Approaching The Scene 120: ON1's Photo RAW 2021 & Cool New TFS Tripod Spikes

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today on one's new photo raw 2021 plus these crazy cool new innovative tripod spikes for those of you like me that like to work in the sand surf and snow [Music] well hey everybody it's hudson welcome to this week's approach in the scene i'm filming this on kind of a crazy weird tuesday night where who knows what's going to happen next in this great country of ours and i hope everybody's kind of buckled in staying creative staying safe i'm going to talk a little bit about on one's amazing new release of photo raw 2021 and i'm also going to talk a little bit about these kind of crazy new hybrid tripod spikes that have nice kind of rubberized foot protectors that you can thread on and off i want to thank before i jump into all that i want to thank everybody who's been liking sharing subscribing to this channel there's been a lot of new subscribers lately and i want to thank each and every one of you it really makes a big difference and i encourage everyone to comment on this channel on the videos that you're interested in to email me to let me know what you're interested in because it's really you as an audience that drive the content on this channel okay another quick reminder there's always a sort of a scrollable time code of chapters if you scroll along the bottom of this video in the timeline you'll see you can click to the parts that you want to watch or re-watch they're coded out for you there and i also put a time code linked table of contents in the video's description as well as links affiliate links of mine to the stuff that i talk about in here like photo raw 2021's 14 day free trial or these killer tripod feet that i'm going to discuss really quickly they're kind of a fun exciting new innovative thing unlike anything i've seen before um and i also just wanted to pitch in two weeks we're going to be doing another set of office hours the the zoom meetings that i do for a group of photographers where we all get together and talk about all things photographic and my friends rick david woody daryn and i all kind of take your questions so get on the sign up for that make sure you get in on the next one we're going to do one a week from tuesday you can go to office hours we did a really cool bunch of photo critiques and went through all the images that everyone submitted uh for fall photos you can check that out on my youtube live recording section we had a really fun hour this week okay so i'm going to start off quick with these tripod feet before i jump into on1 i'm going to give you more of an in-depth look at this editing suite software the new 2021 but i want to talk about these really cool feat that leo photos come up with and i feel like every time i turn around leo photos come out with a new kind of innovative product that pushes the boundaries a little bit they're not just a derivative company by any stretch they're they're coming up with better ideas than other folks so these feet you can slip an allen wrench through a hole that they've got built into them thread them right on and off your legs they've got a really nice gasketed connection to keep salt water and everything out of the tips of your legs you thread them back on i would suggest that when you torque them or untorque them loosen up your legs so that you're holding on especially with the carbon tripod you're holding onto the leg and not the joint so you're not torquing the joint and just tighten that on with that allen wrench boom you're on when you want to get out in the sand or the snow or particularly in surf just thread this little plastic protective foot off and all of a sudden you've got a spike that goes down into the sand and i've been using these things in the pacific ocean in mountain streams in crappy weather and they still look like the day they were new after a few months of that so i have no hesitation recommending these to you guys and i really like the fact that a set of three of them is 55 bucks so i'm gonna put a link to those in the video description uh again they're leo photo they're killer they're called tfs tripod spike feet and you know for me the thing i love about them is by having these little feet on them i can use them on fine wood floors i can use them in situations where the spikes might damage the surface that i'm on sandstone or something and yet also throw them on the side of my bag and sling my bag around and not risk stabbing myself in the leg like i would with other spikes that i put on my tripod before i can really just kind of set these and forget them and particularly when i'm using them with my lightweight uh with my lightweight setup it gives me a little more length this tripod gets to eye level without a center column without these but it gets a bit above eye level it gives me a few more inches on the on the reach of this tripod so these are super cool i love them i'm going to call them as essential almost as the stone bag on your tripod all right so let's talk for a second about on one's new release of photo rod 2021 i've been i've been testing the software since the alpha phase and it's been kind of amazingly rock solid both on my mac and my pc since the alpha phase it also brings some really nice refinements and enhancements to on one's editing raw processing and organizational suite i know some people that follow me probably only know on one through through watching the youtube channel and seeing