Apple River stabbing trial: Nicolae Miu's interrogation video [FULL]

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[Music] for [Music] hi there are you Nick yeah hi Nick my name is Brandy hi I'm a lieutenant with the St C County Sheriff's Office okay um you got some water right than okay thank you have you had anything to eat no okay let me uh can I will wait for now food are you sure I'm not hungry okay well if you get hungry yeah just let these guys know okay or let me know when I can just very very thirsty yeah I bet on the river drinking beer all day and not drinking any water and it hot and being in the sun all day doesn't matter if you're drinking beer sometimes just uh and then this yeah so I would imagine you have some questions for me um I am just going to go through the right form and you know let you know if you want to answer any of my questions we'll talk about that um I'm gonna record our conversation if you're okay with that of course um let's see today is the 30th of July and it is 7:53 p.m. how do you spell your first name n i she o l a e okay and last name and no middle name no middle name okay and what's your last name m IU how do you spell or how do you pronounce that me okay and what's your birthday do you like to be called Nikolai or Nick or what Nick okay um December 11th 1969 okay so that makes you 52 52 thank you what's your address Nick 5945 hidden o Circle Southeast holy cats that's a m Hidden Oak Circle I don't even know if I have enough space in the you you do Southeast Southeast oh Southeast thank you forting no problem and that's Prior Lake Prior Lake okay what's is it code and Prior Lake 55372 okay and how about a phone number for you next 612 735 6317 6317 and I understand you're married to Sandy right okay um is she okay she is yeah she I did talk to her I talked to her for quite a while um I brought her to get dry clothes where is she um she is with Ernesto and Amy okay good good they're taking good care of and then uh TI my puppy uh she's headed home to take care of the dog okay um and she's also with uh Ariel and uh girlfriend oh God I don't even know is it Tatiana no Tatiana Tatiana is another girl okay but she's not hold on they gave me yes oh s didn't know Ariel's girlfriend's name neither one okay but anesto and Amy came to to where I was with Sandy and they went and got the car but I had brought Sandy to the car to she was driving right no she was up with me I brought her from the river cu the car so she could get clothes and we brought the cooler back and put that in the car um so she's got all the stuff all right are you working anywhere now mhm okay where do you work I work at reach engineering as a mechanical engineer and what what kind of engineering what was mechanical engineer yeah what's the name of your employer oh REI r i t c h i e Engineering in broing 55 427 I think it is okay what was the last day that you completed I have a bachelor's and I have actually two degrees one in engineering one in mathematics wow and I'm a CL away from a masters in both I'm not a gan I've never run never had a run uh with a lot when I got the world uh so where did you get your uh degrees from your undergraduate sou state univers that the Bison no the jack rabbit okay in Brooking um and how are your master's degree where are you working on I'm not I'm not working on it yet okay yeah I did pass the EIT so I could work for the state as a license engineer but I haven't had a chance to do that for many years I worked as a contractor Contracting engineer then for the past 16 years I've been working with uh Richie engineering where I met Sandy okay what uh what does Richie engineering do like what did they manufacture what do we do we do uh hbac service equipment okay basically we're the the top here of hbh were like the top brand uh and top brand for that is yellow jacket okay and is that for the part the the brand of the yeah yeah everything we we make make there we make it under the Yellow Jacket brand got it but the company uh name is Richi engineering okay so what I do I do everything from hoses recovery machines all the electronics I talk to customers I uh get business I do the documentation the design it's a small company so I like to do everything testing evaluation um you name it 16 years over there and that's not even that's not even scratching the surface well I have bigger dreams now shattered but anyway I don't want to talk about them I know okay I don't know exactly what happen I just don't I I can't talk I I need to go one step at a time yep and if you have any questions along the way Nick just stop and ask me okay or if you need to take a break just how bad is it well can we get through this forum and ask each other question I just I don't want to I want to maintain the Integrity of this investigation and your right and you know so I want to get through this form and then we can ask questions okay so I'm going to turn this around um I'll give you this pen what I'll have you do is I'm going to read each uh you you seem to speak excellent English you can read yeah Miranda Miranda Right which have not been read to me when I was put in the car is that and that's okay as long as they weren't asking you any questions they don't don't need to but I'd like to ask these questions so that's why we're going to go through this right now okay so I'll let you have that pen and so I'm going to read these to you okay you have the right to remain silent or just be uh you can check mark it or some people