AP Euro Review Period 1 w/TIMESTAMPS - ALL TOPICS (Part 1 of 2)

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what's up guys it's michael morgan from Lathrop high school in California and Morgan ap teaching comm I've got here into the free AP lecture for you but if you want to join upper 90% of my students and passing the AP test then check out the links below I've got writing guides review guides instruction guides and everything I know to help you do your best on the AP test don't forget to Like and subscribe if you find this video helpful thank you all right so what's our what's our what's our government system looked like in Middle Ages what kind of fuel system right so we have the fuel system are the Kings Nobles nice we'll just say peasants although vs. would be particularly above that all right so that's my fuel system and how does this this work like yes there's a very nice hierarchy there but how does this hierarchy work feel to its fealty [Music] alright so in the fall of Rome the Renaissance that that whole chunk of time in between so this is roughly like 45 before the 1400 that's kind of all the Middle Ages all right so in this feudal system fealty so you're going to swear loyalty to the person above you okay so technically the nobles have listened to King tonight so the nobles the pens that listen the nice all the way up but what are these people supposed to do for those below them yeah protection and a some two things if they're invaders they protect you physically with their military or their fighting force but also like what if their second famine what I supposed to do provided a - exactly right so the of course you obey those who are above you and you also are supposed to protect and provide for those that are below you okay by the way one of the people called that are up that are below you so who would the vassals of the nobles Thanks peasants for the baths of the Knights that's how the system works and who they try to protect themselves versus who these invaders buns okay the past to us like a honey buns jimena tribes other bargain for other Europeans Vikings all those are groups of people the Celts those are all important people that they're protecting each other against know the difference all right so Huns like a generic generic term for past or else we found the same exact people okay so that's what's going on there what's what's education like in the Middle Ages what stay there so if I'm being educated I will learn a lot about theology Christianity specifically Roman Catholic debate specifically and also what's the other half without ya your professions right your profession so education the people's your profession and some theology which is the study of religion okay and what's the dominant religion what is the only religion in in the western part of your ever religion people's Roman Catholic Church so everybody listens to the Pope okay so that's kind of what we look like here as far as the government and education and religion goes so that's my government the feudal system I've got you know the vast is the loyalty and fealty my education is my profession plus the studied religion and my religion to the most part for in all of Europe is going to be from Catholicism which is gonna be what kind of Christianity right so there's some trade going on with the Arabs and the Mongols and also some Perseids they bring it back or trade for a bunch of books and scripts and things like that what kind of what we call those those texts and scrolls and scripts that bring back what's the term like for those don't say girl in logic yeah classical knowledge classical texts in the 1300s and 1401 this is going to start up by some classical text and what do we make classical what we call classical because they're old no classical era what are my two major European empires with classical era Roman and Greek not Persian Greek you're right though that's a classical Empire but we're talking about Europe here's your paper all right so these classical texts I keep switching colors my pens are going dry possible texts we're talking here Greek and Roman texts okay and give me some famous I fell this is for you guys um so some famous Greek and Roman writers are gonna be people like Aristotle Socrates Plato Ptolemy to the pedo Glenn and Cicero so these guys were Greek philosophers this guy was a person who dealt with geography I think he's Roman don't quote me on that one if you Lin had to do with the knowledge of the body and Cicero was a guy who was very much focused on public life and he was a Roman philosopher you know times are like those ones all right this is my Greek and Roman taxes and those were all coming back and with all these guys comes a certain way of thinking a mentality was created by the Greeks and was sitting there in the Middle East and came back to Europe skepticism what does skepticism me questioning questioning why things are the way they are so is this system here based on questioning no it's blind obedience isn't it yeah right they're not questioning why they're educated this what religion they're listening to hearing to what their leaders are doing thinking or saying they're just obeying they're not questioning anything so we're gonna have here is the what these guys in their writings you're gonna have you returned greco-roman logic specifically skepticism which again is the questioning of authority and knowledge so they're not just gonna accept that the world is flat now they're gonna have to question if necessary or not and figure out if that and prove that it's flat or not flat alright it remind me how these things are all coming back to Europe for the 13/14 or what's what's bringing up the truck yeah trade not trade with a crusade trade with the Arabs Mongols and of course the return of these texts to the Crusades that was over on the Crusades were a quest by the east and west of Europe to reconquer the Holy Land which is Jerusalem take it back from the Arabs which they do for about two or three hundred years and then they run of money and go back but they bring back with them a lot of the old Greek and Roman writings that that were left there essentially so with me on how Europe was in the Middle Ages and how those new knowledge or old knowledge is coming back any questions about that ok here's a question for most of these guides was Jesus and Christianity a big part of their life yes that was no oh do Christianity even exist right it only existed in the latter half of Roman Empire opening your old video all right we've got these guys for the most part now against some of the word the late Roman Empire and that they have Christianity ball but none of the Greeks ever saw Christianity to exist yet Jesus wasn't born out of that stuff so their writing is gonna be focused on Christianity in religious life and leading a moral life and being a lot all that stuff no so they're focused more on they're focused on human life and civic life Civic meaning like public life the government's how to run a government a fair government a democratic government except they're focused on human and civic life not Christianity not Christianity and living a more alive alright we got that that's a very important sequence to know for AP euro how it starts anyway okay so we're good you race this alright so this new way