Apostles Live | Enduring Wisdom | Part 1

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[Music] [Music] disappear [Applause] [Applause] if oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are so glad that everybody's here at this time we are just moving forward and pressing in to what god has ahead for us and to see all these women who are so excited to not just be together but to be together in studying god's word and going deeper and as we go deeper in his word we go deeper into relationships and in these relationships our hope is that people will go out into their neighborhoods and their communities in their sphere of influence to change and influence the culture to be literally in the room where it's happening is just a gift i think for the body of christ and you feel that energy among all the women just excited to see one another to hear our voices together to hear pages turning as we open god's word and this is the picture of do not forsake the assembling together and it's just been such a gift [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello friends on behalf of the entire leadership team at the church of the apostles i want to thank you for joining us welcome to this special time of worship and celebration and i want to encourage you to connect with us throughout the week good morning i'm blake baxter thank you for joining us today if you're a guest with us please fill out the card in the pew in front of you or online also if you have any prayer requests please share those with us as well beginning this wednesday evening on february 10th we are offering an eight-week class following up on dr youssef's sermon series embracing your mission for your future registration is required so make sure you register today you can find more information about our upcoming events in our online bulletin at apostles.org or by scanning the qr codes posted outside of the sanctuary the word of god encourages us to pray and to worship and to draw near to god because he will draw near to us may god use this time to speak to you in a powerful way we're gonna welcome you into this place we've waited for this day we're gathered in your name your calling like a fire awakening desire will burn our hearts with truth we're here [Music] [Music] a mighty river [Music] descending like a cloud you're standing you're the reason we're here you're there [Music] [Music] is show us your glory show us show us your power show us show us your glory lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a mighty river [Music] is [Music] that's the question we all have to ask today is do we want to be healed do we have the courage to be healed come like you want to come like you want to [Music] jesus have your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] let your freedom break [Music] you're falling now like heaven's rain thrown upon your children's prayers tearing down our barricades as [Music] we welcome the author of our faith we welcome the god who makes away his name is jesus his name is jesus here in your [Music] more than presence even know you're falling down [Music] his name is jesus his name is jesus [Music] your living waters fall on sons and daughters we will not resist your heart let that be true of us today [Music] our hope is [Music] we will not resist your heart our hope is his name is jesus his name is [Music] away his name is jesus his name is jesus his name is jesus his name is jesus [Music] will church sing with me loud on this song i sing as a body [Music] of jesus and i wonder how he could love me shall ever [Music] is [Music] is suffered and died [Music] is [Music] it will be my joy through the oh it will be it will be my joy through the ages to sing all his love one more time it will be it will be [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] all right one more time you sing church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can we celebrate that truth this morning together amen [Music] amen [Music] so morning church a little over almost 40 years ago this very day i was getting ready to play in the super bowl but today i am here to give praises to our king scripture today teaches us that god will give us the words that we need in the moment in the time and i'm going to claim that promise right now let's go to god's word in prayer adonai yahweh elohim the one true god the sovereign the king the way the truth the life the good shepherd how are you the good shepherd and the lamb at the same time thank you that you are thank you that you were obedient lord christ thank you father for your plan and your purpose thank you that you didn't leave us alone that you sent your spirit to seal us to come put us in a position to be prepared for the perfect that is to come lord jesus come quickly father in heaven we thank you that you are the one true god that you're the only god lord as we have heard from this very pulpit you are the god that has eyes to see and ears to hear hands that grasp and feet that walk and you did so when you came some two thousand years ago and walked here on this earth we're obedient to what it was for the father had asked willing to die and then the father raised you from the dead praise you lord christ thank you father father i lift up to you today our dear brother michael but lord more importantly i prepare ask that you prepare each of our hearts for what is the word that you have for us this day for that truth that principle that precept that will cause us to walk out of here changed applying that truth in our life and lord that we would forever be ready to give a report of the good news that is within us to a lost and dying world that oh dear god needs you i thank you for our worship team this gifted