Tim Cook talks new Apple Vision Pro

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I am here with Apple CEO Tim Cook and this morning he is celebrating the long awaited release of the Apple Vision Pro and now he's going to tell us all about it Tim thank you for joining me um this morning and I I had a opportunity to try the Apple Vision Pro how was it it's the most amazing thing is so hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it yet it's magical it is absolutely magical but how do you how do you envision this being used by people in their daily lives oh I think it's it's going to be used in so many different ways because it's a it's a spatial computer and you know the the iPhone introduced us to mobile Computing the Mac introduced us to personal Computing this is the first spatial computer and people are going to interact with it in different ways some people will connect with it uh with FaceTime and so forth some people will train on it serons will train on it um it's just the the number of use cases is like a computer computer yeah it's just enormous because there's over a million apps for it already it is a computer but it is a headset and you are truly you're so immersed in this world that you can create with this but it has a lot of groundbreaking technology what is that yeah yeah so we've been working on this for years and uh to get the gestures down there's a lot of artificial intelligence and machine learning built into the product to get hand gestures to get room mapping this stuff requires very deep machine learning and uh we couldn't be more proud of it you know we a company only has a few of these most companies have none and we've had the Mac the iPod the iPad the iPhone the Apple watch and now the Vision Pro it's one of those moments well I've had every one of those you named that I'm going to have one of these too it it you talked about you know your using your hand because it's a headset you wear it but you navigate it with your hands how how does something that I'm wearing on my face know what I'm doing with my hands well there's many cameras in it and uh we're always looking at the hands and they don't have to be out here and so it's not uncomfortable you can put them in your lap and you can select your with your eye you select the app that you want to open and with your hand opens it it's it's it is magical it really is I know that's a word that we use a lot yeah but it is truly magical no no I I've done it so I can agree it's it's really just and it's very intuitive and very natural once you start using it doesn't take long to figure it out it works the way your mind works yes you know you don't really have to train to use it you put it on and you already know how it works it just makes sense absolutely makes sense the big the big question for a lot of people at home would be the price it's $3,500 how long before it's more accessible to your average customer well it's it's tomorrow's technology today is the way I think about it and it's packed with we have 5,000 patents on the product already and and so we really leaned into it and I'm hoping that people you know some people will pay for it by month some people will just buy it I talked to a lot of people out in the line that are just going to buy it yeah uh but you know over time who knows what will happen happened but we think we priced it for the right value today and and there always there's going to be some critics who are going to say does this keep us disconnected how would you answer that I would say no because you don't have to immerse yourself you can uh augment your reality and so you and I can be sitting here having a conversation with the headset on and we can see each other's eyes but we can also see the screens around us and so it amplifies our our connection and and so that and that was a key design point for us we wanted people to be able to see each other's eyes not get glazed over in a headset and it really is amazing what you you've come up with here and and like I said I had a chance to experience it the interaction with technology is unlike anything I've ever experienced oh I I I totally agree you know I I think about the first demos on this and they were many years ago and the rigs were enormous that that we were using to try to get a feel of the technology and it's one of those things it happens to you and you know in the moment that this is big yeah that this is huge and you just have to keep working at it to miniaturize it and uh get the technology down pth and we really feel proud of of today and the and delivering the product thousands of people have worked for multiple years to deliver this well you can see it when you try to prod up congratulations Tim it is fantastic to be here with you an excited store everybody here clapping they playing music the lines outside are crazy well hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here thanks for checking out our YouTube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the Subscribe button right over right over here to get more of Awesome videos and content from GMA every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on G Ma
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 379,920
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Keywords: abc, apple, ceo, company, cook, device, gma, news, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-106891694, products, technology, tim, vision, wearable
Id: Fd5wv3hrd3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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