of thinking or I guess this old way of thinking where they start focusing more on human life as opposed to the afterlife and living a godly life to go to heaven what's that frame of thinking where I'm focusing more on human life as opposed to the divine in the afterlife humans ok secularism is where I want no religion the government humanism yeah so these old texts these return these old texts you know knowing that they believe the emphasis on human life rather and the divine and that means like heavenly life or God or God's living at the way so they're gonna focus more on human emotions the trials and troubles of humans and how governmental systems are going to work so one of the first things they reform is education how do they change education in the Renaissance by the way Renaissance means rebirth that's this middle-age so one humanism comes back in these Greek texts come back you're kinda like reawakens they're there they've been sort of mindlessly following the church and the feudal system for like a thousand years and now they're sort of like waking up and questioning things and focusing on their lives rather than like the afterlife so that's referred to as the Renaissance so again they blindly follow the feudal system they blindly followed the Catholic Church through most the Middle Ages was just like a thousand years that's quite a bit of time and now when they're they've got these classical texts back and they're starting to think about their individual lives and starting to question the church and how the government runs and how the world works that's sort of the Renaissance the rebirth return these classics and the return of them questioning and thinking about things more critically rather than just accepting them as Authority as I said they did hold Middle Ages did just accept it like oh that's how the world works that's how religion works that's how governments work and I just blindly accepted those things now though they're gonna start questioning those things so what impact does this have on things like literature and government well so glue the literature first is one of the it's kind of the father of humanism this guy started writing poems sonnets specifically about human emotions that work focused or fixated on being a moral person or a perfect hero or or the divine a jerk you know sonnets and what we saw is like yeah there are basic emotions in love and by the way did he like so there's been plenty stories about love like the end the guy comes in and he like fights real hard or whatever and he gets the girl me in whatever about these ones is it a girl right it's about unrequited love not return to not not not acknowledged not completed love now is that focusing on the divine or a perfect hero that wins in the end no let's focus on human emotions everyday human emotions there's nothing won - that's a store got multiple people none of them are very like moral church-going people there's like criminals there's there's there's thieves and liars and things like that destroyed these seven people dealing with the Black Death and trying to avoid dead yeah that's my key wait a minute pretty good remember me though you guys I mean we wouldn't talk to the stuff since of January and so five months ago well it's called like the listing effect or something it's um it's the idea to psychological thing you remember things that are they beginning in the end oh yeah lists and things better than the middle so usually the like period one feels like yeah boom boom that's like here - alright so the camera again that's about non divine non perfect characters I mean criminals prostitutes things like that in there and they're all putting death like there's a liar there's a I think one of the priests is a liar give her the story exactly but it's something along those lines that's definitely different the old story telling of permit eros and divine beings and you know going to heaven all over space alright sometimes face literature how does it affect how does it start to affect everything before I before I go there how do they feel rulers of government should be back then like what's what's still probable what kind of a leader should I be benevolent yes okay benevolence but what's my overall goal what am i trying to be to be to be a power that all leaders are already in two hours to make your thing collapses to hold power that's we're going to go towards but what you guys missing here is the goal of government was to be a good moral Christian leader now if somebody's trying to like kill you and replace you is being a good Christian of good moral Christian a good way to keep your spot know that's gonna get you taken advantage killed and replaced and in fact a certain guy sees that happening a lot in the Italian city-states anytime somebody tries to be a good moral leader they're either assassinated lied about betrayed and chased out from power putting him by the way he's one of you Oh God yeah Machiavelli right so Machiavelli is definitely inspired by this whole idea of human life and not focusing on the divine and he writes a book called the prince and in this book more or less he's going to pretty much tell you that trying to be a rule like this a good moral Christian is a terrible idea that will get you chased out killed or lose your power essentially what he argues you should do is you should do whatever it takes to hold on to obtain and hold on to the power that you have so that could mean being a loving leader but it could also mean being a feared leader somebody who's willing to lie the Trey kill steal fight etc punish so you should be both feared and loved as a ruler in fact feared is probably preferable in his case so again the moral here is feared and loved and it's sort of that do whatever it takes to take and keep our so according to him is okay to manipulate people in line and and and go behind their back and deceive yeah it is right manipulation is okay would manipulation would be good for a good moral Christian no you're lying in deceiving and using people that would not be an example of that all right so that's Machiavelli we also have some dudes that are going to question how government should work what guy we're going to talk to about this yet but people are going to start people are going to start questioning the actual Catholic Church in fact they're gonna read some things like the Bible which comes back and is printed more heavily they're gonna give the early texts of like st. Augustine they're gonna find out there's some things the Catholic Church is doing that are not in the Bible and not not advocated by the early Christian leaders so yeah that's the process of Reformation but before that we have people questioning what the Catholic Church is doing some things they are doing are giving church positions to family members unfairly selling church positions unfairly instead of those that earn them and they're also selling reduced time in purgatory to get your you and your ancestors to have it more quickly those are called indulgences is any of that stuff in the Bible or the early texts furnishings no that stuff the church made up so some people obviously recap look you think that's okay you think the Catholic Church can do that but if you're a what will future be a Protestant you're someone who believes know the