Aphmau's BLIND DATE In Minecraft!

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my best friends have pranked everyone on this minecraft server thankfully my secret i want no one to know is safe but when someone finds out they use my secret against me to get back at my friends and make me go on a minecraft flying date now my friends are jealous and are going to hunt down whoever my blind date is my secret vault all my treasure and everything yeah it's golden emerald and maybe some diamond armor but my real treasure's right here all these diamonds and all these beacons and my diary and a pickaxe of fortune ah look at a secret an absolute secret that's why i have all of these secret doors right here they really come after me daniel huh [Laughter] see now that's how you pull a prank well yeah but he's still coming oh he wasn't even there excuse you i was in the house yeah your house got exploded i don't want to hear it hey pierce yeah what's that lover down there on that tree hi guys what's going on over here liver huh uh i don't know i'm just gonna stay [Laughter] it was funny what happened to you what is up with you guys today you can't just explode someone's house without asking yeah it's against the rules of minecraft don't you know wait you guys pranked me all the time and exploded my house yeah well now follow the rules you guys are getting good shoes and i you know we're trying to see who can prank the best right now [Music] pretty dangerous that was pretty mean you know what look come here casey i have some cakes all it i'm right you guys are jerks tasty here's the these are like really good pranks pierce wait no no no no but but we're the best bikers nobody can be better than us all right so let me see maybe i should cover the window so nobody can see where my secret treasure vault is huh what is that oh book maybe kim dropped this secret a secret note i know your secret you can't hide it forever you will pay for their pranks by going on a date with me and if you tell anyone your secret will be exposed come to the first date on the docks at time set well what no no no no no they find out about my diamonds i have to share them with everybody oh no this isn't good that's it i'm gonna find out who did this who found out about my secret diamond vault and i'm gonna give them a piece of my mind i'm gonna oh oh this is kind of nice actually look at this this is pretty it's got some hearts oh there's a picnic basket oh wait a minute i'm supposed to be mad at them that's right all right whoever this is they don't know what they're doing they don't know what they've gotten oh um well i see you came welcome who are you cannot say it wouldn't be much of a blind date if it was would i okay then why are you doing this well because of aaron and zane's pranks i know that they care about you then how about this how about you go after them and not me huh oh but that's not a very good prank is it they have to walk into it anyway let's start the day shall we so a date with me is just a pr fight you know what let's get this over with you better not tell anyone about my secret you understand as long as you commit to the date then nothing will happen all right fine then what are we doing enjoying the wonderful evening i packed ourselves a wonderful picnic basket full of different dinners and such deliciousness and then also i have some presents for you what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh what about we fish i don't want any prizes especially if it's tnt oh no tmt that isn't the sort of date that yes it's a wonderful day for fishing but before we do that i have now i would like to give you uh some flowers what some flowers for you thank you for this bouquet of flowers oh flowers thank you if the flowers aren't sufficient then how about a little bit of chocolate [Music] um i'm gonna tell them what's going on um it was uh a blind date yeah there's gonna be a broken date when i'm done with him even a guided date look look it was like a hangout okay we just fished and i got some flowers i'm gonna go plant and some chocolate i'm gonna go plant chocolate didn't say anything else you said it was a date no no i was just hanging out and uh you know it was it was nice and uh yeah did he do anything did he put you in danger no uh except give me chocolate i'm not eating i'm gonna go back now bye oh okay oh no the chocolate is great all right get some of this down there we go awesome got enough wood uh hey happen hey aaron he's in are you okay did that a stupid blind date bother you uh no do you have any idea who that is no i i don't know who that is everyone on the server is normal i think so we need to find out who that is and uh take care of them yeah they must be using a mod to disguise themselves because i couldn't see their name or anything who this stupid little trickster is like playable is gonna be enough uh i think i'm gonna go mine for uh some diamonds oh please diamond sword i'm going to enchant mine and that'll take care of him okay okay okay come on all right you do your thing and and i'll do mine fine the last date was fun come to the mines for our next blind date or else bring your mining supplies if you know with what fine the mines they really in here hello you scared me i didn't mean to i'm so sorry i was just grabbing some coal and i happen to notice that you were here welcome you sent me the note didn't you