Apple River stabbing trial: Witness says Miu 'defended himself'

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did you walk down river towards where Nick wasck see yes as you were walking there what did you see well at first we were we were very far away I don't know the distance exactly but we were very far away so com so I started walking I had my beer on my hand and I was getting closer a little bit and I saw that Nick was close or near a group of people young people and what I was able to understand from the distance where I was at is that they were joking or yeah bullying oh bullying [Music] him somebody had taken his norel and had thrown it down the river something like that that's what I was seeing as I was getting closer and so then I was think thinking that it was just a game for them but as I got closer I see that a lot of people that many people started hitting him let me stop you there for a second can you describe when you say they were hitting them was it with their hands their feet their knees fists can you just tell me what you saw with the hands one person more than one person several people there there were many people around and when you saw them hit Nick what happened to Nick did he stay standing or did something else happen I remember that he fell to the River to the water what happened what did you see next after Nick had fallen into the water I think that somebody was kind of like uh pushing him down but I was still getting closer but but I was basically walking as you got closer what did you see next as I was getting closer I saw that somebody started bleeding what do you remember next uh then I saw well Nick was kind of standing up uh I was over here he was to my left oh and I believe a woman came over uh towards him to hit him and then what you see um Nick responded he defended himself there were many people around and what I saw was happened really quickly really fast say and I think later I went to where Nick was or I got to where Nick was and when you got to where Nick was what' you do or what' you see I only saw that uh he was uh I think he had gotten up um I touch his arm but at that moment there was a lot of blood right in front of me uh blood that belonged to the other people that happened very quickly I'm just trying trying to say what I remember the most so we we went back was it hard for you to make sense of what you were seeing and what was happening yes it was very fast there were many people around there was a big disturbance and it is a little difficult to assimilate or what had happened or to let it sink in are you able now after some time to pick out every detail or do you just remember what you've said no I only remember that uh what I am telling you now because some some time already went by so when we walked back please wait question please what happened next can I continue when we started walking back in in the direction towards the group straight towards the group so I was on the left side Nick was on the right side and at that moment when we had walked a little I see that on the other side of the river or was the young man with the injury to his stomach he was shouting look what you did to me he was kind of yelling or shouting at Nick and at that moment the young guy fell to the water so we continued walking and I was uh I kept going towards the group and Nick uh kept going to the other side of the river straight did you see Nick do anything at the other side of the river I did not uh keep ER keep an eye on him because I want to see my girlfriend did you see Nick did Nick join you back at the tubes where your group of friends were to yes at some other point when you're walking back to the tubes did anybody yell or scream or run up near where you were there were many people running and screaming um they uh the some people came towards a group but they didn't get too close they I I don't remember what they they were just yelling and screaming and I don't remember what they were saying did you respond to them in any way no go no I did not did you uh did you see Ernesto or Sergio or Nick or anyone else from your group respond to them in any way no no when you were uh back at the tubes I want to ask you questions about that okay did you get a chance to kind of make some observations of Nick did you see him yes somewhat what did he look like he looked like kind of scared uh pale those are only the other questions I have thank you Mr Anderson Ariel is it fair you're pretty uncomfortable testifying here today no no you you don't you're you're comfortable up there on this hand don't I don't understand your question Ernesto is your uncle my cousin cousin okay and he's best friends with Nick to yes are you friends with Nick or do you just know Nick through Ernesto it could be said that we're friends not close friends but kind of friends I want to walk through your testimony so you saw the young guys the boys knock the go out of that's what I was able to distinguish that's the first thing that I distinguished and you were were you you were already walking towards Nick when you saw that were you already walking towards Nick when you saw that yes I was starting to walk and the K the young guys were still in their tubes right I cannot answer that I don't know I don't remember I think they were standing up around Nick I think so they were standing around Nick and they knocked his goggles out of his hands as were walking up yes did you [Music] see Nick run up to those guys before that happen I I really didn't know okay so the next what what was the next thing you saw good well like I said before I wasn't paying too much attention because I thought they were just playing with him they they were just bullying him but you're already walking over there because you thought he was in trouble right to yeah yes so you didn't think it was they were just playing you already were worried about them when I was getting closer yes because I saw that they were hitting him but there were many people around him why were you walking there if you weren worried about him until you stop getting hit it was the way that I reacted because of I was nervous about what because of what was happening what was happening that made you start walking over there before you saw I don't understand your question before that happened I had not seen anything you said you were walking over and as you're walking walking over you saw the goggles get knocked out his hand right see yes and you were walking over there because you were worried about Nick right to yes what happened before the goles that made you start watching over there did you see anything that happened before that I started to walking in that direction when his wife said that he was in trouble okay so wife side is in you start walking there you see his goggles knocked out of his while they're all standing up what did you see after they took uh the goggles from him they it was kind of like they were starting to um hit him to give him blows and he said several people before three four five no I can't answer that I don't remember how many people and are you far away and still walking there at this point yes I was still far away okay were you closer then when you saw the goggles get knocked out that was at the beginning when I had just started walking when people are hitting neck what kind of strikes were they what do you remember those well like um clapping him with the hands was he standing he was standing okay and then what happened what you what do you remember next was well somebody knock him down okay and then he said he got up and defended himself well that's what I saw next what I was able to see uh with all the people that were there what do you you mean he defended himself what you see you look at I saw that uh can you repeat the question please you said you saw him defend himself what did you I saw that when he defended himself well it's it's because this happened so quickly I really can't uh tell exactly when it happened when I was closer I saw that a a girl went to attack him and he defended himself he responded well I think that with his hands but it happened so quickly when I got close sir I started to see the blood basically everywhere at that moment I went and touched Nick on his arm but it happened very quickly Ariel did somebody tell you to say these things what do you mean who's going to tell me if that's what I remember what I it lived what I saw
Channel: FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
Views: 73,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, apple-river-stabbing-trial
Id: GHQm09uTs8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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