put their initials you know we'll have you signed at the bottom so that however you want to do that anything you say can be used against you in court or other proceedings you have the right to consult an attorney before making any statement or answering any question and you may have him or her present with you during questioning okay and also me I talk I was going to ask you about this one so yep how when do I see one when do I get one assigned to me you would get one assigned to you the the soonest uh would be on Monday oh so that would be the the soonest um and working hours workings pretty much it's how that works okay so if you cannot afford to pay for an attorney you may be eligible to be represented by an attorney from The Office of the State public defender if you desire an attorney from that office you should contact their local office and and that information would be provided to me or yes um so what happens is uh they we actually the jail provides that information every day to the public defender's office like here's who's on the list okay so some people come into jail and they uh either have a lawyer already because of other things or they know a lawyer or they're going to find their own so these guys will let you use the phone if that's I asky to look for me that's okay oh go yeah yeah cuz I don't I'm not going to see you in talk NOP that's fine if you decide to answer questions now with or without an attorney you still have the right to stop the questioning at any time or stop the questioning for the purpose of Consulting an attorney yeah I'd like to do it at at some point okay you can just check mark that we went over that however you may wave the right to remain silent and you may answer questions now without an attorney you can just check mark that I read that to you you're not agreeing to anything right now this is just that I that I stated these things to you so this say the above rights have been read to me I have initialed each paragraph or near case check mark to show that I understand each of my rights I have received a copy of this form so you sign it and then I'm GNA sign it Nick and then I'm going to give you a copy of it all right here and I've got [Music] [Applause] 801 all right okay hi sorry do you want me to write it regular okay no I get I get so caught up in uh used to that my friends don't like it cuz in my vehicle my own vehicle that I drive it's military time and so they're always ask me I have is military cuz I came from Europe and oh they call it military but it's not military right it's the the proper time exactly well good at least then you know what I you know what it needs then when I put the the time on there like that um so I would like to ask you questions about your day today what happened uh you know like how how you guys got to be on the Apple River today and then like what your day was like um it's up to you if you're willing to answer questions if you decide that yep I'll answer questions right now and in 10 minutes you don't want to answer anymore you just need to tell me that okay and if you don't want to answer questions right now then that's fine too and I will leave it it's up to you all I can say it was a a it was selfdefense self-defense there were lots of people that came on to me self-defense and they produced two weapons one I took from them okay that's the only thing I can tell and they were they hit me and they were on top of me and that's I don't remember anything after that I just remember I ran away I ran away to my to my uh group there were actually people coming over from my group to see what was going on I said nothing nothing nothing nothing just get back and and and they kept asking and I said nothing nothing I didn't explain to them anything because I I was I was so fearful I didn't know what these people will be doing to us I've never been in a situation like this where people produce weapons and and they were saying they were calling um don't I I don't remember but they said don't run don't don't run from us don't do this you're a child molester you are this and he I said are you people drunk or you're a child molester I said the only thing I remember is in my mind is if I'm a child molester should you be drinking should you be drinking alcohol and and doing what you're doing to people that you don't even know attacking them and I said if if I'm a child molester you should be having alcohol you know and and they took my I was snorkeling so they took my snorkel away they threw it in the water they grabbed my pants one wanted to put my pants down and I grabbed onto him and I don't know who that kid was but he produced he had a knife on on him and then there was another knife a longer knife looked like a kitchen knife um okay kitchen or something I don't know and I don't know what happened to either one of them I just know that I I when when when the kid attacked me I took that from him the kitchen knife or the other knife no the small the smaller knife okay what did that knife look like do you remember I don't even remember but it was smaller smaller yes so that's all how did you get to be by them or who are these people so adiel lost his phone the phone was in the floor what of those bags yeah everyone had one but his phone was in a floater so he says well let's go look for it so I put put my snorkel on and I looked and this guy called something and they were talking about it and I said there a group of people these group of yeah I went over and I said did you guys