A.R. & Jamaal Bernard | "What men want from woman" | Christian Cultural Center

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welcome yes this morning service yes this sunday that is in america father's day yes i think it's also celebrated in other countries around the world yeah it is don't assume that you know that we are celebrating globally it's a global holiday but thank god that our american society will have holidays like mother's day like father's day where we honor family because that's really what it's about it's about the family so thank you individuals looking on the chat from uh somebody's from trinidad tobago uh philadelphia pennsylvania and all over the globe excellent excellent and we're taking we're having a new members class today and we're taking in new members and those new members are local and those new members are global so we have families joining us from around the world and that's why our internet campus is so important and we're going to continue to build that out and we're going to empower those who are not local so that they can minister to their families or minister to their communities in their context so we're going to be supplying them with a lot of guidance and equipment equipment i'm excited about that excellent so it's father's day happy father's day happy father's day thank you i got a question for the people what was the scariest part of being a father the scariest part of being a father you're asking the people are you asking from the people from the people not messing it up not messing it up not messing it up and in a man's mind we don't want to ever be found incompetent so it's important to us that we get it right even while we're messing it up we're still in our mind we want to get it right so you know it it goes back to jesus saying the the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak yeah so there's that tension and that word spirit there uh in the greek in that text is the the rational soul that part of the soul the mind will and emotions the soul that allows us to deliberate and reason you know so the motivation the reasoning is there but to carry it out our human nature can undermine it and we live in that tension that's a real tension to this day no matter how holy you get no matter how spiritual you get you live in that tension you can't get any more spiritual than jesus you can't get more complete than jesus and yet he demonstrated that there were tensions when he was asking the father to you know find another way under the cross i mean you know um when when when he had to withdraw himself because he was so overwhelmed by the demands of ministry people don't realize it you read it the gospel he withdrew himself he just went off and said i need to i need to step away from this that's very very real folks so what are we going to talk about today are we going to continue to talk about power but first of all yesterday uh here in america was the celebration of june yes and juneteenth is a combination of june 19th uh 1865 actually when one of the military leaders makes it down to galveston texas two years after emancipation proclamation and lets the slaves there know that they're free yep so for two years they didn't know and didn't know it boy i could preach that message yeah that's a serious language to be declared free and not know it and not know it that's the gospel of jesus christ yes yes because even with us we gotta we gotta catch up to the reality of our freedom with which christ has set us free so um it's it's celebrated now it is a national holiday that president biden has signed into law and to be commemorated and celebrated so a lot's happening to revisit uh american history and i say revisit it and and and bring the full story to it because it's been mixed i'm i'm i'm reading some information where the history was purposely changed and disseminated in the early part of the 19th century and i think that's why we can't feel that we have arrived right right we we still have to fight the fight we still have to go forward to make sure that the proper story the american story is is pushed and that's why we got to be mindful of what we're trying to cancel out at the same time yeah because that cancelling canceling culture is can remove some details that respond to the why in another story we can't look to whitewash yes no pun intended american history by removing all of the bad evil stuff you know um if if you want to see how history is considered by god read the bible it is raw there are some things that go on in the bible that we still have to try and explain because it was filled with violence and and and discrimination and marginalization and disenfranchisement and war and all of the elements of human society fall in human society are found in the scripture yep and then is is talking about today it's father's day some people were um some men were wrestling with the idea that it's juneteenth right the day before father's day and we already have so much competing with the aspect of father's fatherhood to the point that the day of father's day is not celebrated the same way so for mother's day you can't get a reservation cannot get a reservation you can go to you know all the restaurants from high end restaurants it's just packed but father's day they'll come right in you know so now you got juneteenth and he got father's day and it's like you know so the attention was there they were happening for another step towards uh you know the the storyline for what really happened in blacks in america but detention there's another tension okay what what about the celebrating of fathers especially the time where we look at society and the the role of the father is trying to be changed and um we develop it's ironic because dr cole said this years ago and it's not so you know recent years that i really appreciate that statement he said if you want to understand the way society is going look at the home yeah yeah that's good and he said if you want to understand the way the home is going look at the father boom boom and we need to unpack that statement because you know society is in a flux right