(upbeat music) - Hey guys, it's Justine and welcome to my Apple Watch Series six review. I've been absolutely loving this of course I absolutely love my Apple Watch. So this is no exception. To be completely honest with you, The Apple Watch Series
six is not a huge upgrade. If you already do have a Series five watch this maybe isn't the watch for you but if you do have something that is lower than a four or three, this will be a huge upgrade. They also now have an Apple Watch SE, which is a lower cost
and they do still have the Apple Watch Series three as well. So there are a bunch
of price range options for the Apple Watch and
I cannot stress enough how much I love this thing. I've had almost every generation since the Apple Watch was first introduced and over the past three years, there was a point where I really needed to start taking my health seriously. I wasn't working out, I really was doing basically nothing. I mean i was honestly doing the bare minimum to survive (chuckles) I know a lot of you guys
have probably seen a lot of the stories of how the Apple Watch has helped save people's lives. And I think what is important is yes, the Apple Watch is a catalyst for that but knowing what your normal is, like what is your blood pressure? What is your normal heart rate? The fact that now you
can take your O2 levels and be able to test your
blood oxygen is really really crucial. And this is something that I really never paid
attention to in the past. These are all very important things and the fact that you can have that all right here on
your wrist is so amazing. (upbeat intense music) The Apple Watch and fitness basically goes hand in hand and I know I've talked about this so much, but the Apple Watch has really really helped me kind
of quantify my fitness. And up until recently, I never actually went in and looked at the data and I could see, a significant increase in my fitness and also a significant
decrease in my fitness when I stopped working out as much. I have five or six years
of heart rate data, that I can go back and track these trends and be able to have that, if I ever need to give that to a doctor or anything of the sort. The O2 sensor in this, is just another added benefit of being able to quantify
and track your health. It also runs in the background so it will periodically be able to give you updates. And I've actually been wearing this for the past few days while I slept. Oh, this is gonna be my first night of sleep tracking with the new Apple Watch Series six it's 1230 right now am, and I have to get up at five 30 to post a video at 6:00 am, So, this first night of sleep tracking is gonna be quite interesting. This is also gonna be
my first time sleeping with the new graded watch. And now Siri thinks
that I'm trying to talk to her because I raised two, no canceled. The real question is, what is my battery percentage right now? The battery percentage is 51%. So when I wake up, I'm gonna charge it i think. And then at some point I'm gonna work out and then at some point I don't, I don't know, stay tuned. Oh, wrong way night night. So I woke up, like five 45 I actually woke up before my alarm. So it's asking me if I wanna turn it off (murmurs)finally need to get out of bed. I went to bed my watch was 51%. So now 41% . I'm gonna get up postmark review and then go back to bed. Okay, I'm going back to bed. It is six 18 video was posted and now I'm gonna sleep until, not sure. Maybe like nine 30, maybe 10. I don't know. It's gonna be a surprise to me and you, night night. I gotta set my bedtime again. I'm up. It's nine 19. I gotta charge this thing. So my battery is at 31%, last night I went to bed it was 51%. So this is our current situation We're at 31% and now
we're gonna charge it, while I go eat some breakfast. And then I dunno, carry on with my day. So I've tracked the last one, two, three, four nights of sleep. This one is not good. I went to sleep at 1239
and I woke up at 5:24 am, That was the day that I was posting my Apple Watch video at 6:00 am, and I was trying to finish editing it the night before. I'm a very deep sleeper, not much wakes me up at all. So it was kind of cool to be able to really see this data
right here, real time. So since I do normally wake up at 6:00 am, I'm gonna set this time for... I would have to go to bed at least by 10 to get eight hours. So I'm gonna say, I wanna
be in bed by nine 30. I'm so old (chuckles) Here's some blood oxygen tracking. Here's some data. This is kind of cool because I can see when I sort of had a lower range which seems to be when I'm sleeping. So this is the VO2 max data. And this is what's kinda
fascinating because I hadn't looked at this until recently. So let's see, we're gonna
go back to March, 2018 which was two years ago. The fact that I have
all of this data dating back two years ago, is so cool. VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can
consume during exercise. So you basically want to
have a higher VO2 max. This indicates a higher
level of cardio fitness and endurance. So March, 2018 not so good May, 2018 I started working out again 44.6 and you can see the trend
slowly goes down here from July to October back to 39. Oh, struggle city,
August, 2019 to December nothing too crazy. But then sort of when the pandemic hit, all of the fitness activities that I used to do, I
couldn't do any longer. Thankfully, I was
quarantined with a treadmill so you can really see the increase here from February to June. So we went from 39.1 to 44.4 and then I was slacking
a little bit (chuckles) And then recently I
started running a lot more. So currently we're at 45.3. I'm about to do my first
run with the Apple Watch I, I also haven't charged it yet, So I just woke up. I woke up like a long time ago, but (chuckles) my plan is I'm gonna run. Hopefully the battery will stay charged. We're at 15%. I hope that'll be okay. I should have charged
it before the workout while I was doing actual
work in my computer, but I didn't So anyway, time to do the run hopefully it'll last. First run with the new Apple Watch. (background noise) Also good news, 6% battery So I did make it through the run and that's exciting. (upbeat music) So this is really cool to be able to actually see a difference. And you know , I think when you first start working out you'll start to feel differently, but to be able to have these numbers right in front of you to actually validate all of the work that you're putting into it, is pretty awesome. Another thing that I was also doing, was tracking my foods and I was tracking them very specifically because I was trying to link what foods actually made me feel better. This was also a question that I got on Twitter because I was talking about how I can't track a lot of the training that I do. So in jujitsu, the last thing that you should be doing is
