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to me marketing is about values this is a very complicated world it's a very noisy world and we're not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us and so we have to be really clear on what we want them to know about us and knows that we did the company worth $2.65 trillion made everything from phones to wind surfboards but what do we do with what remains but let's swap songs to introduce [Music] this this is an iPhone 4 this captures Apple's mindset at the time perfectly first and foremost is the design it is the first iPhone with a glass front and back its style is entirely unique but that's not its only party trick the stainless sides are also the antenna used to connect to the network well the 14 years since this phone has come out has been hard on the software the hardware is beautiful speaking of software this phone has one issue two- Factor authentication cannot link with it that means the App Store is completely off the table but what can you do with it if you can't download new apps well the first thing that comes to mind is using the headphone Port that's still on this by the way to listen to music unfortunately at 16 GB it's rather limited especially when compared to a dedicated MP3 player that might have Micro SD card support as well as a better DAC amp to run headphones nicer but the other thing just upgraded on this is the camera well it has a very retro look I know it's new but is so good to see you we do this every day and I'm still so amazed by [Music] you so hold me tight through the [Music] night it's just us two me and you [Music] the video coming out of this iPhone is gorgeous in a very retro nostalgic camcorder kind of way but even so I can't help but be drawn to this I can't help but wish if even a little apple remembers their classic design roots for future designs sure they make a good phone laptop or earphone but what if they remembered once in a while their rebellious side the side that innovates the side that changes the world and gives people the tools the first one that they can do the same what about that old Apple that made products that everyone else copied cuz they couldn't think of it first it's the people honoring the people who think different and who move this world forward and thank you for watching and God bless Here's To The Crazy Ones The Misfits Rebels troubl makers round pegs in the square holes ones who see things they're not fond with rules and they have no respect for the status quo
Channel: Calvin Draht
Views: 16,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Iphone4, Iphone, Mac
Id: B0jgp4VlOEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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