now yeah and and yeah we have to look at the family look there are three institutions that uh are towards the ordering of society you've got government you've got family and you've got the church and those three institutions are critical to the ordering of society government's role oh boy are we jumping in i was going to ask you i was going to say there are four things that women want from a man [Laughter] but the question is what are the four things that men want from women uh before it got quiet because i don't even think it's four i will tell you we're simple yeah we want two things right we want a woman's love and we want respect and that's the big thing yeah we want love but we want and we need respect and that's where the tension is often especially if we're not doing things that you know inspire respect i don't want to say earn but inspire respect because the woman will say well i can't respect him because of this that and the other but the bible is clear we have to dig into that one day i have to write another book right but think about it uh he wants love and love and respect is like like like food and water right for a man love is like food respect is like water you can go for a while without food but you can't go without water you know a couple of days you can't go without water you can go without you know you need water so it's the same way that a man needs respect and that becomes a challenge the number one cause for divorce in our society is a loss of respect so what what do we mean by that respect means to to honor to to uh and it's not subjugation and submission that's not it your mom and i you know next year we celebrate 50 years of marriage we establish upfront i said look these are the boundaries and we're going to respect those boundaries we're not going to ever use profanity towards each other we're not going to uh call each other out of name we're not going to do anything of that because when we do that we're in trouble the relationship is in trouble so we want all right ladies listen up here's what men want we want number one for women to learn to respect our judgment number one we want them to learn to respect our judgment because women you tend to second-guess us are you sure second-guess us all the time and you don't give us the space to grow in our judgment if you're always challenging that judgment remember i said men want to feel in one feel competent not incompetent especially when it comes to their relationship with a woman they don't want the woman to think that they can't handle it that they're incompetent and that's why if we're driving and we keep circling the same place a woman says uh you know let's get some help let's let's ask for directions what is the man concerned about that you're saying i'm not confident enough you know and yeah it's a tension because you know god said men need help so women become a help me but because they're nurturers and and especially when you have family all right children what are they doing to the children nurturing them and correcting them what can that tend to transfer to the relationship with the husband nurturing him and correcting him so we want you to respect our judgment now men that means you got to step up in your judgment in the decisions that you're making for yourself and for the welfare the good of your family all right so that's very very important we along with that we want women to respect our abilities that we have the capacity to do what needs to be done when it comes to our family to leading our family to making decisions and see we wouldn't have that issue if again women tend to second-guess you know are you sure and and and that's helpful um when it comes to you know did you because i don't know if with you but i'm leaving leaving the house to go to work or you know do something uh mommy's going down and listening to all the things did you remember to take this do you remember so women feel the need to constantly remind us and too often that can be you know shifting us to their child and not their their spouse yeah and because as you balance it you know the the there's the idea that when there's major decisions yeah let's let's let's really talk about this that's second guess you know so don't just don't go buy a home and you know and then your wife is not a part of the thing and then she's not going to have to be forced to ask questions and yeah so there is the balance between okay let's let's have this conversation and you know when women bring it to the point where okay having a conversation instead of just saying are you sure you know second guessing it it changes that the dynamics see that's why what are the four things that women want from a man maturity decisiveness consistency and strength when they're not getting that then they'll tend to second guess they'll tend to remind they'll tend to start playing that role to draw that out of him you see but at the same time the man still wants her to respect his judgment respect his ability and he wants respect and communication when a man is disrespected by a woman in communication he shuts down and he'll he'll do two things he'll either shut down or write or escalate and then he can resort to physical force which never should or verbal and he can't out-talk the woman we can't out-talk her guys forget it all right her we we have physical power as our means of protection all right and response what do they have verbal power that's their weapon all right the verbal power is their weapon so we don't we don't do that but when a woman will disrespect the man in communication he'll shut down and he'll withdraw and and he'll put up you know walls of defense between it it's not going to work that way and so so respect with our judgment our ability in communication and in public the worst thing a woman could do is disrespect the man in public that's why your mom and i always already established that we're never going to argue in front of you all or in front of people we're going to wait till we get home and we're gonna talk about it we can unpack and there you know she can express her her hurt her anger or whatever