JULY TBR CLUEDO 🎲 a month of thrillers, fantasy + romance [CC]

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Hey everyone and welcome or welcome  back to my channel. So in today's   video I'm going to be going through all the  books that I am planning to read in July. So I will leave a link to the playlist in  the description if you would like to catch   up if you haven't watched any of my TBR  games before but honestly the rules are   pretty simple. I basically have a TBR game  that is very very loosely inspired by Cluedo   so that is what I use to pick  books to read every month. Last month I added 6 books to my official TBR   and I'm happy to say that I am pretty  confident that I'm gonna complete it   because I've just started my 6th book and I  am filming this over a week early so I should   be able to complete my TBR before the end of the  month. I'm pretty confident, it's all going well. I am still gonna take a punishment this  month because as I said I added 6 books   to my TBR however I was also taking part in  whatever-a-thon throughout June and I haven't   completed my whatever-a-thon goal. I originally  pledged 8 books for Whatever-a-thon and I don't   think I'm gonna read 8 books. I think I'm going  to read 7, which I'm completely fine with because   I've enjoyed all the books that I've read  this month. but I thought you know what,   to even it out I think I will add 6  books to my TBR for next month as well. I think that's everything I needed  to say for this intro as I said   I'm going to be picking 6 books so 6  rolls... let's go, roll number one. [Voiceover] So here we go with roll  number one which is a 6 which is thriller   and the prompt is a mood read. So as you would have seen, roll number one came  up as mood read and the genre was thriller. So   basically this means that I can read any thriller  that I want. I can mood read throughout July and   as long as I do read a thriller, any thriller,  then that will count and fulfill this prompt.   But I am going to add a book to my TBR that I  think I'm going to be in the mood for and the   book is I Made A Mistake by Jane Corry which is a  book that was recommended to me by my cousin and   I'm not really sure why she's recommended this to  me, I'm going to be honest. I think that she read   it last year and really really enjoyed it and we  do generally have a very similar taste in books so   I am going to trust her. I think that if she says  that she likes it and she thinks that I will like   it then I probably will but the plot doesn't sound  like something that I would usually reach for. From what I gather this follows a woman who has  an affair or I think she has a one night stand   with an ex-boyfriend and then the story goes from  there. I think it's one of those thrillers that   has a very simple plot or it has a very simple  premise but once you actually get into it, it is   very twisty and it's not what you're expecting so  if that is the case then I do think that there's a   really good chance that I will enjoy this because  I do like twisty thrillers. Even though domestic   thrillers aren't my usual sub genre of thrillers.  But yeah I do already own this on my Kindle so I   have been meaning to get around to it because I  do have over 100 unread books on my Kindle that   I need to read. So glad that I will finally  hopefully be getting around to this in July. [Voiceover] So here we go  with roll number two which   is another 6 which is another thriller  and the prompt is Kindle or audiobook. As you would have seen for roll number two  I got thriller again and the prompt was to   read a Kindle or audio book. So for this I am  going to be reading Take it Back by Kia Abdullah   which is a courtroom thriller I believe and this  is another book that was recommended to me by my   cousin and I'm pretty sure that I already had  it on my goodreads TBR so I must have heard   someone else talking about it and it sounded  like the kind of thriller that I would enjoy. I believe this is about a teenage girl who  accuses 4 boys in her class of sexual assault   and you're following the lawyer who is  representing this girl. I believe that   the girl has some sort of physical disability  and the boys are all from immigrant families   and so the court case does end up getting  quite a lot of attention from the media   and I'm assuming that throughout the book you're  trying to work out who is telling the truth. Apparently this is the best book  that my cousin has read all year.   She gave it 5 stars which my cousin  never gives books 5 stars, like, ever.   I think she's only gave a handful  of 5 stars to books this year   so that straight away has me really intrigued and  the plot for this does sound very interesting.   It also has really good reviews on goodreads so  definitely interested to see what I think of this. [Voiceover] So here we go roll number 3 which is a  3 which is fantasy and the prompt is a new author. As you will have seen for roll number 3 I  need to read a fantasy from a new author.   And this could be a debut author or it  could be an author that's new to me.   