AP Euro Review Period 2 w/TIMESTAMPS - ALL TOPICS (Part 1 of 2)

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what's up guys it's michael morgan from Lathrop high school in California and Morgan ap teaching comm I've got here into the free AP lecture for you but if you want to join upper 90% of my students and passing the AP test then check out the links below I've got writing guides review guides instruction guides and everything I know to help you do your best on the AP test don't forget to Like and subscribe if you find this video helpful 1648 1815 just a little preview what's this major event that ends period three to one what is yeah your cousin Congress if Congress of Vienna was calls the consular here all right so we're gonna start with a trend on the continent so not written solo absolutism that will do the boys revolution and enlightenment but enlightened middle absolutism then palate balance of power then start the pressure lucien and stuff that will be there so absolutism this is where marks have complete control of all military all right you got a couple examples we go over them in a minute blue the 14th and peter the great of russia salut xiv of france get the great of russia and what sort of like justify this made it okay for them to rule with an iron fist and in case you forgot what this was this is the idea that since your hands whether you're a Protestant or Catholic most of Catholics that's if you are the king who made you the king so listening to the king is like listening to God so disobeying the Kings like disobeying right so not only to be punished on earth but also possibly in heaven out God chose King therefore the must obey King and again if the king was evil or selfish or mentally unstable because of life tonight illness or genetical disease still have a listen to him because God chose it all right so they have absolute power right that's mrs. goal nobody else could could question them so our ultimate powers so our ultimate example of an absolutist ruler right the first thing is that the first one is full the second was pretty absolutist but this guy's like the embodiment of absolutist powers the Sun King himself like his father all right Luther 14 he doesn't trust Nobles why new years or something happened yeah yeah Nobles yeah yeah you had a tag turns writers oh yeah act from the nobles yeah and yes so the nobles challenged centralized power there was a revolt called the run right so he was a little kid when that happens so he doesn't entirely trust the nobles right so he's going to distrust nobles and his goals need to control them so some things he does do is he's going to do two things he's gonna move the nobles towards him or closer to him kind of like Xin XI Quan d-did even though he didn't know about him so he's in the mood Nobles closer into capital which is parents he's going to also have them run the central government military but he's not going to take all their power he's still gonna allow them to make the laws and control their own local little kingdoms so they still have that but they just gain powers they saw their old powers for the most part but they do it the capital and they run the government so overall gain or loss of power for them a game so we didn't more likely to like second keep local authority so what makes this guy absolutist it is he's gonna control multiple aspects here of the country he's in the control law he's gonna control religion he's gonna control culture he's gonna control the military demonstration to write in frustration because bureaucracy appreciate which is with that the sixth thing you might think of was moving the nobles alright so who's gonna make have all the final lawmaking power in France yeah so he can get the final say on laws how does he control religion yeah so to make Catholicism the official religion france rejean france which he does do once you get rid of give non right right makes France officially Catholic how does he control culture is in two ways he censors any negative impressions of her France and also but he patronizes art for himself and his own his own notice by his court like the people that are around him and the nobles and advisers they called him to court their Court so anyone that's a part of him and him or his court is gonna be glorified in patronize her for art so patronizes art which funds it pays for it you know remember that means and also censors any sort of negative opinions our art about him ready agent like royal societies that would monitor that alright how to control or how did he how do you control the military yep he formed a standing army but also who's gonna run it no no right the Prussians model is depressions and Russians violators oh you mean the standing army thing yeah and again he's gonna put the nobles in charge of running this army which gives them us more power as well alright in the administration he's gonna set up a central bureaucracy who runs out central bureaucracy and I don't think four-year old people know what a bureaucracy is so in case you forgot or an internet if your opera see are the people that organize and run the government so they're the ones that keep track of the records they keep track of the taxes they keep track the population there the number runners the number keepers etc so if you're at a school for example your bureaucrats for the people that are in the administration office like the secretaries and those people so the other ones that have all of your forms they're the ones that decide the schedules right things out those the bureaucrats so he's gonna have the nobles run those things for the government so that is how he controls those five categories and this whole culture thing by the way he spends a lot of money on himself so you can patronize apart of course for himself but he also is gonna literally bankrupt France making the most ridiculously huge and expensive palace they're just decorated by gold and marble and silver and crazy painting which is the palace all right now Louisa 14 has an advisor that helps too especially me all right he's the head of Finance he's being what is the title to something of Finance administered by no sir and this royal administered - there you go so this guy is the highest authority in finance of the de lui ofcourse and he's incredibly smart he's an advisor oil to the king he's an help do we do several things number one he had to discover that literally half of all taxes that are supposed to the king don't go to the king they stay in the hands of the nobles the tax collector so he's gonna fix that he's going to despite fighting many many wars and despite building this palace he's gonna balance the French budget which means the French is gonna make as much money as they spend instead of them spending more than they have so he balanced the French budget despite spending a lot he's going to discover and fix the tax system he's also going to restructure the bureaucracy to make it more official so he's gonna make Prince way way way better help Louie on the law so he balances budget