i did indeed you know i found that uh you are probably very good at acquiring treasure yes yeah so you do know don't you fine let's go miney i'll mine you some stuff all right let's work together finding things like trouble sometimes it's just nice to have a little bit of company along with you for the ride what do you wanna do let's see look at that oh take a look at that we immediately found some how about that suit there's some diamonds for you and now you can take these diamonds leave me alone right oh you know what i don't even need the diamonds they're all yours no i don't want to touch them no ew [Music] all right well father's keepers but let me know if you change your mind what's your favorite color yeah oh there he is time to make my exit i'll see you later a little gifts before i go oh have fun uh oh that guy went and gave her a gift in front of us look see that's that's what i got yeah from from the mining date see no no this can't happen it can't be given you things like this we gotta get rid of this [Music] that's no good for you and did he give you any more chocolate no good it's not important right now we gotta figure out how to take care of this blind date it's fine i was just mining and i'm gonna go now because you know got a diamond i'll be back i can't believe who does they think he is swooping in like that just talking to halfmouth guys i can walk myself home you know nonsense it's obvious some jerk is out to get you and date you yeah and that's my job wait what what oh dawg i mean uh anyway all right look i assure you guys that it's just a new friend all right he's nice and everything huh mysterious box hang on what is this it's got a dress it's got a what she's saying it's got a dress and another bouquet oh this guy oh that's it that's cool can't believe him this has been casanova zade it's okay uh please if you have a secret just blink tell us can't blink zayn we don't blink in minecraft i can't even talk straight with you like this aaron wait i i need to tell you i only have eyes yes i know your eyes are pretty i have eyes for not blinking yeah yeah yeah i hear you guys what is a secret note say for our next date meet me at ian's house i'll see you there what ian's house ian's house um what if he is there um let's see oh huh hello come on in won't you oh thank you for getting the door you're welcome welcome to team's home i suppose okay i have a question for you mysterious blind date person i see what's going on tell me are you are you ian please don't be in please i'm not telling you i am that's not how blind dates work you can't see me at all i i actually can see you this is our next right here in front of me oh wait it is it here right here a little gaudy but need some more light tell me what what you ready for a date yeah yeah what is it what are we doing fishing is going to be taking everything from ian's house and you're going to keep watch oh i thought today's date was wait wait wait what we're going to completely rob every last inch of his gold from this house i like the other ones the ones where we did things that weren't stealing from people are you saying that you don't want to do something against him here this is the excellent time for a prank no what no you know you just because you know my secret doesn't mean well you are in his home and i'm going to be taking things so i must assure that you take a look out for you to make sure he doesn't show up oh great uh he's gonna tell my secret about my diamonds i'm just gonna watch ian all right what are you doing in my house what are you doing in front of my house look at my pretty dress do you want to see me spin it um sure it's nice nice anyway uh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you know this is the finest uh i had to get a sheep i i had two sheep and i had a blue sheep and a red sheep and they had a purple sheep um and then i got this yeah it's nice honestly it'd be better if it was like a gold sheep gold dress uh that's probably more my color speaking of gold i'm just gonna go to my house and uh have a nice day uh shut the door oh right i don't have a second door no you don't have a second door anyway i'm just gonna hang on um hey [Applause] um trying to protect her okay that that's great you can protect her coming here for a blind date gold it was a blind date i bet you must have he must have taken all your gold a likely story it's this so-called blind date if they're blind then how did they steal my gold uh that's not actually how that works ian you can't see them first your guys's pranks and now this i'll get you back mark my words i need a second door to slam in your face you could use that door right i can't believe this but aaron zane i think i need your help you know at first the blind dates were fun but now he's uh he's asking me to take things from people and for a prank a bad prank i knew he was no good i figured as much of course we'll help you out first things first though we have to stop this mysterious blind date so af i've been meaning to ask how exactly have you been talking to this blinding all right so look he's been sending me these notes all right secret notes secret books secret notes notes yeah i can't believe this that they would go so far you gotta mess with them no no zayn it's okay it makes sense now don't worry i have an idea we're gonna take care of this in a nice and calm manner keep burning