for her father [Music] but she too got lost in the forest and landed up at the same castle Philip was still there tied to the pole Belle decided to go inside just in case her father was there hello papa anybody here how dare you enter my castle get out right away before I lock you in the dungeon too suddenly the Beast moved out of the shadows and stood in front of Belle she was terrified of him but did not run somewhere from far away she could hear another wise it was her father please please let me go let me go please open this door let me go please do you have my father can you please let him go Hey what are you saying I will stay instead of him please let him go hearing this the beasts took Belle's hand and dragged her up the stairs [Music] he led her into a huge room so be it your father is free and you shall be my prisoner forever and so it was no matter how much Morris protested the bees threw Morris out of the castle and into the forest with Phillip [Music] when dinner time came bail did not join the Beast for dinner instead she stayed in her room crying the Beast entered her room and said if you are going to stay in this castle you have to follow its rules you are expected at dinner don't you dare miss it next time you are a monster you didn't even let me see my father one last time go away I hate you seeing Belle heartbroken the Beast felt bad he pulled out a hand mirror from his coat and gave it to her in the mirror she would be able to see whomever she wanted to see at that moment Belle looked into the mirror and saw her father finally leaving from the castle and riding into the forest but to her horror she saw he and Philip had suddenly been attacked by a pack of wolves she gave out a loud cry and ran downstairs out of the castle gates and towards her father soon she found herself and her father Morris surrounded by ferocious wolves just as the wolves were about to attack Belle a large four grabbed one of them by the neck and threw it away the Wolves now turned on the Beast who had decided to follow Belle and help her save her father the be scared them off but not before they had fit into his arm an injured Morris - he put Morris on Phillip who took off riding as soon as his master was secured the beasts tried to walk towards the castle but fainted and fell [Music] he woke up two days later to find Belle sitting by his bedside in his room the wounds on the arm had been bandaged you didn't go you are awake I hope you're feeling better thank you for saving our lives over the next few days Belle nursed the beast back to health as the spent time together they realized that he wasn't as mean as he appeared to be the first day they had met in turn the beasts learned to change his ways and became gentler and kinder [Music] soon they became very good friends one day Beth asked the Beast if she could see her father in the mirror the Beast had read and give her the mirror in the mirror Belle saw all the villagers storming her house they thought that Morris had gone mad and wanted to send him to the doctor nobody believed him when he kept insisting that Belle had been kept as a prisoner by a beast worried about her father been requested if she could go to the village for a day just to save her father and though the beast knew that she might never return he agreed go but take this mirror with you in case you ever want to see me [Music] [Music] once Belle reached her house she stood between her father and the villagers and tried to explain the truth but the angry mob led by Gaston who wanted revenge from Morris and Belle for turning his wedding proposal down wouldn't listen Gaston grabbed Belle's hand and tried to get her out of the way as she struggled to free herself the beasts mirror fell out of her pocket in it was the Beast looking right at them all goodness she shown the Beast the way to the village we must go and get him before he comes here the angry mob started marching towards the castle with fire torches and swords they left behind Morris and Belle locked up in their house soon they stormed the castle gates Gaston went upstairs and challenged the Beast to a fight but the beasts had had a change of heart he did not wish to fight so he came out of the balcony unarmed and tried to talk to the villagers but Gaston wouldn't have it he wanted to kill the Beast and so he attacked him his sword pierced through the beasts stomach shocked the Beast swung his arm to protect himself scared Gaston stepped backwards and fell off the balcony and died somehow Belle had escaped from her house and reached the balcony just as the Beast fell on the floor I love you Belle I love you too please don't go suddenly the castle lit up with thousands of candles as belt still lay crying by the Beast he turned into a handsome young prince well it's me you freed me from the witch's spell to break the spell I have to love and win the love of another you loved me even through I was a beast you saved me Belle you saved me it really is you as they hugged each other they saw the rest of the castle and the forest bloom with beautiful trees and flowers so you see tofu you should never judge people by the way they look I'm sorry Tia I will always remember this now [Music] hey f1 can TIA Wow tofu you've really become good at this game do you want to play one more round with me the winner gets the losers share of mom's special pie mom tofu look at the time we've not completed any of her chores oh don't worry about it TIA it's a Sunday we'll just tell mom that we forgot but we remember now we should do it now do we have to mom don't know tofu are you suggesting that we should lie to mom and who will lie to her [Music] that's the worst idea you've ever had tofu and you're talking like the little mouse ah the little fool Belling the cat that's a story that I want to tell you in this context once upon a time the many mice that lived in his store troubled a grocer these mice are spoiling everything today the best holes in the grain bags oh dear what should we do I don't know if the villagers find out they