which again means France is not spending more than they're making so the tax revenue is the same as what they're spending he's going to restructure the bureaucracy to make it more efficient and he's going to reform taxes rights and discover this half them are making their super formless taxes goods missing cool and then we'll do the Douglas family we'll take our break so who is blue the 14s fanboy sub-leaders later I've come from a gamer culture so yeah I was there for you my my generation invented those words no one says painful is it for now they do well it was fanboy and it's spelt Bo eyes alright so peter the great's gonna before he like really copies mom no sister ringing he's gonna do what's called westernization she's in the Western eyes so obviously Russia is behind the West we've leaned over in the Eastern Europe Eastern European portion so the westernizing several things you're going to centralize your government in doubles you're going to centralize your military so the military is run by Nobles you're going to also do something else a second and lastly you're going to earn copy their economic system which is heavily based on what at the moment mercantilism right some time to engage in verticals and what do I have to have setup trick yeah trade port cities right so like trade by sea a maritime Empire so I have to have AC / trade based economy and oh he's gonna try to copy Western culture so like part ideas and he's not gonna do this here does not do this not other leaders needed that later so we're talking about like Catherine the Great for example she's in a copy a lot of Western culture not Peter though so Peters gonna do these three things so he's going to of course move his Nobles yep to st. Peter we talked about a second he's in movies Nobles he's inhabited run the govern the military this course gonna centralize it first that first and in case you don't remember it didn't we talk about this history what centralization means and yeah just in case we didn't I'll reiterate to centralized means you have like one government in the country that makes all the laws and their laws and their policies go out and apply to the rest of the country so there's usually an imperial or a capital city and they have a king or a parliament that makes laws and applies to everybody in that country that's a central government that was not normal to have it here it was local local laws and local kings and Lords alright Susan to do those things so that's a check and check and trying to make AC basic trade economy he's going to move the capital from Moscow to what she completely named after himself and the quest here of course was to start a maritime trade based empire and he's also going to copy louis xiv versailles palace idea by building me winter palace now the problem here was all this stuff was very expensive costs a lot of people their lives so that's going to be an important factor going forward because the russian people are not going to be very willing to help out the government later on what is it later on that they're not very willing to help the government out because they've been mistreated quite poor bathroom yeah when they try to industrialize later exactly okay so loss my slash expensive process we pick up there's a break because we're going to talk about the beginning of the Enlightenment or least theoretical to get acquainted with the Explorium revolution why suppose why is referred to as Glorious Revolution very little all right it's gonna start 69 and this is arguable in the beginning of the alignments I that was a TV cue lobsters was this the start date Lightman yeah so much revolution starts with a guy named Jean ii so he was a bit of an absolutist himself he longed to be and he was also the wrong kind of Christian don't yell like he could not show he wasn't Catholic or they might over Trump so they suspected he was Catholic and they kind of confirmed that he was because he was slowly replacing people in the government military with Catholic officials and Catholic military personnel so the parlor was very suspicious so again he was placing he was replacing the government military with Catholic personnel so the partner was onto this like you know what this guy's trying to push us out of the government essentially to try to make us captive again but they thought that so they D rid of them so they bought up their little buddies in the Netherlands which had been a pretty close ally of the British for a long time and they asked somebody to help fix the situation yep they asked William of Orange to come over and take over as king but so again what they would do is they'd invite him to invade so that up in the Netherlands they invited William of Orange to invade England but there was a catch so they were gonna help him out right so we're gonna fight him he would show up and they would just switch sides join him and kick out James a second and that's what happened but why why do they allow him to come over and take over exactly he agreed to limit the Monarchs power and increase the power of the Parliament okay cool so you're gonna have a invasion by one second or one but of course there is a catch only if he does two things he gives Parliament sovereignty so the king cannot interfere with Parliament at all and also he has to sign on to an agreement that limits his power it protects the rights of English to the sentence the English Bill of Rights so these Bill of Rights they're given things like freedom of speech in Parliament they require them to be found guilty by jury so no torture they can't take your property we don't start that essentially over on but they have several natural rights so how do they come up with these natural rights like what are these natural rights we thought these these natural rights and the fact that they should be protected by a document yes exactly we've got a name John Locke and he wrote about these ideas in a book that I probably give me a note so I'll give you two now it's called the treatise on for the two treatises on government so these ideas are the ideas of John Locke who was seen by most as the first language figure so he believed a few things he believed that the government's role was not to see what they want what the government's role was to protect you from themselves other invaders and other people in your country some government's role is to protect specifically their natural rights and one of the three natural rights he came up with yep life liberty and property so do you believe that the government shouldn't be able to just kill you take your life they shouldn't be able to just imprison you take away deliver to your freedom they shouldn't be when it'll take away your stuff your property and that doesn't just mean the land it means everything you own your business your house your clothes whatever so he thinks that these three things are sacred people should not have these things taken from them unless what there's one way the government make those things if you're convicted of crime specific bites on a trial by jury so