picking my APRIL TBR šŸ“š choosing the books I'll read in April using my TBR cart and TBR game šŸ“š

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys so it's that time again i'm going to be choosing my next tbr the books i'm going to be reading in the month of april now it had totally been my plan to do this live to stream this and let you guys help me pick out my books uh but yeah just a few things need to be in place that aren't in place yet so i'm working on that and hopefully next month this will work out i also realized i need to hear from you guys what works best for time and day for this so i was thinking either a sunday afternoon a sunday evening or either a tuesday maybe a wednesday evening i'm going to put the little bit the details below like which dates those would be exactly and i would love for you to comment like which date would you actually show up for which time works best for you um because obviously i don't want to be doing this by myself because then i could just be filming it like i always do so if you haven't been here before i got my husband to build a tbr generator uh just picks different prompts and he made it into a website for me to use and you guys to use whoever wants to use it you can go ahead and join my tbr that i'm going to be making you can um you just go to the website which i'll leave link below you click join and then you pick books based on the prompts that come up for me or you can totally do this on your own as well um i will be recording my screen here so you guys can see the prompts as they come up i already went and created my tbr name i was very um creative and i named it chantelle's april tbr so we have two options we can either pick from a splay of cards or we can spin the wheel and at the beginning we only had the card option and that was fun but like ever since we had the spin the wheel option that's the one i totally want to go for so we're gonna spin the wheel but first i need to figure out how many books do i want to pick oh and another thing i didn't organize this cart at all the last time i updated my cart these books that are in the front are exactly how i put them um and the books that have been here longer are on the back right now i will hopefully update that before we do this a live thing do a live thing um i'm just not exactly sure how i want to do it yet so that's why i haven't done it but how many books do i want to pick let's say we're gonna do six books um i can read a lot more than six books in a month but i prefer to have time in my month to pick books that are just grabbing my attention and kind of like mood read but i also like to kind of push myself to like read certain books uh yes we're gonna try for six so now we are going to spin the wheel [Music] i haven't done this i didn't do this last month so i don't i don't know how this works anymore [Music] an obscure book okay so when i picked this prompt i just meant like a book that i haven't really heard people talk about something yeah really just something i haven't heard people talk about is what i'm talking about there so oh there's so many options i could go for um i've never heard anyone talk about this nonfiction keep showing up this is apparently a marriage book which if you watch my book haul when i held this i only realized during the book haul um lots of these are pretty well known this one's pretty obscure i've never heard anyone talk about this one how i became a spy i'm kind of picking up ones that i'm interested in um see you in my dreams the author sent this one to me with a cute little note um and i've never heard of it otherwise i'm going to turn this around because i know there's one more that i want to add on here and that one is 10 because this author also sent the book to me um but he sent me this one earlier so i would i prefer to prioritize this one over this one because i've had this one for longer um yeah so these are my four options actually we'll take out see you in my dreams just because i haven't had that one for as long these are my three options do i want to go middle grade world war ii fiction do i want to go marriage nonfiction or do i want to go this is like christian fiction um a man decides to break the ten commandments um and this is whatever what happens so yeah see this is where i should be doing this live because these are so very different and they all have their benefits i think i will go with 10. uh yeah so it's about a man who was once devout he turns against god vowing to revenge against the divine uh he wants to break the ten commandments and on his quest he meets sam johnson a kind retired preacher who tries to defend god's righteousness and reignite divine love within the man's heart yeah so the author is ben zachary he sent this book to me a while ago so i really want to read this one and that will be the first book on my stack and i will put these other ones back for the most part i'd like to try to pick from the front here again because they're newer i'm kind of a little bit more excited about some of these let's do it so you can see it there's a few that i would really like to get to i would love to get a carrie stewart parks on my list and i still can't believe i haven't read or i can't believe i still haven't read the haunting at bon adventure circus because i got that for