So the book that I've decided to go for for  this is Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb   because I've never read any  books by Robin Hobb before   but I have been meaning to get into The Realm of  the Elderling, which, this is the first book for,   so I'm really excited to finally get onto it  in July. As you might be able to see this is a   library copy so I do need to read it soon because  I think it's due back within the next few weeks. I believe this first book follows a young boy  called Fitz who is the bastard son of the prince   of this world and he ends up being trained to  become a royal assassin. That's all I really   know about the actual plot but I have heard a  lot of people talking about this book and they   always mention how it's very character driven and  it's very slow paced and it's also very political   and it's also very sad and all of that is my kind  of thing it's... it's all stuff that I do love in   fantasy. I love character-driven fantasies, I love  political fantasies, I love books that can make me   cry and I've heard that this series does get very  emotional. I have seen that this is going to be a   buddy read in the shelf space discord for July so  I thought that this would be a really good book   to buddy read because if it does get very sad  then at least I'll have some emotional support,   maybe? I mean we'll see how it goes but I do seem  to cry very easily at books and I've also heard   that this has a really interesting magic system  which, again, is something that I always look for   in fantasy and it's also quite short. I don't know  whether it is going to take me longer than I'm   expecting to read but I think this is going to be  one of the first books that I do pick up in July. [Voiceover] Ok here we go roll number  4 which is a two which is young adult   and the prompt is a beautiful cover. So for all number 4 I need to read a YA book  with a beautiful cover and the book that I've   decided to go for is Felix Ever After by Kacen  Calendar. So from what I understand this is   about a transgender teenager who is being bullied  and someone is sending them really transphobic   messages and is threatening to release their  dead name and pictures of them from before their   transition the blurb describes it as “an honest  and layered story about identity falling in love   and recognising the love you deserve” so it does  sound like a really interesting book. I am going   to listen to this on audiobook because I've  noticed that it's available on scribd and I'm   sure that I've heard that the audiobook narration  is really good. I don't know if it's told in the   first person perspective but I have found that  books like this that are told in the first person   point of view are really good as audio books  because it feels like you're listening to someone   telling you their story. I think that this  came out last year and I can remember seeing   at the time that there was a lot of hype  around it and a lot of people were giving it   4 and 5 stars and I've seen some people recently  that have also been reading it and have also been   talking about how good it is so I'm really  looking forward to getting around to it. [Voiceover] Here we go roll number  4... I think this is. Which is a 5,   which is contemporary and the  prompt is a bookstagram favourite. So for all number 5 I need to read a contemporary  that is also a bookstagram favourite and I'm not   gonna lie I really struggled with this one because  I couldn't think of any contemporaries on my TBR   that are also bookstagram favourites or that  have been getting a lot of hype on bookstagram   recently. However there is a contemporary that  I do want to read soon that I think I would   count as a bookstagram favourite because when this  author's other books were released a few years ago   they did get a lot of hype and I can remember  seeing one of their books in particular   everywhere all over instagram and this was  before I even had my own bookstagram account.   So the book that I'm gonna use for  this prompt is The Lucky Escape by   Laura Jane Williams. I believe that this  follows a woman who is left at the altar   but she decides to go on her honeymoon anyway  and she takes one of her friends with her, like,   an old friend that she randomly bumps into and  decides to spontaneously invite on this honeymoon.   