Apple Pie Recipe (Classic Version) -

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foreign today we are going to make an apple pie the first thing I'm going to show you how to do is to make the apple filling now you will need eight cups which is about two liters of sliced apples now you can use any firm textured Apple that won't lose its shape during baking that could be like a granny smith or a Braeburn or a Rome a Golden Delicious or even a Jonathan and I'm going to show you how I slice the apples what I do is take the Apple and then with a sharp knife cut it in half and then just take the half and on either side of the core I'm just going to slice straight down and then cross the bottom of the core here I'm going to make a slice and then with the paring knife I'm just going to take the skin off you can use one of those apple peelers if you have that but and then I'm going to just slice it into quarter inch which is about a half a centimeter slices and then just put them in here I've done that already so then what you do is take about a tablespoon or so of fresh lemon juice and we're going to toss the apples with that and that will prevent Browning and then to that I'm going to add a quarter of a cup of 55 grams of light brown sugar a quarter of a cup of 50 grams of granulated white sugar one teaspoon of ground cinnamon we need cinnamon apples and a quarter teaspoon of salt and you can also add a quarter of a teaspoon of ground nutmeg I'm not crazy about nutmeg so I'm going to leave that out and then I'm going to just toss that now normally what you would do for most apple pie recipes is you would just take this filling and put it in your pie shell and top it with the top crust and bake it but the problem with that is is that apples have a lot of water so as it bakes the apples release their juices and then there's the filling shrinks and then you end up with the gap between the top crust and the filling which doesn't look very attractive so Rosa Levy Baron bomb in the pie and pastry um Bible cookbook came up with this great idea and that was to get the apples to release their juices before we bake the filling and all you have to do to do that is just leave this filling just like this at room temperature for a boat either like 30 minutes and up to three hours and that will um then the apples will release your juices so that's what we're going to do we're just going to leave this and what I'm going to do is then show you how to do the pie crust our apple pie needs both a top and a bottom layer of pastry now I have a pie crust recipe on the site along with the video that shows you how to make the dough as well as how to roll out and fit it into the bottom pie pan which I have done here now just trim the edges of the pastry to the edge of the pan and don't flute it or tuck it under just leave it like that and now what I'm going to do is show you how to roll out the top layer of pastry now just on a lightly floured surface and just lightly flour the top and as well your rolling pin now have your pastry chilled just chill it for about an hour after you make it and then I'm going to um roll it into a 12 inch it's about a 30 centimeter round so just make sure roll from the center outwards I'm going to try to keep it in a round shape and just keep moving it around that way it won't stick to your counter if it does just like put a little more flour down if it sticks to your rolling pin just slightly flour and just keep rolling if you find as you roll it's kind of getting out of shape just kind of Pat it back and always kind of feel your dough to make sure it's even thickness you want it about an eighth of an inch thick all around and it kind of splits a bit just kind of put it back together takes a little practice the more you do it the better you'll get just move it around keep moving it until you get it to put the right size you can see there's all a little flecks of butter in this uh dough and that's the way it should be so as you can see it's not it gets a little out of shape just kind of Pat it you can eyeball it to about 12 inches or you can just get out a ruler and actually measure it that looks about right so what I'm going to do is roll it around my rolling pin lightly and if you see a lot of flour on the bottom just lightly brush that off and then have a baking sheet lined with parchment or wax paper and I'm just going to transfer that just unroll it like that and then cover it with plastic wrap and I'm going to cover also this back up with plastic wrap and then what we're going to do is just pop this back in the refrigerator to chill while we finish off the apple filling so our apple filling has now been sitting at room temperature for about an hour and as you can see quite a bit of juices have been released from the apples so now what we want to do is drain the apples and what I've done is put a strainer over a bowl and I'm just going to dump all this in and then I'm gonna just leave this to drain for about 15 to 30 minutes until you have about a half a cup that's 120 milliliters of juice so our apples have drained for about a half hour and as you can see they have released