they can only think these things go and only take a nap tried are all your natural rights with a trial hole conviction with a conviction with actually finding guilty in a trial by jury simply a dreamer peers people like you right so if you're a peasant and you and you are accused of robbing the Lord do you want a jury of Lords judging you no that's probably not gonna be very unbiased so to take these things you like look at your property you have to be found guilty of a crime by a by a jury essentially he also believes in the thing called constitutionalism what's constitutionalism yep and the Constitution is AC system sequence a set a set of laws that the government has to abide by so it's like basically document says the king can and can't do this the party can do these things but it can't do these things right it's a list of requirements the laws so any documents that limits the government all right so does the English Bill of Rights applies any of this or does it apply see there's three inch things up there right the dog deluding the government so it's a con it's a form of a constitution yeah it protects the natural rights like for example in the freedom of speech in Parliament they have to be convicted by a trial by jury they take away the right to torture so they protect several natural rights there all right and that's so that's kind of all these things so they give some natural rights met English Bill of Rights he'll have them taken away by a trial by jury and of course is a document that limits what the government can do so that's a form of a constitution it's got all those elements in there the last thing he believed was an idea called the consent of the governed so consent of course needs permission and the government are the people that the government is controlling or is ruling over the citizens what's the rule here on the government well first of all what's its role what's it supposed to do protect just protect the citizens protect the citizens protected what about the citizens their natural rights you're there to protect these citizens so their lives their liberty that freedom and their property to stuff them that's the role the government so government protects natural rights but if it fails to whether it's taking it themselves or they're just failing to stop others what do they have the right to do yeah do they have the right to he thinks it's the duty this isn't some fun these citizens should overthrow the government government what do you know it's the year before the Glorious Revolution was shot so again block comes up with most of these ideas or health develop anyway and the governing in that's the idea of consent means of course permission or allowance and government or the government of the people that the government's looking up the citizens so he believed that the government's there to protect your natural rights from other people or yourself or the government and they're not doing that they're taking in themselves they're allowing others to take them they're not doing their job and citizens should overthrow that government do we see any revolutions that are inspired by these ideas glorious revolution okay what else American Revolution French Revolution right those are all 100 US years later but it's still definitely inspired by these ideas all right and that's the important part here is this glorious revolution is definitely inspired by Locke's ideas and these are gonna really start generating its gonna start the questioning of monarchs on the continent right so this is gonna what I mean by the continent by the way isn't Britain in Europe it is what I said continent I mean mainland Europe right not Britain right okay so do I have some do I have some monarchs on the continent that are taking these things from people or controlling them yeah I do right so I got like do we and you know basically any country on the context of the Netherlands without the Netherlands the Dutch yes it's kind of cool to like the only country I can think of it has like orange like there yeah that's okay so that is John Locke and there's the Glorious Revolution any questions about that all right he's there are the natural rights and protections of natural rights by the government all right so that whole line of thought by Locke and his ideas that starts a whole movement on the continent known as blood enlightenment right so we have already applied the ideas of logic and questioning skepticism and reason to the universe right we started to question the old authorities and questioned how the world works and that with the Scientific Revolution now we're gonna take that exact same idea of using reason and logic and skepticism questioning of authority and we're gonna apply that to what the Enlightenment society right and that's between both politics of the government but also religion too thanks to start with religion and bleed into politics as well all right so basically logic reason skepticism apply to human systems and that's gonna mean political religious and even economic it's only gonna do economic theory here after this what my what do I talk about that Mama's here yeah capitalism we'll talk with that after all this but just understand that the Enlightenment is applying logic reasoning skepticism to all human institutions too because what do they apply to before in the sixteen hundreds the universe writing it challenged the authority on the universe what was that whole movement called by the way this starts coming scientifically alright so religion start with all right so this starts sort of scientific there's kind of a question just find out everything in the world this is gonna actually expose Europeans other cultures to so I've got some fur guys name did somebody look up the person that invented taxonomy yeah that's really that's we have like different species that are related for the damn common ancestors anyways so I'm gonna have Linnaeus this right Carl one answer I'm gonna write that here just over again okay so I got a question for knowledge here and that's gonna be started by mostly a guy named iterable and he's gonna try to log all knowledge in the world in what book right so to qualify for this book I'm going to use the Scientific Revolution methods so I'm gonna have to have facts and prove to go to put anything into that book there into a problem though what problem they run into and they start trying to add religious things yeah well he seems could not be proven but he's old and miracles and things like that couldn't be explained or proven so they started questioning if they're real or not right so one of the first people the question along with dinner oh okay the validity of religion was guy named Voltaire and state okay so what Aaron thought about along dinner oh they actually decided that having a government that had an official religion was a bad thing why don't the thing was a bad thing Shuba I want like an actual old violent reason yep so they believe that religion whether it was Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism or Islam