might be so you have to have boundaries in relationship you have to have rules that govern that relationship if you're going to preserve that relationship that's the whole teacher [Laughter] it's true because um you you talk about nurture and nature right so from the nature perspective there's certain proclivities that you tend to have right and we you know with minister sheldon down in florida we have uh an osiris that we have a man cave conversation every other wednesday and we were talking about the different things that men don't do because they're worried about losing respect but i think it breeds more respect so one of the brothers came on and he said look you know if my father would talk to me because remember there's the nature right with certain proclivities that we have to wrestle with as individuals and then you got the nature and when we look at kids they are either taught consciously or subconsciously right so there's this direct conversation with the kid you know don't do this this is how you do this and and then but the subconscious affects them deeply because they're observing the lifestyle of the father and and the man said i never realized what my father taught me and if he would have had a conversation with me to express this is what he wrestles with as a man i think i would have been more focused on that and and um addressing myself and i wouldn't end up like him and doing the things he did you know whether it was with female relationships or just running the streets and things like that he said if it wasn't if my father had a conversation like i'm having now with my son explaining my struggle is what i wrestle with to help him and direct him and so you and i think that built more respect with him and his son and his wife than not saying anything at all he earned it yes earned it and that's the problem because one of the qualities necessary for any leader especially a man in a home all right is humility if you're not willing to humble yourself and be transparent and vulnerable to a degree you can't you know download on your children but be transparent and vol vulnerable enough to have conversations like that and express this is these are my challenges this is what a real but then again a man may feel that if he does that it'll make him seem incompetent that he doesn't have the ability or the capacity or that he's coming across weak so there's a dynamic there that takes place in that interaction that men struggle through and unfortunately guys you can't keep it to yourself you can't bottle it up you have to be able to communicate dr cole taught us that communication is the basis for life that's so so important yeah um when it comes to this and but i think what happens is as the man expresses you know to a level based on the maturity of the child and that age range of the child of what he deals with and the son says okay this is what my father struggles with and sees him overcoming those struggles yeah right it creates a different blueprint of how to be an overcomer as as a young man growing up and it's affected generationally because you could have one generation that men don't cry all right men are never weak and we've had that we've seen that in american society culturally and and that prohibits him because there's a norm that's being imposed on him very subtly but it's being imposed on him in a way that you know well i can't let my family see me cry or weak or anything like that and then he passes that on to his child instead of being understanding with that young boy all right he's passing the same thing on oh don't then don't cry you know don't be weak you know straighten up enough so it it passes from generation to generation and that's the family so now today the millennial generation you know they're about openness and vulnerability and transparency sometimes to a fault but it's about communicating and and sharing and in many cases if a man doesn't balance that carefully with wisdom it can overwhelm the woman the very woman that he's trying to be transparent and vulnerable with can become overwhelmed by that transparency and that vulnerability and she says okay i'm out of here exit yeah so this is very very very real and how do we get into this man i don't know oh we've been talking about the two things women uh want from a man and love you win over respect men want to be loved we absolutely want to be loved but interesting oddly enough we feel loved when we're respected so a man will will make decisions based upon the degree to which that woman in his life respects him and he responds to that and when he feels that he's respected by that woman he's open to her criticism he's open to constructive criticism he's open to her judgment he's open to her input but if she doesn't feel if he doesn't feel respected by her he'll close it down mm-hmm he'll he'll push it away and i think that's why it's so key to understand the love language of each other in this the household yeah uh you know because you know men feel loved when they respect also through um physical interaction right it was it's high on a man's chart and women have to take that in consideration and that's the struggle for women because i don't feel like it i'm tired i i don't feel that you know things like that so let's think about tests ephesians chapter 5 verse 33 says husbands love your wives and then it says wives respect your husbands so it's not saying wives love your husband's back no it's saying wives respect your husband and in that that that verse there and it's supported by other passages it's saying what they need most a man what a man needs most is respect then love what a woman needs most is love and respect because if he loves her she'll feel respected by him the other way around if the man is respected by the woman he will feel loved by her that's crazy because you know there's a tension there that that continues and we have to be careful of all right so the three is the the segway let's move on the three are the three institutions government all right yeah family let's understand this in church today's father's day and you know why are we talking about