Apple is RUINING the iPad -- here's how to SAVE it.

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66 million years ago a giant meteor killed all of the dinosaurs and now there's a giant meteor headed straight for the iPads and it was dropped by Tim Cook himself the Apple event that just happened a day or so ago was a make or break moment for the iPad and I don't think they made it we got new slightly redesigned iPad Pro Models with updated chips OLED displays two to be exact sort of stacked on top of each other for cuz bright I guess even options for a new Nano texture on the display itself giving it a matte finish we got a new iPad air with a new chip and a new size we'll talk about that updated magic keyboards for everybody and even a new Apple pencil Pro full of new fancy Tech so what's the problem iPad has been in a weird spot and it's been there for a long time and though Apple's top dogs seem to think they won the day with that let loose event I think they just piled more more onto the problem actively making it worse you've got your simple entry-level models that get you a baseline iPad experience which is always great you've got Pro Models to cover everyone from spec lovers to legit professionals who use this stuff for work and you've got that iPad Air for uh everyone in the middle I guess again we'll talk about that all in all they pack some incredible Hardware into these devices it is insane that we're getting legit M series chip into inside of iPads M4 in iPad Pro and M2 in the air but you know what no matter which one you get no matter which chip they all still run iPad OS this event was supposed to be very big for iPad Tim Cook started the show by literally saying it's the biggest day for iPad since its introduction turns out lie not true not very not true he lied to our faces sure new hardware is always cool to see Apple has been delivering on that front Time After Time recently but I don't think Hardware has ever been the limiting factor for the iPad line in fact you know what Hardware has never been a limiting factor for Apple products for years we were used to their phones and computers having much lower specs than the competition it was software that made the Mac it was software that made the iPod it was software that made the iPhone the hardware is not holding the iPad back the software is putting a brand new chip the M4 in the iPad Pro is super awesome great real fast likee but also when you're looking at these specs specifically near this price point you are so dangerously close to MacBook Pro territory that if you're going to spend this money well you might as well get Mac OS out of the deal as well don't get me wrong iPad can absolutely do a lot of great amazing stuff obviously for artists creatives professionals that need to do casual work and Sam Cole but a faster iPad is still just an iPad it would be like putting a V8 engine inside of a car that either way is capped at 55 mph listen I have an idea I have an idea to save the iPad lineup changes that need to be made so do me a favor stick through this sponsor and we'll get right to it phones are getting so good nearly perfect but you know what hasn't gotten better with age the wireless networks you use them on that's why we partnered with helium mobile a company finally trying to do something Innovative in a space that hasn't had to innovate in years quick whatever you're paying for your monthly bill I'm guessing it's not 20 bucks that's right for just $20 a month you get access to helium Mobile's unlimited plan that's unlimited talk text and data for 20 bucks a month and their approach is fascinating it combines Dynamic coverage from the nation's largest 5G network with coverage from helium's very own community of users with a focus on absolute privacy helium delivers coverage by the people for the people I made the switch in just minutes super easy I'm proud to be part of helium's vision proud to have them as a sponsor and proud to offer you your first month free by going to hello FrontPage Tech or by clicking the link in the description below the new iPad Pro was touted as the thinnest Apple product ever no really and you know what maybe maybe it is in fact some would say it's even thinner and airier than the iPad Air itself and that represents one of the biggest most glaring issues that I have with this lineup too many tablets doing the same thing being an iPad and all running the same OS no matter which one you buy when the original iPad launched it was as thick as me on a Saturday enter iPad Air the thinner lighter counterpart the problem it's not 2013 anymore and now the iPad Air is just stuck somewhere in between actual real value propositions Jes and lenlen listen to me the time has come it is time it's time to get rid of the iPad Air I'm proposing the following lineup iPad Mini because it's perfect in every way and anyone that says otherwise will be forcibly removed then iPad just iPad even if offered in two sizes then for people who need even more the iPad Pro boom Hardware lineup fixed modify the prices accordingly if you need to but either way the iPad Air has got to go I know this might be hard to hear but we're going to have to sacrifice the air to save the iPad and don't even get me started on apple pencil there's apple pencil gen 1 then Gen 2 then a weird USBC version that is worse than the other ones then the new Apple pencil Pro that just got announced but the apple pencil Pro also happens to be the same price as the Gen 2 apple pencil and just make it make sense iPad OS we've got two options here gang the first option is to just take the lazy route and put a touch friendly version of Mac OS on iPad because the lazy magic keyboard friendly version of iPad OS ain't cutting it this is the lazy option because it's better than what we have now but also not ideal because unfortunately the ideal option is to completely rebuild iPad Os from the ground up give us the standard iPad OS on iPad Mini it's great there and iPad but give us something new and worth our money on iPad Pro just give it to us give us a PR level iPad OS not nearly as locked down and bottlenecked I get it I understand that Apple may be afraid that doing something like this would potentially cannibalize their own MacBook sales but listen Tim buddy this is your bed you made it this way and it is on you and the team to make this make sense fix this it's not on me and it's certainly not on the users see how the iPhone lineup makes sense there's no weird Middle Ground there why can't we do that for the iPad there's no weird iPhone Air option in there regardless of what others may say the iPad Pro is definitely a computer hell even the phone in your pocket is more of a computer than half of the machines that were sold just a few years ago the iPad can certainly be a computer replacement for most people especially casual users but it's not a good one and it will never be not until you can find a way to meet the hardware halfway at least with software Apple let us be the guinea pigs look down in the comment section below and look at everyone's ideas on how to make iPad OS worth it all of this makes me realize that one thing is true more than ever and that is the iPad Mini is the last iPad standing the last true iPad designed to be used in the way that Steve Jobs intended it's the only iPad being an iPad the only one not trying to be something it's not man I hope next month at WWDC they follow up this insane Hardware with software that can fill its own britches because uh well if not [Music]
Channel: fpt.
Views: 167,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, iphone, jon prosser, front page tech, frontpagetech
Id: CGqn5F8e5Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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