So I'm not sure what I'm gonna think of this. I  did enjoy Laura Jane Williams's other two books   so I think I'm gonna like this too, obviously,  otherwise I wouldn't be reading it but I do have   an ARC of this book through NetGalley so I do need  to read it and review it. It has already come out,   I think it came out a couple of weeks ago but I  am really behind on all of my NetGalley reviews   so I do need to read this soon and July seems  like the perfect opportunity because it sounds   like the kind of book that's going to give me  that summer feeling but we'll see how it goes. [Voiceover] So here we go with the  final roll which is a 4, that's romance,   and the prompt is favourite author. So for my final role I need to read a  romance by one of my favourite authors   and again I don't know if I'm cheating a little  bit with this but I'm gonna go for an author where   I've only read one of their books but it was one  of my favourite books from last year so they could   become a new favourite author. But the book that  I'm going for is People We Meet On Vacation by   Emily Henry or is it called You And Me On Vacation  in the UK? I know that there's two different names   and one of them is the UK name and one of  them is the US name but I will put a picture   on the screen so you know which book I'm talking  about. I believe that this follows two friends   Alex and Poppy who used to go on vacation together  a lot when they were younger and then something   happened a couple of years ago and they've kind of  lost touch but Poppy gets back in touch with Alex   and asks for almost a second chance or one  last holiday to try and make things right,   and that's all I really know about the plot  but I have seen amazing reviews for this book   so far. I've seen a lot of people saying that  it's really cute but the characters also have   really good chemistry and that is something  that I like in romance so I'm hoping that I   will enjoy this too and again it sounds like  the perfect book to read over the summer. So those are the 6 books on my official  TBR that I'm planning to read next month.   There are a few other books that I would  like to get around to if I have time.   The first is The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams  which I don't actually know a lot about this   book but I heard Elliot Brooks talking about  it in a video recently I think. And the way   that she was describing it, it sounded  like the kind of book that I would enjoy. Another book that I'm really hoping I have time  for next month is The Burning God by RF Kuang   which is the third book in The Poppy War series.  I really really enjoyed The Dragon Republic when   I read it in... June. I read it earlier this month  and it's one of my favourite books of the year to   be honest and because of the way that the world is  described in this series and the world-building in   general, I feel like I don't want to leave too  much time between the second book and the third   book because I don't want to forget things  so I'm hoping to get around to that as well. And then the final book that I'm also hoping  to get around to next month is Burial Rites   by Hannah Kent which I believe that Hannah Kent  is an Australian author but the book is set in   Iceland..? I don't know a lot about this but this  is another book that my cousin has recommended to   me and I promised her ages ago that I would do  a whole week where I would read 3 books that   she's recommended to me and so that is my plan at  some point in July is that I'm going to do a week   where I read the 3 books that she said that she  thinks I'm going to really enjoy and it's going   to be a bit of an experiment to see whether she  does actually know my taste. I mean, these are all   3 books that she has read and that she's enjoyed  and we do have similar taste in books so I have   high hopes for all of them and they are books that  I have been vaguely interested in anyway just from   her talking about them, so this is the opportunity  for her to finally force me to read them. Otherwise the only thing I have left to do is  make a prediction. So because this is TBR Cluedo,   and in Cluedo you make predictions about stuff, I  am going to make a prediction as to which of these   books I'm going to love the most next month. And  last month I actually predicted The Final Empire,   which I do have here. Last month I predicted  that The Final Empire would be my favourite book   of the month but I haven't finished this yet.  This is the book that I'm currently reading so   I can't actually tell you whether it was my  favourite book of the month but, I mean, I'm   enjoying it so far and I'm about 85 pages in so  we'll see how that goes. But from my TBR for July,   I don't know, I think the  People We Meet On Vacation   might be my favourite book of the month  if I had to make a prediction, which I   am doing because that is the whole point of this  TBR game, but, what am I saying. So yeah I have   seen so many positive reviews of this book  and because of how much I loved Beach Read   I'm pretty confident that this is going to be a  new favourite romance but we'll see how it goes. But that does bring me to the end of the video so  thanks for watching if you've made it this far.   If you've read any of the books that I've  mentioned on this TBR then please let me   know in the comments what you thought of them and  don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you   liked it and click subscribe if you haven't  already and I will see you next time, byeee.
Channel: Griff Reads
Views: 643
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #booktube
Id: 6WonjuHvpmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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