all this because father is foundational to the family so so you have the what are the the the the god-given institutions for the ordering of society and that's the that's the war that we have those are the culture wars that we've been in for the longest time here in america everybody has their own opinion as to how society should be ordered and what are the best ways to live in it so we have political parties that are saying this is best uh opposite political parties saying no this is best and then we have special interest groups saying this is best then we have the media weighing in but god who created all of this he established a particular order and the crazy thing is as we look at things unfolding the two major areas that really affect the life of the household is what they're attacking between church and the family structure yep yep they're redefining trying to redefine church and what we're allowed to do what we can't do and they're redefining the household what the household could could look like you know and just i i missed this before just because uh an exception works the exception should never become the rule right so not saying that women can't raise a household women can't raise a young man but just because that's an exception whenever you make the exception to rule you you you start breeding chaos yeah yeah that you know we we have the the ideal and the ideal is an intact family unit now a woman may say well i don't want to deal with a family does that make her any less a woman is she wrong for that no there are giftings where you know she can be on her own but there are other problems there are problems that look they're problems that come with being married and they're problems that come with being single yes so it's not like you know one way or the other gets you off any hook there are issues and circumstances and realities that are associated with both so if you choose to be single all right you don't feel called to marriage and family all right that's wonderful but there are challenges today if you call you feel call to family and and marriage that's wonderful but there are problems with that so each comes with their own situation so when we think about government we think about the ordering of society all right number one the the role of primary role of government is to number one restrain evil jesus says good and evil coexisting and in fact co-mingling that's a whole nother study all right the wheat and the tear and let them grow together don't remove them let them go together so we need we need you know institutions within the society to order that society right so government's responsibility is to restrain evil second responsibility of government is to preserve order because if we don't preserve order we'll have disorder we'll have chaos so there has to be order so government there to preserve order and thirdly government is to promote the common i mean you know i'm not even going to say common good i'm going to say promote justice because when you think about justice you're talking about the common good all right so essentially government is there to what restrain evil to preserve order and to promote justice change that to promote justice and that's the common good because when you think about justice what's just what's fair what's equitable within the society you're thinking about the common good and and that's why the the framework is god-given but if you put people in these systems and structures who are broken and wounded what are they going to do their selfishness their greed all of the the results of the fallen human nature are going to end up in these systems and structure so there will so there will strain evil but it can be influenced by their own agenda by their personal ambitions etc yeah preserve order but they may choose to order it in a way that benefits them personally before it benefits society whole idea of things trickling down to the to the masses you know promote justice yeah how do we define justice what does justice look like so if we have people who have one view of justice in the government in power right and we have people who have a different view of justice then we we have attention we have a conflict so in in our nation today these are the problems these are the tension because people have their own opinions and that's why we need a divine standard we need a transcendent standard that's why when god gave the law of moses it was powerful in that it was a written code that looks at all of these things our relation they're the jews relationship with god as a people as a nation all right uh so he gave them uh a religious law right the laws of worship uh ceremonial laws he gave them civil law right in terms of interaction with each other within the family structure and society he laid all of that down to them what to order their society so government is is we need government we need government to restrain evil to preserve order all right to promote justice that's why when things go wrong and evil breaks out in our local community we call the cops dial 9-1-1 we have all these systems but the problem is how is that evil being restrained all right so if they're using excessive force that's a problem all right if they're if they're using excessive force or unscrupulous means to preserve that order that's a problem if they're taking away if they're doing it in in unjust ways that's a problem but this is essentially the purpose and role of government and that's why we have to challenge that and the the beauty of the american system all right is we have a legislative branch we have a judicial branch we have an executive branch and it was it was like a co-equal trinity each responsible to hold the other you know accountable but what happens when one branch of government becomes too powerful then that that accountability is no longer there it's upset so if the president becomes too powerful that's a problem if the court system becomes too powerful that's a problem if the legislative branch becomes too powerful that's a problem so god established government in a very powerful way and i don't even where where are