group of men and women who lead us in worshiping you for as the angels cry out holy holy holy it is our attempt to lift our voices to you in praises and thanksgiving i thank you for the staff of this church and lord i think about from what is the person that serves us and helps us and prepares the facility all the way up to the man that stands behind this lectern the lord i thank you for each and every one of them and we more than ever need to have unity in the midst of diversity i thank you that all of those gifts that you've given to us that they are for our good and your glory but i also thank you that they are temporary because as we only see in part now we will see fully when the perfect comes oh dear god thank you for the ministry of leading the way even to this very moment as we are broadcasting father that as a result of a simple little few second blur up on the radio and what it has become reaching out to a lost and dying world spreading the good news to those many cases have never heard of the truth the truth that can set them free as a result of you lord christ setting me free oh dear god thank you thank you thank you i thank you that you are the one that is going to be lifted up today i thank you that you are praised above all and i also thank you for the cue that now is the time to end [Music] it's in christ's name we pray father to you be the glory amen [Applause] praise god for monty and you know we have we've gathered under the name of in the name of jesus to worship him we've sung praises to him we celebrated his love for us and um now you know it's enough that that the lord commanded us to give tithes and offerings that's that's sufficient for us to give to the lord but he didn't leave it there he awakens our hearts in love and affection toward him and that's why we give not just because he commanded but because we love him and we give to people we love so right now that's what we're going to do and if you're in this room you're going to have an opportunity to give after the service there'll be ushers in the back and you can give there but if you're online and you're joining us online we want to welcome you but we also want you to participate with us and we there's a there's going to be a link that you can follow to be able to participate with us in this time [Music] i'm so so easily distracted and if you're like me uh i'm like that what like one of those dogs on that movie up you know where you see a squirrel you just squirrel um and man how much i i identify with the the apostle peter when he got out of the boat and how often i just look at the waves around me and i get fearful and afraid [Music] but if i fix my eyes on christ then fear has no place in my life so this morning we're going to fix our eyes on christ and before we do that before we sing this song i just want you to look around the room and take this in because if if last year showed us anything it's that this isn't always isn't always going to be the case for us we're not always going to be able to just gather when we want to or when we can it may not always be and so we need to appreciate the fact that we are gathered together this morning in the name of christ so let's stand let's sing let's give and let's fix our eyes on jesus [Music] before the dawning light my gracious god i pray i met it say by night on every word you say and my spirit faints you see but your promise pissed me off and while my eyes may wait your words will cause my hope i will fix mine so i will fix my eyes cleanse me and make me pure my life is yours my life is yours fills the skies i call your works to mine and my affections rise as you restore my sight so i lift up my hands in ceaseless praise you sing your righteousness demands my heart my soul my strength and i will fix my eyes on don't let me my my life is yours your promise keeps me safe though armies rise against your promise keeps me safe [Music] you are my life is yours my [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen made me i wonder if you've ever thought of the meaning of the word sincere back in the dark ages when we used to write letters before emails we used to sign sincerely yours we by that of course we mean genuine we mean honest we mean the real thing or i mean we're without hypocrisy right now hypocrisy is a way of life now in every aspect of life in politics in the media my goodness in education and then even in some pulpits i'm going to come back to that but the word sincere comes from two latin words i just put them on the screen so you see them sin means without ser means wax so that's really what it means when you say sincere it means without wax but that needs an explanation what does that mean without wax back during the roman empire marble was a very popular and it is beautiful to this day of course stone but back then large slabs of marbles that extracted out of the ground and clever craftsmen would turn it into a pillar or a statue or a vas beautiful stuff sometimes if the marble is an inferior quality it would develop a crack and therefore it becomes useless it has no value to avoid losing income some unscrupulous craftsmen did something with these cracks they filled them with wax and then they smoothed them over they polished it to a high gloss and they passed it off as the real thing unfortunately in time the wax would shrink and the marble was split and the unfortunate purchaser would realize that he's gotten a worthless piece of marble buyers eventually wised up to this unscrupulous business and so when you they purchase the marble they demand the assurance by the seller that the product is the real thing pure marble without hidden flaws or imperfection and it's not filled with wax or sin seer without