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[Music] [Applause] the Hall [Music] h [Music] a [Applause] [Music] Arizona a parched and inhospitable land of towering mountains and endless Canyons which seem to reach down into the very bowels of the earth ragged vegetation clings like an unkempt bear to the canyon walls whose Majestic Peaks are inaccessible to [Music] man [Music] a hostile land it was called by the Spanish conquistadores who led by Coronado treed across it in their feudal search for that fabulous city of fola whose walls were said to be built of pure gold later it became known as the Blackland this was the name given it by the Pioneer gold prospectors for so many of whom the trail ended fatally in this Labyrinth of desolate [Music] Canyons now our tale takes place right here in Arizona in the most troubled period in all its history the dreaded Geronimo again brandishing that once buried Hatchet LED his fiery Apaches in constant raids against their implacable enemy the white man but no power on Earth could deter the goldseker passion burned in their veins along with alcohol with all the fierceness of the Arizona [Music] Sun Our Story rightly begins one August day in 1882 in Tucson waiting for the stage [Music] coach you better wait [Music] here you there do you have a vacant seat for me we all sold that I'm sorry I last see St by this what you consider selling me your seat I'll pay a double huh impossible I've waited for a long time to go to lab and I can't delay my trip any longer satisfied judge regarding the money yes we sold the ranch according to your instructions my name of course here is the bill of sale naturally we had to overcome certain difficulties in laer no here all the property of the late Robert belonged to his widow and someone would make a claim no danger of that I'll probably never come back the I should say so you've been judged here for so many years and at the cost of much bitterness than many enemies they wanted to take my job away they can have it I can't believe you're serious you'll believe it all right when you won't see me returning to Sude happy judge congratulations on your W it's all settled the bill of sale ran has been made out in my name you see here in the west a woman signature doesn't count oh and you tell me now don't tell me you don't approve of your future husband looking after the property of his wife my dear the ranch was Robert's property and Jimmy's entitled to his share of it we'll take care of the details and La it H Joe's information was right after all he's carrying a fortune along with him thinking of attacking the stage coach someone will do it for us the bound to change horses at the San Francisco station let's go we haven't much time come [Applause] on [Music] h [Music] [Music] where is [Music] lman [Music] [Music] you want more trouble it's just that I'm so soft-hearted came to see my old buddy why don't you get out and keep out you'll never change will you you're just as inhospitable as ever it doesn't matter I've come to do you a favor what would you give to even accounts with judge Driscoll HH what do you know about about the judge you me everything it's not none of your business but it is yours Driscoll is arriving on the stage coach today and if I were in your shoes yes I'd do what you'll do i' kill her what do you hope to gain from his death brisco's carrying a Menon dollars I'd be content with half of it I'm not a thief bris Scholl sentenced you as if you were now you're practically On the Border you've got the chance of a lifetime to get even what do you say that's my Lookout Captain with Driscoll out of the way who could accuse you of anything there are only four people in the coach word will get around that it was the Apaches of jono as usual you couldn't hope for anything easier all you have to do is wait for them after all they're bound to come this way they must stop here for the horses count me out find someone of your own kind I had a hard time believing it Steve but now I know they were right oh was right everyone that warned me that you were a coward now I understand why that skirt threw you over because guys like you are just born to be kicked around lay off friend I'm going to teach you a lesson hands up things have changed Captain you're not going to kill us are you I told you just now that I'm not a killer like you get out all of you turn quick about it get m and stay out of my sight dis upe here I'll be back [Music] Steve [Music] thanks [Music] here [Music] [Music] he come back wouldn't surprise [Music] me [Music] I've waited quite some time for the man who was arriving on the stage coach I knew that sooner or later he'd pass this way judge drll he wanted a little I possessed so he stole it are you going to kill him [Music] nervous young fell a little I've heard so much about the famous Jano that that you uh want to see him face to face HH heaven forbid you have nothing to worry about Jimmy everything will be all right that I hope we're as well guarded as if we had a treasure aboard the stage coach just what do you mean by treasure my idea of treasures my own hiding and no matter how ugly it is I prize it dearly it's the only one I got are you that afraid of losing it afraid enough but guess who's worse off here this young Foreigner well my brother's not accustomed to violence and bloodshed he's always lived in New Orleans and brute force is still strange to him I get you I get you I felt the same way when I came here from Scotland then I got used to him this is the best cure for any kind of work a pack of cards what's better than a game to pass the time away eh and what are the stakes oh just a few dollars to make it excitement H what do you say just a moment what did you say your name was Richard Logan may I know why you ask your name is new to me but somehow your face you think we've met before then H I can swear to it years ago in Tucson I had to deal with a card CH you got it wrong I've never lived in a