Apple Watch SE Unboxing! Opening my birthday present early!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to our channel today we're going to be unboxing my brand new apple watch that just got delivered today just a little bit of a heads up i was really hoping this would come earlier in the day so i could do this video while the kids were at school of course it got delivered after they got home from school not a big deal but i just prefer to do my videos when the kids are at school so it's nice and quiet and i don't have to worry about making them be quiet so if you hear anything cohen and aniston are upstairs jackson and chris are at baseball practice so i just thought i would throw that out there um my birthday is coming up on sunday the 25th and so chris got me a new apple watch for my birthday when i saw the new ones released i knew i wanted to upgrade because right now i have the series three and although i do love it a lot there's a quite a bit of new features that come with the new ones but this one doesn't have so i've been using apple watches for five years now probably and my very first one was the series two and my dad actually had purchased the series three for himself after he had a triple bypass he decided he didn't like that it told him what to do it told him when to stand when to breathe all that kind of stuff so he gave me the series three and i chose to keep this one over the two because it was waterproof and at the time we had a pool so it just made more sense um so when i knew i was going to be ordering a new watch i did a ton of research there's two things you should know about me when i'm looking at getting something new whether it's a new apple watch a new car like anything that i would consider like a major purchase you know that's over like a couple hundred dollars i do a ton of research i read reviews like crazy i read reviews for a lot of things whether it's a small purchase a big purchase but when i'm when i'm purchasing something that's a little bit more on the expensive side i not only read reviews i watch videos and like i i do a ton of research i kind of get a little bit obsessive with it if i do say so myself so when i was going back and forth between the se and the six i was like okay obviously price is a difference the six is quite a bit more expensive in my opinion than the se but i wanted to make sure if i went with the sc i wasn't sacrificing any features that i cared about because if it was going to be worth the money to me then i didn't mind spending the extra money to get exactly what i wanted um from what i could gather there were three main differences besides price obviously the six can read an ecg it can read your blood oxygen level and it has the always-on feature so if you're already familiar with apple watches you know you have to kind of like flick your wrist to get it to come on so you can see the time or whatever the new six is always on it just kind of dims when you're not like when you don't flick your wrist and to me that was the only feature out of the three that like i guess i felt like i could benefit from thankfully i don't have any health issues but i think maybe someone that does have health issues could really benefit from the extra health options that the six has to offer um so in my opinion always on was not worth the extra money that being really the only thing i could have benefited from from that from getting sticks so i went with the sc this is a 42 millimeter the new sc and the 6 come in either 42 or 44. so i went with the 44 i'm gonna see i already just peeled this plastic wrap off so you guys can kind of see better but i went ahead and got the gold aluminum case and the pink sand sport band see if i can get it to focus so you guys can see there you go and i purchased this at costco so this was 2.99 and then i want to say like four dollar shipping i went ahead and went with costco because for one it was the cheapest out of everywhere i found i checked walmart target best buy and although best buy does say they price match i wasn't sure if they price matched like costco since like a warehouse store um best buy had it in stock and i could have got it that day but i went ahead and went with costco because for one they have an amazing return policy on like all of their products and i thought just in case and i also have an executive membership at costco so we get like the cash back so i was like why not purchase it at costco and then i'm getting cash back on it so that's what i went ahead and did so we're gonna go ahead and open it looks like you pull these little tabs here oh cute okay it's a little bit different than when i got my other two apple watches there's two boxes looks like one's the face and one's the band and then once you open it these little cardboard flaps have all the cute pictures of apple watches my first one that i had the two was like a rose gold one it was so pretty and then my dad had bought the black one for himself with the black band so i kind of switched the band out i did a little like a light pink band and then i switched out to this uh leopard print one so i'm excited to get back to having like the gold face i'm actually gonna give chris this one and if he likes it enough he's never had an apple watch he can order a newer one and then i don't know maybe jackson could have the three or something i don't know it still works great so i hate to like have it laying around and not using it here's what this looks like so we're gonna go ahead and open the watch face first okay so i'll hold this in here so it doesn't fall out here's what it looks like once you open it it looks like the little watch face is just just has some like paper over it like that so i'm gonna go ahead and peel this off oh it's so pretty i wonder if i should get like a case for it okay there you go okay see i've never had a like protector or a case over my apple watch face so if you guys have an apple watch let me know let me know down below in the comments if you've ever had like an apple watch cover or face for it i feel like mine my two was fine i feel like i kind of banged this one up a couple times in the corners so i'm like i don't know if i should just be extra careful or if i should get like a case for