whatever religion caused both persecution and conflict what are some examples of conflict caused by religion any of the religious wars or any wars with Islam right there's a whole bunch right you got Charles a fitness ball called the gwee you got the Dutch Revolt if the French Wars of Religion about thirty years before you got any of the battles like siege of the inner battle of ponta with the Muslim people all that stuff works what about examples of persecution like tarney's certain group people killing our tour tremens get the Jews the Inquisition right targeting anybody is not Catholic right so that's Protestants Muslim and Jewish people right those are all so there's an extensive history of persecution by the Inquisition and conflict by between religious groups whether the Catholics Protestants or Muslim people all right even go we have the Muslims consistent with the Sunni and Shiah conflict he's right when governments have official religions that means that they're against other states and their official religions that leads to conflict between to the countries but also conflicts in the countries because you'd have to weed out and remove people that are not following that religion so what's his solution then for religion and and government yep split up right so the idea here is to make religion private and secular is the government so take it out completely so this is what we call the separation of church and state in the United States anyway so what's our official religion here in United States nothing right so people say Christianity sometimes but that's the most common but it's not officially part of the government right in almost any Western state does not have in fact by 1800 pretty much every single European state or Western or the European state has freedom of religion no official religion so and then again they're trying to prevent persecution and war by doing this and there's a plenty of evidence to show that death in fact he's so gung-ho on this whole religion thing he's gonna he's a debate and decide that God's I'm involved in your life individually he just made the world and let it go lawmaker 3 right what's that called see Apogee ISM I'm gonna piece you've forgotten that's the idea that God created the world but he just set it in motion he doesn't interfere in individual lines so he created the world laws the universe and he just like hit go and then instead of running like a clock on its own mm so he made the clock but the clocks running on itself just like we are in the world that's he believed they personally believed the Creator but not somebody who like affects your life that you go however there was a guy though that's like you know what no there is no God there is no religion if I remember his name Baron to pull back and he was the guy who stares like he isn't just a belief in any religion ask the first team in it's like there's natural forces okay also in this question I should I'm gonna come back alright next is going to be now they decided that they should remove religion from the state because it causes conflict some other dudes are going to talk about reforms the government should have change they should be so if I eliminate religion from the state who just lost all their authority to earth how they want the Monarchs the absolutist absolutists right so if I take religion out of government the Divine Right of Kings is that any good anymore no right so when I'm eliminated religion now the monarch has no like divine power behind it so is it right to give one human who's not run by God all the power in the nation why not I'll tell you why says you don't know for some reason it's because if he's crazy which happens if he's evil which happens if you selfish which happens all those are examples that have happen in history and could happen so having all that power in one spot is that a very good idea no is he gonna corrupt King your governments corrupt so somebody comes up with an alternative Montesquieu the separation of powers right so his idea is if you take all the powers the king the lawmaking the lawn force and be interpreting that loss like giving people trials determine if it's you know a fair law or not if you put all those in one spot you have one bad ruler they're all bad but if you split them up three ways and you have one bag ruler they're only gonna affect one of those things and the other two can be just fine or fix it so Montesquieu's gonna come up this idea and here it's that in this book the spirit of law and the separation of powers is breaking up of the powers of the government into three branches one of the three branches [Music] so again the legislative branch makes the laws the executive branch does what enforces the laws and the judicial branch does what interprets right gives the trials decides what their favorite things like that and why does he split it into three different parts what's the purpose not the balance of power that's the diplomacy strategy now you'll get a bad ruler but like why do you want this if you have a battery yes they can't corrupt the whole government they don't even run one part of this right so the other two could possibly fix it or handle or stop it that way you know that you have one bad egg the whole baskets not bad it's just one department that's much more way to go bad also recap why why all the sudden do Kings not have this unchallenged divine authority because they never did what why is why all the sudden mojo and like mission yeah they want to separate religion from the statement it's gonna take away two Divine Right of Kings completely separation of powers to made government less vulnerable to progression oh my god who's influential was a guy named Russo and he's going to write a book called these social contracts or si and that's gonna advocate that all people can involve the government well all men did not like women being in government so all men all men involved in government and if all people are involved in government and they're making laws that's gonna make the best possible laws what does he call that force behind it that race is very long so general will write and it's actually more complex than that that's why I know percent correct but for the purposes of this test that's good enough of an idea of what the general is all right now going back here to this categorizing and getting all the information in the world I don't know if I included this when we talked about in February but what are the things that these people are going to do is they try to figure out being the world so we have these natural geologists and biologists that go out and they try to like basically write down what everything in the world is like oh these animals these plants etc so we're call them natural biologists what they're going to do is they're gonna expose themselves to all the different cultures of the world because that they try to do they try to get all the animals all the plants all the people all the cultures etc and they're gonna go out and like try to put all this into a complete list Carl