Apply for Canadian Citizenship Online: Step-by-Step Guide 2023

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You can apply for Canadian citizenship online If you meet all these requirements you're eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship You have a valid email address, you're at least 18 years of age when you submit your online application In your physical presents calculation you do not include time spent outside Canada as a crown servant or family member of a crown servant You can also apply online together as a family or a group if all applicants are adults If you want to apply with a minor under 18 you can only apply on paper for now So you are ready to apply for Canadian Citizenship online 0:00:46.072,0:00:46.001 Excellent! We are here to help you complete your application correctly and avoid common errors that result in application delays Step 1: Gather all necessary documents 1 digital citizenship photo You need to upload a digital photo taken within the last 6 months by a commercial photographer Your photo can be received in digital format or printed on paper and then scanned by a scanner or a personal device such as laptop phone, handheld, camera, etc The photo must have a maximum file size of 4 MB, Minimum image size of 420 by 540 pixels File format of jpeg, jpg or jpeg 2000 Do not change the digital photo in any way except to follow the file size and format requirements above Personal identification You must provide 2 pieces of ID Your ID must be valid, which means not expired except that you can use an expired Permanent Resident Card You can choose between your PR card or the bio page of your passport or travel document as your 1st personal ID If you choose PR card as 1st ID the 2nd ID must be issued by the Canadian government, such as your driver's license, health insurance card age of majority card or senior citizen identification card If you choose passport as 1st ID the 2nd ID can be issued by the Canadian or a foreign government If the ID issued by a foreign government is not in English or French, you must upload notarized translation copy The ID must have a maximum file size of 4 mb and file format of jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, png BMP or PDF Police certificate In the past 4 years, if you were in a country other than Canada for 183 days or more in a row since the age of 18, you need to provide the police certificate from that country passport You must upload the bio page of all of your travel documents or passports you have held for the last five years The bio page is the page that has your information, e.g. name, photo and date of birth If your document has more than 1 bio page upload them all as one file Proof of knowledge of English or French If you are between the ages of 18 and 54 on the date you sign your application you must meet the Canadian language benchmarks level 4 or higher in speaking and listening This means to become a Canadian citizen you must show that you have an adequate knowledge of English or French by providing with your citizenship application proof that you can speak and listen in English or French at CLB or NCLC 4 level or higher there are a number of different documents to show that you meet the language requirement including the results of an IRCC approved 3rd party test proof from certain government funded language training programs proof of completion of secondary or post secondary education in English or French in Canada or abroad Here is the list of all accepted language proofs Please note that for ielts test only ielts general training test is accepted for citizenship application the ielts academic result is not accepted Now you've prepared all the required documents Let's go to step 2 Pay the application fee Go to the official website of the government of Canada Click Immigration and Citizenship Click pay your fees Choose the country you are paying from select citizenship, select adult click get payment instructions Click Pay my fees online Go to option 2, select citizenship, click continue The application fee is $630 Enter the quantity here, then click submit Check I am not a robot Then click login and pay If you already have an account, login here If you are new here, click register Enter your email address here and then click continue Create a password and click continue Now create your recovery questions and answers If you forget your password, you will be asked the questions you choose below If you answer them correctly you can choose a new password You can print a copy of recovery questions for your record before you continue Save as pdf Now click continue Something's wrong here Your answers and hints can only contain letters and numbers You will receive a code in your email You need this code to activate your account Now let's check the email Here is the code Enter the code here, and click verify and continue to log in the payment account You can see the total amount here Check I have read and understood this disclaimer and click proceed to secure checkout Enter the credit card information and click check out Your payment has been approved Click save to save the receipt to your computer Here is your receipt Now return to the online payment and click quit Step 3: Create an account You will need to create an account with IRCC in order to apply for Canadian citizenship online This account is different from the payment account and you don't have to use the same email address Let's go to Click Immigration and citizenship click citizenship Click Apply for citizenship then click Eligible to apply online If you can't find this link click the link in the description below Do you have a valid email address? Yes After you submit your application please make sure to check your email regularly including junk mail folder because this will be the primary method of communication from IRCC You will receive the acknowledgment of receipt citizenship test invitation and oath invitation through this email Are you a permanent resident? Yes Will you be at least 18 years of age when you submit your application? Yes Are you applying for yourself? You can choose either yes or no If you are applying with someone else or a group of people Every applicant must be 18 years or older Will you apply using a representative? You can choose either yes or no What is the result of your physical presence calculation? We will talk about the physical presence calculation later Now, let's click 1095 days or more Did you include time spent outside Canada as a crown servant in your physical presence calculation? No. Did you include time spent outside Canada as a family member of a crown