Bible and the early texts we should go off of you're gonna be like whoa the stuff is totally ridiculous so one of the guys that thinks the church is ridiculous and corrupt is John Bodine so he believed the church correctly so you believe the Catholic Church at the time was corrupt and he also believed that if the church is corrupt what should it not be involved in the government right because the back of the church is involved in government it has to do with making it and enforcing the laws you have rulers that pay taxes directly to the Catholic Church and the church owns a ton of land in unum so they're very much involved in the government's right so the church was corrupt therefore it should now be involved in the government's politics and again the ways that the church is involved is they have to do with the law make me enforcing back then the moral they have to deal with the collecting of taxes and they also are the largest landowner in Europe too so they are very much involved to government left so we've got what I just say land taxes and bog and what's a call by the way we want to remove religion from the government completely happy totally governor yes yes secular so he's Lee the one to advocate secularism yeah he also does believe that government should centralize just like the classical Empire sentence yes they advocated centralization - yes and again you believe that government shouldn't be local they should be run and ministered by a large tax collecting bureaucracy and organization to make a large powerful centralized Empire rather than a bunch of tiny little local kingdoms that listen to kings and Lords that's less important more important is his emphasis on secularism and what it is anyway why did he believe in secularism why did he not want the Catholic Church from Bolton the government yeah it was rough right nepotism giving away subasta family members simony selling them and indulgences it's selling time away from her Tory thing to heaven essentially none of which was in the Bible or the other description again that's okay for Catholic you believe the Catholic Church can change things however later on when we have Protestants they're the ones that believe you should not be able to change things ok any questions about jean boudin or Mac Machiavelli ok what more do to talk about he was a big fan of this guy raised Cicero who believed in being proactive in the community so somebody that would vote run for office and try to change and improve local city community life rather than just complain about it yeah he believed in anything called civic humanism which again was about being proactive in public life and this might be involved so you should vote if you have floating in your area you should run for office you should try to fix problems in the city rather than just complain about them like if you are lacking water you'd be part of a solution to provide water with the city so he believed in like you know rhetoric and going out and speaking of and debating about policies and topics in the city he was all about that civic humanism so focusing on civic life which again is public government life so all these guys are they humanists why they are why okay they're focusing on human life and civic life again with civic mean all just the government civic life is like you're govern your political system yeah so the secular Civic and human focused was it not focus on God in the church right it's not do with me on how infected literature and how effective government yes the humanists which means they emphasize humans rather than the divine and the divine means the Catholic Church or God okay so these are political this literature and how does this how does the Renaissance the returnees classics how does it affect actual art like in fact there's a whole movie called Renaissance art how do the richer these classics change the way that they paint and sculpt what are some things they focus on just think about humanism that you can literally nail almost all the things I mutism just by describing the hour yeah let's focus on the individual regular people and human expression you guys remember that that painting I showed you from the Middle Ages it was like that choir they were like they're like yeah they're all yeah they're all the proportions well they're all and they all look exactly the same what was all their expressions oh just bland face no expression so what if I did it things like that but I put different expressions on people's face would that be more individualistic yeah you can see the feelings and emotions of each individual person so that's going to be more common so I'll have paintings with multiple people who have been instead of all of them just like this bland face they'll all have different expressions on those faces okay yeah we're also have a lot of classical figures yeah exactly so people like Alan's into the grades Aristotle Socrates Plato these guys going to show up in painting and sculptures also classical Christian things too even like like David is a big step that's enough but yes that's correct I'll James great that's how does it turn me up for that geometric perspective right so they focused on they focused on making things more accurate so like like I'm ever I showed you guys the medieval painting you like the people that should have been the same size were like half the size like it didn't have a roof and like the paper was facing away from the people who are supposed to be reading it so just without very accurate so geometric perspective focuses a lot on accuracy 3d it's like they want to they don't want us to be like a 2d painting one who 3d was shading and shadows yeah exactly that's to mention perspective so just trying to make a look more realistic not like a six year old to it all right bears visit yeah we'll talk about the example payments our skip the themes right now you're right though one more theme which you guys we could probably try to guess Paul's give it to you they also classical architecture so what are some things that you might see in the buildings yep Roman arches in Greek and Roman columns yes so classical architecture and of course meets Roman arches and Greek and Roman columns so a lot of marble those pillars is called things like that that's enough Renaissance artists accuracy 3d shape okay that's Renaissance art and what are some examples of this art I want some like specific piece we we have like are you like for examples that cover all of these things we have Mona Lisa right by who and so by the way this Mona Lisa girl why was she a Renaissance art piece she has an expression it's very individual focused right has it focused on the divine or God no the Shia is she a famous person no a regular person I don't know she's a regular person she's just across Omaha I don't know he's a process I don't think I told you guys that maybe she was I don't know I don't think she was though but what's the leap though is that different you the crush all right I guess what you're thinking yeah when it's out Rembrandt so Rembrandt did something that was controversial to time he did the painting of something some Anatomy was right so that's focused on regular people and that's also focused on things that were that's not allowed back then this was yeah believed that a second that focuses on