Linnaeus is one of the guys that does this so what they're gonna find out is people are very much the same across the world and they're gonna expose themselves to a lot of other cultures so what this does is it exposes Europeans of the culture and they sort of realize that all humans are roughly equal in fact one of the big enlightenment ideals is that all humans are created well that's actually one of the key line about here is all men are humans created equal so what they're gonna start developing is like a respect for other cultures they're gonna start seeing all other humans as the same now there are different points in development but they see them all sort of as the same so not only do they start saying all men is equal in the same but they also start respecting the accomplishments of other culture so this is two different things going on here its number one the human sameness is it's an idea called enlightenment universalism so because they're exposing themselves everybody's age about equality among humans they're gonna see all humans as the same and worthy of freedom and rights so see all humans as the same species that is correct and deserving of that's all right oh if I start believing this that all humans are the same and observed natural rights what am I gonna have to change and reform and get rid of slavery right this is going to lead to the abolition movement nearly 1800 that starts getting rid of slavery right so this is going to leads to abolition movements and again about abolition movement to abolish or get rid of slavery in early 1800s and in fact the British during the banned slavery slave trade in 1833 I really thought this period five or three but that leads to it later on and that starts the abolition of the idea we should be that we should get rid of slavery because that all humans are the same and we're definitely straight oppressing some groups of humans because of race yeah okay so they start seeing all humans is the same and that obviously slavery slavery is wrong if you're gonna give all humans natural rights they also start respecting in the cultures they say okay Europeans are ahead scientifically and economically but we still respect the accomplishments of other cultures and we think they're able to catch up what was the term for that yeah cultural relativism and again why they why they being exposed to all these different cultures and doing all the stuff also yeah the natural biologists and geologists they're trying to categorize and guilty vegetables so Carl Linnaeus is an example of those natural biologists all cultures are respectable and admirable as they progressed so they saw some major accomplishments to play India China etc are gonna be respected review in fact there's a whole new art movement that tries to copy Chinese art style because members call genus area as well as a Japanese art style woodblock print right as a result of these views become popular in Europe again Sheena series just like a Chinese style Martha this is like you know serpent dragons and their architectural style and their dress this is all going on in the late 18th early 19th century all ring as far as this human sameness and our sorry this unlikely Universal in cultural relativism that's when this is all going inland so those two things the Enlightenment itself is I should have put the ears up initially it's considered either 1689 to 1789 or 1715 which is the death of Luther 1479 you one of those 19th century that's what comes after this he's wherever like we had a great view in the world in the West and then it turned to a more racist inferior or a superiority of view once we had Darwin's foresee been more what 17 it's in teen sorry 1689 I would argue I would have argued on the DBQ last year that that the Glorious Revolution the idea is the Constitution national rights and things like that are the start of the Enlightenment okay and of course the alignments gonna lead to several revolutions between the American Revolution the French Revolution of the Haitian Revolution and even the Latin American revolutions which we talk about the world so the idea of course that the government's not protecting your natural rights get rid of them they take that very literally in the United it's in France in Jamaica and in Gran Colombia Argentina I think that's a whole topic do you want to learn about that look at the world video yo all right what Oh in the French Revolution louis xvi eyes it was Louie Dean's grandson questionnaire trouble stretch yes for you to make breather those right so you would definitely say this is when it starts in Europe in general but it didn't really start on the continent so about this day but I would say the ideas and the movement started in 1689 with the Glorious Revolution Locke's ideas on government so you can go either way to guys it's how you argue okay so this stuff was controversial though believing these things was dangerous because if be if the monarch found out about this and the nobles found out about this and again they're very much opposed to monarchy and nobility they like they're more in favor of just all healings so why do they not favor of monarchs and Nobles anymore by the way that doesn't have to do for religion oh you hit look here to enlighten universalism why do we start favoring regular people over kings and nobility yeah so we don't think there are special humans we start believing that we're all created equal so does that make kings and Nobles better than us no right they may have more land or power than us but like they weren't born superior to us all right so this is gonna lead people to oppose royalty and nobility in favor of regular people just citizens right because this is where they start thinking like you know what you should have to earn your spot in government you have to Blake become popular or competent and get voted in right that's the way to get it not just like you're born in because nobody's born in here and they might have been another doesn't they believe all right so then they start favoring democracy and earning political power as opposed just having it handed to you whether this be a big theme of the French Revolution because they go very anti noble if you remember right through the reign of terror like literally like the sand coup loans of regular pants people like banning noble dress and killing and punishing me if you if you dress that way so it becomes a very big issue over there what's your spoken all right so these ideas of challenging nobility and royalty have criticized him of removing religion for the government this is all controversial stuff like if they catch you what happens to you never punished right so how do these ideas all these ideas we talked about about limiting the government about taking religion out of the government about having run involved about separating the powers having democracy rather than you know monarchy nobility how do we spread all this stuff without getting caught underground right it's an underground society so we've got things like I don't mean like literally