servant in your physical presence calculation? No So you can apply online Let's start the online application You must agree to the terms and conditions Click continue to create an account Enter your email address here and setup a password Your password must have at least 8 characters 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter 1 number and 1 special character Click Create an account You will receive an email with your verification code Now let's check the email Here is the verification code Enter the code here, and click confirm code Now you've created an account Step 4: Submit the application online Now let's sign in the account to fill in the online form upload the required documents and submit the application The application form is divided into several tabs You are not required to complete all sections at once You have 60 days to submit your application If you don't submit it within 60 days your account will be permanently deleted If you wish to apply again you must create a new account You may begin the application process with any section you prefer and do not need to fill out the sections in a specific order Let's click Provide details and enter personal information first In which language would you like to receive service? English Do you have special needs requiring accommodation? Click the help button You will see what may be included if you have these special needs You can select yes Now let's select no here Now enter the UCI You can find your UCI on your PR card Now enter your last name and first name Your full name must be as shown on your last PR card Have you changed your name since becoming a permanent resident? If your answer is yes, you need to enter your new legal name and submit additional document If you have changed your name within Canada you must submit a copy of the change of name document issued by a Canadian province You should read the information here carefully to make sure you submit the proper document If your document is not in English or French you must upload some supporting documents We can see the requirements of the supporting documents here Also, you need to use the right file size and format The maximum file size is 4 megabyte And here are the accepted file types Click add file to upload your change of name document If you've never changed your name since becoming a permanent resident select no here Have you ever used any other name? Here it means if you have ever used another name in any legal capacity or in any of your documents they are not asking about a nickname from your grandparents If you have used any such as your maiden name you can enter here and select the reason you used it, and then click save name If you made any mistakes you can edit it or delete it Now let's select no here Now select your gender Do you need to change your gender for your citizenship application? If you need to change the gender on your citizenship certificate you need to download the request form for a change of sex or gender identifier completed and uploaded here If you don't need to change your gender select no enter your height select your eye color enter your date of birth If you have corrected your date of birth on your immigration documents or legally changed it since coming to Canada you must submit proofs Read this page carefully If you haven't changed your date of birth Select no If you need to correct your date of birth for your citizenship application you must submit additional documents You cannot request a change in your date of birth after your citizenship application has been submitted Select no if you don't need to change your date of birth Enter the city and the country of birth Select your marital status If you have provided all the required information on this page, you will see this page is ready If any information is missing you will see check if page is ready You can click it to find out where the errors are OK, let's click next This page is about your contact information Search for the country of your home address Begin typing your address in this field and it will automatically search for and complete it with the postal code If your mailing address is different from your home address, you can provide your mailing address here otherwise select yes enter your phone number and select the type of your phone number You can also provide another phone number otherwise select no If someone is helping you to fill out this application you need to provide the information here This may be an individual, firm or organization If you're paying a person to represent or advise you that person must be a member in good standing of a law society or governing body which means that persons must be a member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants canadian provincial or territorial Law Society The Chambre des notaires du Quᅢᄅbec or the Law Society of Ontario if that person is a paralegal in Ontario if they are not members in good standing you should not use their services You can check online to see if a person is a member in good standing Please note that if a friend or a family member is helping you to fill out this application and you are not paying them, you still need to provide that person's information After you submit the application if you want to appoint a representative to communicate and conduct business with IRCC on your behalf Select yes, and you must fill out and upload the latest version of the use of a representative form IMM5476 The representative can be a family member a friend, a lawyer or an immigration or citizenship consultant They can be paid or unpaid If they're paid, they must be a member in good standing of a law society or governing body After you submit your application IRCC will contact them, not you for all updates on your application and send them the invitations to your citizenship test and oath ceremony You don't have to upload IMM5476 if your representative helps you to fill out the application but won't conduct business on your behalf after you submit it in that case, IRCC will contact you directly Now this page is ready. Click next upload the citizenship photo we've prepared Enter the information of the photographer and the date the photo was taken Upload the 2 pieces of ID we've prepared Click next Now list all addresses inside and outside of Canada Here address means your residential address If you are residing, working or studying outside Canada you must list all of your foreign addresses But you don't need to include addresses of family, friends, hotels or resorts where you stayed while on vacation Your address history should cover the 5 year eligibility period Don't