Fell's name was poad Dick and you look very much like him you're wrong I'm no card chop I'm a [Music] c [Music] [Music] you move any [Applause] [Music] faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] who attacked you Sil bloodthirsty Apaches they were waiting for us Apaches and when we crossed Cy Creek you're sure that they were aach sure don't I know that creep W CRI they were a Pates I still think they might have been Bandits they weren't I'm sure sure of it don't stand there like fools the driver's wound to give him a hand hey [Music] you thanks my throat's as dry as sandpaper what I need more than anything is a good stiff drink what happened to Foster he was shot and killed during the assault I pull it between the eyes am I seriously hurt ah it's nothing but a scratch we'll have them as right as rain in no time good we're already late now want to get a little bit before dark that's what we all want so let's get going with the horses it's impossible judge Foster is dead and Silas is in no condition to dve have a coach for three or four hours yes I am we'll leave as soon as they changed their hes andent to hell with the Apaches maybe they weren't Apaches well who then Bandits who made themselves up like Indians but white men have you ever heard of Bert capston capston I kicked him out of 200 two months ago you never dare to cross my path lman I never forget a name or a face I believe you it's not easy to forget a person you threw into prison it wasn't I it was the law that took care of that you killed a man in Cold Blood a man that you had hired to murder me are you joking why should I want to get rid of you the minds of lovers Hill were an excellent reason they weren't worth it they dried up soon after and didn't cover my expenses I'd say I did you a favor did you call me for this no I wanted to war warn you to be careful why don't you try any tricks lman if someone's going to die for you I've warned you lman and keeping an eye on your young stay here how's the driver you'll get over it he won't be able to drive the coach for a few days however what'll happen if we stay here and the Indians attack there'd have to be a lot of them to attack and there aren't so you sure well if there were they wouldn't have let the stage coach get by conscious Indian seems to be sleeping on a job so we hustle him up a bit one knows very well what he's doing but if you're in a hurry give him a sure I'm in a hurry my boss wants to get to La before night and whether those lousy indans like it or not we'll get there and who is your boss judge Toby Driscoll of course you were just talking to him judge Driscoll's in a hurry to get on and he mustn't be kept waiting I'm afraid he'll have to wait all the same whether he likes it or not unless he wants to get killed in rout ah we gave him such a lesson they're not likely to try it again if the driver is Gravely wounded then someone else must drive because it's essential that we arrive tonight in lber it's better to get there late than never you are referring to the Indians I'm not afraid they won't try another attack on the coach it's possible possible but all the same Madam I advise you to act prudently prudently We're Not Afraid are we Jimmy since you and Driscoll insist that there's no immediate danger and Ruth is in a hurry to go on of course she's in a hurry and she's right every woman's in a hurry to get married please keep quiet this is none of your business well I'm in a hurry to get out of here did you get me my friend now why is that confused Mexican taking so much time with the horses ju knows his job very well and I thank you not to call me your friend I can hardly wait to get out of this rotten hole I'm just as anxious as you but I think it's dangerous what do you mean nothing it was my duty to warn you don't worry we shall not blame you for anything but we're not afraid of the Indians and we anxious to go on come here darling rasco take care of this uh do you think the Indians will stage another attack my opinion is that it's wiser to wait the wisest would have been not to leave town and wait for the Army to wipe out gono I told her so that is she so much in love that she can't wait it's terribly hot in this miserable station why don't you try to rest darling while they change the horses do you know that man yes I'm years go I sent him to jail why what does it matter We're Alone soon you'll be my wife I don't know why but somehow I'm afraid Toby or what I don't know it's just that Robert's death Jimmy's return and the sudden sail of the ranch it all happened so suddenly why worry at A Moment Like This we need each other my dear forgive me Toby I am a bit tired and the Indian attack has made me nervous when we get to La it you'll forget all that so many things have happened and now we're stuck in this place don't you worry darling lman just wanted to frighten us where's Jimmy I I think he's with rasco you'll see there he'll soon love the West I'll be right back you wait [Music] here [Music] you let them go I don't know yet the judge has always been a lucky man especially with women Indian Jimmy no they're [Music] attacking get out of the way hey [Music] wa bring him here you stupid fool I could kill you for this you spoiled Prat leave him alone why you hitting him you're nothing but a barbarian he's murdered an innocent man for no reason at all if you should I kill you they got away thanks to this metal you got mad or did you arrange this with the Indians the Cowardly stupid murder of those poor natives can be extremely dangerous poor those same indion attacked us a few hours ago you're mistaken those are not Apaches they're Pumas and they had come here unarmed you mean you say you know them they're friends of yours yes they live in the mountains around here and they often come to the station they're good people and completely peaceful the only good Indians are dead indians we're going to regret this mistake very soon I'm afraid why Jimmy wounded their Chief