me sometimes finish editing it other people know me through the on one community that matt kloskowski and i helped build the on oneplus community which is a photo educational community that kind of evolved around working with on1 software on1 software has really been evolving over the last few years and has become kind of this this amazingly innovative piece of software where you can go through and do amazing finish editing with this really cool preset pre-flow or preset workflow as well as layered masked blending option editing with it's just really easy to go in and get exactly the look that you want i love using it i'm a huge fan not only of the software but of the people who make it as well it's a really really great group of people who are also passionate photographers so i'm going to showcase the the new version of this software and some of its amazing portrait enhancements as well as retouching tools and some of the the the color gradient filter capabilities of it some really cool new stuff for those of you that are on one fans and maybe the whole thing's new to you if you've never really checked out the software before so i'm going to showcase a video that i made as a kind of a preview of the software before it launched this week for the on1 plus community you'll tell us before i got my my first haircut of the pandemic era a few weeks back so i might suddenly sprout some hair in this next video and look a little less kempt but uh but i hope you enjoy this video i'll pop back after it's done for a second and kind of talk about what's coming up next and approaching the scene well hey everybody it's hudson i've been playing around with photorot 2021 and having a lot of fun with it i've been enjoying both all the stuff that it can do with portrait that's new some stuff with using color range and gradients to do targeted adjustments just to certain colors of the images uh and and just the general stability and refinement of a number of tools from photo raw 2020 so i thought this month um you know i did a video i actually did a start to finish kind of course on a compositing uh a star tracker captured image of the milky way along with a still image of mount st helens recently that's that's in your plus library if you go look for that but at the same time i was doing a little portrait shoot of my wife up on mount st helens for her website she's a doctor and she's working with a new clinic and she wanted an updated photo of herself someplace out in nature someplace beautiful and photorot 2021 wound up being this just amazing tool for getting that image dialed in after we selected the one so i'm going to take you through the process and show you some really cool new things that you have available to you with this new version of the software while i'm running through and editing this image so i'm just going to jump in uh and again you know for those of you who who didn't see this this tutorial on combining this still image at dusk from my z6 taking the time lapse of mount st helens and the stars starting to come out uh with with one of these uh milky way images captured with a star tracker oh wait here's one of the base images captured with a star tracker later at night and then editing the two differentially and blending those uh you know with with a really really high level of detail that could print great that's in your your plus library but that same trip you know we took our kiddos and we went out and we we did some uh some van camping up on mount st helens we stayed the night in the van we took the kids around we explored all the volcanic coolness and when we had nice light i took some photos of the family but also did this this whole little series i'm going to jump into the grid view by just pressing uh the g key or you can click down here on the grid view i did this portrait shoot of my wife you know and in the kind of nice evening light and we went through and just in case anybody's thinking well gosh she barely took any photos i i have a advanced search running here just for images that are started you can see like anyone i took a lot of photos to get our favorites you know we went through together and sort of picked our favorites out i'll call that back down to our selects and this is the one right here that really really stood out to us oops wait one sec i'm just gonna gonna jump into edit with it so there we go i want to run into edit here and we're going to do a few things with this image i'm going to go and we're going to do some portrait work on my wife's already beautiful face we'll go in and just kind of enhance it again we were there with kiddos and we were playing in the dirt with them so i'm going to take this dirt off of her knees i'm going to use a little bit of some of the retouching tools the retouch brush and i'm going to use a color range gradient filter to just enhance the sky without affecting any other part of the image and i'll talk a little bit about how that can be just amazingly amazingly helpful cool tool for any kind of photographer out there so and we'll throw the whole thing together and then as a bonus at the end i'm gonna create another layer and do a little bit more fine line work on on stacy's face and some shine remove and i'll show you some some tips that i would use to do that in a portrait some of kind of the stuff i've been doing over the years all right so without further ado i'm going to jump in i'm going to treat this just like any other raw image straight out of the camera you know this is