leave any gaps during this period You can start with your current home address Click Save address Now enter your previous address Now, we've completed the address history in the past 4 years Were you in a country or territory other than Canada for 183 days or more in a row? If you are not select no But if your answer is yes, you need to provide a police certificate for each country The police certificate must be issued after the last time you were in that country or territory or no more than 6 months before the date you sign your citizenship application Now let's enter the country Will you provide a police certificate? If you answer yes, you can upload your police certificate here You can edit or delete the police certificate If you can't provide the police certificate you need to explain why and then click Save Country Now let's move on to income taxes You may need to file taxes in Canada for at least 3 years during the 5 years right before the date you apply Do you have a social insurance number? Yes. Enter your 9 digit SIN number Tell us when you filed your income taxes in the last 5 years Select yes if you filed a tax return that year you need to complete this chart in full even if you didn't live in Canada for part of your 5 year eligibility period, e.g. you came to Canada and became a permanent resident in 2018 you're not required to file the tax return for 2017 Just select no and no If you haven't filed the tax return for the most recent year, select no. Select yes here if you needed to file a tax return that year hereby selecting yes, you are authoring IRCC to request your income tax information and filing history from CRA If you select no then you can't submit your application So you have to select yes Do you currently or have you ever held immigration or citizenship status in a country or territory other than Canada? This includes your country of birth Select yes enter your home country here and then select citizen If you became a citizen of your home country since birth, just enter your date of birth here If you are still a citizen of your home country check not applicable, and save status If you are a dual citizen, let's say you are a dual citizen of your home country and Italy Enter the date you became an Italian citizen Check not applicable, and click Save status If you have ever held status in any country such as a student visa or work permit you can enter the start date, the end date the country, select your status click save status Have you ever held travel documents or passports during your 5 year eligibility period? List all of your travel documents or passports covering your 5 year eligibility period Let's enter the information of the current passport Do you have the bio page? Select yes, and then upload the biopage of your passport Click save document If your current passport doesn't cover your 5-year eligibility period you need to list your previous passport too If you don't have one you need to provide an explanation Now let's say you have an old passport enter the information here If you have the bio page, upload it here If you don't have the bio page of your old passport, you need to provide an explanation and then click Save document Now there is a gap between these two passports You need to provide an explanation here Click check if page is ready We can find the errors here There is a time gap in your history You need to enter another address to fill this gap, or update your entry for these dates Now this page is ready. Click next This page is about your work and education history in the past 5 years You must list all your work and study history including English or French language training inside or outside Canada for the 5 year eligibility period Don't leave any gaps during this period Start with the most recent employment or education Enter the start year and the month Check this is my current occupation or activity Enter your occupation, your employer country and the address of your employer Click save activity now you can add another activity Click save activity We can see there is time gap here Let's enter another activity for this period Enter unemployed here Click not applicable if you did not have an employer or attend an educational institution Here you can just enter your home address during that period Now this page is ready Click next To be eligible to become a Canadian citizen You can't be prohibited under the Citizenship Act You can read the situations that prevent you from becoming a Canadian citizen You should answer no to all these questions You might not become a citizen if your answer is yes to any of these questions Now check here and click next Do you have proof of knowledge of English or French? If you are between 18 and 54 you must provide a language proof otherwise you can't submit the application Select the proof of language you'll submit These are the types of language evidence accepted by IRCC Let's upload the test result here Now Click next To apply for Canadian citizenship You must have at least 1095 days of physical presence in Canada during your eligibility period Your eligibility period is 5 years before the date you sign your application which means when calculating your time in Canada only the 5 years immediately before the date you sign your application are taken into account You must include at least 730 days as a permanent resident You can also include the time when you had a valid temporary resident or protected person status Valid temporary resident status includes lawful authorization to enter or remain in Canada as a visitor, student, worker or temporary resident permit holder You cannot use any time spent in Canada without the authorized status of temporary resident protected person or permanent resident towards your physical presence calculation each day you were physically present in Canada as an authorized temporary resident or protected person before you became a permanent resident counts as half a day up to a maximum of 365 days Each day you were physically present in Canada after you became a permanent resident counts as 1 day Important notice for former refugee claimants or PRRA applicants If you were issued work or study permits while your refugee claim or pre-removal risk assessment was being assessed these documents did not grant you temporary resident status You cannot use this period of time in your physical presence calculation If you are claiming time as a protected person the only time allowed is the time from when you received a positive protected person decision on your refugee claim or PRRA application until the day before you became a permanent resident Now enter the