and his Warriors are obviously going to resent what the boy did to him what happened is my brother's fault he he moken for the Indians Who attack the stage coach an hour ago I know but it won't be easy to convince them convince them I wouldn't even try I'm not losing any more time on their account and when they come to ask us why you'll have to take care of that by that time we'll be far away does it hurt a bit nothing serious all I need is in that like a whiskey silence are we ready we'll go as soon as the horses have been honest but to get to lber it'll take at least 5 hours I've gone further than that in much worse condition don't worry I'll make it take care I think you're making a mistake afraid of being left along with those angry Indians do you sher's opinion no no I don't let's get going silence the sooner we get out of this place the better Steve come and Luke [Music] Steve back again bird Kempston what's going on we visitors judge I believe they've come to see [Music] you stop if you try to come any nearer you'll pay for it I've already told you to keep away St you hear my story first I have something to say and all of you had better listen to me say it from where you are then go away we're both worn out I'm dying of thirst and a horse is a half dead don't try any tricks capston or I'll make you pay for it what could the two of us do against all your guns who's the other one I must tell you about him and about something of great importance above all to judge Driscoll a man like you can have nothing to say to me and yet if I tell you you'll thank me as long as you live which won't be long if you refuse to listen we might just as well is maybe so will you allow us to enter Then throw down your guns throw down our guns Roman either that or stay out make up your mind are you that afraid of me just afraid I'd have to go to the trouble of killing you by the time we realized it it was already late they came from all sides yelling like so many fiends and shooting like crazy bill got it as soon as it started how did you manage to get away without being hurt few luck we were being chased by over 50 Apaches and we didn't get hit suddenly we turned around and charged and you don't believe me no only a complete idiot would believe your Yan believe it or not it's the truth what would I gain by lying to you I don't know yet I know you enough to expect only the voice from your captains we were warned to look out for you long before we left Tuan would I be such a to put my neck in a death trap come on we've lost enough time already a lock you get going Sil get a move on I tell you the truth let us out of here LAN syus what's the matter I don't know he can't drive the coach I have to be in love with before T night come along rasco take his place hey judge listen to me disco what is it leave the loot here you'll never reach L but alive and dead men have no use for [Laughter] dollars looks like we have visitors what's the idea Lan open up do you want to face the Indians they'll be at the gate in a few minutes [Music] I'm going to knock off a couple of the paty [ __ ] to begin with wait you'll have plenty of time to shoot for the time being we don't want to provoke them don't talk nonsense with the followers of Don are the only languages left yeah it's possible but these aren't Apaches are you sure absolutely these Indians are pumers and they're Furious about what happened if he's dead they'll want to avenge him don't worry Jimmy it'll be all right Cur them they had to arrive just now what do they want to Pary I suppose they want an explanation better let our bullet do the explaining I'm afraid there'll be no other way out but first we must find out what they want and who will go out to speak to them I'll have to go I don't want to but there's no other solution and if you see them wearing their War pain well try not to get hit my brother Tera has been murdered the Puma Warriors want the murderer or they declare war it's not the young man's fault he took you for Apaches I will do justice for you maybe caning with him to betray us you don't know him he'd never betray anyone he'd much sooner be shot it's even worse than I thought he's dead and they want to avenge you avenge him how by torturing the man who killed him they demand that we give him up my brother you accepted didn't you that's what you would have done look at them do you think they'd be so wild with rage if i' accepted their request we'll have to fight on B the gates will never have the guns to attack we'll have to wait for them to go [Music] one thing you said can't they'll have to make tracks before dark why in L but there's a Cav squ if the coach doesn't arrive they'll send their men naturally they'll set out at once to look for us and they'll get here in time to bury us what was that you said lman even if our soldiers were to come they'd only find our corpses a very poor joke I sure wish it was take no notice he scared to death of his fooling us I didn't think you were such a coward be afraid of a couple of savages who'll run away as soon as we shoot I'm not worried about the Pumas about what then the Apaches they'll be here un less than an hour Gant told the truth signal jonim was calling the traps together I could use a good stiff TR don't just h around lman what do you suggest to get us out of this mess there's one solution It's mighty dangerous but it's the only way out is it send word to lbit a good riter can get there in less than 3 hours time and alert the Cavalry he'll really have to be good if our luck holds out they'll get here before the Apaches whether without luck will send J M home with a tail between his legs and who's to go you no as chief of this station I can't leave who do you suggest a volunteer It's A Dangerous Mission and no one can be forced why don't we send capston good idea he's an outlaw and if they kill him we lose nothing except our lives no and we'll lose them if we trust capston do you think he'd risk his neck to save