APRIL TBR CLUEDO 🎲 including #Eurovisionathon! [CC]

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Hey everyone and welcome or welcome back to my  channel. So in today's video I'm going to be   sharing all the books that I am planning to read  in April if you haven't watched any of my TBR   videos before I'll leave a link to the playlist  down below for you to check out but basically this   is my monthly TBR game that I use to pick  books to read. And it's very very loosely   based on the game cluedo, or, loosely inspired  by the game cluedo is what I like to say. I basically pick 5 books every month  based on a genre and a prompt. It's   really easy to follow so don't worry if you  haven't seen any of these videos before. Last month I actually added 6 books to my TBR  because I had to take punishment and I'm happy   to say that I think I'm going to finish them  all. I've got one book left that I have started   and I think I've got just over half of it left  so I should finish it in time. I'm filming this a   little early, there's about 5 days to go until the  end of the month, so I should finish it in time. So yeah, I won't be taking a punishment  this month but there are a few other books   that I want to get around to outside of my  cluder TBR so I will cover those at the end.   And I guess, without further  rambling, let's pick the first prompt! [Voiceover] Ok so here we go with roll  number one which is a 6, which is romance.   And the prompt is a short book. So for my first role I need to pick a short  romance book and for this I've decided to go for   The Bride Test by Helen Hoang which is I believe  around 320 pages so I'm pretty sure that that   counts as a short book. This is a companion novel  to The Kiss Quotient which is one of my favorite   romance books. I read it last year and it's one of  the steamiest romance books that I think I've ever   read but I really really enjoyed it, I'm pretty  sure that I read it in one sitting. From what I   understand the bride test follows Khai, who is a  character that was mentioned in The Kiss Quotient.   So Khai is Michael's cousin. Michael was the  main male character, like the love interest,   in The Kiss Quotient. And Khai is autistic and  he actively avoids relationships, like, romantic   relationships. But his mom decides to take things  into her own hands and she travels to Vietnam to   find him a wife and the woman that she chooses  for him is called Esme - or Esmé? I'm not actually   sure how to pronounce that. But she brings Esme  back to America and it's all about Esme trying   to seduce Khai and I'm assuming that because this  is a romance they actually end up falling for each   other, like, genuinely. Like I said, I really  really enjoyed The Kiss Quotient and I'm pretty   sure that there's another book in this series  that's coming now later this year. I think it was   meant to come out last year but it was pushed back  so I really want to try and catch up before then. [Voiceover] Ok so roll number two is a 3 which is  my choice, and the prompt is “recently bought”. So my next role gave me My Choice which means  I can pick any genre. And the prompt to go   with it was “recently bought.” So the book  I've decided to go for is Kingdom of Flesh   and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout. This is  the sequel to From Blood and Ash which was   probably my favorite book that I read in March  and I have been dying to pick up this next book   because of the way that the last book ended.  I need to know what's going to happen next!   For anyone who doesn't know, this is a fantasy  romance series that follows a girl called Poppy   who is something called a maiden. Which  means that she's not allowed to be touched   and she's not allowed to experience any kind of  pleasure, no one's allowed to even look at her   and she is waiting for her ascension. But she's  starting to rebel against the constraints that   have been placed on her because her life has never  really been her own and then she's assigned a new   guard called Hawke and the story kind of goes from  there, it's really really hard to talk about this   book - or this series - without spoilers. One of  my main criticisms for From Blood and Ash was that   I found it very predictable but I think the reason  that I found it predictable was because I'd seen   so many reviews beforehand and actually some  of the reviews that I saw didn't have outright   spoilers but it was quite easy once I knew enough  about this book - or the first book. It was quite   easy to work out what was going on. I did actually  see one major spoiler on Twitter which I'm still   really annoyed at. But yeah, so far I have  managed to avoid all spoilers for this second book   and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna love it,  like. I'm gonna say it, like, I think this   is gonna be 5 stars, like, it's definitely a 5  star prediction, I can't see me not liking this. [Voiceover] Roll number three is a 6 which  is romance and the prompt is a new release. As you would have seen, for my next role I got  romance and the prompt to go with it was to read   a new release. And so for this I've decided to  go for The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary which I have   an ARC of this through Netgalley, it comes out I  think at the end of April. So I need to read and   review it before then. Beth O'Leary is the same  author that wrote The Flatshare and The Switch,   which I've read both of her books and really  really enjoyed them. I believe this follows   a main character called Addie who is going on a  road trip with her sister to attend a wedding in   Scotland. And not long after they set off, another  car goes into the back of them and it turns out   that it's Addie's ex-boyfriend Dylan who, like,  she hasn't really seen or spoken to since they   broke up two years ago. But Dylan and his friend  are also going to this wedding and because their   car is now out of action, Addie has no choice but  to give them a lift and, like, share the journey.   Really excited for this one, like I think I said,  I've read both of Beth O'Leary's other books   and really enjoyed them. I think I gave them  both 4-stars - or, did I give one of them 5   stars? I can't really remember but I'm pretty sure  that I'm going to enjoy this too, it sounds very   light-hearted and funny and I don't think I've  read any second chance romance books. I know that   that's a trope that you sometimes see in romance  books so interested to see what I think of it. [Voiceover] Ok so roll number four is a 3 which is  “My Choice” again. And the prompt is a dark cover. My next role gave me “my choice” and the prompt to  go with it was to read a book with a dark cover.   