find the phone and if you did can I see it can I identify and they started calling me names they got off of their tubes they came at me like I said all I need and they were calling me all kinds of names insulting me for being in the water with with a snor up and I said all I want guys did you find a phone and I saw they had a they had found something all right and I don't know if there was a phone or something else they found but they wouldn't talk to me about what they found and we were looking desperately to find this phone and I know somebody found it but I thought it was that group okay you know and then they went over they they came to me and they they grabbed my snorkel and they threw it in the water well the water was so fast it went out so I went out after it and they started another group of mostly girls came over from from the other side yelling at me or calling me child molester and what something with uh something like that and I I went back I went I actually after there distance to them I didn't even I didn't don't even know what happened I just know that they they attacked me and and I had I was in self-defense I went into self-defense mode and then I went over to my my group of people that was it and they asked me what happened and I wouldn't tell him I said I can't tell you let me calm down okay I was I was shocked so nobody on that knew exactly what happened the only thing they said said well you look somebody got in an argument over there like yep let's just let's just leave that alone don't don't don't go there are you able to draw for me like where you were looking for the phone like and where the where was Theo and Sandy and where was the school maybe it help me kind of understand yep these guys were here I don't know how many there were quite a few okay we were up up here about about 100 100 De we're our group was here and so you guys were in the water yes okay so we were in the water then there was another group of people over here that came to to attack me so there was this group of people here this group of people that attack me they attack me here so your your your group was floating down the river like this actually were stopped but yes this is the that's the direction you were going okay so your group is stopped yeah and where where who's looking for the phone besides you like how do you know the phone's missing oh yeah we talked about it I lost my phone and said well you didn't lose it it's floating down it's in that bag yeah so let's go find it you know and he was over here pouching that he lost his phone and I said that's okay I have my snorkeling GE and then I heard this guy said that he found something and when I was SL snorkling down I I passed him I kept looking and then I came up I came looking and then they started yelling and screaming and and I said did you guys find something and I thought they did and I I I know they did because they were hiding something from me when and then I went over there and they grabbed my snow or they threw it down they they started they got off their their tubes they came after me they pushed me one of them hit me and then there was a girl that came from here and hit me in the back of my head and I was about right there here you said right here when she hit me yeah and that's when the the female hit you yeah and she was coming from another group over here I don't know how many people were in there were these guys stopped uh yes in very shallow water okay so it's really shallow over here shallow there okay pretty much the two sides are shall are shallow yeah was it what how deep do you think it was when you were like snorkling around looking four or five ft okay not very deep and the water was very mky so I could not see anything my goggles but those goggles are lost they took them grabbed them off my face and threw them in the water we found the B oh good thank you and the SM yes yes y are they connected yes oh okay yes and they're just like regular s goggles right yeah I had them over when I went to to the Caribbean okay what do they look like just to make sure we have the right one well transparent plastic with the white snorkel okay all right is that it I think I think we have them um was there any did it seem like these groups were together after they came after me I don't know I think yes okay yes I think so I mean I feared for my life tell you the truth when they started hitting me and and and and pointed a knife at me and then another kid pointed a knife I thought that was it for me luckily I took it from from the one of the young kids and I think that's when I swung back what did you do with it I don't even know okay I don't know absolutely I don't know I don't know if you got it back I have absolutely no idea did you hit him like did it did the knife make contact with him that I don't remember you were so close sure and one had it in his hand so I took his hand and I bent it and I poked him with with his own hand and then I I took it from his hand and then I I went and swing like this so I don't know who I hit I just I just know that I took the knif from from one of the kids the other one I don't know what happened to it I I didn't get hit cuz I as soon as this happened I started running across so I went across to to my group and then my group was wondering what just happened what and I didn't I didn't want to tell him anything just cuz he didn't want to I didn't want to get the anybody aroused I didn't want my group to go say well we're going to go talk to