yours or mine all we are doing is losing time without getting anywhere who wants to volunteer I don't intend to leave Ruth while she's in danger I'm better at shooting than at riding I think I'll be more useful here risal pays me to stay aside I'm not going to leave in a time like this diamonds no good I never make a decision without asking these friends of mine nothing do it I go I can't say he inspires faith I can if you don't approve I have a better solution that you take his place or send your man Rosco I'm for sending the unconscious Mexican come on now good [Music] luck [Music] quick hide the horses behind the ruins take your positions before the Indians arrive Rosco your place is up at that window silus over there you judge near the door Jimmy take care of her [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay hey let us out of here do you want the Indians to Sho like a coup of clay pigeons why don't you let them out lman they're good marksmen so they can shoot us in the back with the Indians on the war path you let them out each man has the right to risk his neck if he wants to rasco careful you don't make a wrong move read it when this is over we'll square our accounts Captain if we're still alive the Apaches have arrived before attacking they'll do some reconing keep a sharp Lookout take your positions then move around they'll think we're many more than we are a lesson and tactics by an officer who was kicked out of the service one of the things I have to thank you for judge we got our guns back yeah but out there we got the Pumas in the Apaches so what we'll have to wait sooner or later we'll get the chance to pick up the money and beat it what else we can share it with whoever is left if anyone is left what do you mean the get it forget it the're dangered outside so don't go wasting any Bulls understand don't worry jimy here when they're close shoot to your heart's content I'm sorry I shot it that Indian I was sure they were the men who had attacked us I know it was just bad luck and we'll have to do our best cover that window and don't you come down no matter what happens we're in a desperate situation aren't we ju Diego is gone to warn the Cavalry why didn't you go I don't know perhaps not to leave you alone I don't quite understand you I don't want you to be afraid you don't know what thear is do you we're all afraid sometime or other how long have you been living all alone here in this desert long enough to trust nobody and to hope for nothing and is that the way you've always felt no there was a time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lan loan they're here it's Juan Diego [Music] pap [Music] he was a faithful friend and the Apaches that was our last chance they're preparing to attack back to your positions help [Music] me [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] woo [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] w what are they up to they're waiting until our nerves give away why have they gone away they haven't gone they're quite near behind those Hills they know they're stronger and that we can't hold out confounded drums will they go on forever damn Mexican got himself shot like a fool Juan Diego was my friend and he died to save us all total waste you should have known that he wouldn't get through the Indian lines at Sleepwalker you better keep quiet you hear me are you all right yes thank you this won't be their last attack will it no and where's your brother he's gone for ammunition actually he isn't my brother he's the brother of my husband who was killed 2 months ago in Tucson by a murderer who crept up and shot him in the back ah now I'm beginning to understand what do you mean by that it wouldn't be the first time that judge Drisco gets rid of a man who is in his way oh you are mistaken Toby was my husband's best friend he proved it by avenging his death you must be very grateful then yes he also arranged the sale of our property at a much higher price than I would have succeeded in getting so now he expects you to pay him back you unting are you in love with him or do you simply need his protection I don't need anyone's help I've got to learn to survive I want you to know that I'm going to kill judge Driscoll why you wouldn't understand uh what are you doing Rose we were talking about you I've already told you to keep out of my Affairs Ruth and I are engaged are you afraid that I'll tell her about your past she knows everything I told her when I asked her if she would marry me did you tell her about Margaret as well still thinking about it you're very ingenuous Margaret was a pretty girl who enjoyed Society life in beautiful clothes and jewels you wouldn't have been happy with her you should thank me she ended up as she deserved you can't fool me now Driscoll you're responsible for that girl's death and for many other crimes while you hid behind the mask of a respectable judge years ago I spared your life but I think I'm going to repent my gesture all you did was stab me in the [Music] back don't shoot Lan don't for my sake you've chosen a good time to kill each other you two why don't you let it wait till we get rid of the Apaches what did that man tell you about me what I already knew what do you mean I think he's right I cannot permit this attitude you have always permitted only those things which satisfy your ambition then why did you agree to marry me I don't know and doesn't even matter this will be the end of a saw nobody will escape I know don't worry it's all right Jimmy take care of her isn't it about time we did something to save our necks do what what else is there do except fight for our Lives why don't you handle with the boy oh Jimmy of course he's the one the Indians are after it wouldn't be any use even if we gave him up the Apaches won't stop till they' murdered the lot of us well if nothing else it might help us to gain a few hours time how the Apaches will certainly join in torturing him the boy will live three