a an image captured with my 70 to 200 fled nikon lens on the ftz adapter with my nikon z7 using eye detect autofocus at my base iso and you can see here all my settings f 2.8 and blur that background really nicely if we zoom in it's nice and sharp on stacy's eyes and i actually i'm going to create let me jump back i'm going to create i'm going to open up the film strip here and i actually want to create a version of this file before we get too far into the weeds with editing it i'm going to go in here and create a version and we'll we'll edit this v actually we'll edit the original but i want to be able to have a version here that we can run back to and look at without any of the edits built in so it's still building a high resolution preview of that there we go these are big files 46 megabyte megapixels all right so i'm going to close that film strip down so we have a bigger view click right there and just like any other image i want to open up my levels view you can see the camera did a really really great job just running on the meter there with not blowing out the highlights or the shadows i'm going to hold down the j key and you can see that that j key is going to activate these these kind of clipping highlights as i grab my uh my white slider and you can see if i pulled my white slider at all to the right from where i captured it i started blowing highlights in her head and in those white wildflowers behind her on the mountainside i might be able to pull blacks down just a little bit get a tiny bit more contrast but you can see this is a really beautiful histogram for an image right here i mean there's not much contrast that needs to be added the sliders here are not going to get tweaked much i think i like the shadows the way they are looking at her shirt and the sky you know i could pull those a little bit and see i don't like boosting them at all i might even want to just drop them down just slightly a little more contrast in the dark portion of the scene um and then we'll take a look at highlights if i pull highlights highlights might be good to pull back just a little bit particularly for the sky just just get a little more contrast in that sky so we've set the whites up here we're just kind of pulling that blue out a little bit more contrast as we stretch those colors back towards mid-tones from the whites i'm not going to boost contrast in a portrait i don't think that's generally a very good idea to do globally if i wanted to boost contrast in some portion of the image i wouldn't want to be doing it on her skin uh and then you know finally we can look at the midtone slider i don't like raising it i don't yeah i think it's pretty good right about where we started so very little adjustment going on there i don't need to worry about details again because i shot this at iso 64 and this camera is going to have no noise in a well exposed image at iso 64. so with that done i think the next thing i'm going to want to do is jump in and showcase some of the cool stuff that we can do in the newly completely revamped photo raw 2021 portrait module so it goes in it finds her face all right you can see we've found stacy's face if there were multiple people it would have multiple faces i could select which one that i'm editing now i want to go into my navigation view up in the top panel and i'm going to zoom in to about 50 so we can get a bigger view of stacy's face while we're working on it and you can see that it's already done some work by default here you can you can turn all these little settings on and off you can turn the whole thing on and off you can see it's doing some work but you have a lot of granular ability fine tune ability to jump in here and really adjust each one of these settings so you know you can turn the you can darken her face just a little bit i think it might be nice to just pull the brightness down a touch you've got a whole bunch of retouching choices if you hit details you have a whole bunch of stuff like you can add a little bit more blemish retouching in you know if i if i go in there it's going to just be taking out you know any kind of moles or pimples or little details on her face you know how much detail do you keep in the face there's a slider i think it does a really nice job by default though i'm not going to do a whole lot maybe just a touch more smoothing you can just pull that up and down watching the image while you do it i don't want to do too much shine she's got a lot of shine on her face it's going to be tough to get rid of that just the way the sun was out there but you know you can you can see it's doing it's doing a fair bit i'm just going to leave it in there we're going to go in there and tackle that sort of towards the end of this whole process a little bit um and then let's see we're gonna go in uh you know what here's some of the crazy stuff that you could do with 2021 we could slim stacy's face you know stacey's got a beautiful face i don't want to mess with it much but you know i think if you do this it's going to freak people out obviously let's take it back to standard but if you take just a tiny bit in just a little bit so no one would ever notice very very subtle left and right eye sizes you can see she's squinting a little bit more with her right eye it makes it look just a little bit smaller you can literally boost the size of one eye at a time i find this just crazy now i wouldn't advocate this very often but in this case you know it's just the angle of the photograph and her