wax now you know some trivia but it's going to help you understand the message today i said today because the reason hypocrisy will literally we're swimming in it now is because absolute truth has departed from our culture and whenever the absolute truth of god has no longer exists hypocrisy takes its place in fact today jonathan at the 9 o'clock and i here at 10 30 we began a series of messages were gone for several months both at the nine o'clock and at 10 30 entitled enduring wisdom and it comes from the gospel of luke beginning of chapter 12 we're going to go all the way to 17 possibly 18. and so i want you to turn with me to luke chapter 12 beginning at verse 1. luke 12 1 and those of you if you don't have your bible with you grab one from the pew it's page 16 16. very easy to remember page 16 16. and the reason we are reading the word of god together is that allow it to sink into our mind into our hearts the specialists say that when you say it when you speak it it means a lot more than just hearing it and so i want you to stand up in honor of the word of god as we read the word of god together and as always we do here i will read the first verse and then you will take it from there meanwhile when a crowd of many thousands had gathered so that they were trampling on one another jesus began to speak i him yes i tell you is holy spirit of jesus you have authored the entire bible from genesis to revelation you the author you oversaw the writings of over 40 writers and you want to communicate with us and you also holy spirit who takes our prayers and bring them to the presence of the triune god in heaven and bring us the answers may you answer us from heaven that every heart that is in this place that's listening every ear that is listening every person who is watching that you will give them a fertile ground for the word of god to seep in and produce fruit in due season for we ask it in jesus name amen i hope you could see from these verses there is a dire warning listen carefully a dire warning and that dire warning is to the disciples not to everybody out there from the masses around them but just to the disciples he said to them be forewarned of the leaven of the pharisees which is hypocrisy i remember my mother used to bake bread back in the days of now when i was a boy and here's a little bit of dough and she would open it up and put a tiny little bit of yeast and the next morning it's a huge dough from which she read bread tiny little yeast can impact change and can change actually eternal destination hypocrisy comes from is an english word but it comes from the greek word hippocrates hypocrites was used mostly to describe actors they did not call them actors they called them hypocrites why because actors played a role that is not who they are they prayed their character and to this day it's the same thing an actor is not expressing who he is or who she is but the role of the character they're playing they're not who they are later on the word came turned into be used exclusively in the negative it wasn't that way but it expresses the nature of deception or the nature of the deceivers themselves just like an actor attempts to play a convincing role on the stage pretending to be somebody who they not so is the hypocrite today people in the media whose lives are in total moral shambles stand in judgment and present themselves as righteous politicians pretend to be somebody else until they get elected many a preacher professing in professing churches uses words that are designed to deceive they are designed to mislead i'll never forget many years ago many years ago i was helping in a church strictly as a volunteer knowing this new senior pastor did not believe in the physical and literal bodily resurrection of jesus and yet on easter sunday he kept talking about the risen christ the risen christ the risen christ so finally between services i challenged him i said how come you don't believe that he rose from the dead but you keep talking about the risen christ he said well this very simple he said two reasons one his spirit rose and secondly that way i keep all the conservatives off my back talking about bible believing i want to keep them off my back what he thought in his mind that since i'm doing a doctorate in a very liberal institution in a very liberal university that i have shared his views and when i when i told him that i'm on the opposite side of him all he could say is please keep that confidential you see that is the nature of hypocrisy and second timothy chapter four verse two says that these hypocrites these deceivers their conscious is being seared if you see cattle been hot iron seared with the brand of the of the farm that they belong to that part of the skin becomes so dead they can't feel anything that's what their conscience is seer they cannot feel anything matthew 23 15 jesus calls them the sons of hell there are not only pretenders and they're pretending to be something who are they not but their intention is to deceive and to make their judgment with all my heart i believe their judgment is going to be so horrific far more than just the average judgment on an average non-believing person you see they try to condemn others who disagree with them so that the attention on the other people not on them on their misery they themselves feel superior they think of themselves as the elite and they are so condescending just by the nature of deception nature of hypocrisy in matthew 5 4 and 7 4 and 5 jesus makes it very clear for hypocrites to presume to criticize the faults of others is as absurd as somebody who has logs in their eyes and they have the temerity of trying to remove a little speck from somebody else's eye another thing