regular people also focuses on essentially something that was taboo were now allowed the time you weren't supposed to dissect dead bodies that was like to filing a corpse so that was also some there was a little bit challenging to the old Catholic beliefs all right school bathrooms too this has everything in it that's by Raphael what are all the things we might these forest categories here what do I see in this pool of assets across the figures like his Aristotle Plato believed regular people he's it at himself yeah that's pretty individualistic you're putting yourself narrow painting yeah the architecture you've got columns you've got arches and does it look pretty yes exactly it's got a lot of 3d shading I mean you look at you can you can see like further back into it they can tell what the image is supposed to be so it's got all these elements it's got Aristotle and Plato it's not regular green focus is putting himself they all have expressions on their faces it's got a classical architecture with the columns and the marble the arches and it's also got geometric perspective because it's it's shaded accurately 3d all right we got one more but we'll save it actually here because I think it's good enough to run a song so I think it's an idea of what it is and what some pieces are but also it becomes a sign of status to hire these guys to paint paintings of the sculpting spores yes exactly the patronage of art becomes a big popular theme so a patronage of our and it's a sign of status of wealth so people would pay hire them to paint paintings and name it after them or put them into paintings or feature them into paintings or whatever so whoever might people that could afford this back the pork in between all the 1500s yeah royalty Church and any rich merchants that are starting to get rich off of exploration which we have talked about yet that was an example look like the church hiring a sculptor to do a ridiculous painting yeah right so the church is gonna hire Michelangelo to the Sistine Chapel remember guys he was a sculptor even out of paint like hey can you paint this to enterprises like sure best thing ever like you know we see like some people agree that guy's the best people piece of artwork ever that's been so dangerous didn't have like cranes and stuff like that scaffolding I think there's a picture of him doing like they had to set up like he's wood scaffolds and kind of lay it upside down all day all right stay home to do that and there's another one another very famous architect he designed a bunch of cathedrals we the one of Florence that's true kind of cut again so it's actually uh Brunelleschi is his name and he's going to design things like the Florence Cathedral he's an architect thanks yes a question so the Hagia Sophia is the whole church built by the Byzantine Empire and that was famous for mosaics after those alright any questions on Renaissance art horses okay so let's do all right so we have two more impacts here for the Renaissance and every Chinese classics it's going to return and transform religion and it's also gonna do effect science it will create science essentially so let's do one religion person to the signs of revolution after wait yeah we the signs of illusion after so this drastically impacts religion so we've got the Civic humanism we've got Judaism that that affects politics and develops the idea of secularism which is again the removal of religion from government we have humanism and education that's me to focus on without their bows tell you Renaissance education is not going to focus on theology or your profession it's going to focus on making you a well-rounded educated person history math literature rhetoric all those skills which is essentially what modern education is like those opposed to flight so before we have the process of information we have some Catholic dudes that are criticizing the Catholic Church for some of their practices so we have a whole movement called Christian human so what's gonna happen here is we're gonna have some people get a hold of early Christian texts such as to be the the gospel the Bible and also st. Augustine write an early Christian writer so we got the return by the way these texts that are coming back they only reproduce and distribute it very quickly how are they will do that with the first time in history team ready for us right instead of people individually riding these boats which takes forever they can just copy print you know entire pages which is much much much much much faster way of doing things so the printing press and a lot of these things they need ideas to spread Johann Gutenberg that invents it at least in the in Europe all right so they're gonna read about the Bible in st. Augustine they're gonna find some things are in there and so I already mentioned the what's between specifically so the Catholic Church is going to be labeled as corrupt by several people because they read these texts they may say wow some of this stuff is definitely not very Christian so let's cover the corruption of the Catholic Church first now there's a lot in fact any Luther has a 95 problems with the a Catholic Church but we first of course have nepotism and we have simony and indulgences these the big three here aside from the fact that like you know Cardinals and bishops openly had prostitutes and concubines which is definitely not Christian you have nepotism which is the giving Church positions to family members simony which is the selling of church positions and again these positions are supposed to go to people above the faithful Catholics and raises monks and priests and whatnot but instead they're just giving it to their nephew or they giving it to corporate wants to buy it and why would people want these Church positions by the way what's so nice about them power ok what do these guys have Tsar son L into the man's land yes these guys all get massive landholdings so that's gonna be where you get power back power wasn't land back there right cuz uh did they have money back and they have like printed money things like that here oh no no what you used for taxes in fur fur for exchange was what food and goods yes mostly food though great right the peasants with farming keep what they wanted for keep Athena surviving and give the rest as taxes right so indulgences again are the is the selling of time time off in purgatory which would get you to heaven or hell fasts or having bastard yeah Luis so like you could buy indulgences and do things like go kiss relics and things like that and banish her to to Rome and have time taken off of here about here your sentence and purgatory cuz they believe like you'd like purge your soul for a while before you went to heaven or hell which by the way it wasn't in the Bible so Luther question that one too and you can also buy it for your ancestors for your mom and dad it's uncle or what whoever died all right what if which of these things is the Bible none of them right so and again if you capped its okay blue the church can add these things but some people disagree and those are gonna become the Protestants later but before the process we have some dudes that criticize it well these guys is Erasmus Desiderius Erasmus and he is a Christian humanist so he definitely wants to stay cackling but he definitely wants the Catholic