So for this I've decided to go for With the Fire  and High by Elizabeth Acevedo which is one of my   5 star predictions. I made a video last year where  I talked about some of my 5 star predictions and   I've been trying to work my way through them  all, I've still got quite a few left but this   was on that list. So this follows a girl called  Emoni who’s a teenage mom and she really wants to   be a chef, like, that is her dream. And I believe  that this is about her journey and it's about her   balancing caring for her daughter while also  trying to achieve her dream. I have read two other   books by this author but those were both written  in verse which is poetry. I actually have this on   audiobook because i listened to The Poet X as an  audiobook and really enjoyed it and so I'm hoping   that I will enjoy this as well in that format. [Voiceover] Ok so roll number 5 which is the   final roll is a 2 which is thriller.  And the prompt is Twitter poll. So as you will have seen for my final roll  I got the genre thriller and the prompt to   go with it was Twitter poll. So I made a  poll on my Twitter and I asked people to   vote for the book that they would like to see me  read and I picked four thrillers that I've been   meaning to read for a really really long time.  And the winner was The Passengers by John Marrs   which I am actually really really excited  for because I read The One by John Marrs   last year and it's one of my favorite thrillers, I  can't remember if I gave it 5 stars or 4 stars but   if I gave it 4 stars I really should have given  it 5 stars because it was amazing and it's one of   those books that has stuck around in my head and  that I keep thinking about. Especially because   they recently turned it into a Netflix show,  although I watched the first episode and it is   very very different to the book. So I believe  The Passengers is about self-driving cars and   I believe that someone hacks into 8 separate  individual self-driving cars and they broadcast   it as a TV show and ask people to vote for who  they want to live or die. It sounds very “black   mirror”-ish which I felt the same about The One  and I really like stuff like that. Like, books and   TV shows that deal with morality and that are very  dark and twisty, so. I haven't seen many people   talk about this on BookTube but I have seen a few  people mention it on Instagram and the reviews   that I've seen have been really positive, like,  the reviews that I've seen have been from people   that have also read The One and they enjoyed both.  So yeah, really excited to get around to this. So those are all the books I'm adding  to my official TBR cluedo but there   are a couple of other books that I  do need to get round to in April,   starting with Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo  which is the next book in the Grishaverse.   I am currently reading King of Scars and I'm  really enjoying it, but I love this series,   it's one of my favorite fantasy series and  so I would like to read them quite close   together. I've pre-ordered Rule of Wolves from  Waterstones so it should arrive within the next   few days I want to say. Um. But yeah, I'm pretty  sure... I don't know if this is actually going to   be the last book in the Grishaverse? So yeah  it would be nice to finish off that series. I also have an ARC for The Bone Shard Daughter by  Andrea Stewart which I believe has been out for   a while in hardback but it's now being released  in paperback which is why it's now available as   an ARC again. I have heard a few people talking  about this and I believe it's set in this world   where you have bone shard magic, which I believe  is where people create Frankenstein monster type   creatures, I don't know if that's right,  like I said, I haven't read this book yet,   but I think that I need to read and review it  before the start of April. I think I've also   heard that there's really good LGBTQ+ rep in this  book so I'm really excited to get around to it. Ok so those are the 7 books that I am definitely  planning to read in April. I am also planning to   take part in Eurovisionathon this year which  starts in April. I think it starts towards the   end of April though. And this is a readathon  that's hosted by Helen from Helen's Book Haven   so I'll leave a link to her channel and the  announcement video down below if you wanted   to find out more. But basically the idea  behind this readathon is that you read books   for each of the countries, or  as many countries as you can,   to represent the countries that are taking part  in The Eurovision Song contest. And then when it   gets to the actual night of Eurovision,  however those countries perform, like,   however they score, you get points based on  the books that you've read for those countries.  But yeah, like I said, I will leave a link  to Helen's announcement video down below if   you wanted to find out more because she does  a much better job of explaining it than I just   did. I think I might do a separate TBR video  for Eurovisionathon because the readathon is   happening over the course of a month so there's  a lot of time and there's a lot of books that I   do wanna try and read and get around to. So yeah  I've started putting together a list already but   one book that I know I definitely want to  read is A Man called Ove by Fredrik Backman   because I've had this on my kindle for I think  nearly a year and it's about time it's about   time that I finally get around to reading it and  because Fredrik Backman is a Swedish author and   I'm pretty sure that his books are set in Sweden  because they were originally published in Swedish,   this definitely counts for Sweden, so  that's one ticked off my list already. Ok so the only other thing I need to do is make a  prediction of what book I think I'm going to rate   the highest this month, because this is TBR Cluedo  and in Cluedo you make predictions about stuff.   But I think the book I'm going to go for  is Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer   L. Armentrout, which makes sense because From  Blood and Ash was my favorite book that I read   in March so I don't feel like it's  that much of a leap to think that   this is going to be my favorite book  of April but we'll see how it goes! But yeah, I think that does bring me to the end  of the video so thanks for watching if you've   made it this far. Let me know in the comments  what books you're planning to read in April,   especially if you're planning to read any  of the same books that I'm planning to read   and don't forget to give this video  a thumbs up if you liked it and click   subscribe if you haven't already  and I will see you next time byeee! Sammy's trying to film Bab Ba-ba-ba-da-ba Hellooo Yes you are very distracting No what are you doing! No one wants to see your bum, especially me [Music]
Channel: Griff Reads
Views: 713
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #booktube
Id: G5vfkpsIJ8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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