those kids no they were too drunk I believe they're too drunk and to to set on on on uh going after people I think how did what were these guys doing did they know did they know anything was going on no so they didn't know you were getting punched or well they saw the scuffle because at one point uh anesto was was coming towards me like hey man did you find anything anything and I said no I didn't I don't know these guys must have it for something I don't know and he says okay well he will just get another phone on Monday you were concerned about getting the phone and like okay so what are you doing and said I don't know I'm just going to go late to sit in my my my my thing and then s said okay are you okay and said I don't want to talk about it you know and then and they asked me hey what do you want to do you want to stay here you want to go down and I said I want to go down and then some girls from my group heard that uh something was happening over here and they said well we're calling the police and I think they called the police okay one or two I don't know did you see any of of that what was going on when they decided to call the police okay um did you have a knife no no absolutely okay I had one early here that I used to cut but right at the beginning and I left it on on the in the I I don't even know what what I did with it I think I either gave it to one of the people or I put it back in my truck okay yeah so it may have been I I don't I tell you the truth I don't even know and that was after you cut the string yeah we needed to have a something to cut the string over there they don't have any knives so but you have them with you today right the what a knif to cut how did that I think it's in my car okay yeah I think did you drive or did Sandy Drive I did okay yeah okay um I I don't even know uh where it's at tell it the truth uh it may be in one of the bags we had with us it may have been in in um I don't know maybe I left it put it back in the car cuz I went back with a bunch of I had R uh uh straps I didn't want to pay for string but they say string is cheap well they IA don't want you have straps they told me they said D if you have straps there was a kid over there if you have straps no problem but the the the string is free so I said okay I'll take the string you know and then I I took the straps back so CU straps can puncture the yeah so I took I had a whole bag of straps that I took back to my car okay and so maybe the knife was with the strap uh probably um did do you have any Cuts or marks on you have you had a chance to like look at your torso or uh somebody was telling me that I'm bleeding from my ear from my left ear who told you that oh I think it was paining they said make your bleeding from your left ear I went like this I went in the water I clean and I don't see any blood you know and I I really I don't know if you see any Cuts but I I don't yeah so I don't know where the why I was bleeding from my ear um but AA blood I think she says you're bleeding from your ear Nick and then I cleaned and I said look there is nothing oh okay okay yeah yeah I don't know if it was blood or if it was Weeds saw I have no idea we were like she was on the other side and I was just yeah so she's over here she's over here yeah right here oh so she's closest am is over here closest to shore yeah okay with them n right here and I was over here somewhere in one of these okay and you got back in that tube then when it was time to I got back in my own tube okay [Music] um did did come and get you no like did anybody know that you were getting punched or no no was anybody they wanted to talk to talk to me about the phone if I found the phone and what did those guys say and I said they probably did they don't want to give it up they they they attack me and that's it and then I said let's go I don't want to be here yeah so they don't know what happened here you didn't tell anybody no okay you're the first one to know okay that's why probably Amy and everybody else is so surprised well they're worried about you yeah I mean and they and even ano was like I don't know how the hell this happened he he they don't know anything cuz I didn't I didn't know what to tell tell them I really don't know everything happened so fast I I really don't remember why they attacked me I don't know why they took my SN snor away I don't know why one of them wanted to P pull my pant down I don't know why they were being so mean I just don't know I just don't know and why did they want to scare me with with a knife I just don't know why they're they're scaring people on the river it's a family oriented River with with knives and and and you know what they did so was it two males that had knives I saw males yeah and were they both from this group or do you even even know well that I don't know one of them was from this group the one that I took the smaller knife from I think was from this group okay so you took the smaller knife from one of them um and is that the one that you said that you kind of went yes uh basically like oh I was I was I was going like this I want I want it out they were coming and they were punching me and they they were circling me and they came really close they were pushing me in the water and I just grabbed the kid's knife I didn't even know if I was holding it right I just grabbed it from him because he tried to poke me with it so I feared for my life it sounds like I was very shocked I was extremely shocked I couldn't even say anything