about hypocrites is that they respond with malice they respond with malice especially to those who expose them they respond with malice i've seen it i've experienced it and that is why today you see twitter who is filled with immoral and vile posts can remove somebody who has exposed them facebook does the same they accuse the righteous and they will remove focus on the family who dare to expose the truth and yet they have all sorts of vile posting on their site and on and on and on i'm not going to get into this you know exactly what's going on they are elitists and please listen to me you cannot expose their hypocrisy without risking your own destruction by them they will do everything possible the pharisees tried to trip jesus on every side they made so many incriminating statements in order to provoke him to anger they even tried to get him arrested for violating on federal federal law federal federal charges of not paying taxes hypocrites they like discernment they like discernment down in the same chapter if you go down we'll get to it in due course but in verses 54 all the way to 57 jesus condemns him for not being able to recognize the obvious sign that he is the messiah of god that has been promised throughout the old testament paul encountered those same hypocrites these whom we call false brothers especially when they were spying on his liberty in christ so bad with these hypocrites that in luke chapter 11 the chapter before this one because it's a continuation but had to start somewhere in luke chapter 11 jesus pronounces six curses on them six curses so much for milk toast jesus meek and mild jesus helpless and weak jesus he pronounces six curses on them and so it comes in chapter 11 and it opens up with the majority of these people being persuaded by the hypocrites and they're turning on jesus nothing is new under the sun nothing nothing is new but in the middle of this mob scene where there is an intense and heated debate between the hypocrites and jesus with these religious hypocrites and jesus this heated debate is taking is going on jesus turns from all of that and he turns to the disciples beloved it's always the disciples that concern jesus always the faithful that concerned jesus there's so many people trying to impose our biblical views on a pagan world and it doesn't work it is very important that we be the light of the world that we be the salt and that is why we need to focus on the disciples of jesus just like jesus did and he turns from the masses and he looks at his disciples and he gives him a warning he said be aware you take heed you pay attention you be on the lookout you be on your guard against against the corruption of the influence of these religious hypocrites he says you be forewarn against the smooth talking apostates who are great communicators who are great speakers but they're going to mislead you all the way into hell they may be popular and may do this for popularity and maybe even for profit sometimes and that because it pays to turn your back on the gospel first corinthians 15 33 paul said bad company corrupts good morals young people if you're watching me young people here be very careful take this to heart bad company corrupts good morals don't think well they can't harm me i will just be on the fringes i just i'll go with this pardon but i won't go with them on this part bad company corrupts good morals take heed look with me please at the text i always get back to the text i'm gonna wander around a little bit but i always get back to the text verses 2 to 12 there are three non-negotiables three what now can i get that non-negotiables these are going to keep you from eternal disaster uh of being a hypocrite these are going to keep you from being influenced by hypocrites here they are honor the father honor the son honor the holy spirit can you see them there with me look at them because beloved i want to tell you it is only when our focus is on the triune god god the father god the son god the holy spirit one god it's only when we focus on the triune god that we avoid the traps of being impacted by false teachers now why is this so important listen carefully because it is so easy to be influenced by the hypocrites and you say but why why is it easy why is it i'm going to tell you why because i've been there and i know what i'm talking about because these hypocrites presented arguments that appeals to the flesh it appeals to our fallen nature they present their views to help us avoid conflict with the world they present their views in such a way that to avoid being harassed by the evil world just do this just say this just believe this just use this linger and you will be popular hello jesus said don't listen to them don't listen to them don't let their noxious poisonous weed seep into your psyche don't let this bad yeast be baked into your thinking and into your life instead focus on the triune god focus on honoring and worshiping and adoring and obeying the word of god instead quote if quoting them i get sick and tired of people quoting the reverend smell fungus don't quote them don't tell me who says what quote the scripture quote what the word of god said these three one god they are interlocking chain of testimony to each other the father testifies to the son and the son reveals the father and the father loves and glorifies the son and the holy spirit is the spokesman of the triune god and he is to glorify the father and the son please hear me right no one no one no one will ever get away with hypocrisy sooner or later most hypocrites will succeed in pretending for a time for a time to get away with it for a time so make no mistake about it the day will come when their hypocrisy is going to be revealed