digging a hole going underground I mean like no the Illuminati was like when the Scientific Revolution people visited and again a minute you know he's not real it was a group of scientists that met in secret to talk about math and science because the Catholic Church would kill them otherwise so the super cool secret group that controls the world doesn't exist it did start all right cool so we got back was it talking about I forgot underground again means in secret up like physically underground although they so secret meeting us to discuss these ideas so so the place that we meet would be Epsilon's which were usually run by women Freemason groups that would be to secret correct that's like secret groups that meet secretly yeah it was it was similar to an Illuminati type group they meet at a secret place with the sea and they would use secret code messaging to meet at a secret place to talk they usually meet at people's houses or things like that see there's one more about thinking of Academy yeah the counties and the way they would talk about these things of course so they would converse person-to-person here but they would share things like essays books pamphlets all right they could not talk about the stuff in the open though or they'd be careful talking on the open because if the wrong person heard oh they're going to jail are they being killed potentially depending what they said alright so that's how it was spread okay it's similar to this but it's not use a lot yeah Freemasons are very similar in their body many secret has secret symbols things like that like tradition man brings people comfort all right so let's talk about how the alignment changed culture so we'll do art literature music that shouldn't go too slowly then talk about enlightened absolutists to these ideas in influencing other monarchs then balance of power diplomacy seven years world war and we dunsky that's we'll do that tomorrow we'll do the French Revolution Napoleon are you logged Shannon I was just start kicking people out so focus up let's do it arts to art first how do you my art so what did exist before was Baroque art let's still here you're doing period to good nuts mentioned glorify the church and of course marks some examples of famous famous baroque painters in the area you've got of course Velazquez and Caravaggio those are pretty standard from period one good a new type of art called the neoclassical style so new classical so they're gonna keep some of the themes from the Renaissance they're gonna have like arches and marble and secular themes and focus on regular so classical architecture awesome architecture style regular people so be a Greek theme or a Roman theme focus on regular people secular to write secular not religious so it's kind of a revival of those classical styles that's all new classically as far as art goes it's very similar to Renaissance coming back all right looking on that okay because again that's because they're trying to dissect and copy old Greek and Roman forms of government and remove religion from it so that's what makes like these classical art styles popular again yeah that one right there the guy the the Roman dude with the swords I forget the name of it but yeah that's the same style as before and the theme here of course is is secular it's Roman and it's focused on regular people you've got that geometric perspective so it's very similar to Renaissance art mm-hmm I think it's popular again because they're they're talking about taking religion out of government so that's how that sort of theme comes back something new possible just the time period that they're drawn in it realize about it this is period - so happy - and like this just thinking enlightenment enlightenment impossible and this guy works again an example artist immigrant so you still have that Renaissance style that is focused more on regular people so any Rembrandt pieces could sort of work for neoclassical all right so we got some solid literature too so literature is gonna be based on logic reason and maintaining morality being a good person giving person polite person not really breaking your form keeping yourself composed together so some examples of artists or are actually sorry let me rephrase that there's a new type of book that becomes popular that shows how to do this and that's called anyway no novels looking at stories about people and them you know maintain their lives in there and their morality and logic as they say grow and unfold some examples of literature are a guy named Samuel Richardson wrote a book called Pamela which is about a servant girl who has to like constantly like sort of reject the moves of her master but not also you know breaking that that employer-employee relationship and not like going overboard with it also Jean Austen's Pride and Prejudice becomes bosses become more edgy Nelson which is again is a about so we got a one who has to pick between you know like basically two guys and has to compose herself and do what's best for her and her family in that decision-making process all right so the literature arts Oh music we have a classical music now what becomes popular here is almost mathematical music like using the harmony melody to make a very smooth and melodic tone and this is the first time they start mixing together a whole bunch of different instruments what we call when you put together a whole bunch of instruments and play them together so harmony melody become important that should flow this should be almost like elegance and mathematical and using multiple instruments in harmony together so now the sounds are different but they're playing in tune in harmony have a nice comfortable sound to it so most of the famous artists were coming out of Vienna Austria one of the most important and famous ones being Mozart as well as Amon those are your two big big names for classical artists or classical composers and again the theme here is harmony and having multiple instruments work together melodically and elegantly so some very nice and peaceful and gradual not a lot of harsh sharp movements or passion to it just to bring logical elegance nice sound by the way how was Baroque music used before what do they use it for say the predecessor your ear open yeah it's like background music for rich people in royalty bread they use like the harpsichord and things like that so background music okay however some people didn't like that very orderly soft elegant sound that was more based on logic and mathematics and reason so becomes a new movement that starts here at the very end of period to know what's called romanticism right so who's my who's my example for romanticist composer or or or a transitionary one you have Beethoven right so again in response to this we have romanticism oh I didn't put the nature that's called classical music by the way our romanticism that's in response to enlightenment reason and harmony this focus is more impassioned and dynamic or loud and up and down movements and of course our example composer here is Beethoven so