Church to change to reform itself a bit so Erasmus gonna write a book called the praise of folly which which is going to sort of take all the terrible things that church is doing and blow them like way out of proportion so what we call that when you're trying to criticize Society might blown out of proportion you're right that satire okay and that's going to criticize the church and its practices okay and then have another Catholic in England and Thomas More he writes a book called utopia and that's supposed to be this sort of exaggerated perfect world that that real Christians should live for and live to be in essentially so it's like the v-model ideal Christian life and world there's pointing out that that's not what it's like that's how we sort of criticizing the truth with it okay and I didn't mention this much in a Pierrot but we actually before Martin Luther we had a couple dudes try to actually cause perform the church one was so far away for the Roman Catholic Church like deep in England that he never got chased essentially one guy that was in the whole run Empire young bosom he did get caught and killed they've been invited to come out of debate about these issues he brought up and they're like instead of debating they said they're taken killer so Burnham actually so we have a couple early critics before Luthor we have a guy named John wing clip who criticizes the Catholic Church and Thursday there's in England but that's so far away from Rome they never like go after him and also young who's from Bohemia which is Czechoslovakia he's gonna criticize the church they're gonna invite him for a debate and of course that's when they just say heretic yon who's J and so early reformers these guys ideas we're not able to spread quickly though because what didn't exist yet the printing press it is gonna exist with the second guy total troublemaker and his name is Protestant Reformation as his start in 1517 he nails his book price his his his essay essentially he's 95 problems of the church 95 it's in modern-day Germany by the way sweating this is the Holy Roman Empire back then 95 theses and again the case you didn't catch what that was that is his 95 criticisms of the Catholic Church of which these three are in there and whatever the church with a capital C what's that mean Catholic Church the Roman Catholic Church was it Church of lower sea just means any random Church a proper noun as the capital of means is a specific one in this case the Roman Catholic Church okay so he has those problems they invite him over for debates he goes to debate with them and some of the German person's like no no no - and they pluck him from before they can kill him they actually do to bake them initially and they decide okay we're just gonna kill this guy but one of the German princes his name was Frederick the elector he's like yo dude they're gonna kill you let's get you out of here so he actually like sneaks him out of the meeting or you know the night after or whatever and gets him the hell out of there and they're gonna go after so he does that he escapes but let's talk about his ideas first we're talking about the wars that were started because of him he's obviously think these think these things are wrong and he's gonna say certain things are right so he's gonna be against a couple things visibly against the authority of the church what that means is he doesn't think the Pope in the Catholic Church can change Christianity what does he think is the only thing that's supposed to set the rules for Christianity the bible scripture right so he's going to be against the authority of church and emphasizes scripture or the bible has the authority or rule maker for Christianity so not the church so things he thinks shouldn't be there of course these three things are nepotism simony indulgences he also believes that yep he's against the house it's a loosely the rituals and practices in this church so things like confessing praying to a priest or a bishop to try to talk to God or receive forgiveness Susan to be against the originals traditions and he's also going to say you don't need to do good works to get to heaven which the Catholics believe you should do he's gonna say only one thing needs a heaven and that's faith faith in God a personal relationship with God so he's going to say faith alone and your relationship with God will get you to heaven the church says you've got to do all these different rituals and ceremonies you also have to you know potentially pay and if you bunch of good works and have faith he just says all you need is big usually have faith in God that relationship with God you go straight to heaven all right that's the difference in whatever beliefs are to other people believe or agree with Luther by will do all the Protestants did so he has some pretty good support but I'm not gonna pretend like IRA Michael on you in the seventies all guys all believed in the theological differences between crosses some of these guys in the whole empire in Germany I showed a piece map of Europe by the way yep there's an integral part of the earpiece so I've got the Italian city-states I've got what is now France I got what is now Spain and I have a big chunk here actually this funnel erm empire this is the Holy Roman Empire France Spain oldest Alania Ottoman Empire all right bowl with winning tumble on Empire and by the 1500s we've we don't point out Russia yes we have like the Novgorod most Gavi another little statement there contains over here still alright so here's a little message still but up anyways so where's going with this oh the people that are gonna greet Luther are gonna be not these areas necessary these are mostly Catholic but the support he's gonna get is like this upper part of Germany as well as what is now Scandinavia and England that's where he's making his support so initially it's here first now these guys don't necessarily believe in this theological stuff they don't care about that as much why would they support lutheran want to break away from the Catholic Church what's their motive it's just not me illogical exactly what the church land they don't want to pay the church taxes so he has a lot of support a lot German Prince supports due to not paying taxes slash taking Church land okay but he does has some people that that agree them via logically and the biggest group are going to be Calvinists so I have John Calvin and Oracle distinguish these guys at which we call over the forest so these guys only have two disagreements so they agree about piccolo they agree on scriptures Authority and they agreed almost everything with her says but there's two disputes they have and it's gonna form a whole new branch of Christianity yeah exactly so they don't believe in predestination there's Luther does not believe it and predestination is the idea that you are born already determines whether you're going to have the hell in life so he believes that if you're born like let's say you're born a Muslim person so Catholics believe you would not be going to heaven but if you're pretty destined to go to heaven at some point it's your life you're gonna run across Christianity convert and go to heaven if you're born destined to go to hell even if you're a Christian at some point in your life you're gonna lose your faith not become