as a little boy fearful of punishment of my father and it's like billy graham said you know i got to get whacked on the bottom so many times and they always used to say you know punishing children warp their personality i agree with billy it never warped my personality it warped a certain part of my anatomy but not my personality but out of fear i would lie and my father would say to me when he knows i'm lying he'll say remember lying has legs and runs faster than you do and will catch up with you always remember that i always remember that lying has legs listen to me some will be exposed in this life and i thank god i lived long enough to see that but all will be exposed in the future when the son of man comes with glory with his angels all will be revealed verse 3 what is said in the dark shall be heard in the daylight and what is whispered in the inner rooms will be exposed on the rooftop now i need to explain to you a middle eastern practice that will ex it has to in order to understand what he's saying here it's very important you see back then the store room where the valuable where the things are really precious to them was not in the garage because the thieves can get to it very easily it was not in the you know in the in the room up front no no no they build a room inside the house in the middle of the house that would take a thief it has to go through many rooms to get to it it's right there in the middle of the house and that's where they stored all of their valuables ah but they also went into that room when they would talk secrets we do do when they do not want anybody to hear what they're talking about they go inside these rooms and they will talk and they'll share their secrets these were the hiding places some of you remember i think i've seen it once or twice through the years i really don't see movies all that much but in the mob movies you know the the mafia when you go to a restaurant there's a room somewhere in the back of the nobody knows about it it's a secret room where mafia skullduggery takes place but if only you have to have a seek a password to get into it to know even there's a room exist that's how it was there was a room that exists that very few people know it and very few people know how to get to it they were hiding and jesus said honor the father because you cannot hide things permanently but why because god the father one day will judge and punish the hypocrite beloved let me tell you through the years through the years some of you know that some of you know this my blunt preaching you're surprised maybe if you're visiting you're shocked you shall shocked by my blood preaching but those who've been here around for a while they're not that got used to it now but my blunt preaching through the years uh my refusal to compromise the the word of god compromise biblical morality compromise all issues in life that i know even though i am a fallen man i have clay feet even though i am i'm full of foibles but nonetheless when it comes to the word of god and the truth of the word of god i refuse to compromise and because of that i offended some people through the years does this make me happy no no it doesn't i'm flesh and blood but i tell you what my family know and so many of my friends know that i care more about the day when i'm gonna have that audience of one than make people like me in this lifetime verse 4 that is why jesus said do not be afraid of the worse that humans can do to you don't be afraid of that don't be afraid of that what get what's the worst they can do kill you we're gonna die that's the worst they can do but fear him honor him adore him worship him obey him who has the authority to condemn you eternally who is that i heard people actually heard preachers say satan [Laughter] i thought first was a joke but they really the guy was really serious about it satan has no authority to condemn you to hell listen to me he will be hell's most notorious guest inmate there is no command in the scripture anywhere that says fear satan believers are totally delivered from his crutches because he who's in us is greater than he is in the world say that with me he who's in us is greater than he is in the world no no no no no no he is saying fear god the father honor god the father adore god the father love god the father worship god the father honor god the father why because nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing escapes his knowledge god's omniscient knowledge is for even the most insignificant details sparrows they're so small and they were not even the food of the poor they were the food of the very poor because five are sold for equivalent of two cents today so think of the sparrow that's worth less than half a cent back then and now so insignificance by any standards but they are not insignificant to god the father he knows every single hair in your head and if you don't have hair he knows all the farcs in your head too all hundred thousand of them beloved let me tell you something this truth comforts all believers but it calls tremor to the hypocrites and that is why they try to conceal the truth they try they try to destroy the truth they try to distort the truth uh they try to twist the truth they try they try uh scream loud the thinking that they can stop you from hearing and believing the truth but they'll fail sooner or later they'll fail and so the first cure for hypocrisy is honored god the father the second cure for hypocrisy is honor god the son look with me verses 8 and 9. and i say it to you anyone i'm going to explain that to me anyone that means anyone who confesses me before men the son of man will confess him also before the angels but he who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of