they're concerned more with music being loud and quiet you know dynamic having this sort of like emotional and passionate appeal because the Enlightenment or classical music is very much the opposite is all about melody and harmony and working together competes of lean and flowing harmony so you listen to Beethoven it is not very harmonious or melodic it's very like like it's like harsh movements it's very dynamic supposed to get a rise and it usually does what louder okay that's culture and now let's do mine absolutists balance of power seven years war whole biggity battle even hey it was a penis Heiko wisdom I was a tourist he was a philosopher unless unless I'm mistaken for somebody else oh yeah huggles baroque then I forgot about him yeah he broke I forget actually handle or not okay yeah handle be broke so block yeah box an example of Baroque music and handled I forgot my hand my camera noise music sounds like that I know box though he's big on organ music for the church like dedicated all right so let's do then these election ideals actually influence some monarchs to change the way they run things now keep in mind guys there's still absolutists so they still control everything but they're not as selfish but they control so we call them blanked out something right so these are people from either central or Eastern Europe and they're going to adopt Western and Lichtman ideals so first what I got here is one of the states of the Holderman Empire is very strong at the time they have call Russia yep so again it's not in some country or its own state yet but it will get that with the war of Austrian succession here in Cologne which backbone before that though this is course a state of people are under fire one of the stronger ones but it probably is the strongest one this point so leader Prussia and this german remember not russian german the part of the only run empire until they break away from it so Frederick the Great is gonna be the first rule major and lighten absolutist so he's knew a few things he's going to westernize so he's gonna centralize flashin overrun the government's military he's also going to do something that's very very very light ideal what's he do with religion yep he allows religious toleration right that is very light very all right that's part of the great one I got a second one here Joseph that was the second yeah no Austria on fire he's doing bunch of things actually he's going to they're gonna make sure I get the ball right he's going to a lot reduced toleration he's gonna put in education for him voice he's going to free the Serbs in serfdom the requirement of you to live on common land he's also going to try to make the legal system more equal so it's fair to all citizens and doesn't favor Nobles and things like that however are any of these going to last in Austria no once he dies the nobles are going to undo close to these things so he's going to have religious freedom he's going to have education for boys for a formal legal system try and make it more fair to everybody and exhibit and serve them and the required peasant service unfortunately he's don't last this is in the late 18th century for all these actually how do I know these enlightened absolutists or mid to late 18th century didn't light you've got exactly labels with so mine is like on the cotton in a way seventeen fifteen to seventeen eighty nine so that's the time here you're looking at that's and these rulers were ruined well there's Austria Prussia or the next one Russia and who's my Russian yeah Catherine the Great all right so she do a few things she is going to she really likes enlightenment culture and articles so she's gonna patronize in like mark and writing she's also going to okay that's right next piece for girls one more thing she doesn't like I'm just blanking up I can cheat that's the opposite of like that though in white men is get rid of serfdom because that's that's gonna limit people and make them unequal so the Lightning would be to free service allow allow them to do what they want that's that's giving them their natural rights and that's considering them or treat them equally so reinforcing serfdom would be the opposite in life that's taking away people's rights so that is very much de non in my ID okay that's right she started taking the Eastern Orthodox Church out of the state that's right she started taking our land so separation of church and state so she started taking a Eastern Orthodox Church plan out all right that was her Enlightenment ideals but she had some very non Lichtman ideals so first of all core sisters gonna reinforce serfdom and she's gonna give more power to Knowles that is quite the opposite of westernization and quite the opposite of in life again the reason why serfdom or peasants are not enlightenment is peasants are lower-class citizens they're born in and they're required to work harder and for less than everybody else they can't love so that is that tree Creek that people like they're created equally no that's treating peasants like a second classes that is not in like just the second these reforms didn't last these are all see Austria has a big problem because they've got the Hungarian Nobles that don't want to play ball and they've got the Austrian Nobles that don't want to lose power so as soon as chose the second appears weak or leaves they're just gonna undo all these things the big problem with the east and southern europe is the nobles have a lot more power than they do in the west and north so when they try to reform these things the nobles either repeal or kick them out or whatever like he used his power to protect his people yeah no he just put the script so for Louie the idea was the state is there to serve the monarch but Freddie believed that he was there to serve the state all right couple more topics we're done so balance of power diplomacy we talked about this actually in period one but just a recap balance power diplomacy what is it yep so mouthed our diplomacy that is where you form a temporary alliance for one single purpose called a Wetzel's a coalition right coalition's to stop strongest country and what is the strongest country for the most part Mary - yeah mostly France from getting stronger so I've got two examples of that well three actually the first thing we talk about are both conflicts where almost everyone in Europe teams up on friends I know the first one it's a number not the Seven Years War nine years war right this was the grand alliance versus France the grand alliance is literally England the Netherlands the holy run Empire Spain and Sweden all against friends yep so this is where Louie was trying to take pull over an empire territory and the whole of Europe just came to this a two-pole vampire 1682 1697 I think yeah something like that Louie tried to take my territory wait for what 14:14 both these wars are going to be really important so nine years war so louis xiv tries to take over my territory and then the grand alliance has been enough stopping again that's Spain England Netherlands