or 4 hours at least too many things can happen in three ours I say we should try it and how about you a scurvy trick that no human being would ever have suggested convince him judge before I persuade him with my gun no no how can you allow it Toby you can't think of letting poor Jimmy I'm sorry but he's the only one to blame for this it's comforting to Die to Save so many the decision should rest with the majority the majority huh formed by Vermin like you you know what to do boy now get going no tell them they're crazy Toby you can't allow it how about it which side are you on doesn't matter what I think whatever I say there's no other way out no no don't let him die you I'm Sor but all our lives are at stake beginning with yours drink this turn that boy loose and don't any of you move if you try any tricks I shoot Jimmy come back here you're really going open the [Music] gate [Music] jump up quick [Music] a [Music] Jimmy are you all right yes ah you should have left him to the Indians I did what any decent man would have done in my place go back to your position Jimmy take your rifle and go to your post L I thank you with with all my [Music] [Music] heart [Music] what would you guil to get rid of lman h no but soon now he's more useful to Us Alive how much for his head boss the woman for you and the money the money for you I one only have one can't have everything you [Music] know [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] have a s beautiful you know what you're a very beautiful woman don't touch my sister of come on beautiful go away don't try and fight don't you know I'm stronger than you what's the harm in trying to have a little fun huh it's no you shouting they can't hear you anyway and if bris Scholl comes since he's the one that murdered your husband oh that ought have shut his mouth he murdered him no he's much too Sly Rosco did the job but he paid a lot of money to have him killed you have to see liar me a liar anyone in Tuan will tell you just ask him come on beautiful stop it Toby Toby help me Toby leave her alone hear me Fuller if you touch her again I'll kill you get are you all right thank you anything new yes sir last night in a ranch in the outskirts of B they killed five people and then burned down the house this girl escaped there are Apaches many of them armed with repeating rifles heading for Sandy Creek and another thing sir there's no sign of the coach many of them isolated tribes they have sworn allegiance to gono get your men ready Sergeant we're leaving at once we'll teach them the lesson they deserve yes sir what can I do to help nothing go inside the house and don't come out no matter what happens no no you shouldn't ask me to stay inside Idol while you're all out here fighting for our lives even if I'm only a woman that doesn't mean I lack courage I want you to know that I wish I'd met to some of the place a long time ago those Indians are going to kill us all very soon since we must die I want you to know that I to wish that we had met long before this for [Music] w [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] everyone get inside in the house [Music] quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh they Retreat I'm going to harness the horses to Stage Coach come with me capston you think we get away that Rattle Trap no I'll go alone with the four men outside with the corpse yes the Apaches will think they're alive and waste time shooting at them are you crazy you won't get very far that much I know but in the meantime you can make your escapee through the other door no no please don't throw away your life all right give us a hand it's all right he always knows what he's doing look his card's the King of Hearts now let's see which card is mine four clubs a bad [Applause] sign now let's see if I can change [Applause] my [Applause] for [Music] glubs [Music] JY [Music] [Music] B [Music] I'll drive the coach out of this gate and you escape through the other one immediately after and take care of Ruth will you I'd rather die than let an Indian toucher you don't have to worry I'll take care of her open the gate captains Jimmy what are you [Music] doing Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy come [Music] back [Music] w [Music] w you must be braver he sacrificed himself for us I'll get the money let's go no I won't we have no time to lose go away are you crazy go away I'm not a fool for you are you mad you want the curs I'm staying all right Ruth Ruth let's go come on quick you don't want Jimmy to die in vain he sacrificed his life for you [Music] n [Music] a [Music] capsu help me help I'll give you half the money help me please half of it [Applause] [Music] e seems we got to stay put they kill us before we get to the [Music] Hills [Music] I know that you'll think I'm mad but go on I don't know how to say it but I must know L you said you cared for no one you said that you didn't expect anything from life there is no one who means anything to you is that what you are trying to say to me no for many years I've lived on my own fed up with the rest of the world when you arrived here on that coach I knew you were what I'd been waiting for that's why I think I must be mad because I'm so happy now just being with you even though would have die in that case I must be that is you why do you say that because I have loved you from the very first minute I saw [Music] you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] a [Music] oh oh
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 102,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apache Fury, Frank Latimore, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, ranch movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, spaghettiwestern, spaghetti westerns, spaghetti western, free westerns, old western movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 16sec (4816 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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