a Christian end up going to hell as they believe so you are determined predetermined before how can I help and he also believed the difference of communion and this was enough for people to die over back then keep in mind guys he believed that the Eucharist or communion or you have the body of blood and Christ sort of the ritual is that it wasn't actually the body but of Christ that it was actually representative of it it was like a pole it symbolized it Luther believed like through some sort of miracle it actually was the body blown crisis yes that was enough of them to hate each other's guts and have people to disagree to kill each other over it not joking that that was real so communion represented aw do I want to didn't believe about the body blood pinion it actually was through some sort of trend the only con substantiation or Tran concepts and changes like it somehow became the body and blood through some sort of miracle what yeah Calvin's thing we both believe this today II was just gonna die unfortunately Haley is right on the edge of all of this he's in Switzerland so he's on like the edge of the Catholic Protestant border so he's have to fight them directly he's a caught up and killed not the conflicts but Luther's me snugged up to Saxon he seems quite far away from all of it alright there's another group of people that are not so well accepted that also have different interpretations of the Bible Baptist right by the way why all of a sudden do I have Protestantism not being United and immediately breaking off to a bunch of different different sects right so the only problem with interpreting Scripture for yourself and having relationship with God is is everybody gonna interpret the same way no way so I'm gonna have a whole bunch of different branches of Protestantism eat so I don't even have a United promise in Europe I have Lutheran's and Calvinists and Presbyterians and Anglicans and Anabaptists and all these different groups like immediately so it immediately doesn't splinter into Catholics and Protestants as splitters into Protestants let's listen to this but listen listen all those different branches so Anabaptists these guys were considered radical performers and their biggest crime which is the cause of thousands of them dying and being burnt as heretics and killed and religious wars it's gonna be they believe you should be baptized as an adult not as an index now there's gonna be a long next time where you had to either choose or you had to be the same religion as your your Lord your your Prince so they were Lutheran you can be Lutheran and only they're a Catholic you be Catholic and only Catholic how many Anabaptist princes were there zero so what happens to all the end of Baptists there are we're gonna persecute them the prince is their government what do we call that what do we call the government the state yes so they be persecute my the state so they believe that adults should be baptized rather than in this way should be a choice that's gonna get them no support from the Lutheran's or the Catholics so when you do have the law that you have to be the same religion as your Lord there are no Lords that are anabaptists so all the end of Baptists are being persecuted tortured and killed by the actual government the state their Lord and they way you persecuted by the state every because you guys they had to be the same religion as their Lord and there were no antibodies Lords so Anabaptists are stuck without anyone to protect them they tried for him in certain cities but those cities got essentially run down all right lastly we the printing press is spreading all these these ideas all over the place people are going to learn how you're supposed to treat the people under you the Bible that gives a specific set of instructions of how masters are supposed to rule over their slaves and servants how are they supposed to act towards their slaves and servants yeah they're supposed to be benevolence provide be protective are they supposed to exploit them and steal from them and you take too much keep it consults no so when the peasants read about that's how you're supposed to be is a ruler how's that gonna make them feel in 1524 quite angry so angry they might revolt yeah they do and we have 1524 the German peasant rebellions and what was the catalyst of this what started this this our sacred bullets my then what what started this whole two year conflict were thousands of nobles and peasants were killed over this issue and who told them to read scripture and interpret this for themselves it was Luther's idea so Luther's ideas on reading and interpreting Scripture for yourself really caused the peasants to read about it discover that the leaders were not treating them as they were supposed to as immoral Christians and so that caused them to actually revolt against them and this would be a two-year struggle give me Holy Roman Empire it's to be a bloody one - and the surrounding princes are gonna undo the rebellion and so it's not going to end up working out but what you have is thousands of pens and Nobles die because basically they read scripture and interpret it for themselves very castles or yeah but that doesn't have anything to do with this this is just the idea his idea that you should read scripture for yourself and and interpret it for yourself that's what they did so they said hey the nobles aren't aren't doing what they're supposed to as leaders let's get rid of them so they do violently get rid of them and again the surrounding princess in the whole urban Empire undid this rebellion this revolt about thousands of peasants and devils died doing that in the years 15 24 to 26 and again it's because of Luther's ideas on Scripture about reading it interpreting it and they read Headey these Lords are not living up to the expectation of the Bible we should get rid of them so they did finally and then they got the diet finally his peasants do not know how to run an army unfortunately for that so Katherine's lost a huge chunk Europe which parts of Europe but they lose by the way every thought country yeah but urban area yeah pretty much Northern Europe yeah a lot of Central Europe yeah England yep now to the countries all right trick question alright Catholic counter-reformation so a huge chunk of year it breaks away roughly eight this this this at least all that and then chunks here also break away so your blues is a lot or so the Catholic Church is a lot of support why does this suck so much in the Catholic Church by the way yes they lost followers but like what if financially doesn't matter what taxes they just lost and also what I'll land they had those two so that's gone no this is actually bigger it's more like this okay so they have a meeting to decide well maybe they're right about some of these issues they're talking about what is the name of that big meeting where they all came together discussed rent yeah this is a long one it's like it's like 43 to 62 or something like that is 4560 some 18 Girish being upset with one big mean the whole time that they met several times to talk the dishes so this is good where the you know Cardinals all come together and have these meetings and what do they decide you they double down on their beliefs so across the board they say no they keep their rituals and additions