those pages [Music] [Music] wait wait okay stop stop stop [Music] wait a minute oh get over here look i can't make paper without trees no i don't poor leather why wait what now meet me in front of your house for one final date what what what is that nothing we're gonna take care and he could probably make another sign out of this bench so uh now we gotta get rid of that yeah done come on we'll take care of this it's not perfect fast enough we're taking care of this yeah yeah we'll get this you can't make a mess with fire fire come on come on guys i don't know this is gonna work no don't it'll be fine look we've got over the plan it's very simple yes you know what to do yeah i know what to do okay zayn let's get to work good let's go all right bye hello i just was making sure that everything was going according to plan and that nobody was hearing about anything in particular yes did you hear anything that uh i was talking to my friends about just that maybe we you might have a plan for our date tonight is that right i do you know what come down here um so you know you've been taking me on these great dates like you know you took me to the to the lake you took me mining we stole from ian's house great ones we know but but my friends made a movie theater you can drive up to it in the car i'll drive us okay that's wonderful except i will be the one driving thank you very much why you're wonderful but you'll drive me off a cliff now get in i'm gonna do that just give me directions and we'll figure this out all right just follow this path up here okay you'll come across they open up the movie theater tonight it's really cool it's really nice um they got a movie uh it's about uh cars and going fast and being mad i think there it is over there so you gotta drive up to it okay [Music] some tickets in need of tickets oh why yes thank you we'll take two please ah two tickets that'll be ten diamonds sir ten minutes for one movie yes of course oh my god you better charge me for the popcorn i left my diamonds in my pants could you uh would you just get in please obtain the plan okay fine fine you know what i have a special discount tonight for uh purple so uh tickets here you are oh thank you thank you i appreciate it there we go thank you [Music] okay you know we gotta get some popcorn uh let's see here we are yes let's go get let's pick up some popcorn yeah what excuse me sir fine find popcorn salesman yes yeah very cute popcorn salesman sir could we get two please can we get two popcorns please oh we're all out can't you put more though oh yeah i'll pop something excuse me uh we have enough fur i want you okay lava candy out are you old enough to even buy a soda uh you know what in second thought let's get moving i want to get in the driver's seat i like to go okay i mean yeah so this is the movie where everyone is really fast and really mad what i see but it's been wonderful so far thank you for asking uh-oh wait a minute why do you have your head on the wheel now if they catch us i will reveal your secret as you know you can't do that nope that was dangerous good thing you didn't fall off the cliff that was really close nowhere to run to drive us off the cliff you are the one the driver sees over my controls i couldn't even like move around well whoever you are we have you cornered now so just give up show yourself i'm not sure so sure about that if i do then i'm going to reveal all your secrets wait a minute you know what fine i can build another secret base and you guys can know i have a jillion diamonds and i don't care anymore all right i'm done a bunch of diamonds that's not the secret everyone knows you have like five diamonds in your house honey do you know me we went mining together you saw me find diamonds we went yeah that's why i try to give you so many diamonds yeah you should know me by now do you not care the messaging is getting mixed here oh he doesn't care i can't believe it you don't care about apps diamonds monster i mean i was just trying to give her more diamonds i thought she needed more so this is why we went in the first place so what was the secret you knew then i don't know i just said i just said i shared a secret because i thought it'd be a good way to make her do stuff wait you you wanted to get back at zayn and aaron what who would want to do that repeal yourself all right all right all right i think my revenge is complete hold on revenge what hey guys yeah jasmine cheers why did you do this i mean it was i was kind of bored and like i didn't have a house anymore so i decided to like mess with you too and you know what it was really fun you guys got so jealous [Music] kind of revenge where i got revenge on youtube for pull my house up i mean in fairness we did do that no i did that well i had the idea and gave it to you and you took it from me itself that's gotta hurt
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,671,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau blind date, aphmau has a date, aphmau date minecraft, aphmau goes on a date, who is dating aphmau, minecraft blind date, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau masked intruder, aphmau goes to the movies, aphmau car chase prank, aphmau date prank, aphmau mystery minecraft, aphmau solves a mystery
Id: Zfcv5tIoxTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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