kind of squinting into the sun a little bit i'm just going to boost her right eye size just a tiny bit you've got a slider for whitening the eyes as you can see her eyes are pretty white as it is but i'll boost them just a little bit you've got detail in the eyes you can make her eyes really pop that seems too much to me that's that kind of fake look that i see on too many magazines but i'm gonna i'm gonna just watch her eyes move the slider to where i like it like right there it's just sharpening adding micro contrast in her eyes there's not really any dark circles on stacey to worry about here if there were you could work on that here's a crazy one the brow enhancement stacy has a beautiful northern or a beautiful southern italian brow you know her eyebrows and everything look great you could uh you could boost them it would look nutso now she's looking like super borat weird um but you know i would say maybe just the most modest of brow enhancement hardly anything at all i've got no red eye in this image to worry about i'm not going to turn that on you've got teeth whitening i think even just boosting your teeth whitening just a touch looks really good to me i'm not going to change her lip vibrance i think they look great you could maybe make them a little bit brighter but i think they look phenomenal and you know the neat thing is no longer do we have to select any of these portions of people the the software's just gotten smarter and recognizes it right away so now if we jump back up here you can see if we turn this off and back on it's subtle but man it's just that nice little enhancement boom you know and you can also feather it back in you could say well how much of it do i want but but i like what we did there we were subtle about it and talk about having a lot of amazing granular control over all these things that we're doing okay so portrait parts done now let's jump back in let's run into local and let me show you what i was talking about with the uh with the color range tool that we've got right now i want to grab my gradient brush and i want to just work on the sky so i'm going to choose a linear bottom shape you can choose a vignette shape or you know any of these different things i'm going to go linear bottom and when i drop this in here it's going to be like adding a graduated filter out in the field and i can grab this little tool and sort of turn it so it's only working on the top half of the image and you can see it's darkening everything above this line is 100 applied this feather is you know how fast is it being applied so i can increase the feather reduce the feather it makes it a harder edge this whole effect i don't mind having it be a nice hard edge because i really want to just i'm just going to work on the sky all i really want to affect with this is the sky and that's where this new button right here color range comes in so i'm going to click on the color range button and we're gonna go have a look right here at the um the mask if i click on the masks icon we have all these masking controls and i want to change the color range right now it's horrible it's on her face it's darkening only skin tones uh what i want to do is change that and let's say let's let's work with blue boom okay so now the effect is really on blue and you know i'm going to argue that it's it's not it's not quite perfect right out of the the box obviously um first of all you know i think that we've we've darkened the sky a little too much but well let's let's stick with it for right now we can adjust it in a minute what i want to show you is that we can adjust this color range you know how much is being applied how much is it watch that edge change particularly down here in the grasses and also where it is on stacy so in this color range you know i can make it so that it's just a real narrow color range right where i clicked that little band that you see like a rainbow over her head and i can start expanding it out and it starts affecting more of the image and one cool tool to use while you're doing this is your uh your mask view and if you've got the black and white one that's a little less useful if you run up here to mask and go into view mode you can choose red overlay i think the red overlay is a real nice thing to look at in here and then as we pull this slider back you can see we start getting that sky all the way through where there's a little bit of vignetting going on um you can see there's a little bit kind of coming into stacy's knee right there and one thing that's cool that you can do at this point you can grab your masking brush and just go in and paint that out i've got paint out 100 opacity and so we can just say oh i don't i didn't want to include that part boom we're just kind of adjusting it on the fly super cool all right so turn this view back off the o key is the shortcut for this but we'll just turn it back off and now all of a sudden everything we're doing is applied to the sky and once again you know if i uh if i just watch the image i can kind of dial it in just like so maybe like that that looks nice and natural to me and and then as we we can close this view of the mask we've got our mask that we want i might be able to turn up i don't want to overdo it and i want to maybe make the mid tones just a bit darker in the sky and then let's boost saturation a little bit without boosting any of the other saturation wow we just made it a really beautiful day out there and if i turn it off and turn it back on you can see all