do they say that scriptures Authority whose authority the church right church is religious authority in fact they instruct Catholic Monarchs to do something no that's part of it so they instruct the Catholic Monarchs to eliminate Protestantism of their countries and yes they use the Inquisition a lot in that case especially pull and Charles instructs a Catholic Monarchs two lemonade's Protestantism so again this is where you get a lot of use the Inquisition especially that we're gonna see that here in the Netherlands very soon when Spain takes over the Netherlands which are Calvinists which is not Catholic I like an easy Inquisition on the milan remember the inquisition not friendly people if they suspect you've not being Catholic too being Protestant can't Jewish Muslim whatever okay they would have you tortured till you confess to your crimes then once you confessed your soul is clean you can go right nope you're still heretic so they want you to clean your soul so they can burn you and send you to heaven right so that the Inquisition would do not in every case but a lot of them all right what else was banned in these Catholic countries thoughts on hand books all books can't read books what kind of looks any process books or you said it already scientific books right so we got the index of printed books excellent we also have the easy alright there's some issues right there they do not what we want to refocus something they're gonna be they're not going to change their policies but they're gonna adopt sort of one thing that came from this Protestant Reformation so Protestants had made a big emphasis on a personal relationship with God Catholics like that so they're gonna stick with that so they they're gonna keep all the same stuff and ban Protestantism but they like the idea of being closer with God having that personal connection with God they have a couple figures that do that so what is named Ignatius Loyola and he writes a book called the Spiritual Exercises and he basically says you should use these traditions and like use your whole heart in them and use them just to connect with God essentially so follow my nest to connect so you know like give it your all on these rituals essentially put your whole heart body and mind into it okay they also had st. Teresa of Avila who had her almost sexualized writings about having connection with God and Jesus they also have well there were a few groups of monks but there's a new group of monks called the Society of Jesus make oh yes the Jesuits and they make they go to do two things they go really really hardcore along with many of the monks on missionary work and is there a new area that's pretty open to old religions such as Christianity they haven't seen it before yeah the Americans have able talked about yet when we get there all the natives are gonna be targeted for conversion both voluntary voluntarily and involuntarily from the Spanish and Portuguese for Catholic so I have gods of course Jesuits and of course they're gonna have a lot of missionary work okay what else are they doing they're not just converting Native Americans they're actually converting some Protestants how are they converting process back yeah so they had the best school the time best universities so they would attract these Protestants students and then kind of indoctrinate them in college to do that so they would in doctrine eight Protestants to Catholicism convinced them to become a part of their beliefs certain doctrine eight means like you believe my beliefs now like I give you my beliefs over and over and over almost like propaganda until you are indoctrinated and believe them yourself and doctrine a process into Catholic education again they have the best schools so you go there and then you learn about Catholicism what process probably Protestant oh man Protestantism is bad and evil and why I need to switch alright and last little part here when the I know we've talked about exploration yet but I think you guys know about that the Spanish the Portuguese get to the Americas before anybody else and they're able to spread their Catholic missionary work very quickly to natives friendly not friendly I'm talking about by the way the approach of the Catholics towards converting Native Americans friendly or not friendly by majority not friendly right there's a course friendly census but a lot of it's not friendly so they basically forced them to convert to Christianity and mistreated them even when they did saw him as inferior one person thought it was so disgusting that Christians would do this he wrote a very angry letter back to the king clean which they replied we don't care who is that guy that what that very angry letter to being Queen of Spain remember it does start of the beat English his name means of the houses Bartolomeu did us Casas as I think it might be deal Acosta but I think it still s yep alright if I number that on the wall but I like that right now so yeah again imposed Native American treatment or treatment of Native Americans yeah swear I swear it's cool loose conflicts there's a couple so this defines period one at least diplomacy well two things do spreading around and colonizing is one and then the other is of course fighting over a religion well who so my first major conflict is going to be when charles v the holy roman emperor of spain decide it's his job to bring the protestants back by force so he goes after luther and all the German Protestant Prince's and he wins right and then the prosper provision for Reformation ends all right so Joseph if he is going to attempt to reunify with the might of Spain and the whole vampire behind him first of the German Protestant Prince's okay in fact since they have such a nasty enemy to fight these frogs and princes they form an alliance what they call the alliance guys remember all right so that's the first one who wins this one yep wrong sincere so the frosted side wins in the whole urban Empire so what are they decide to do because of that w thinking correct so we do have our first example of what's called religious pluralism what's religious pluralism yeah to or morning right so pluralism means there's more than one there's two or more so in this case it's just two but it's still our first example if in this world so these guys win l:w so I think it's big what happens so they have what's called me peace Oh that's 1555 and what they do is they have the rule that you can either be Lutheran or Catholic kind of Anabaptist okay by the time you can there's like no Anabaptist left so um but that's not quite exactly how its worded so I can be either Lutheran or Catholic but I don't really have a choice somebody has a choice I don't really have a choice on yeah it's what every ward is right so Lord or Nobles will say the Lutheran or Catholic so boy dinnertime Protestant still legal like the Anabaptist for example it's still illegal and they're gonna be very much persecuted toilet we talked the last time right okay in case you forgot just to reiterate there weren't any or many nobles who were Anabaptist so they had no support so they were all persecuted by the state so either whether it was Catholic or Lutheran or Catholic or Lutheran they were very much anti and a Baptist all right in part by the way and for those of you don't know or forgotten or