we on time i don't know where we are eight minutes getting into all this because this will we'll revisit this when we talk about power and and how power is is is experienced within society right so that's government and what is family family you know family is is the first place that we experience community first place we experience community first place we experience authority some type of rule some type of discipline some type of order where does that take place it takes place within the family you know and and what are we doing the family is also restraining evil you know because what do you what are you told can you control your kids you know we look to the parents when the children go out there and do wrong a little kid goes to the store and shoplifts or or or or gets into a fight or whatever we do we go back to the parents why because the role of the family is also to restrain evil and by doing that preserve order as well preserve order as well and and the family unit also install instills basic values that the children who grow up in the society will apply in their relationship with society so the family is critical and the way god designed it he designed a father foundational to the society what did jesus say in my father's house right so the father is the foundation to the family unit and the house is under the responsibility and accountability of the father and please understand all right it doesn't make a woman or the wife you know subservient her husband no before the fall adam and eve were co-equal right they're ontologically equal equal in being equal in person and to be respected as such but they function differently they have different roles right and that's that's so important and we lose that in society so what is the church the church brings a moral value consensus for us as christians the church uh it proclaims the the kingdom or the rule of god the order of god so what does the church remind a society of we answer to a higher power that's what the church does the church says we answer to a higher power and that's important because it in our american system we we have you know uh uh free capital market and that we have you know liberal democracy and and and and and that and those two fight with each other there's a tension between them right and then you have all the degrees of tension and positions in between but what does the church do the church religion we bring a moral value consensus which is necessary for peace and concord so here you have what you have government you have family and you have the church the role of spirituality and religion within the society so think about this all right what what is let me go what what is what is society what is what is culture all right culture is the the the personality of a society it's character all right so when jesus says to the the the the religious leaders he said you can you can read the sky and tell what the weather's going to be but you cannot discern the signs of the times and what are the signs of the times they are prophetic indicators and i say prophetic indicators because they are going to tell us the direction that society is going in and what we could expect in the future so these are prophetic indicators that emanate from the character or personality of the culture and that's how we understand our culture culture is is the total personality and character of a society number one it's traditions it's traditions number two it's attitudes number three it's customs number four it's social institutions essentially this this is what culture is it's the personality and character of a society it's its traditions are what that culture believes and passes on from generation to generation what it believes about the human person right yesterday we we celebrated juneteenth here why because there was a time when the tradition of american society is that they did not value black life all right that was official that was legal that was in the systems and structures that was real now today you know we've we've come a long way but that's still stuck in a portion of the psyche of american society that black lives are inferior to white lives and that's why we have you know the philosophy not the ideology but the philosophy that black lives matter so traditions are what we believe in society and what we pass on from generation to generation what we believe about the the person the life and dignity of the human person the worth of the human person what we believe about family what we believe about society at large what we believe about crime what we believe about everything those show up in our traditions our attitudes the attitudes of society what does that society desire what what is the driving force within that society in terms of its ambitions where it wants to go to what it wants to be what it wants to accomplish what does that society like look like you know we have we have the phrase the american dream you know is that the consensus of the society is that the desire well liberty freedom you know life the pursuit of happiness you know and it's interesting because in the declaration of independence where that's we find that statement that we have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that statement follows the initial statement upon which is founded and that is the equality of all human beings so you can't not you cannot have that right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness without establishing the equality of all human person and that's where we kind of overlooked it but again we're broken human beings so so our traditions are are what we believe what we pass on from generation to generation what we believe about family what we believe about government what we believe about the church those three institutions for the ordering of society all right that's passed on from generation to generation uh what what we desire our customs are what we actually do what are act the activities that we're engaged in we could look at say okay you you say this but this is what you're practicing this is what you're doing right and our institutions are a reflection of how