will stop coming to the store and buying things from me Oh No what will we do then our business will be disrupted entirely I agree oh I have an idea why don't you get a cat for the store a good strong cat will eat the mice away quickly a new mice will be afraid to enter the store out of the film mmm that's a brilliant idea I will get one first thing tomorrow [Music] the next morning the grocer went and got a big strong cat for his store just as his wife had said she bounced at the first sight of mice the mice were taken by surprise her brothers had been attacked and eaten up by this cat that the grocer has brought we all should be careful from now on as the days passed the movement of the mice became restricted they always lived in fear of the cat and were unable to get food and supplies for their families from the store if any of them went shut out the cat ate them this distrust the mice very much they made many plans to avoid and escape the cat but fail miserably we are losing out our brothers and sisters to this cat something must be done I have a simple plan but I'm sure it will be successful we just have to put a bell around the cat's neck every time the cat will move we will hear the bell ring first this will give us enough time to escape her that's a very good idea good thinking brother we should arrange a bell immediately yes I agree this is a very good plan but I have just one question who will bell the cat suddenly there fell a hush over the excited mice because none of them had the answer to the question none had the courage to risk his own life to bail the cat and so it remained that the cat was never bailed so you see tofu it is one thing to just give out ideas and another to actually go ahead and do as you've said yes dear I am ashamed of what I suggested [Music] I said it without considering whether it was right or wrong and possible or impossible come let's go and finish off the chores I am glad you understood that tofu now let's start with putting away these games [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm these cookies are so young I can eat them forever tofu have you ever imagined what if these cookies become alive alive hmm this reminds me of a story the gingerbread man long ago there lived an old couple [Music] one day the old woman cooked a gingerbread cookie in the shape of the line [Music] as soon as the gingerbread man was cooked he jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shouting don't eat me he ran away as fast as he could the old couple tried to trace the gingerbread man but he was too fast for them soon a hungry Pig saw the gingerbread man and said stop I will direct you he too joined the chase the gingerbread man was too fast and said you can't catch me I am the gingerbread man [Music] a little further a hungry cows saw the gingerbread man and said stop I would like to eat you [Music] she too joined the chase you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man next he met a horse the horse to join the chase [Music] finally the gingerbread man came to a river and stopped as the river could make him soggy a clever Fox came by and wanted to eat him up but he pretended to be nice and offered help to the gingerbread man he asked the gingerbread man to climb on his head so that he could take him across the river the gingerbread man was so scared of water that he agreed [Applause] as soon as they reached the other side the Fox tossed up the gingerbread man in the air he opened his mouth and ate him up that was the end of the gingerbread man ha ha ha I don't want my cookies alive and get eaten by a wolf ha ha ha enjoy your cookies though here [Music] [Applause] or Tia I'm feeling scared would we be able to reach a cure yes tofu don't worry we will reach a camp soon but I'm still feeling scared wait let me tell you a similar story it will help you to distract your mind Goldilocks and the three bears once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks she had golden hair one morning she was walking in the forest and lost her way she saw a friendly cottage Wow she knocked on the door but nobody was there she went inside the friendly cottage belonged to three bears Goldilocks was very hungry she saw three bowls of porridge on the table first she tried a spoonful from daddy bear's big bowl this porridge is too hot next she tried from mama bears medium bowl this porridge is also too hot finally she tried from baby bears small boil this barrage is just right and she ate the whole bowl now Goldilocks was tired she saw three chairs kept in a room this chair is too big this chair is too big too this chair is just right but the chair broke Goldilocks was very tired so she went upstairs she saw three beds in the room she sat on the first bed and thought this bed is too hard this bed is too soft this bed is just right soon the three bears came home who's fairly tame my porridge asked daddy bear who's been eating my porridge asked mama bear who's been eating my porridge and eaten it all up cried baby bear who's been sitting on my chair daddy bear howled who's been sitting on my chair wondered mama bear who's been sitting on my chair and it's broken cried baby bear [Music] they went up in the room and saw who's been sleeping on my bed said daddy bear who's been sleeping on my bed said mama bear and she is dead there screamed baby bear Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears she was so frightened that she jumped out of the bed and raced through the forest and she never came back [Music] Oh Goldilocks lost a Bijou just like us haha no tofu we have not lost our way see we're already at the top animals have such an easy life dear no school no rules no homework what do they have to worry about everybody has their troubles tofu let me tell you the story of Thumbelina [Music] [Music] once upon a time a woman lived by herself in a faraway village she was very lonely after her husband had died [Music] she always wanted to have a child but alas she didn't have any [Music] one day she went to her friend who was a witch