it i don't want it to be like super bulky with the case you know what i mean i don't know but the corners is what i want to protect because that's what got kind of beat up on mine see if you guys can kind of see i don't know if you can tell yeah i got they got kind of beat up on mine okay so this is just the instructions i think which i already know how to put the watch bands on and everything since i have one but it just comes with that little instruction pamphlet and then here is the charger if you have never had an apple watch or haven't seen an apple watch i'll show you the charger really quick it's just this little round disc that when you charge it you just take the apple watch and set it like that on it and it's kind of like a magnet it kind of connects and then it lays flat like that to charge so super convenient they're easy to pack when you're traveling and whatnot mine was a little different though mine had an actual like plug-in piece on the other one this looks like it just has like the usb charging so that's a little different so that's what came in the first box and then this is the bands so how do we open this is it taped all the way yeah with my other two ones i'm sure this is the same it comes with two size options a large and a small and i did the small on my other two apple watches that i had i have fairly small wrists and i have mine even this like aftermarket watch band that i got off amazon i have it on almost as tight as it can go okay let's see okay so it looks like this when you open it and there's another piece of paper in here just telling you where you can look at go to define like instructions for safety so then you open it and they've got all your instructions printed here right on the top telling you kind of how to put the watch band on and how to attach and everything okay so they do have your two size options they have your small medium and your medium large so this is what i like i like that they give you both so you're not having to try to guess when you order so this is the top piece obviously that stays the same so i'm gonna go ahead and take that piece out and then you can choose either to add this one or this one i'm gonna go ahead and add the small one because i know that that's what i normally wear so i'm gonna fold this back up and just keep it just in case um slide it back in here so it can get lost okay and then to put the apple watch together first take the plastic off it's super easy i wasn't i should say i wasn't planning i did know i wanted to do this video today but i'm not the type that always has my nails done all cute so please forgive me i have like random a little bit of nail polish on my nails my nails don't look cute my hands are dry so when i'm all up close and personal in the camera i always feel bad okay so at the top of the apple watch you'll see there are these kind of like little slits and that's what you slide these ends into so it's super easy you just take it like this i don't want to touch it all over i have lotion on my hands and slide it and then you do the same with the bottom one oh it's already turning on so there you go put it on and see my i can't remember what i wore on my old apple watch band if i were them oh i like it okay so it's coming on kind of leave it off so i can show you guys and maybe i'll connect it to my phone so you guys can see it's super easy to connect okay so it says apple watch in a bunch of different languages and it's probably going to come on and ask me to start pairing it with my phone which like i said is really easy you just use the apple app on your phone so it says to bring the iphone near the apple watch so right away my phone picked up the apple watch so i'm just going to hit continue set up for myself and then it wants you it has like a little viewfinder and all you do is put that viewfinder on top of the watch screen i'm going to lay it on the table so you guys won't be able to see but it looks like that and then you put that screen in the middle of the viewfinder there we go now your apple watch is paired so like i said super quick and easy it's going to start setting it up so i'm going to click set up apple watch and then you get to pick what preference you wear your watch on your left or your right i always wear my watches on my left so i'm going to click left it's loading now i'm super nervous about like scratching this or like beating it up i'm really i'm nervous about the screen but i'm also nervous about the corners because that's what got me on this watch was the corners maybe i'm gonna have to find something to put on it to protect it because i would hate to get it and like damage it okay so it's connecting to my apple watch this may take a moment i think every single review video i watched said that i should or that i should said that it was really only important to get the six if you have like the health issues and all of them recommended the essie they said with a better buy for your money sorry you guys i'm gonna skip the whole password set i don't really want like a passcode on my apple watch oh but it wants me to sign in with my apple id so i'll sign in with my apple id so i can like sync to that but i don't want to have to have a passcode on it why is it saying my password's wrong i just went through this the other day on my macbook it kept telling me my password was wrong and i was like i know it's not wrong it's the same password i've been using and you need to have this feature if you want to do apple pay which i never use apple pay anyways but if you want to do like find this apple watch so where you can kind of like ping it and stuff like that hmm okay well i'm going to be right back this is super embarrassing because i can't remember my password i know that it's let's see i'll just try to reset it i guess i just did this the other day answer by security questions put my birthday in i'm gonna try to remember to a lot of the videos i watched were very helpful so i'm gonna try to remember to link those in the description the review videos i watched that compared the six to the se so i'll link those and if i forget please remind me in the comments and i'll add them sorry i'm answering the security questions to reset my password okay i'm trying to