how we live whether it's our educational institutions our economic systems all of those things that are in place so when jesus talked about understanding the times he discerned the spirit of the times the spirit of this world is what he called it and the spirit of god he saw the clear distinction between the two and that's why we as christians we have to see the difference but you can't really see it all right until unless you're born again the kingdom is the rule of god the sovereignty of god jesus said when he was casting out demons and they and they were accusing him of doing it by by beelzebub the prince of demons right he said if i jesus said if i with the finger of god which is one of the um you know identities of the holy spirit if i with the finger of god cast out demons then surely the kingdom of god the rule of god the sovereignty of god has now come so jesus was announcing that because he the king and the kingdom was in him came to the earth god's rule has now come to human society and within human history all right so what did he also say he said except the man be born again he cannot see the kingdom so unless you are converted and renewed in spirit and go through the new birth all right you cannot see the the the rule of god at work but it's at work so the rest of the world doesn't see it but we see it we should as believers we look and we see wow that's the spirit of god and what is the spirit of god that he's peace he's righteousness right he's joy in the holy spirit so anywhere that there is a work towards justice and equity and celebration of the life and dignity of the human person that's the holy spirit that's why i say we've been good at knowing what the holy spirit does in the church all right and in the in the individual believer but we haven't understood the work of the holy spirit in the world and he is very busy and active in the world since the time of pentecost when he was released in this administration that we're under right now so when we think about culture we think about all of these things and we pass this stuff on from generation generation so what's happening in society we during the the feminists uh the feminist revolution right that goes back to the 70s and 80s actually star lots started sexual revolution that started in the 60s we're redefining sex all right that is strictly for pleasure and we're redefining the family that family is a matter of convenience or inconvenience so i don't want to be inconvenienced so i don't want a family we're redefining human relationships human identity america since the 1960s we are redefining everything and it's leading to chaos and that's why the church has to be the voice of reason the voice of order the voice of values the voice of of of of rational the rational soul all right connecting with the rule of god and saying god knows best i'm preaching here [Laughter] wow so that's why fathers are so important in society because they are foundational to the family unit and the family unit is foundational to the ordering of society so can you imagine if a child grows up without discipline without authority without community without learning that that they can't be selfish that it's about sharing it's about the common the good of the family and not just you all of those are basic values that that child learns within the context of the family and if it doesn't learn that there where's it going to learn on the streets out in society that's redefining all of these things that's a problem and we've we've got we've got a cultural crisis right now and i will tell you in my devotional time and i'll share this with you i feel strongly in my spirit that there's something happening always happening in the realm of the spirit but something specific to god giving an opportunity of witness to human society to wake up to the reality that there is a judgment coming there is a reckoning you know what i mean and i don't mean judgment in in in the way that you know we've abused that term the wrath of god yeah well look you go to court there's a judgment on the case the facts are presented the witnesses are brought together right and then you have to make a decision and the holy spirit has been involved in human society convicting them of the futility of sin that it doesn't work and introducing them to righteousness that's available through jesus christ and ultimately that there is going to come a reckoning so we have a window of opportunity here in god's on god's timeline all right that i think god is giving humanity an opportunity to wake up praise the lord hallelujah that's where we are and all that on a happy father's day so i think we've got a minister yes and we've got to go to that minister who's going to invite you to become part of the family of god you to be born again so that you can see the rule of god right here on earth right now we'll be back so hopefully you guys got something out of that message amen um so one of the things actually that i was thinking about even on my way to the service was in the celebration of juneteenth it was interesting because i was in brooklyn i was hanging out with some friends and there was this idea that yes people were outside celebrating juneteenth and there was supposed to be this thing about you know freedom but the reality of it is we're still not free and so it was pretty much like all right it's juneteenth the way of our reparations juneteenth and where is the anti-lynching bill and so we're free uh we're kind of free-ish but it had me really thinking about what it means to be a christian and when you're a christian there is no such thing as free ish because when the spirit of the lord sets you free you are free indeed and there's true liberty to be experienced in that and so as i think about the contrast between us celebrating a holiday where we still have to fight for our freedom and being a christian and being able to experience what it is to be truly free and not have to do anything to earn that i'm like wow how awesome is it to be saved and i want to read this to you it's isaiah chapter 61 verse 1 and it's isaiah's prophecy about jesus and he gives