to anybody I had locked jaw I don't know right now I don't even know how this happened how I got away from all that so when they were pushing you in the water did you go under water or you remain standing no I tripped I tripped and I fell in the water a couple of times yes um where on your body did they hit you in the back of my my my back and I know one of the girls came over and swea me right over my right ear I couldn't even see what they were doing because I was I was tripping tripping over the stones and I was falling down and they were just jumping on you I'm going show you a picture and see if you I was fearing for my life I'm still fearful that they're going to find out who I am and go do something to to to Sandy and possibly some of these people over here I fear that somehow they're going to find out who I am and continue their whatever that was and I don't know why they're so hateful and I I just don't get it I mean this is the second time I come to the river the first time for my wife and I promised there was going to be a beautiful outing and nothing to fear we had a lot of Boos she didn't drink she was the designated driver but most of us didn't there was another girl that didn't drink on the other party because they wanted to drive home we ate well we had music everything was so good so good so good of course I had a lot of alcohol who doesn't you know we're well you had a override yeah yeah and I don't smell it on you were you drinking beer or Voda or what we don't do hard Li because then we dehydrate too fast we get cramps okay so after my quadruple bypass I still have cramps oh Yik quadruple bypass how long ago is that a year and a half ago wow yeah so if do you see any wires in my chest in my sternum that's from the white really you have a pemer in there too or anything no I I tell you the truth I'm I'm scared because I'm not in the best of health okay I'm just going down the river probably should not have even drink drank that much beer but the doctor never said don't drink sure you know especially beer you can have as much as you want in moderation I was in cold water you know so but you know yeah right and then ning then here and then from my leg that's what they used to yeah got take take it here take it from here cut it in half that's two the same thing from my uh leg cut it in half use the other two so it's quadal bypass wow yeah I was dead this my heart stopped 5 hours Wow have you had a heart attack that prompted that okay yeah Yik so I was in pretty bad shape it sound like it yeah I bet Sandy was pretty scared she was because I was in the hospital for quite some time bet at Methodist hospital but it they did a great job you know and Methodist Hospital is probably one of the best hospitals for heart yeah heard surgeries if you know somebody I'll Point them to Methodist yeah my father-in-law had had heart surgery there too he had a heart attack few years ago and that's so yeah um do you need some more no that's are you sure I got ex fresh bottle here so you want it I can't travel without it's brand new too I didn't drink out of yet I probably am going to drink out of it now so you can have that and this is going to be my really appreciate it thank yeah I take a medication that makes me really really thirsty so I have bottles of water rolling around in my back seat I've got them in the door pocket I'm supposed to take mine but they're at home and I don't know when I'm going to take home okay so you have medication that you need oh yeah okay five medication um cuz I can call Sandy and see uh oh I'm not going to have her drive over here well I might be able to S somebody to go get them oh just so that they get back here and I mean she so shaken right now she is probably yeah well we need you need to make sure you have your medication yeah yeah yeah but I like I said I wouldn't have her drive yeah yep I might be able to send somebody there to get them what medications do you take Nick oh my God are they all heart related or some do two of them are heart related okay yeah one is aspirin that's heart related right yeah y [Music] um oh um uh potassium because I'm getting a lots of muscle plants okay like four there's one there's another one [Music] I I'll daily you when okay no worries um were you on your phone at all during during your day today I know that Sandy didn't bring her phone I took some pictures okay then I put it away Sandy does not like to take a lot of pictures cuz then it get posted on uh Facebook Instagram or something yeah but I'm okay if they take them post them yeah I did take a few didn't have a chance to do anything with them okay but I was not on the phone I didn't call anybody okay did you use your phone around the time no like right before you know you were looking for the phone or anything like that not me not like these guys are constantly on their phones that's why IDE lost his cuz he was on it too much people can't enjoy life now nowadays going down the river without being on their phones of course they take a lot for pictures but the picture is not the same experience as being there so I don't know um so do you think these the pictures that you took were like at the beginning of your journey or where do you think oh we did take uh I took a a couple of group once where they have that music uh place in the bathrooms okay we made a a stop there to eat sandwiches [Music] there were a lot of people over there that that uh Beach was completely full lots of people there lots of [Music] people I