date you became permanent resident This information can be located on the back of your PR card Time spent serving a sentence for an offence in Canada, such as serving a term of imprisonment, probation or parole cannot be counted towards your physical presence If you left Canada for any reason during your 5 year eligibility period you can use the calculator to find out if you have been physically present in Canada long enough to be eligible for citizenship If you haven't been physically present in Canada long enough the calculator will tell you when you will be eligible to apply Now, let's start the calculation List all your time away from Canada, including travel for work or vacation in the last 5 years you must declare day trips to the United States even if you come back the same day If you have listed all your absences click calculate my physical presence Here you can see that you have been physically present in Canada for more than 1095 days You can edit physical presence if you've made any mistakes Now click calculate my physical presence again Here you can see that you haven't spent enough time in Canada You have to wait until this date to meet the requirement to submit the application assuming that nothing else changes and you remain in Canada Your application will be returned if you submit it with less than 1095 days of physical presence in Canada Now let's say you became a permanent resident less than 5 years and you are an authorized temporary resident before obtaining PR status Let's do the calculation again You can enter the date you receive the temporary resident status here and only 5 years immediately before you submit the application will be included in the calculation Now list all your absences As you can see half of the time you spent in Canada as a temporary resident was taken into account Now we've completed the calculation Click next If you want to receive a congratulatory letter from your member of parliament, select yes to authorize IRCC to forward your personal information to your Member of Parliament You can also select no Your answer will not affect your citizenship application Check either yes or no to indicate whether or not you authorize IRCC to provide the following information to Elections Canada to be added to the National Register of Electors Again, your answer will not affect your citizenship application If you live in QUEBEC check either yes or no to indicate whether or not you authorize IRCC to provide the following information to the Chief Electoral Officer of QUEBEC so that your name can be added to the permanent list of electors, voters if you became a Canadian citizen Check here if you don't live in Quebec You will get your citizenship certificate cnce your application has been approved This document serves as proof of your Canadian citizenship It can be used to apply for a Canadian passport Starting in 2023, you will have the option of receiving the certificate in paper or electronically Now click next This part is optional You can upload any other documents or information that you want IRCC to review If you don't have any click pay fee we can upload the payment receipt we've prepared here If you haven't paid the fee yet click pay your application fee online In the previous section of this video we demonstrated how to pay the application fee online Let's now upload the receipt for the payment Now click review and submit Before you submit the application make sure to review every section of the application correct all the errors If any required information is missing it will be indicated here Click on the section to view the missing information or errors Once you have reviewed the entire application, click continue Now you can sign your online application by providing your name and the city where you will submit the application Click Privacy notice and click confirm and submit Application submitted This is not your acknowledgment of receipt You can download a copy of your application After you have submitted your application IRCC will check if your application is complete If it's complete you will receive the AOR by email If your application is not complete your application will be returned and you have to resubmit the application If you applied with your group and any one of the applications is incomplete all applications will be returned and you or your group has to resubmit the application After your application is accepted If you are between 18 to 54 years of age on the day you sign your application you will get an invitation to write your citizenship knowledge test read the official study guide Discover Canada and do our practice questions We have a video that is designed to help you prepare for and pass your Canadian citizenship test During the process of your application you might be required to submit the fingerprints police certificates or additional documents to prove that you had met the residency requirements You might be asked to go to a local citizenship office for a review of the original documents you submitted with your application and the passports and travel documents covering your 5 year eligibility period A citizenship official will make a decision on your application If you meet all the requirements for citizenship up until this point, you will be invited to the citizenship ceremony Last step. Attend a citizenship ceremony and take the oath Once the oath is taken, you will receive your certificate of Canadian citizenship The processing time for citizenship applications can vary so it is important to be patient Once your application has been accepted into processing, you can check the status of your application online While your application is in process you must tell IRCC if you change your address, email address or telephone number If you do not notify IRCC of any change in your contact information and they cannot reach you your application could be abandoned or closed Again, check your email regularly Good luck!
Channel: Immigration Canada
Views: 135,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canadian citizenship, canadian citizenship application, canada citizenship process, apply for canadian citizenship online, canadian citizenship application 2023, canadian citizenship online application, Canadian citizenship, canada citizenship requirements 2023, canada citizenship requirements, online physical calculator, apply for citizenship online, physical presence calculator, apply canadian citizenship online, how to apply for canadian citizenship, canadian citizenship test
Id: Btm91-lFFQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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