Appalachian Story of a Strange Hunting Encounter

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] well since it's the season for telling some some strange unexplained stories here's another one now this one happened to me about 40 years ago in the power valley region squirrel hunting i'd happen to found a little old ridge off of cumberland mountain down power valley that i'd been hunting a while i've hunted it a few times but i found a special little holler that was kind of hidden it was plump little oaks and the squirrels would really turn it up so before i get into the story i like to bring you up to date yes i've done a lot of hunting over the years i was born and raised this way my father my grandfather my great-grandfather and own this is a tradition in these woods and being from these mountains and you people from appalachia you understand this this is nothing new i've done a lot of squirrel hunting i've done a lot of deer hunting i've done some [ __ ] hunting a lot of rabbit hunting just hunting hunting and don't don't waste no game whatever we took we eat and we loved it and it's just our tradition now back then it was a necessity people hunted to put meat on the table but it's not that way nowadays people still puts meat on the table i know i do but i don't hunt as much as i used to i love the game i love to preserve them i love to watch them and i love to take pictures of them and share it with everybody but that being said i my back in my younger days you could see here where i've done a lot of squirrel hunting this story happens to be around the squirrel hunting this strange encounter so without saying anymore we'll get into the story i guess i squirrel hunted probably most of my life since i was big enough to walk i was following my dad around in these old mountains and these ridges trying to keep up everything looks so so weird so new i can remember the first time but we we we'd hunt these ridges and we'd walk for a long time they this was just after the a few 20 years after the depression so they back killed the game out trying to live on and it just wasn't much gain so you had to go way back in these mountains to even find squirrels like you hardly ever see a bird they'd eat birds anything those days change you know now there's more game killed in the road than they are out in the woods people don't hunt like they used to there's too many freebies too many handouts too many programs so they don't need to hunt i hope it don't come back well anyway back when i got big enough and older and working on my own first shotgun i ever had was an old single shot harrison richardson i hit the 12 gauge and i killed a lot of squirrels with but after i got older got me a job back in the old days i got me a shotgun for that old harrison richardson you get up in these 80 100 foot tall hickories and oaks squirrels are just like that you just couldn't bring them down well i said i'm going to change that so i got me a little remington 87 huh but i got a barrel on it that's 30 inch full choke now they won't get up front life at you now you can bring them down out there and i have problems there's many times i'd hunt you had a plug in your gun and i'd slip up on the tree it had eight or ten squirrels in it turn it up only got three shots so what are you gonna do you won't believe this but back in my younger days in my young 20s i could stick three of these shotgun shells in my mouth and you know when you shot the first shot they're gonna take off running so he's always a squirrel out to himself he kind of like the guard you take him out first and then the others take off running well you get the one furthest way out when you run out of three shots i'd load as quick as i could then three is in my mouth back in here and i might get a couple so if i'm lucky on some days which i have been i can get five coils out of a tree now you know people say nah i don't believe none of that crap let's dislike this channel like everybody else does but anyway i'm telling you the truth that's just stories about when i hunt i can show you some pictures here you can see my younger days i used to squirm didn't good white glasses either i got to where i shoot more birds out of these top these trees and i wear squirrels it's time to get glasses and i hunted with my in-laws all the time i'd bring home the squirrels they mostly they were sane you gonna do any squirrel hunting oh they find the same they find sane here and there and i'd be shooting squirrels out i bring the meat home they bring the same that's just the way it was but i've loved it so i thought i'd share that little bit with you well i'm gonna share a little story with you back in my younger days i hunted the place here i had a strange encounter i never did to this day figuring out what was going on but i'll share it with you back about 79 80 i was hunting a place down in powell valley in clayton county against cumberland mountain on them ridges comes off the mountain down the valley and i was hunting this ridge and i'd hunted it a few times but i found this hidden little valley was a plum full of plum foil it's about this time of year i've done hunted a couple times and killed a bunch of squirrels out there well one morning i was hunting it and you know i i just sit down listen you could hear them dropping the cuttings and you'd ease over to that tree and you get your squirrels and then you let things settle down and you go to another tree well in between them trees i heard something coming through the woods i mean tearing the woods down you could hear way off but you know you couldn't see if you're lucky in a clear place you might see 50 yards in them woods but where i was at it was less than that but i hear something coming through them woods turn the woods down wash it here comes either a bear or a deer or something spooked getting out he was moving on well i said well my feet might have to defend myself or something so i got ready and it kept coming coming i could see limbs breaking i could see him moving and everything as he got closer and closer and when he got about i don't know 30 yards from me i could really see it was breaking limbs off three four five foot high just breaking them off shaking the limbs running through through that thick brush and then wood but i never seen nothing and he kept he just kept coming towards me he got down to within probably 10 yards below me and i could still see it breaking limbs off and old dead trees and shaking and moving and he just moving on but i've never seen a thing by my eye it was invisible i could see the limbs breaking the limbs are shaking tearing trees out and everything going through there and it was moving on but i never seen a thing it's like it was just an invisible something going through there wide open if it been a bear or a deer i would have seen a glimpse of it or something no i never did see it and it finally just went right on that a hearing site here right on that through there on that ridge and things settled down but i've never seen that again in my life but that one time and i've never figured out what that was that was weird i've never encountered nothing like that before that is a weird story that happened to me and i still this day i can't figure out what that was so i thought i'd share that little bit with you so believe it or not i just wanted the encounters over my years of being in need of woods it's strange and unexplained i've had a few more encounters heard some really weird stuff now man has not got everything explained these forces in nature that just to be explained yet to be discovered they will never be explained and if people of things were full of bull or their foods because these things in these mountains that does not want to be seen and it's not going to be seen and will always be a mystery so i thought i'd share that little story with you now i come back in these ridges all the time and there's one special place that i have to cross and i've noticed this rock here i call it hunter's rock and why i call it hunter's rock because it overlooks these big chestnut trees that's over 200 years old how many many people have said here before me hundreds of years ago and watched this game in these trees how they can get an advantage get a shot at these squirrels so they can bring meat home for dinner how much history is passed in these hills and i love finding their history i still do today and i still love to hunt but i don't hunt like i used to i ain't got a heart to shoot this game i love it i appreciate it so much i love to study them and watch them they're so precious and i want to preserve them for future generations so i hope you enjoyed this little video i know i love showing stuff like this to you i love this kind of stuff in the woods so i want to appreciate you for listening and watching and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Views: 264,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian Story of a Strange Hunting Encounter, Appalachia mystery, The unexplained, Hunting mystery, Strang encounters, Mountain people, Appalachian stories, Country People, Sothern people, Appalachian culture, Hillbilly talk, DONNIE LAWS, Country Story Tellers, People of Appalachia, Mountain Folk
Id: kiuRV2x0FIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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