christmas ah there's so many books but i've got one on the list huh i don't know if my screen recording was working before hopefully it was but it looks like it is for sure now uh we're going to get another prompt [Music] a book that ends in an even number of pages okay so i think i'm just gonna pick a few that i'm interested in and then look at the page count so what did i just say i wanted oh okay oh because i get asked like every single time i should really leave it linked below my cart is from ikea i don't know if they still make this one or not it's a few years old um but yes that's where it's from i would like one of these and i want to read the older one first because i forget every time which one it is because like i said when i added the book onto my cart um 2019 uh i feel like authors get better with their writing in 2019 or 2018 2019. so i'm going to look at the page numbers for this one um we'll do the other one that i said the haunting app on adventure circus uh let's pick one more than i really want to read oh let's do an agatha christie do i have oh this is one i really want to read um the murder at the vicarage so one of these three and then i'll look at them in this order because this is kind of the order that i'm excited about them and with the first one that is even number of pages is the one i'm going to read and okay the so it's like the last page it's not the last page number it's the last page number that the story is on i just want to be clear so no one can accuse me of cheating because there's discussion questions that are paged that are numbered and acknowledgments that don't count author's note okay oh 298. i guess i'm reading this one um so this one is after the murder of her twin sister murphy changed her name and appearance and moved to kodiak alaska to avoid the press and publicity but then the local authorities discover she's an artist and request for help in drawing a dying man's memories she unintentionally ends up in the limelight again and back in the killer's crosshairs so there we go um i'm excited about this one now i'm just curious so did these have an even amount of pages too oh that one was odd and odd so okay i was just like bound to read that one formula of deception okay let's do another one [Music] oh an author's debut novel this is a really cool one but like i so often don't know this about authors so debut novel i'm going to get my phone and check a few of these out so i'm just going to go ahead and assume that legion wasn't brandon senator since this one wouldn't be because what are the odds of that okay well let's do some googling just like for fun i googled brandon sanderson i didn't realize elantra's was actually his first one um i don't own that one but that's cool um what about i still really want to read this one so let's try deborah hopkinson that one's not her first one um many of these i know are not what about sophie hannah she wrote this one that i accidentally bought thinking it was an agatha christie book but it's not [Music] nope that one's also not her oh this is gonna be hard maybe i need to go middle grade hmm is there any that i know this is the part where you guys could be like yelling at me and giving me suggestions and um i'm wondering about james l rhubart i'm going to check to see what his debut novel was [Music] rooms was his first book so not this one oh i wanted to read this book for a long time sarah maria griffin ah i found one i actually didn't look up this author i'll put that one back spare and found parts this one is a debut novel and this is kind of like it's having a kind of steam punky you have never held a boy's hands it's not easy to make friends when your heart ticks like a clock like a bomb when your father is a genius who saved you and many others from a devastating virus with his invention of biomechanical limbs when everyone expects the same revolutionary ideas from you you have never connected not until you find that mannequin's hand on the beach the hand that gives you an idea if your father can build parts why can't you build a whole person um yeah i don't know i totally was drawn in by the cover a long time ago have had this on my cart forever and now i can finally read it um so that's three so we're halfway done [Music] wait and see i'm excited about this month oh an award winner okay this is when i wish i didn't see the spines of the books um i just want to flip it around because i'm mostly excited about those books award winner award winner no like unless it has like a sticker on it i'm not even gonna know i think i think this one is one actually yeah so this is the newbery metal this is out of a dust oh this one is a newbery honor wolf hollow this one is boston globe horn book award and i would say this one's one too this is national book award finalist and scott o'dell award for historical fiction middle grade like i don't know if they just dish out more awards if i just read books that have awards but like i've got some selection here um so we got i think they're pretty much all historical fiction i don't know i'm not sure if this one is but the rest are we've got chains out of the dust and wolf hollow this one has been on my shelf like way before i even started on booktube i feel like i should go with this one plus it's free verse and i generally like free