us a job description and he says the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners see jesus would come to preach heal and set free and prior to coming to christ i had no idea how much healing i needed and how much i needed to be set free but the beauty of it is at the minute i made that decision to submit my life to christ it started this ongoing journey of healing and the experience of true liberty so i don't know where you are in this space i don't know where you are in this season but if you are listening to this message or something that pastor maul said or pastor said that kind of struck a chord in your heart and you're saying you know what god i need to do things a little bit differently i i i don't feel free i need some healing there are things that are going on in my life that i need to be set right i'm going to ask you to make a decision today to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior and the awesome thing about it is that he did all the work what you have to do is believe believe that he is lord and savior over your life believe that he died on the cross and he rose again believe that he sits on the right hand of the father interceding on your behalf by grace alone through faith alone and christ alone you can be saved and so if that's you i'm going to ask you to bow your heads and to pray along with me as i say father god we thank you for each and every individual who makes a decision today to accept you as your lord their lord and their savior even right now they admit that they are a sinner in need of forgiveness they believe in their heart that you sent your son to die on a cross for them and because he died because he put in the work that they can truly have freedom and they confess with their mouth that jesus christ is lord over their life over their heart and over every situation so father thank you for the holy spirit which is the positive guaranteeing their inheritance that they have in you i pray for them that this would just not be a decision that they make lightly but it would truly begin a journey and a process of becoming more and more like you father we love you we honor you we adore you lord god and lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever abba father you were amazing in this place today we love you we honor you and we say this all in jesus name amen amen if that was you if you prayed that prayer i'm going to ask you to either text or to dial the number that appears on your screen welcome to the family amen [Music] amen amen welcome welcome welcome and once again if that was you and you participated you want to say welcome to the family welcome to the body of believers welcome to the kingdom of god i i always say this walk is not an easy walk but what walk is uh what uh life journey is easy and but the thing about it is it is possible and like minister lisa said you don't want to be free ish you want to be free and through the kingdom and the blood that was shed and the resurrection of this jesus christ you shall be free so if you if that's you text save to 631-250-2668 or call 718-306-1061 and welcome welcome welcome yeah i love your your your passion you want people to be excited yes about god about their relationship with god that's something that no matter what you're doing whether it's apologetics mastering no matter what it is it it it really comes out why why is that so important to you i because growing up in a church one of the things you know i observed is that there was an idea that christianity is not uh fun and i believe christianity is fun i believe that you know if you follow this path and you live it out authentically that you'll find it being fun there's freedom of course there's certain things we can't do but that's not just because it's a christian thing it's just a a social order that should have been looked upon by the standard that god set to help protect us from certain things uh you know and i think people don't like to feel accountable but i believe that accountability is a very big thing that leads you on a road to success and being a christian i think is just fun it's amazing i love being a christian you know and when i look at all the world views christianity fits the best world of view that speaks to the reality that we live in yeah amen amen i hope you were going to write about that that passion because yeah i mean we all you know i want people to learn and grow and understand you want people to get excited about let's go we're going to be and you know we come bright we become branded by those things and that's how we do everything that we do so it's been great man yes i always appreciate your your contribution um our relationship and listen don't think that that we always get along we butt heads he's a young man with his own individual opinions and ideas and understanding and i am my own person as well but we learn how to work those things through to talk we learn how to manage those boundaries of respect and that's what builds our relationship and it's true with all of my sons i try to maintain that let them be their own person let them be a man but always be there for them in any way any way that i can and model the best that i can the type of father or the type of man that they should be so thank you man happy father's day happy father's day i love you love you too this is where he gets messed up and he can't finish the year no this is the end of the service i'm excited looking forward to seeing you next week same time same channel yeah and um as we leave this placement of god's presence jesus is lord period we believe it we proclaim it and we're seeing it coming past god bless enjoy the rest of the week and don't forget next saturday the 26th is our summerfest so please if you haven't registered please register and you can get the login and have fun with us virtually next saturday at two o'clock amen [Music]
Channel: Christian Cultural Center - Brooklyn Campus
Views: 2,138
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Id: Rc5ojYHeKEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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