the witch gave her a grain of barley and told her to go back home and plant it [Music] the woman did as she was told the next morning a beautiful plant had grown from the seed it had a lovely flower that looked like a tulip the woman had never seen a flower like that and was mesmerised by its beauty she gently kissed one of its petals as she did that the flower blossomed open inside it was a beautiful little girl no bigger than the size of the woman's tongue the woman instantly fell in love with her and called her Thumbelina Thumbelina took away the woman's loneliness in the day she would tell her stories and talk to her sometimes she would make Thumbelina a boat out of a tulip petal which she could draw in a plate full of water [Music] at night Thumbelina would sleep in a bed out of a walnut shell with a blanket made of the rose petal [Applause] [Music] one night as she was sleeping a fry came to her window and saw her he thought to himself what a beautiful girl she will make a lovely bride for my son and so he wrapped Thumbelina and hopped away to his home when his son saw his bride-to-be he was very happy she is beautiful father I will marry her but before that I want to build her a beautiful house ok son I will put her on the waterlily in the middle of the pond till then this way she will not be able to escape and so the Frog would come ballina in the middle of the pond on a water lily leaf Thumbelina tried to escape from her new home but when she couldn't she broke down crying [Music] - minnows was sitting under the same leaf and they heard her cry they asked her about her troubles and when she told them they decided to help her [Music] they nibbled away the lily stem soon it broke and floated away with Thumbelina just when Thumbelina thought she was free a beetle came down and took her away to his home he called over his friends to introduce them to his pretty prisoner but the beetles friends told him that she was too different than them and she didn't belong with them I agree I think I should let her go and so he dropped her in the long grass and flower Thumbelina was very happy that she was free from her captors however she still did not know where her home was she spent many days in the grass and between the flowers she would eat the pollen of the flowers and drink the dew from the leaves one day as she was walking she stumbled upon a small house made of mud it had a strange round entrance she went up to it and knocked on the door a mouse opened the door oh hello there isn't it cold up there for you today come in please thank you so much once Thumbelina was settled comfortably in the Mouse's house he asked her about who she was Thumbelina told him her entire story [Music] [Music] do not worry you can stay here as long as you like so Thumbelina started staying in a newfound home to make herself useful in the house she would cook for the mouse and tell him stories after a few days the mouse said he had invited a guest over [Music] he is the richest mouse in all the land he is a very good friend of mine that night the mouse's friend came over for dinner [Music] they all talked and had a very good time during the course of dinner the friend fell in love with Thumbelina and declared that he would marry her Thumbelina had no choice but to go along with what was happening when the friend offered to show her his home she agreed to visit his house and the three of them set off together [Music] on the way they entered a tunnel [Music] there they found an injured swallow lying on the ground the mouse's friend kicked it and rudely said serves her right what is she doing in the tunnels he should have stayed in the air Thumbelina was shocked to see that someone could treat another like this unseen by the mice she ran away from there once she was sure that the mice had left she came back and attended to the swallow she took great care of her [Music] then she was fit to fly again it became spring by the time the swallow could fly again she told Thumbelina I have to join my family and friends they have flown away to warmer place I cannot stay here come with me but Thumbelina had had enough adventure and did not want to go anywhere else and so the swallow flew away a few months had passed when the lovestruck friend of the mouse found Thumbelina again oh my beloved I have been looking for you everywhere now I have found you and must marry you Thumbelina nude there was no way out of it for her so she asked him if she could spend one last day out in the open air before she was been fine to living the rest of her life underground [Music] as she roamed in the open fields for one last time she heard a familiar voice come away with me where your spirit will always be free Thumbelina saw her old friend who had returned for her this time around she agreed and hopped on the Baptist the swallow and they took off they flew over land and water and fields of green when they reached the land of the flowers the swallow landed Thumbelina on a beautiful flower petal this is the kingdom of the flowers and that is their king Thumbelina saw a handsome young king with beautiful wings he was surrounded by lovely flowers as soon as she saw him she knew she wanted to call this place home her presence attracted the King's attention [Music] he took fell in love with her immediately will you marry me yes has happiness spread across her face she grew a beautiful pair of wings and became the flower Queen all Wow dia I don't know what I would do if I would live in such a strange wife I think I am happy where I am [Music] for your favorite crimes stories and more join hip hop family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 259,442
Rating: 4.2261734 out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, PETER RABBIT FULL ANIMATED MOVIE FOR KIDS, KIDS ANIMATION, STORYTELLING, TIA AND TOFU, PETER RABBIT, FULL ANIMATED MOVIE FOR KIDS, THE PETER RABBIT ENGLISH STORIES, PETER RABBIT AND HIS BROTHERS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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