flermin Empire swing basically everybody first sprang all right so that doesn't work but he has a second round of this where he tries to use his nephew who is who doesn't have who's up for my period the king of Spain dies and there's no air so they decided to go with Luiz nephew in Spain and luiz plan is to do what with the Spanish Empire and the French Empire merged and that would make France way too strong right so we have what's called the war of Spanish Succession I forget the ears on this one I don't in 1770 no 2 - 1715 don't fool me but I think that's what it is and again this is where Louie tries to combine the 14 tries to combine Spanish the fire and the French Empire I never make France way too powerful like then we gain all of New Spain all the Spanish territory the Philippines like all this stuff maybe just absurd how it Paulo however they'll be soon who stops them everybody except Spain in France right so the Spain and France versus basically the rustic and in both these cases nobody really wins but France agrees not to do the big plans they have so you could say that the Alliance is won but they never like went in and defeated France it's just France it's like okay we can't win you can't win we'll stop essentially so how are these both examples of balance of power diplomacy exactly they're trying to stop France especially from being the from becoming too strong because they're already the strongest right all right last time it's the war of Austria secession in the Seven Years War so I'll start the war of Austrian succession this is where Prussia becomes its own state [Music] alright thanks in 1740 so this is where we have a ruler in Austria the holder of an empire takes over but this is the first female holding on for her so Holy Roman Empress her name is remember Maria Arisa the Chairman so she's the first female polaron emperor Empress Dan she's a pretty good ruler she's gonna extend expand Austria pretty massively just gonna take land from the Ottoman Empire and land from Poland so she's gonna expand Austria quite a bit but some people don't like that she's a female and they're gonna use as an excuse to break away from the color of empire become their own state what state does that refresh aright expands against Ottoman Empire and : but of course we have frederick ii refresh it to great I don't know if you really cared that she was a female you just wanted an excuse to break away from the allure of an empire and he does pressures going to fight Austria they're gonna break away from the allure Empire and establish themselves as an independent sovereign state so Prussia is now a sovereign state that's the Worf Austrian secession subbu now Prussia is its own country it's on the state cool now Prussia wants to expand but it can't why can't it expand yeah it's all cramped up so what's happened here is you got fresh up look how cool you are and you but you've got the whole urban Empire Austria here and on the other side you have Russia so the only way you can expand is to take land from yeah either Russians the Austrians so who's the probably weaker one that they know they can because they've already beaten once Austria right so that's what starts the Seven Years War here and then involves all the major powers very quickly yeah well like the end of one year became another but yeah it's roughly seven years so it's like 1754 all right so Prussia tries to expand and it takes sight Lygia which is the polish region from Austria but Russia is afraid of Prussia there they're new on the block they're looking big and powerful so they don't want the we need bigger because right if they defeat Austria here they're coming for next Russia so who does Russia decide to help also Russia has an ally the French correct so very quickly Austria is supported by Russia and France crushes deadly trouble so now it's Prussia versus Austria Russia and France which is not something the Prussians are able to went on their own maybe hard number them just to beat Austria and Russia or just Russia but now they can fight the big dog in year over time which is Russia I'm sorry which is France so here's where our balance of power so he comes into play who doesn't want France getting stronger Great Britain correct right this is with it conquered Ireland how pretty pretty so in Scotland so Great Britain - English the British who they're gonna help out for some Russia right so the British a Prussia to prevents who's the strongest when you're transforming stronger and they use attacked they figured out worked in the nine years war look hey right so they can't be friends on land where can they be Frances on the seas they blockade and they surround France for the most part the ports and they they really restricts their trade and of goods they also take this chance to take what from France and makes Britain a lot stronger yeah since France can't has an inferior Dameon can't get out of France in the most part do you British take this chance to go and gobble up what the French have so they're like oh we like to pull back here in Canada we'll take that so the British take that they also take the other most lucrative area that different chef earned India correct so the British help depressions outs and the Brits go on a colony grab it a French Canada and India so that makes Britain substantially power more powerful and despite Prussia almost losing they actually do win so this establishes Prussia is not just its own state is it's already its own state but it establishes it as one of the most powerful states in here so that's my my significance here my impact is Britain's now the undisputed best colonial power and biggest power in the world and also crushes now established itself as a dominant European power yeah is there the most colonies well actually technical hasn't worn but Spain doesn't have near the control they have this colonies at the furnish tip yeah the Russians leave the war because the Tsar dies and the one who takes over is related to into friends with Russia Russian monarchy so he just pulls brush out war so France gets taken out by being distracted by Britain Russia drops out because the new Tsar likes pressure so it just becomes Austria versus oppression we know what's that one crushed up so the winners of this war are Britain and the Prussians the British to take a whole bunch of qualities in the French Canada and India and others and the Prussians establish themselves as a very powerful state in Europe I know but here they pulled out but when the Czar died a new one took over he was friendly with the Prussian monarchy just fresh out tomorrow
Channel: Morgan AP Teaching
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Keywords: Ap euro, ap European history, a.p. euro, a.p. European history, Ap world, ap world history, a.p. world, a.p. world history, history, ap, apwh, apwh review
Id: 1zJ1-8rHJ6w
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Length: 82min 47sec (4967 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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