was a beautiful day and and this and this now we probably close that place down you think so yes well I don't know what what what what what resulted of it cuz I I don't know is this you yes okay who what do you think was happening at that time they were they were fighting me they they pointed the knife at me they pointed the knife at me both boys pointed the knife at me okay did you see anyone take this picture of you no God no I was I was actually very very uh scared I was very scared I didn't know what to think I didn't know what they're doing and why I mean I understand they're drunk but you get drunk I get drunk we all get drunk we don't do that kind of stuff especially on a family River like this family outing we don't do that kind of stuff but I was there you see I was very very scared I didn't know what was going to happen next did you see the woman that hit you in the ear did you see her at all no I turned around she hit me again okay do you remember what her bathing suit looked like no she she was just yelling at me and calling me a a a child molester that's how it all started they kept calling me a child molested I don't know out of the blue and then they wanted to beat me up because they said I'm a child molester and then my argument back was to them was if I'm a child molester and you're children you shouldn't be drinking you should not be out here drinking okay and doing what you're doing where are your pants did they look like they were young I don't know I think they look pretty young to me okay I don't think they were of the age of drinking really yeah I I think I mean I don't I I don't know I don't hang out with with people like that my my generation and the people I hang out with are much older people likeo and S likeo and Sandy and Amy yeah yeah yeah Amy is probably one of the youngest one there sure 50 45 and Sandy is 61 yeah so I'm younger you know so you said that they were standing really close to you they were on top of me they were pushing me shoing me I tripped I fell down I got up and I that's where I saw the the one of the kids there was the closest kid with with a with a knife and I grabbed it from him and that was the the smaller and he was in front of you was he was he as close as we are or oh he was closer he was closer he was closer but as soon as he came with the knife I grabbed the knife from him and what I did then I mean I shouldn't show you but I I grabbed twisted his his uh arm and poked them with with with his own knife then then I took it from him and and I started swinging okay so I SW I don't even know who I hit okay I don't know if if I hit the girl that hit me twice in the head from behind I don't know if I hit another kid I don't know they're just on top of me they're they're they chased me hitting me and yelling at me and calling me insulting me that's it okay so I don't know what night they had I don't know I just saw two kns that's it the longer one and the shorter one okay and I don't know where they are I don't know who's got them I don't know um so what I'd like to do is I'd like to um get a sample of your DNA because I'm if if these knives don't belong to you mhm I would imagine your DNA is not going to be on them well I touched one of them yeah you touched the one you grabbed kid yeah um would you would you be willing to give me a s okay yeah is that is that the good thing is I mean what I mean I don't know I don't have a lawyer over here J yeah and certainly so um should I wait well I've got a colleague that's that's um in the process of writing a search warrant so we're going to get it one way or another I just thought if I could ask you and we could just do it right now I'll just like show you how to like what we would do I your G sample yeah it's like a big Q-tip um we'd also like to do an exam have a nurse examine your body that's absolutely okay okay and I want her to look in your ears and I want her to look at your back and um you know the people that are in these groups we're going to try to collect evidence from them cuz they might have your skin underneath their fingernails or you know we're going to do our best to get any evidence to I mean we of course yeah yeah I mean and and and I know everything in happen in the river so well yeah there's that part of it too but um definitely okay yep yeah okay you can sub me okay I just don't know if I had a lawyer pres what he or she would say well what I just want you to know that we would get it anyway I've got a coworker that's writing a search warrant if you get anyway then let's do it okay with with the court order or just let's do it now and get no no no let's do it now and and give you what you need okay to start your your proceedings or your search well and yeah I mean if you you sound like you were really afraid yeah uh I have I have a quadruple bypass I have been out of shape I have been in bed for for God for a long time for 6 months at least I couldn't go to work I'm not in the best I mean I was just floating down the river nothing much every once in a while got up so I could cuz I can't be in the in the in the tender you know shouldn't tell you that on camera but yes most people have to get off the the thing so I got out I would get up and then hold on and then get back in I mean I I don't do anything to to to stay in shape I just I'm a guy that wants to survive and work keep working at reaching engineering you know and why these things happen I it's beyond me I mean I I I don't understand I mean why would they that many