quite a bit of juice and what I'm going to do is pour this juice into a four cup that's about a liter heat proof measuring cup that has been lightly sprayed with the nonstick vegetable spray and then I'm going to put this in the microwave and boil it for about five to eight minutes or until it's reduced to about a third of a cup that's 80 milliliters and it will get very thick and syrupy and really nicely caramelized and what we're going to do after that is import back into the apple filling and it is going to add such depth of flavor it's really nice so oh I'm going to uh almost forgot I'm going to add to this two tablespoons that's about 30 grams of unsalted butter at room temperature and I'm going to boil that along with the apple juice so about five to eight minutes so our apple juices have been reduced until about a third of a cup and as you can see they're wonderfully thick and syrupy and this is really going to add a nice apple caramel flavor to the filling so first what I'm going to do is add about one and a half tablespoons of that's about 20 grams of corn starch or you may know it as corn flour and that just thicken everything up once we have the juice so just toss that the apples and while I I was boiling the syrup I took out the top crust of the pastry just so it softens a little you don't want it too firm so and then what I'm going to do is just um pour over that's wonderful thick syrup add that back in make sure you get it all foreign just give it a toss let's see isn't that wonderful okay so what I'm going to do is just um plastic off of our crust and just pour all that in there so what we're going to do is just um try to even the filling out as much as possible kind of get keep it away from the outside edge of the pastry and just kind of flatten it try to get it even all the way across with my hands off and then just take your top layer of pastry and put it over the top and then what we're going to do is just tuck it under that bottom crust and that'll seal the edges just go around and tuck it under as best as you can that gives us a nice thick outside cross Edge which is best part if you like pastry which I do so there we go you know so a few things you can do to seal this you could just take the tines of a fork and just kind of press it down or you could take your two fingers like this and then just flute it I'm just going to go around and just to seal that outside edge okay so there we have it so what we want to do is to let the air Escape as in the steam as it's baking so what I'm going to do is take a sharp knife and just make five about two inch that's five centimeter slits in the center just like that and that way the steam from the is the apples bake can escape so there we have it so what I'm going to do is just um put this back in the refrigerator to chill while we preheat our oven you need your oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit which is about 220 degrees Celsius and put your oven rack in the lower third of the oven and if you have a baking stone you can put that in there or you could just put a baking sheet like this with a piece of aluminum foil and put that in the oven as you're preheating it so it'll get nice and and hot and then just line it with the the foil and then we'll bake it so I'm just going to put this in the fridge so our oven is now ready so what we're going to do is bake the pie for about 45 to 55 minutes or until the juices start to Bubble through the slits and when you put a sharp knife down through the slit into the apples they will be tender not mushy just want them tender now after about say 30 minutes you might notice that the outside crust is getting really quite Brown so what you want to do is either one of these pie Shields put it over like that or you could just take some aluminum foil and put it around the outside because we don't want that the outside crust Brown so into the oven for about 45-55 minutes hey so our apple pie is done as you can see looks lovely the crust is is a nice golden brown color and if you put your knife into the apples they'll be tender but they're not going to be really mushy so now we don't want to cut into this right away I'm going to leave it about three four hours and that in that time the juices will thicken and then I'll cut you a slice so let's cut a slice I'm going to use a sharp knife and just cut make sure you cut all the way through the bottom crust and then it's one of these sure I got it all whoop falling apart a little there you go and a nice slice of apple pie very good with some vanilla ice cream so until next time I'm Stephanie Jaworski of foreign
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 2,018,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Pie, pie, recipe, baking, cooking, joyofbaking, Joy of Baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, Food, Kitchen, Cook, Demo, Home Made, Butter, Dessert (Type Of Dish), Apple (Organism Classification), how to make apple pie, how to make pie, apple pie recipe, pie recipe, dessert
Id: eazZvfyhYK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2011
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