god see the word term anyone everyone it means everyone in the world wherever you are in the world everyone in the world all seven billion people not just the people who live in america or people who live in europe or people live in australia or in the west it's for everyone anyone it is all-inclusive question what does confessing jesus mean well the greek word here is homology you know what the word logos mean word logos format one one or means to be in total agreement with total agreement or the same thing believing exactly the same thing that jesus said about himself why do you think they are so desperately trying to change who jesus is i mean they play mental gymnastics with their minds well did jesus really say that he is the only way where he is away uh do they really do we really have the exact words that jesus spoke or to change those words along the way do we really know the and then they just twist and twist and twist until they look like pretzels from being twisted so much because they do not want to confess what jesus says about himself they do not want to accept what the bible said about who jesus is they do not want to obey and agree totally with what jesus says about himself why because that will force him to obey by believing the word of god back in 1989 i'll never forget i was speaking to a group of clergy and and literally very i i i did not know but i knew most of them did not believe that there's only one way to heaven one way to salvation is jesus and they says well you know god is so big he's got so many ways he can really narrow god so much you know your god is too small and all that junk and i i had the temerity to say to them now guys why do you call yourselves christians why don't you go and start a new religion new religions are springing up all the time just go start a new religion you don't have to call yourselves christians uh wha wha why why go with the trappings of christianity and all the rituals in your churches i know why but i asked it anyway they want to deceive as many people as they can they won't be able to do that if they leave these churches they want to deceive as many people as they can you know what the worst part about all this right as i was leaving walking out one of them ran after me said michael i privately agree with everything you said but i can't go public with it i reminded him of this passage he would deny me before men publicly publicly those who deny me not agree with me in public before men and women before people beloved listen to me confessing christ in public determines our eternal destiny confessing christ openly and unabashedly unhesitantly will set the stage for where we spend eternity but why before the angels ah because the angels are going to be witnesses you know in the court of law you get witnesses the angels are going to be witnesses they're objective they don't have anything against us against anybody they will tell the truth they'll be our witnesses either for us or against us i pray to god not a single soul watching me or right here have never committed the life to jesus christ and have accepted him as the only savior and lord would do that today the worst thing in the world when you have the angel testify against you second thessalonians 1 7 paul said they will be with jesus on that flaming fire those who fail to confess jesus as only lord and savior and only lord and savior for all people of the world not just those in the church they will hear from jesus these most devastating words i never knew you but we wore clinical garb i never knew you but we preached in church pulpits i never knew you but we agreed with some things in the bible i never knew you but we helped a lot of people i never knew you but we carried bibles as we processed on the church isles i never knew you beloved be very careful of the leaven of the hypocrites what breaks my heart into is that i have known people who sat in these pews who believed but then were misled by compromising apostate preachers and you listen to them now as if nothing has sunk in in all these years that i tell you before god breaks my heart there are many ways to god the god of the old testament is not the same god as in the new testament then the old testament is so irrelevant now because we live in a different time and on and on and on and you see these views seeping in just like the leaven inside the dough working its way working its way you say what why why do they do this i'll tell you why because it's popular it's popular it'll make you popular it'll make you avoid lots of alienations it's like that dear man who says privately i agree with everything you said but i can't go public with it heaven belongs to those who honor the father honor the son and honor the holy spirit look at verses 10 11 and 12 because the question immediately say why the holy spirit why the holy spirit i want you to listen carefully please i beg you listen carefully this is very important the bible said no one can come to the father unless they come through the son can i get an amen and no one can come to the sun without being brought by the holy spirit the bible said very clearly every one of us every one of us every one of us born spiritually dead i mean dead dead dead dead not in a coma dead physically alive spiritually dead only god the holy spirit comes in and he raises the dead on the inside of us our dead spirit rises when the holy spirit says awake and rise and we rise up and realize that we're sinners and we're heading for hell and we need the savior and then turn to jesus all that is the work of the holy spirit don't miss what i'm going to tell you don't miss what i'm going to tell you in the first chapter of in the fourth chapter