we're doing is working on the sky okay so color range is super cool you know one thing i think that you should consider with the color range tool is that situation where you've got someone with say blue a blue outdoor backpack and they're in the foreground in a green background and you really want to enhance the sky a little bit it's more of a midday shot you want to you want to darken the sky well you know it traditionally if you use the color enhancing filter or something like that when you when you make the sky's luminance darker and the saturation higher you're going to be working on that backpack in the image at the same time and then you'd have to go in and mask that out this is just another way of isolating part of the image and saying i really just want to work on this one color in this area whether you're using the vignette tool or whether you're using the graduated tool super super cool it's handy all right so enough said about that let's ju you know another way i could see using it would be potentially with noise if you got a noisy sky but you don't want to be doing noise reduction on your portrait model that's in the foreground and that's nicely lit with less noise there's all kinds of potential uses for this all right so let me show you some cool stuff with uh with with doing a little bit more detailed retouching well one more thing i want to do i forgot we've still got the dirt on stacy's knees from playing with the kids and and getting down on their level and i'm going to use the retouch brush for this and i want to once again zoom in to about 50 percent and you know this stuff on her pants i'm just gonna make my brush bigger i want a nice feather you know maybe a 50 percent feather something like that 100 opacity and i want to go in here yeah you know what i think a smaller feather just because i don't want too big an edge i want it to blend in but i want room to work all right and i'm just going to kind of paint this out like i would a rash on someone's skin you know it's going to keep that underlying texture and let go and see where we go boom made this odd little pattern right here but we can take that out with a second little little dash at it and then maybe take a real small brush and just get these two little spots out you know i don't know this is this is for a website it doesn't need to be perfect it's not like we're printing this huge but you know i just want to get it a little bit closer we're just going to take some of this dirt right off of her pants leg amazing all right and up into there it's funny we actually i might not have even noticed this i don't think stacy i noticed it when we were picking images oops i'm going to undo that last move yeah there we go and i want to just do some real fine you know you could go in here and clone and do a whole bunch of real detailed careful precise stuff if you wanted this is down and dirty quick for a website you know i i might come in here and um and just multiple moves are always better than one big giant move a little bit by bit it's always a little bit of a mystery what's going to pop up there you go you know let's take this line down just a touch there you go that that's never going to show up in a web profile image especially when you know we're zoomed way in on this one she wants that whole mountain flower scene in there that looks great to me jumping back out looks fantastic all right so the the last thing that i want to do is just a little bit more detailed uh retouching work on stacey's face around her eyes and on that shine and and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a copy of my base layer here often you know layers may look like this it's somewhat hidden you click it it opens on up i'm going to click this button to just copy this layer it's going to generate a brand new version of this layer on top of the other one and then what i want to do is i'm going to zoom in to about a hundred percent on stacy's face i really want a nice big view of it i'm going to use my hand tool and sort of move it around here holding down the spacebar gets me my hand tool i want to be able to see your whole face at the same time in here and i'm going to grab my retouch brush once again and the first thing i'm going to do is some of this shine and i want to be careful about it i'm going to just kind of come in here and just paint that section that's got a big shine on her forehead you know that's definitely a bit uh rough right there i'm just going to kind of make some more movements to blend it in better and this is not going to be our final look don't even think that so it's this is just a uh a uh well you'll see what i mean i'm going to blend this in in a way that will make that extremely unnoticeable that it's a little bit flat there there we go and then right in here shaboom well i don't like that one that didn't do the nicest job i maybe over over did and i think this is the key with maybe maybe putting a little bit bigger feather and having a smaller brush and just kind of painting in like that let's see how that does much nicer and i think that is looking pretty good all right so now what i want to do is i want a much smaller feather like about you know 25 something like that and a smaller brush real small brush and i want to just go in and i want to paint each one of these little kind of crow's feet lines out from under her eyes and around the edge of her eyes real gentle and this is not the final effect what i'm doing here is is getting ready to blend these