Apostolic Church of God(Bishop Brazier)"The Fullness of God"

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[Music] now join bishop arthur embrasure and the Apostolic Church of God as we praise and worship the Lord together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] things [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus what a blessing it is to be in the house of God for all that he has done for us we're just happy and God has blessed us and smiled upon us in such a marvelous way now the time has come for us to go before the Lord in prayer let us call upon his holy name eternal God our Father we bow our heads before you giving thanks for this day and for the blessings that you have so wonderfully showered down upon us and now as we stand here before you help us Lord to realize our need of thee we cannot make it Lord without your help and without your support we need you Lord in the hour of trial we need you when the sickness darkens our door we need you when we find ourselves in the state of bereavement we need you Lord when you have blessed us and pride and arrogance tried to take over we need your father so we ask that you will strengthen us and and guide us and keep our feet on the paths of peace bless this service bless your people who have gathered here in this day we pray O Lord that the Word of God shall go forth they shall be blessed and strengthened and some soul will be saved this day bless our choir and the musicians that accompany them bless them as they strengthen us and inspire us with wonderful heavenly music guide them oh god I pray we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and all the people saying amen our scripture reading for this morning Philippians 4 verses 4 through 8 let us all read together rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice let your moderation be known unto all men the Lord is at hand be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and a peace of God which has it all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are here whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and there be any praise they are these things and this is the word of the Lord for the reading of this world congregational song is leaning on his everlasting arms [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're leaving on Jesus this morning let the reading say hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of our God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it was Friedrich Nietzsche [Music] [Applause] in the 19th century who formulated that philosophy that God is dead it was Thomas JJ analyzer who resurrected that bankrupt philosophy in the 20th century and this song is our response [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people who say is dead have never had that experience that personal relationship [Applause] that is why we rejoice in the Lord that's why we've come to church to thankful to God for being in our line we know it's not there someone wrote us all cities keeping me very much alive and so we think I acquire our musicians for their wonderful song and songs that they sang for us this morning and they have not brought us to the place where we should turn to the word of the Lord in galatians chapter 4 verses 4 through 7 my subject is the fullness of time and I shall begin reading at Galatians chapter 4 verse 7 but when the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons and because you are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father wherefore thou art no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ and all the people said amen we have all come here church today with joy in our hearts and let me say this those of you who view our service on television we love you and thank God for you and we're glad to know as I have been told many times how much you enjoy the service now I'm not addressing this - though our television viewers who are watching our program while you are getting ready to go to your own church I'm not I'm not addressing this to you and I thank the Lord that you are watching our program but those of you who are not getting ready to go to change but have become relaxed in what we call the electronic Church you feel good because you have turned on a church on television even though you didn't see the whole program you will never get the benefit really of what you are the beginning at home you have to be in the mix you have to be here you know when you see these people standing meanwhile it's all to me and so you don't feel the same thing but if you were here that pilots spirit would touch your heart and your your joy would be much greater and so while I don't want you to turn me off and I don't want you to stop listening or looking I think I would be remiss in my responsibilities to you not to say that you should really come to church and I hope you would take my advice and join us one Sunday you'll enjoy the service because the Lord will be with you and as I just said we became the church today some of us are arrived in our cars some of you arrive in cab some of you arrived on public transportation and we came here not as cast off or miss it's not as Rascals or rules seeking to soothe our tortured consciousness not at all on the contrary we come here as victorious Christian optimistic children of God and our joy today is mirrored by that 122nd song where the psalmist said I was playing when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord so we are dead this morning we're happy that we were here in the house of God Paul wrote to the Galatians when the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son I have read the opinions of several theologians as to the meaning of this phrase when the fullness of time was come some have opined that admit that the word I was ready to receive Christ others are of the opinion that art Education and Culture had done its utmost to make a better world and had failed still others say that the time had come because Roman conquered the