of first john john first john first epistle of john chapter 4 verses 2 and 3 makes it very clear listen to me everyone who claims that's an important word if you have your bible underline it everyone who claims to have a message from god either speaks the truth about christ which is from the spirit of god or a lie which is the spirit of the antichrist do i need to say any more two options he doesn't give us a third he doesn't give us two and a half there's two and two quarters two options why do you think i'm literally being for 50 years since i was ordained i i literally my knees knock every time you can't see them thank god my knees knock every time i stand behind that pulpit it's the only one to speak what god speaks not even my opinion and when i do i tell you and give you a warning ahead of time two options no one is able to confess jesus as lord except by the work of the holy spirit listen carefully i'm gonna close to the end so don't don't don't let me lose you ii peter 2 21. ii peter 2 21 says the holy spirit is the author of the whole bible the whole bible anyone who denies any part of the bible does not honor the holy spirit let me repeat that anyone who does not honor any part of the bible does not honor the holy spirit don't miss this don't miss this verse 10 everyone who speaks a word against the son of man it will be forgiven to him some of you i know had questions about that and i got this one time several times but anyone who blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven so why why is that why when you can blaspheme jesus but you get forgiven but you blaspheme the holy spirit ah listen carefully listen carefully to blaspheme the holy spirit is to reject the testimony of the holy spirit concerning jesus he testified to jesus the holy spirit is the one who reveals that salvation is found and no one else other than jesus and so jesus concludes this section part one in the series we call enduring wisdom with a promise don't miss the promise no mr promised monty referred to it when he was praying a promise for those who honor the holy spirit by believing the spirit's testimony regarding the son of god now also honor the holy spirit he said if you honor the holy spirit you do not have to worry not one second not one in a second they have to worry about anything because he will turn our trials into triumphs he will turn our pain to gain he will turn our troubles into blessings he will turn and heals power his protective power will keep us all the believers secure in his mighty hand until the day we go and be with jesus and that is why beloved listen to me that's why they can call us all the names they want they can falsely accuse us all they want they can harass us all they want they can even drag us into the courts and the prison but they can never never never never rob us of the treasure which we have is jesus [Applause] for faithful believers who love the father love the son and love the holy spirit they have the greatest and the most expensive lawyer that money could never buy because he'll defend us he'll defend us he'll protect us he will advocate on our behalf and he vindicates us and if he vindicates us i pity those who accuse us can i get an amen will you stand with me please as we pray father in this place we honor the father we honor the son and we honor the holy spirit and father we implore you that you will protect your children your faithful believers put a seal around them and they're coming and they're going knowing resting assure that he the holy spirit the spirit of jesus will on our behalf it's in jesus name that i pray and all of god's people said amen [Music] creating me a clean heart [Music] within me creating me a clean heart [Music] cast me night away from my presence o lord take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and renewal right spirit within me let's pray this again [Music] [Music] within me [Music] [Music] within me cast me not away from my presence oh lord take note thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and renew right spirit within me restore store unto me the joy of thy salvation within me forgive us clean hands give us pure hearts let us give us give us your hearts let us [Music] seeks your face oh god [Music] seeks your face cast me not away from thy presence oh lord take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy [Music] in salvation [Music] because before us [Music] he's behind us it's all around us you hear me when i call [Music] you hear me when i call you are my morning song your darkness fills the night can i and whom hide i feel you crush the enemy underneath my feet you are my sword and shield shall i fear i know if i know i he is a friend [Music] my yours is a victory i fear oh who shall i feel i know is shall we shall stand is let's sing it out [Music] is is is always by my side amen praise the lord go out in that power and the assurance of jesus christ our lord have a great sunday and see you next week [Music] so [Music] thank you for joining us in this corporate worship today we would love to hear from you and love to pray for you and encourage you in what god is doing in your life if you would like more opportunities to connect with us please let us know may god bless you and your loved ones today and the coming week [Music] you
Channel: The Church Of The Apostles
Views: 1,984
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Sermons by great preachers, testimonies of christians, jesus christ, leading the way, Dr Michael Youssef, The Church of the Apostles
Id: tBEJ7hcfWGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 54sec (5454 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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