people come down on one person that didn't absolutely do anything take his goggles almost one wanted to put my pants down so I did your did your trunks have like a draw so they didn't come down oh no no no no no no they came down a little bit but no cuz I have a draw string on it so yeah they they couldn't pull it down but why all of a sudden they were like wolves around me and they were they were attacking me from all directions and I I truly truly feared for my life I didn't know what to do I didn't I mean these guys were talking over there I didn't know what to say and mean I I was I was just which guys are you talking my my my my my guys so and there were quite a bit distance so they didn't see anything I don't think they saw anything and so when you go back to your tube do you guys get the hell out of there or do you like what do you do we stayed there okay yeah the girls called the cops we didn't know what to do um and we stayed there for a long time there were people coming we even saw the the sheriff coming and I I they kept saying oh my God they didn't know what happened so they said oh my God what happened there was a fight there was a fight and I said yeah I don't know what was going on after that I thought they were still fighting I personally when I came back I saw a whole bunch of people coming over there and yelling at each other and I thought they were still fighting for some reason I didn't know what was going on so I personally wanted to stay and watch to see if the cops get them for for fighting you know for whatever they're doing so I wanted to be a witness to them fighting or if they the cops needed a witness I wanted to sit there for as long as possible and then the group said well there's so many people they I don't know let's just get going we don't want to get involved in that I was just in there they attacked me yeah but look at them now they're attacking each other I don't know what they're doing so cops came and we stayed there for I don't know another 10 15 minutes with when the police were there yeah okay yeah yeah and then we decided we'll go nobody asked me anything and I should get my mouth shut I am down the river we went okay so I was very shocked I I didn't know what what just happened really tell you the truth well Sandy said that you were quiet I was very quiet and you didn't really talk didn't want I didn't know what to say yeah I mean I get my excuse my French my ass kick by a whole bunch of kids what am I going to say I just got my ass kicked by this kid now the police is on top of them well I think something is going to come out of it so I thought the police was there because they were fighting you know I cuz these were just boys and they were being obnoxious not not only picking on me then these girls came over and hit me so these are girls over here well mostly mostly okay and this was all guys yeah I didn't know who was in this group but I know these were old guys because I I was I came I was norling back and forth and I asked him if they found something and they said well you know they started calling here the molested and I got up and one of them took my my goggles threw them in the river I went after them one of them wanted to put my pants down and there you go so what happened can you tell me what happened yeah um four people went to the hospital with injuries oh my God and um one person died oh no I don't know any of their names and I don't know any genders so I I don't is that because they fought each other or is that I don't know I don't know what their injuries are I I just I was with Sandy the whole time and then when I kind of turned Sandy over to Ernesto and Amy then I came here so I I have no idea what their injuries were oh my God oh my God so we just need to be able to like piece this together you know in your statement what other pictures do they give you of me just that one that's the only one I have they didn't take they they had lots of cameras you should take their cameras yes and so I have colleagues yeah investigators that are that are talking to all of those you know the the people in the group and the other Witnesses so yes we are we are trying to collect and I told an nesto and Amy um CU they said that Rosie pictures okay but I don't think she took any pictures of those guys there was oh at the at the stop at the stop up here yes but you were you were snorking they might have been like taking something you could have gotten you could get these guys in the background that they don't even realize they have it you know what I mean I see what you mean so I asked them to go through their photos in contact with got it got it I was all of a sudden you say that like why would they take pictures of me going over there no you just never know what you get in a picture if you're if they're sitting here waiting for you and and uh to find the phone did you did you find his phone um I don't know again I was I've been with Sandy pretty much the whole time and now I came here with you so I do know I I I did get a message that the goggles and the snorkel were found um so that's all the information that I have about like items that were located now my whole life is down the toes well I don't I don't know if that's the case because people have the right to defend themselves I know but this is oh this is Wisconsin this is Wisconsin okay you continue on I I I I usually know that people that that defend themselves they end up being accused of being this and being that well I think if you to