known world peace was everywhere and they had built a network of roads where the gospel while the gospel could be spread easily there may be some truth in all of these news but I believe that the fullness of time spoken all here had more to do with God's timetable than anything else and this text is so full meaning that it is impossible to plumb its depths it is impossible to to deal with this phrase in the short space of a single sermon we know from other scriptures in the Bible that God has an eternal purpose with specific and determined objectives and that all of humankind revolved not around our agenda but around God's agenda and everything found its triumphal completion in this historic moment when the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son think about that there have been many means that God has said to name only a few Moses Jeremiah Isaiah Ezekiel Hosea Micah Malachi alakay God sent these men but between Malachi and Matthew three hundred years passed and during that three hundred years no prophet was sent from God to Israel Israel had deteriorated they had strange on the Word of God so much so that he did not even want to support God's house God spoke to the Prophet will a man Rob God the people responded how have we robbed God God responded in your tithes and offerings called it spoken to bring all the tithes into the storehouse and God made a promise I'll open up the windows of heaven and I will pour out blessings upon you that you about the unable to receive they didn't believe it as many don't believe it today but God word God promises the truth and for 300 years not a word from the Lord and doing that three hundred years a man named Antiochus the great arose and he became a great friend of Israel and and treated him well and royally but after his death the man who followed him Antiochus Epiphanes was 100% of the way he be tested despised Israel and put such a heavy burden upon them so dreadful and so horrible that that children of Israel rebelled against him under the leadership of a man by the name of judas maccabees three hundred years finally I was like speaks there was a man sent from God whose name was John the first prophet in three hundred years John the balance Sid from [Music] he was not that light he only came to bear witness of that night but here in Jesus Christ one must go back to the far reaches of eternity and come to grips with a deal with the mystery of the divine nature when I'm asking you to receive Christ in your life I want you to know who he is I want you to know who I'm talking about to go to the mysteries of the hypostatic union between God and Christ which no human eyes can penetrate and no human mind can fully comprehend in his letter to the Philippians Paul wrote of Christ who before his coronation Incarnation Paul said he was in the form of God that word for word from the Greek word laughing which means more than an outward appearance but that which is inwardly real a stature can be a form but there's nothing real about it who being in the form of a servant took the put will be in the form of God took upon him the form of a seven and was made in the likeness of man if Jesus was and he was a real man being in the form of a seventh for the same word more that which is inwardly real if he was in the form of God he was God if he was fighting to fall over seven he was God he was God whether he was in heaven or he ordered but there is that hypostatic union that is hard for man to comprehend and understand because this idea did not originate with man it originated in the regions of heaven and we would never really be able to fully understand it until we stand before God himself right now ladies and gentlemen we see through a glass darkly but then we will see and understand where we are face-to-face and in coming into this world jesus said I came not to do my will but the will of my father who sent me who is this Jesus many many ministers myself included have been so dedicated in pointing out his deity as I have just done that we have neglected to give enough time to his humanity I believe that we must recapture that marvelous New Testament truth that God was manifest or made known in flesh and I feel compelled to say that Jesus Christ was not a half man and a half God he was all me in all God explain that for me Bishop I cannot and over 50 years I've been reading the theologians of the Christian faith and they cannot it is what we are called what I just mentioned that - static and I believe we must recapture that fact that Jesus God came down to our level in the person of Jesus Christ and never stopped being gone and yet he put on humanity humanity he was tempted like we attempted he hungered and thirsted as we knew he wept at the death of a friend as we do he longed for companionship in those dark hours in Gethsemane when he came to his disciples and wanted their prayers and their help he found them did he abrade them no he said sleep on take your rest yeah thou has come in the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of his enemies oh how he's suffered that painful have any calvary i hope that every one of you if you have not seen it it's no longer in the theatres but get a DVD of The Passion of the Christ if you have not seen it get it fix it it is the closest thing that we can have we can see visually we can see mentally as we read in the Word of God but the Word of God only gives us a few verses it couldn't really go through everything because the Bible would be so thick we couldn't carry in fact the Bible said I think John said if we wrote everything that Jesus said indeed the world could not hold the books but we can get a visual idea of visual understanding or what happened to Christ in that suffering that the passion that's what that's what the passion word passion means suffering the passion of our Christ a spring of our Christ iacquire often that my request sings that beautiful and powerful anthem behold a man sometimes I ask my question that's all oh I know your time to sing