Appalachian Vocabulary Test 2 - See if You Know the Words!

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so a few weeks ago i gave the girls a test on appalachian language uh and we found if they didn't do very well they had to clean off my garden and plant my turnips so they did that because they didn't do very well so i'm not sure what i'll make them do today hmm i'll think of something though let's clean the toilet uh test them on some more words and for the last video which i will link to a lot of people said oh well those words are not just used in appalachia they are absolutely right these words a lot of the old words they came with the first settlers and they remained in places like appalachia where people kind of stayed for generations so if your family come through this way but went on out west and then they ended up staying there for several generations those words they just went right with them and they're still using them today which is wonderful and i'm thankful that they're these words are used all over because they're just great words i love language okay ready girls challenge accepted okay the very first ones not really some of these are some of these are phrases and some of them are words so calf rope like you have to rope like it's hard to rope a cow you know i saw somebody one time rope a cow they tried to turns out they come up on the calf and the calf all at once bucked hit him in the head and they knocked out they passed out hit that man hardy i know it half rope something would be like to like capture it and it would get it okay to tie it down so really what calf rope is it's kind of like saying stop so if somebody's bothering you maybe your dad's wrestling you when you're little and you say catherine you say calf rope because you give up okay i've never heard that okay i would have said tap out wwe style okay okay unless you have scenarios your next one case knife you know what okay yes i don't know okay very good and i said that this morning and you must be rubbing off because i never say that i need a butter knife but i called it a case knife this morning did i not yeah it's weird if you get a catch in your back what does that mean you pulled it out it hurts yeah just like a crick yeah you got that charlie horse what does this furnish if you dis-furnish somebody what does that mean take away their credibility you x them out of your life that's what i would do both of those would work it just means you inconvenience somebody so i might say i don't want to dis-furnish you but i need you to take me to town i don't want to dispurse you but i need you to get out yeah if something draws up what does that mean shrinks what if something dwindles down it you run out of banana the decline oh it's too bad we're dwindling down on all the goodies and the candy the candy which is i don't even mean they can do this good thing so what if you fall to something what do you mean put it in a sentence so uh they picked up their instruments and they were making music and he just failed to dance because you just get to this dirt dude what's flourity if something's flowery it's pretty it's got flowers on it right well it could be pretty because the floral is pretty yeah so what about um if i would say which i do say that corey i think looks like the presley's and katie looks like the wilsons but what's another way of saying that i say right favor so if you favor someone katie favors the wilson what if someone told you you were like a flint rock you're tough well maybe you think you're sparky you're tough flint rock tough as a flint rock means you can be more could be could be something as tough as a flint rock hopefully it's not like your steak you're eating yeah that would be poor so if you get clean of something what are you doing get ahead of it goodbye get out of here i wash my hands of this it's your problem now yeah know what i mean oh you wash your hands are you holding down your eyes i don't know what that's about i'm gonna take my glass out and this is gonna be someone else's problem no glass eyes no that's not funny because i went to school with someone who did that's terrible i'm so sorry all right fruit the stuff you eat yeah but fruit of your labor but in appalachia what's most a good odd fruit a goodie something extra something special the kitty's got oranges at christmas if granny opens a jar of fruit oh jelly a jar of fruit i'm thinking one of them cans of pears that i ain't gonna kill me so traditionally in appalachia fruit is apples so it's apples because that's really that was the main fruit so you've never heard granny say i'm open a jar of fruit and i'm going to make some maybe baked pies maybe we talking about granny should be like oh you know dog okay what if you get foundered you eat too much of something you do too much of something and it's too much and now you have bad consequences yeah it's like you let your horse get better than now it's ruined you might as well but people can get founder too yes christmas what if you're fleshy means you're fat i'm not going to sugar you got some extra meat on the old skeleton what if you're figuring on something it made you try to figure it out trying to figure out where you're studying you're figuring it out you're coming up with a math to make your situation whatever it's got to be figuring your what boards you need or something you're doing some math daddy says all the time shut up katie i'm figuring it out yeah stop talking what if something gauge you it burns you it surprises you it hurts you outrage well yeah sometimes it's gold is like to chaff like but also it can be that gold's my hide like it made me really sad yeah pushes all my butt so literally in uh figures yeah garb what's your garb what you wearing what you wear this is my garb right now and then later i'm gonna um go to your closet and put on your garb what if you have a gob of something give a lot of blood um what if uh someone calls you a heifer what do they mean again lots of meat on those together doesn't also mean that she's a single lady no no maybe a not not very nice lady yeah oh yeah i thought they they use that term they do use that term in cattle maybe that means a cow that's done weaned it's baby well i mean that is a cow literally but i mean yes it is but a lot of times people will refer to maybe a woman that's very hateful as a heifer they don't have hair to do with their weight not really because i was thinking yeah the yeah well okay if you hear something what do you do it's like you went down the houses like wood cut it out mm-hmm shave it hang on whatever they say yeah hand human logs yeah you know the mountain side yeah what if you heave up what if something's stocking up i thought it like keep up like he that's a heap bean i got the p and then i thought you mean that kind of means you heave it up over your head because you have to peel the tallest shell yeah so the ground heaves up when it frosts really big or something freezes what if you hem something up corner it you got to hem it into the corner that's what i do with my chickens when i have to run them down i hit them in a corner and then i get them what if you get all head up you're mad you're angry you're in a fuss what's something that's hub deep what does that mean if it was hub deep it's as deep as bugs on your car on your truck and you have to get out and lock the hubs daddy had lots of trucks like that remember doing that yeah i have a funny story about that one time there was a guy down the road that we were playing music with and i remember he's