ask me what I would have done I don't know yeah you don't know I don't know I would have been scared shitless I can tell you that that many people tried to pull your pants down and hit you and yeah and two two boys had knives on them they didn't find any of those two knives I I don't know I don't know but we're looking and you know I we're looking before it gets dark out um now I'm glad I actually took that kid knif he would have stabbed me he was not there to scare me he was there to harm me least I'm I'm here but I'm sorry for what what it how it ended up still scared like I said I'm scared that they're going to be finding out where I live and they're going to be hunting us at night and they're going to be hurt hurting my wife well I will call Sandy s weer okay and just check in on her uh find out about your medications have you had any medicine this morning no I take them in the evening okay take them in the evening what what would happen if you don't take them tonight nothing I don't I'm not even hungry to tr okay but if you don't take your medication tonight is that lifethreatening I don't think so no I mean granted what happened today you know I was shocked yeah but I don't know I don't think so I just can't believe what happened you know they need they need to maybe do sobriety test on minors on that River maybe they need to put an end to drinking uh underage drinking and doing drugs the the that River over there is is turned into a sewer my second time and I have dragged my wife out of there pretty much against her will I promised her it was gonna be the best day I made promises promises we're going to have a great time with this she didn't want to go no she always says all places like this all they do is smoke pot and do this yes there was a lot of pot smoking over there we don't know who's legal who's illegal I don't know anything about Wisconsin laws but you can smell it it was everywhere in the air and I don't know what people do cuz you do the DNA you could find out you know what type of drugs are in my system I never done any of that stuff so I don't know I'm very clean as clean as they go you looked at my criminal record you can keep digging there is nothing there because I don't have anything not even on a parking ticket not a speeding ticket you know I'm as a law abiding citizen as they come but I fear for my life too I mean I went through and a very serious surgery abut to be alive to be KN down by a bunch of kids on the river yeah and I'm not blaming the police it's it's a I believe that's a private land they have to have their own security there and they need to do better uh um so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to rub these along your lower gum line and kind of inside your cheek I'm going to do them both at the same time it shouldn't hurt at all if it does let me know I'm going to put them in this box and then I'm going to seal this bag while we're sitting here so you see that I that I sealed it okay so I'll just have you open up your mouth let's see here shouldn't like I said shouldn't hurt all right and you're okay with having the nurse Duty exam on you give any pictures if you from the body you're okay with that yeah this actually are from direct from trying to get out of the the okay the tubes in shallow water okay you know I had a hard time trying to stop the the drain yeah can I just I going to I know I was a nurse will too but I'd like can I take can I take a picture of it yes okay but this was not from the confrontation oh this wasn't no oh I'm sorry I misunderstood that no this are from scrapes on the River Bottom when I was when you snorkling I got you okay perfect yeah please don't use that yeah I didn't touch those kids I did not I didn't exp nothing no no no okay I'm going to go call I'm going to seal this up cuz I told you I was going to do that and then I'm going to go call the person that um has the nurse kind of on standby so that we can um get that taken care of um I'm also going to give Sandy a holler oh look at that the tape just love of is this good well I didn't like it cuz it's all and it's not going to be big enough to do what I need to do here so we'll try it again worst case scenario I can always bring it to my office next door and and do it in the evidence room but I'm going to try to take care of it here probably dries up when it dries up it's probably well and then it's real sticky and it's real finicky so if you get it stuck on something it's you know it's meant to not uh ripped on my finger so fast okay um so I'm going to go call my supervisor who had been in contact with the nurse um and just let them know that we're going to do that um and then I will be I will be back do you have any questions now do you need to go all right I can have I can make sure that happens um I'm just going to write your name on here so that today is 73022 and my you Yep this is need no middle initial oh did I spell it wrong it's Mi I did it's m IU there we go okay that's yours I will be back in a minute in the meantime I'll have one of the jail staff bring to the bathroom and are you still doing okay and do you need how's your water there I have M for now it's going through a all right right back Nick thank you
Channel: FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul
Views: 233,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, apple-river-stabbing-trial
Id: YBO8g8rJAvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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