verse novels but i also want to read these other ones um let's go with this one let's pick the oldest one first and finally read this book this is um i think it's dust piles up like snow across the prairie so what year is this okay 1920 august 1920 um yeah and it's free verse so it's super short and i've heard really good things about it so i really want to read this one so we've got four books two more left [Music] oh random number okay um normally what i do is i do six numbers one for each shelf but this time i just want to do three for each shelf one number for each shelf and then we will count how many books are in that shelf so from numbers one through three we get two so the shelf one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and one through ten seven one two three four five six seven oh this is a real really diverse month this is shirley jackson's let me tell you so these are stories essays and other ratings that have never been published before that her family published i don't know like fairly recently sometime after her death anyway and i think where's the table of contents yeah there's quite a few uh like maybe like 40 to 50 little write-ups in here so i'm excited about that one she writes generally almost like very short stories that are kind of like a horror genre like there's always there's always some kind of twist and it's usually pretty dark with her but i don't know about her essays and her other writings so i'm very curious so we've only got one more left then normally what i do is i um send out a newsletter every month and i get my newsletter subscribers to pick a book for me to read in the upcoming months but i totally forgot to do it for this month i guess been a little bit busy with a now seven month old but hopefully i can remember to do that again next month so we'll do one more here oh a purple cover um purple purple purple purple really that's got like purple on the cover oh there's purple on this one this one's got a bit of purple those are more blue okay i think it's between these two the boy the bird and the coffin maker and emily climbs um do i have what do i have for middle grade so far i just have out of the dust so if i had too much middle grade i wouldn't pick this one because i'm already reading a bunch of middle grade in march but i only have one so i could do this or i could continue with emily series hmm i feel like lm montgomery is such a mood read for me that i think i'm gonna pick up this one even though i really want to read this it's like beautiful outside and our snow is just melting like crazy and emily is a little bit of a darker character and i don't think she really fits right now um if we get a snowstorm then maybe i'll pull out emily but um i'm gonna try the boy the bird and coffin maker i've read the inside flap before and it doesn't really make any sense to me so this boy uh oh it's a man alberto lives alone in the town of elora where fish fly out of the sea and the house is shine like jewels he's a coffin maker and widower spending his quiet days creating the final resting places of elora's people then one afternoon a magical bird flutters into his garden and alberto lonely inside welcomes it into his home and then there's a kind hearted boy named tito follows the bird um i totally really mostly just picked this book up because of the cover i thought it was really cute i was hoping that this would be prettier than just that but it's not um and it seems to have illustrations it's like leaves throughout yeah it's just oh and then i guess every chapter or so has a full illustration yeah i don't know i have no idea really what this is but it sounds cute and emily will go back okay so there you have it we've got let's see here we've got christian fiction we've got middle grade we've got middle grade historical fiction free verse and this one's maybe like middle grade fantasy we've got shirley jackson which is short stories plus maybe a little bit of horror but i don't know what else spirit found parts is kind of steampunk fantasy maybe and then formula of deception is i think like suspense um christian suspense so there is a little bit of everything so i should very easily be able to mood read within the month and i'm excited about this lineup even though it's just really kind of a mess of all different things but i'm excited now if you haven't already go down to the comments and um maybe in the description i'll write down the three or four different date options for a live tbr choosing video and you tell me which one you would like most likely show up for and then hopefully i can make like the most popular one work out so thanks for watching guys and let me know something that you're reading in april or which book here you are most curious to hear my thoughts on thanks for watching guys you
Channel: Chantel at An Intentional Life
Views: 3,641
Rating: 4.9617224 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, reading, books, reader, book recommendations, book reviews, christian booktuber, christian booktube, christian youtuber, christian vlogger, april tbr, tbr cart, tbr game, hey reader, suspense books, christian fiction, middle grade books, april to be read, to be read
Id: kLDCCj3qhPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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