bringing me home and he needed to do that on his truck and he got to the bottom of the driveway and the truck was a stick shift and he tried to keep his foot on the brake while he went outside the car to do that and i said what are you doing and he's like i have to lock the hubs i said i can do that you could have asked me but actually if i think back we weren't actually at the bottom of the driveway we were at almost the very top and he should have done that before he started and we were just sitting there that's what daddy always said now sit still and please don't put the ca car in gear and please don't pull the emergency brake i'm just going to lock the hubs please don't touch it okay what's a poke stuff you eat like poke salad or like a poke is an amount a pig coconut pig pig in a blanket it's a bag i've never heard it is that better you've never heard granny say get me a poke no no oh lord okay what if somebody's harping they're just holding on something on them harping on the point what if somebody's high-headed they're snooty this this is one you just mentioned a minute ago what does it mean if you have a heap a lot of something a heaping pile of 70s polyester that's what i want acrylics he can probably legs and even follow quail eggs okay what if you're ill you're angry you're upset at something no one in this house is ever ill are they i say that on a daily basis i'm in such an ill mood i'm really sorry for my bad behavior okay what does ideal mean if something's ideal that's how you want to go that's a trick question because that really is that but but you know someone that says if they have an idea they say i don't yeah says that all the time that's what i have a good idea let's go down here and i'm like no mom you have a good idea that one's tricky because there's two what if there's something's jaggedy it's sharp it's all rough on the edges you messed it up and look at what you've done what does a job mean besides the employment to like poke something if you get jobs with a stick or something like that and ricky bobby don't drop yourself in the head with that knife what about jim jams pajamas nervous you've you've got the nerves about you okay you got that one right what's cursed lunge a noise that a rock makes when it falls into the river that's yeah that's pretty good is it i just guessed i thought that wasn't right it was a big splash wow totally pulled that out pretty good yeah you know what a leader is like in your body what a leader is like you probably heard pap say that not really your veins but your tendons like that big leader i think katie had the leader in her finger one time yeah i remember him saying that and i was like what what if you lope you you just you skip skip some lope off like a horse does like an antelope like a gallop yeah i like a gallon what's a miller a mom because when we were kids they tell us if we weren't good and mothman would come after us which just actually really freaked me out but whatever scared him off hey a couple days ago i was in the basement we did not tell you that no somebody else did because they knew they'd have to hear me cry about it at night i was in the basement i opened the door and the light was on it was dark outside and then come this moth and the thing was like this big and it started flying around and i felt bad so i thought okay i'll have to try to get it outside the thing come after me and start flying around my head and i thought myself all right then you sealed your fate i'm not going to try to help you out that really just made me angry so i went to bed and i come back down there the next day and there it was on the window so i tried to get it out but then it got in a spot of web and it was just a really bad ordeal but i finally got the thing outside and then it just taunted me by flying right up next to me taking a look from it and being like and then it left so so that was a major miller there huh thing freaked me out it was like that wide like that that looks so uncomfortable i know it's comfortable to me so what is yarn if you it what does that mean yarn reminds me of a boy went to school with named bjorn he was jamaican he's a big old boy too yeah nice kid something smells corny all i can think about is christmas time and kill arnie or corn so that's really like a corruption of the word carrion but so it's beef she smells dead like spanish for like carne means a little bit right mine means a little like a tiny chicken bite what does mortally mean mortally wounded mortally it means grave serious you know like extreme so it could be mortally fast it also means that you have no magic because you're immortal this is halloween just kidding just kidding mortally though it's like extreme like extreme so mortally fast mortally serious yeah okay what if you get married off somebody here is about to get married off means you're leaving and i'm taking your bedroom it just means you're getting married when your family gets to dump you on the next festival instead of saying oh my my sister got married my sister got married off yeah that's interesting so what if you meal over something you think it over right could you take it over yes watch i've cut that out that's been burping against the licorice please cut that out what strawberry has stripes there's more to it than that though i feel like that snake is striped that's pretty much it don't pick it up okay one more notion like you take a notion to do something i'm gonna i took a notion to clean my room more so we would say i take a notion instead of i decided like i took a notion to get in the car and go down the road and low for a little bit instead of doing what i was supposed to do i took a notion to lose my car keys and i've been looking them for an hour lost katie's car keys today or yesterday or the day before no one knows when they disappeared so everyone send us thoughts of finding car keys in here i don't have momentum breakdown i want my car keys back okay we all did way better on this one have you been studying maybe are they easier i just didn't want to do the consequences so i just thought really hard you didn't like planting the turnips and going off the if your activity sounds like that son you you must be getting it that's that's atvs ready for the highway better than most cars on the highway you'd be really getting somewhere like that okay it's a sick atv so we hope everybody enjoyed the test since the girls did a little bit better we'll have to do another one if you enjoyed this one like you did the other one as much as that one it would seem to be very popular and talking about appalachian language is something i dearly i mortally mortally love to talk about appalachian language so we can do some more be sure to drop back by and help us celebrate appalachia which includes a lot of appalachian language i gotta go because there's a miller behind me
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 91,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian mountains, Appalachia, Appalachian accent, unusual words used in the mountains, unusual words from Appalachia, southern accent, the way people talk in the south, how to do an Appalachian accent, Appalachian Mountain Talk, Appalachian phrases, Appalachian vocabulary test, Southern Appalachian Accent, Appalachian Dialect Words, Appalachian English, Appalachian Dictionary, Appalachian Sayings, Vocabulary Quiz Southern Appalachian English, Appalachian Language Quiz
Id: KzNvgZ8Tc64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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