think of a password that i want to use this is what i thought it was there we go got it working now it says verification failed connecting to server okay guys i'm gonna just finish this part later this is ridiculous i reset the password just like i did the other day on my macbook and then it says verification failed i'm not really sure why it's not working it's verifying the apple id this may take a few minutes maybe it's gonna work now it's still spinning everything about this unboxing video has just not gone the way i play like i said i wanted to do while the kids were at school and although they're being very nice and quiet there we go it worked okay so now it's popping up i keep getting tick-tock notifications coming up which is annoying but it says workout route tracking so apple watch workouts uses your location to track routes and local weather for outdoor workouts so i'm going to enable that i think that's pretty cool shared settings it says apple watch shares settings with iphone for location services find my iphone siri and analytics improvement i'm going to push ok and then you get to choose the bold the text size so i get to choose what i want in bold um how big i want it i'm going to do it on the one that they recommend so like not quite all the way towards the big bold end but more so and then i'm not gonna do a passcode keep your apple watch up to date okay so it wants to know if i would like to install all the available apps that i have like on my iphone onto my apple watch so you can either choose install all or choose later i think i'm going to do the choose later because i don't want all of the apps on my that are able to be on my apple watch i like to keep my apple watch pretty basic i don't want it all cluttered up so it is now sinking right now and this is what the watch looks like while it's doing that if it can load for you guys or focus that's what the apple watch looks like it has quite a little ways to load i'm going to miss my leopard band i bet it would work on here since it's the 42 i could try it but i also really like the look of the pink with the rose gold the one complaint i have about the lighter colored bands for the apple watches is like i don't know about anyone else but when my apple watch band the inside of it like rubs on my jeans or something it would get kind of dingy looking my very first apple watch had like a slate colored band and that thing got so dingy it wiped off fairly well but still like when it rubbed on your jeans or like against dark clothing it kind of got like i don't know really dirty looking and even if i wiped it off it would clean up fairly it would look better but it wasn't like 100 so at first when my dad gave me the black one with the black band i was like oh that's better it's not going to show dirt and then i was like oh it's kind of masculine looking so i switched it out for a lighter band and then went to the leopard but this band was only seven dollars on amazon and i really like it it's very comfortable super flexible not stiff at all i'll try to remember to link that as well if anyone's interested in it still loading i did order chris i should show you guys i got him a different band so he could wear this um he has very big wrists and very big fingers i can't remember what size his wedding band was but that doesn't even fit him anymore with like a very large size so the large apple watch band like fits but barely it like looks super tight and it's not very comfortable for him because he's tried the large on before so i ordered him a like fabric one off of amazon and it's i don't know how to describe it let me go get it you guys can come with me while this goes it's like an olive green um color sorry it's dark i wasn't planning on getting up and moving um it's like an olive green color and it said it was extra extra large that's why i ordered this one for him so while this is loading i can show you guys okay set it back down this tripod i want it to be even like nope not having it it's going to be all there we go that's decent so this is the brand of the one i just got him off of amazon it was a little on the spendier side in my opinion i think it was like 25 and i paid like i said seven for that one he was in the military this is an extra large it says on here and it says it's for the it's a nylon one for the 42 44 millimeter apple watches but on the website is that extra extra large he did try it on and it fit so his this reminded him of like military like i said he was in the army so and it has like the metal buckles and stuff like that so this is the one i ordered for him to put on this watch to replace what i had and as you can see it is quite a bit longer so if i were to put it in right here that's how much longer this band is so i guess it is more like an extra extra large maybe that is still loading i'm probably going to end this in just a second guys because this is taking forever and i have to get started on dinner so i thought i would unbox it and show it to you guys but i didn't anticipate on it taking this long to set up and i feel bad hi what yeah come say hi anderson wants to say hi real quick say hi youtube hi it's still setting up let it sit first no this is that's the old watch band but dad's gonna take this one and put it on there all right guys i'm gonna one second and i'll show you okay i'm gonna go ahead and get off of here this is taking quite a bit it's not even halfway done yet so i'm gonna go ahead and get off of here so i can get dinner started um but i just wanted to jump on really quick and do the world's most awkward unboxing for you you know you don't want to miss it so i appreciate you guys all so much thank you for watching just hold on let me know like i said down below in the comments if you have any recommendations on what i should do to protect the face of my watch i should do a kind of like a case or a cover or screen protector let me know what you guys do i really don't want this watch getting beat up so all right have a great night guys bye bye
Channel: Cramer Crew
Views: 25,527
Rating: 4.6185565 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: 1umRA75x5Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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