two versions together in a way that's going to look really really nice it's not going to be super noticeable that you've done something we're going to take five years off not 20 years off because that never looks very realistic i see that all too often in portrait shoots where you know photographers just totally taken every every trace of age off of a beautiful older person you know or or a young person that it just starts to look plasticky and unnatural even on young people all right bringing this line out right here almost done just a couple more little lines here i don't want to get that one little shadow out of there okay so now watch what i'm about to do i'm not going to set it at 100 what i want to do is take all the shine removal and all the wrinkle removal that i just did and turn it way way down i just want to to take it down to about i don't know 30 percent opacity or something and now when you watch what you did it's not taking all of a person's age off or all the shine out it's just just softening it a bit it's five years like i said not 20 years and we can we can you know bring it back into the amount that we want maybe like that just kind of to taste turn it off turn it on see where you're at see what you like there you go all right so now let's jump back out let's look at our our image here in a fit view and what i actually want to do is jump in here back into browse so that we can have a look at the two images kind of back and forth let's go look at those in the in the loop view here i'll even close down this left panel here we don't need that open and i'm going to go ahead and use my my left screen you guys can't see that right now but there's there's our edit we just did let's have a look at the original you know it was a great image to start with my wife was super happy with it but i know that uploading this one is really going to make her happy so you know again i think that that the power that we've got in photo raw 2021 to do some work like that really really quickly particularly if you have people in the image i mean the the things that have excited me the most so far are sort of the targeted color ability to go in with local adjustments and just just adjust one portion of the image based on color in a really really granular nice easy to to to to nail down kind of way and then the portrait retouching is really uh pretty amazing it's a it's a giant leap forward for the software so fun stuff again you know things i would take home from this are you have a lot of power to tweak uh portraits with this new version of the software be careful with great power comes great responsibility so you know don't go making people look too plasticky remember it's always just a an enhancement and and make sure that you step back from it come back look make sure that what you're doing is natural real and only serves to augment that natural beauty of the person that you're photographing all right cool stuff lots of fun things to unpack i can't wait to delve more into this software if you guys have comments questions you name it hit me up in the comments to this shoot something to me in the forums email me i'm easy to get to all right everybody thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and i hope that you have a ton of fun with this really improved cool new version of photo raw all right so that really only just kind of scratches the surface of what's cool in photorot 2021 and why it's a really great piece of software i'm actually working on a complete workflow video course for for someone to step into photo raw from shooting in the field through printing with soft proofing and editing and finish editing everything in between uh that i'll be launching towards the end of november so keep an eye out for that if you were interested in on one it's going to be kind of a complete guide to using it all right thanks everybody i want to pitch one more time a week from tuesday we're doing office hours it's going to be kind of an open q a about all things photographic sign up to join us on the zoom meeting and be interactive or to watch on youtube live and submit a question at officehours i'm hoping in the next couple of weeks to be to be reviewing the new nikon 14 to 24 2.8 s lens for the nikon z system i got notification from from nikon professional services that that was shipping to b h for me through my mps order so i should have it in my hands really soon and get a chance to be playing with it which i cannot wait i'm really excited about that lens uh and i also have the z62 and z72 coming i had a lot of questions from people about whether or not i'm going to do kind of a setup guide or even a course about using these z cameras and it's got me considering doing it i will definitely do a setup video that goes through and gives you detailed instructions on how to optimize the setup of those cameras and probably update my my setup video for the z6 and z7 while i'm at it so look forward to that that's all coming at you soon again everybody stay sane stay safe stay creative and we'll see you next week
Channel: Hudson Henry Photography
Views: 3,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikon, mirrorless, lesson, education, training, how to, gear, photography class, digital photography, Approaching The Scene, Hudson Henry, Z6ii, z7ii, 14-24, ON1, Photo RAW, 2021, Leofoto, TFS, spikes, portrait, editing, software
Id: wcFmb0ScSKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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