in it I know you're tired of playing it but sometimes I feel the leading of the Holy Spirit and I want to choir to sing that song to this congregation wounded despised rejected [Music] we need to have that before us never forget it and let me not leave this pulpit without saying as forcefully as I know how and not only was Jesus of made but he was also God or Paul wrote to the Colossians and said in him dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily in him dwells the father in him dwells the son in him dwells the Holy Ghost and these three are if Jesus were only a man if Jesus were only a man then he would be just another religious figure like Buddha or Confucius by Moses I read Napoleon's history not the whole history obviously but he said to one of his generals Bertram he said I think I understand the human nature I understand me and who conquered the world like I am doing I understand Alexander I understand Caesar I understand Shalom and these were all men but there's not one like Jesus and the polian said to his general Bertram if you did not believe that Jesus was God I mean I made a mistake when I made you a general my brothers and sisters they are mean everywhere who understand who Jesus is He is God in flesh he had to do it because he could do what only God could do I appeal to you I appeal to your senses Jesus he could not just be a man because he had the power to forgive sin no man can forgive sins but God he had power over sickness no man can open the eyes of a man was born blind but no man can raise a man from the dead who had been dead for days but God he had power over death he spoke to Lazarus he told him for move away to stone oh we the game move away to stone now I'm a sinner because he's been dead for days he is smelling his stinking he had decomposed it Jesus had moved away Buddha stole away when they moved the stone away Jesus cried out Lazarus come forth somebody said he had to say Lazarus he couldn't just say to the Dead come for but everybody would have stood up so we had to talk about Lazarus mannerism come for and you know how they were they were bound in green clothes lettuce lettuce could walk because he's all wrapped up so let's keep on jumping [Applause] [Music] and let him go let him go he had power over demons spoke to demons and demons left possessed bodies he spoke to nation stars region what kind of a man is this somebody see even the weird in the way obey his voice ladies and gentlemen that power that power that power that power has not diminished it is still the same today as it was three thousand years ago the Sun is still just as bright as when Joshua commanded it to stand steer the oceans are still just as full as when God commanded the red sea to depart and God is still killing people with the Holy Ghost the same way he did on the day of Pentecost when 3,000 souls were singing Jesus today all the world people are baptizing in Jesus's name they are being filled with the Holy Ghost in Jesus name they are being healed in Jesus name when they are married we bless them in Jesus's name when that children are born we christen them in Jesus's name and when the evening shadows fall and we ready to go beyond the far horizon we will leave this world with the name of Jesus on our lips Paul said I am determined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified I've said as much as I can think of to say right now I love Jesus and so I close I don't want to just keep up you're competing the same thing over and over again I close by saying that Jesus will not only save you but he would keep you if you believe that shot hallelujah [Applause] that all they wouldn't save you you keep for the powers of darkness kind of overwhelm you Jesus said I am the light of the world when the enemy comes in on you like a flood a spit of God will lift up a standard against it when demons try to overtake you the Holy Ghost is more powerful than eating oh my bring window Todd house come do like Paul in silence they saying in prison locked in the dungeon with their feet in the stocks they didn't curse they didn't cry they say they sang praises unto the Lord they saying it all the prisoners heard them the Bible in his translation says they heard them but in the original language it really means they listen to them in the heard thing they'd never heard before they'd heard all kinds of vulgarity they heard wounding and complaining but now they hear intently listening to men singing praises but to God Jesus said to the Church of Philadelphia I will keep thee when the fire the temptations burn hot I will keep thee when the enemies seek to harm you [Applause] when your need is slender you're talked about behind your back Jesus said I keep when you are in the lion indeed a persecution jesus said I will will save you he will keep you he was freaking you he would be with you into the air I'll open the doors of the church and you want to come to Christ would you rather from your seat now I preached about Jesus all morning when you god bless you coming down there out there god bless you coming down here [Music] [Applause] somebody else in the kid with sanctuary [Applause] coming from the balcony come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God wishes we're waiting for someone else somebody else [Music] the only agency [Music] [Applause] [Music] we hope that you have enjoyed dr. brazier and this saving grace broadcast coming from the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago we hope that you have been blessed and we invite you to visit us in the near future here in this beautiful edifice as 6320 South Dorchester in Chicago Illinois for your continued spiritual enrichment saving grace ministries is offering a videotape and audio cassette of today's program to RT or videotape or audio cassette please call
Channel: C. Billingsley
Views: 1,453
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 782fDksYcvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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