wearing an Apple Watch. You can hurt your training partner. You can hurt yourself. You could also break the watch and this is not something that you should ever wear. You shouldn't wear jewelry, you shouldn't wear anything. So I was wondering, this does have a martial
arts tracking on it? So I got a question on Twitter asking if I train with my Apple
Watch when I do jujitsu. And the answer is, absolutely not. You can hurt yourself. You can hurt your training partner. Like it's the last
thing that you should do but there is a martial
arts workout on here. So I feel like you could maybe use that if you're doing solo
drills or if you have this. Go sleep, go sleep, go sleep. Wouldn't recommend that either Cause you're still gonna
probably hurt yourself. This was also a really bad
quarantine purchase but - [Man] If you're watching,
tell us what this is. - Oh, this is my training dummy (chuckles) One of the biggest
questions that I've got, when you guys see pictures
of my gym you're like, what is that creepy thing in the corner? This is a,this is a training dummy. And you know what? I thought this was gonna
be a really great idea, that I could use this to train. Since, you know quarantine you can't train with a person. I don't like it. And I know you guys probably
don't either(chuckles) So like it is okay if
you're doing solo drills which I guess I was kind of using it for, mostly just to do like, okay, you know Some surfing, but like
it's like, it's not real. This is not a real body. Like, how am I gonna
try to pass your guard Like this? I just can't It's, it's fine. This thing also scares me in the middle of the night. Cause it's just sitting out here and if I have to walk out here to go to the bathroom, I think it's a person. Tell you one thing, if you guys ever need to move Bobby (upbeat music) We're a couple of days into testing the Apple Watch Series six and my Apple Watch actually just - I don't know how to respond to that. (gentle bang on the table) - This is the Graphite
Stainless Steel Case with the Milanese Graphite Loop. And this has actually already been unboxed by my sister but I really wanted to show you guys how cool this looks. Cause it is a beautiful, beautiful watch. If you've already seen the unboxing in my sister's. Well, welcome to number two. This looks really good, very shiny. She did a very good job
packaging this backup I will say that. (package opens) Here's the thing, I love the Solo Loop so much that I feel like I'll probably never even wear this. This would be like, my fancy going out red carpet look but I don't see myself ever doing that ever again (chuckles) What's cool now is you can pair multiple Apple Watches in iOS 14. So it's really nice because if I do want to switch up, I can just continue using both of these and then pair them as needed. But yeah, look at you Oh, you're upside down because you don't know me yet. So over the past couple of days, I have been sleeping with
this every single night and it's been kind of interesting trying to figure out when I should charge it. So usually I will wake up, then I will charge it as soon as I get up, I will either eat
breakfast or do some email and then it's ready to go and then I'll start working out with it and then I'll just continue on my day. But the one thing that
has been really cool is, it will give you an alert on your iPhone when your Apple Watch is fully charged. (upbeat music) The coolest thing, is the new bike directions in iOS 14 and paired with the Apple Watch. It was amazing. I took the whole way here. I was able to just look at my watch to get my directions and I even tracked my bike ride 5.27 miles, 50 minutes. They're still going. (breathes heavily) It is so nice outside, I love it. (upbeat music) Here we go, outdoor cycle, hour, 26 minutes, 10.2 miles, average speed 7.1 I think we've to kind of split these in half because the calories of, of this ride, because my bike is sort of pedal-assist but I'm really hungry and tired from all of my workouts today for you guys for this review. Like my legs (mumbling) So it's been about two weeks with the Apple Watch and obviously it's no surprise. You guys know I'm such a huge fan of the Apple Watch and this one of course is no exception. So what have I been doing for the past couple of weeks? Well, I've been challenging some of my friends to do
some fitness activities and that's one of my most favorite things. Being able to really see
what my friends are up to and have that kind
of friendly competition to go that extra few
steps to close your rings. And I have to say, that Marquez has beat me yet again and most of the time it's because I have not closed my stand goal, and that makes me really sad. I've been spending a lot
of time editing(chuckles) The best part about it is now I've actually been using
this to track my sleep. My favorite part though, about the sleep tracking is, the gentle haptic feedback that I get in the morning when my alarm goes off. And I almost feel like the past couple of weeks, I have been waking up feeling much more refreshed because you don't wake up with this crazy loud alarm just blaring. It's just like a gentle tap on your wrist, I wake up, I like, I hit snooze for a second, and then I go back to
sleep for a few seconds and then it's like, "Hey, you're still sleeping." And that's when I get up. I think if you do have
an Apple Watch older than the Series five or the Series four that's where you're gonna really see the difference. You also see a difference
with the charging all in all, I think the
most important thing is being able to have these heart tracking features just to be able to get that consistent baseline of what is your heart rate. I think that's really one of the most important things. If you guys have any other questions about this Apple Watch
or anything in general, feel free to leave those
in the comments below. I look forward to doing a follow-up video, answering any of your questions and talking more about my love for the Apple Watch. Maybe I'll come back and be so, just strong that I will
just pick up this table and throw it and you'll be like, Wow, she's strong. She works out with the
Apple Watch (chuckles) not only when Apple fitness comes out. Look out! (upbeat music)