Day 3 | Rattlesnake Bite Rescue and Hiking Tray Mountain | Appalachian Trail Thru Hike 2021

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you can see a sunrise right there peeking out on top of blue mountain gonna make it to town today look baskets look at all the the backpackers today well it's good to see people out and camping yeah it's the weekend yeah i wish i'd see a little trail magic uh truck with it'd be nice to get a breakfast this morning that's for sure we're here too early they're probably right here they're probably gonna have some trail magic that's okay all right guys hiking down a unicoin gap so this gap actually goes into hiawassee but we're gonna go a bit further over trey mountain and we're gonna go in at dick's creek which is what we did last time and i think that'll be good i think it's about 19 miles today so yeah see you later we're going to stop at a water source up here we're almost up to rocky mountaintop rocky mountain big climb up here that's for sure we are at the top of the mountain not much of a crazy view lots of overgrowth but you can still see the mountains peeking out now it's down to the parking lot and then up trey mountain when he first came to the mountains his life was far away on the road and hanging by a song but the string steady broken and he doesn't really care it keeps changing fast and it doesn't last for long but the colorado mountain high i've seen it raining fire in the sky the shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullaby rocky mountain high rocky mountain high he climbed cathedral mountains he saw silver clouds below he saw everything as far as you can see and they say that he got crazy once he tried to touch the sun taking a little break here with some cheetos we're at the cheese factory campsite taking a little break we got uh one climb a little dip and then another big climb to uh trey mountain i don't know if we're gonna have lunch up there we might but we're trying to go as fast as we can today to get to town earlier so yeah i can't wait to take a shower i haven't taken a shower probably in about four days because i was on the train then there's the approach so i haven't showered in a while so i smell see there's flies everywhere but um yeah there's actually some good water sources today some weren't as dry as yesterday so that's good so yeah just taking a break and then we'll head up all right climbing up trey it's actually a lot easier than i remember don't get me wrong it's still difficult but just last time we climbed tray it was at the end of a 23-mile day trying to climb up to our camp spot on top of blood mountain and it was cold raining it was pretty bad but today i think we're actually going to get a view because last time is too overcast to get a view so i really hope i can get a good view of blood mountain why am i saying blood mountain tree mountain trey mountain for you guys yeah if you haven't noticed i'm tired hungry and i have hiker brain so i apologize i'll always correct if i say something wrong with uh text on the video all right see you up there all right guys made it to trey mountain how are you feeling steve i'm getting ready to go to ohio city for a daniel steakhouse yeah that's all i got that's all you got on your mind okay we're stopping here for water it's like point one down the trail so baskets ran down to look at it um we're about nine miles in and have about nine something to go so yeah i'm tired hopefully it goes by fast okay so apparently there's rattlesnakes in this section going up to kelly knob there's fire and rescue back there and they're rescuing someone right now that got bit by rattlesnake so i'm trying to be really careful and use my trekking poles and just being really aware but they said the person's still up there so maybe i'll see that on the way but yeah so the atvs this is how far up the mountain they got like to the very top of kelly knight literally right on trail and up ahead is gonna be the guy that got bit by the rattlesnake hopefully he's okay and they just saw that it was going to be too messy to get down here they were probably close enough at that point so they would there's a helicopter helicopter's faster i think they got him pretty fast oh my god hopefully the helicopter finds him now i don't hear it anymore it's circling around okay dude i hope he's fine he's sitting up and everything yeah he's sitting up he's first he's got the poison in yeah i know let's hope they can land it all right how where the hell they're bring it down [Music] oh my god i hope they get them they're going to put a a ladder down i think to carry him up i don't know if i feel safe being in this area yeah there's a lot of rattlesnakes and it's hot you go in front julie he's circling around it is hot like this there's rattlesnakes out trying to stay cool on the rocky trails and you gotta use your trekking poles oh my god look man he's right here just come on come get him he's like circling around they gotta come get him man [Music] still circling okay we made it this is one of the hottest days ever on trail however um we have a a shuttle that's gonna come and pick us up looking for a green limo all right see you guys at the hotel so i just showered and i feel so much better this hotel is amazing i'm really sleepy but i'm gonna go eat um we have to go resupply at the store i'm probably gonna get a thing of ice cream because i really want some ice cream and then i'll probably edit a video and go to bed so i'll show some clips of that trekking pole just bow i'll show some clips of that and then i hope you guys have a good night bye beautiful views so how was dinner steve or baskets daniel's steakhouse is amazing crispy chicken southern style greens huge salad portions pretty much everything that you could ask for like i was worried it was worth it it was only like how much money it was thirty two dollars with tip oh wow so for about 16 the chicken was really good and we had good company because we um hung out with rick hung out with rick he's a section hiker he's doing amacolola to uh fontana dam this year and he's already done the smokies super cool guy um yeah he let us know that the what happened with the yeah he said it was a huge huge uh rattler that the bite mark was uh two inches you know like like two inches like this so it must have had a huge big head on it and they got the guy when he was bushwhacking he was bushwhacking trying to bag a peek yeah the guy was bushwhacking trying to bag a peek which kind of makes me feel better that i wasn't directly on trail but that he so our friend rick was actually there the whole time they were doing the rescue so he saw everything and they did get him up in the helicopter so that's really good he got very lucky the guy will be okay so i'm in a better mood because that scared me um we're gonna go to ingles to get some more resupply and go home do laundry and edit some more videos but yeah in better spirits now than before oh we could have crossed over there a little recovery recovery and then tons of well actually [Music] you
Channel: Julie Velasquez
Views: 7,357
Rating: 4.9643917 out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian trail, At 2021, Thru hiker, Sunrise, Tray mountain, Rattlesnake rescue, Appalachian trail thru hike, Garden state hikes, Baskets hikes, The trek, Zpacks, Mountainsmith, Zerk40, Rattlesnake, Wilderness rescue, A walk in the woods, Kelly knob, Ultralight, Georgia hiking, Summer hiking
Id: 2xaRiCuIJQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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