an Internet your teacher didn't tell you this is the holder man I'm by roughly this chunky okay so our first example of religious pluralism and that is going to the Peace of Augsburg in 1555 and you guys forgot that a lot last January that's fine we're in Maine I guess we're older more mature okay so Spain's also Catholic so Charles to Pitt loses sad face he's actually quite depressed about it he's uh he's quite upset he fails reunify he thought it was like gods do need for him to reunify Europe under Catholicism he fails he's very sad so he takes it on a smaller Protestant area the Dutch in the Netherlands right so in the Spanish Netherlands I have the Dutch Revolt so that's in 115 68 to 1648 an eighty year old so it's gonna be the Catholic Spanish versus the Calvinists Dutch there's an 80 year long conflict off and on freight here it's not obviously like the one you're doing a two-year battle or war but off and on for 80 years and in fact who gets a reputation for being particularly brutal here Spanish Inquisition of at the request to fill the second right so this is where we have a lot of death and destruction from the Inquisition the Spanish Inquisition persecutes Dutch Protestants all right that doesn't end till the end to the 30 Years War what does it that's due by the way when they finally kick out Spain and finally about the 30 Years War in 1648 which I know is ahead of us but just kind of a preview here what do they do about religion in the Netherlands after that again the Netherlands with a Dutch arrive yeah this is that same as religious pluralism no religious toleration means any religion why would the Dutch one allow any religion them there yeah they were just brothers I've been persecuted for eight decades so they're like you know what screw this religion thing which you do everyone right no one can persecute you for that or the state won't person so again that's gonna end with the religious toleration toleration with Dutch victory in 1648 I also get that in the old urban Empire too but we'll talk about that we get there alright any questions about the Charleston fist conflicts or the district all right so I'm getting keys remember there are positions treatment of the spit of the Dutch in Spanish Netherlands the religious toleration that followed and then of course the Peace of Augsburg is the main thing you nerves with this conflict with the HTML colloquy what more is the big one we have one area of Europe that's divided pretty pretty well like a 60/40 6535 split here across its Catholics Catholics do majority friends correct let's have a lot of areas in France that are populated by mostly Protestant people but in France I don't code front since Protestants and they are Calvinists there are towards religion notice this is plural it's how many words are there many right so these are French Catholics versus yep Huguenots and that is just the joy a French word for Protestant by the way what was the most most most common form of Protestantism in France Calvinist yep okay so you've got quite a few decades this goes on from the mid 16th century about 1572 is a pretty distinct ending dates of this so what you're gonna have here is a placate until Henry Barr oh he's a Protestant the Medici family doesn't like this that he's a Protestant person about to become king he's probably going to make Protestantism legal we favor the Huguenots so that's bad for the Catholics so what does mama Medici do rocky sees Mary Margaret I think Margaret yes Margaret a cheat and then the mothers are this what we have here is all these Huguenots all the leaders that have all the money in the power they come to this wedding between the two between Henry and his name ready for God's Margaret right crossing the Catholic and they come to this wedding and so mama Dee she decides to kill all these units in one swoop and she released leaders and she pretty much does during me call me master that's the 1572 thing and that is the debt of all most the major Huguenots leaders and that is more or less the end of the French religious wars there's still some squabbles and conflicts but Henry does get the last laugh is king what's he do later on in 1798 I'm sorry 1598 you do not what's that do it's like live in peace in France until the new king comes along later on and gets rid of guys murder who gets rid of idiot or not it does not anymore you're like a bad joke dammit it was louis xiv dreams he's a naughty boy the lot next year yeah people laughed not not today good you guys laughs the absolute ruler to when you got it it was like a delayed laughs it was like all right so that it for the religious pump was called for and one thing about this action my bad I actually had some work making me nuts everything I actually had foreign support during this war so I had another country providing money in aid to the Catholics and I had another country providing the money made to the French because we're who's providing sprayed on the Catholics and throughout the process you guys anyone's their hands full fighting Spain all right yeah I don't forget that my spanish are going to help their enemies actually in France to fight off the Huguenots who are being provided we're being aided by the English are any question about that let's do state control religion man so our best example of this well that we have a few but our best example of this is going to be in England so we're going to have a thing called the English Reformation who's the monarch that starts to add every age why does he start it he wants to divorce wait why does it need to start to church for that look literally starts a new church to divorce yeah the Pope is the one that condones or approves of divorces and he doesn't have a legitimate reason right she's Catholic and she's having kids but it's just not males so yeah so she's posed like to say yes so he starts his own the church this is the English Reformation I believe it's 1534 and it's Henry the eighth so again he wants a divorce he also wants something else even the nobles want something else yep wants divorce land and taxes or at least not have to pay them so let's take the captain plan not pay the captain taxes of course he wants to divorce his wife so he does he names himself the head of the new church which is called making sure and of course the head of that is all right however he did have a dog of his wife and he does die without a male heir so his oldest daughter was raised by the mother who was Catholic becomes Queen Mary the first right so she tries to wipe out Protestantism in England and bring Catholicism back but they get rid of her cause she's a little cruel to the Prophet nobles and his second daughter takes over who was raised by aunt Elaine the Protestant and that is right so Mary the first I would say D establishes Anglican Church so Elizabeth the first kind of bring it back so then Elizabeth first brings back Anglican Church so she does two things she requires that all people use the exact same uniform book of Prayer so that is not religion but state yeah it's her telling everybody how to worship in one to worship the half of the church they have to use this book of Prayer it was that whole the Bible no oh I know this one yeah active uniform is correct so you go to an Anglican Church and you've got to use the same column for prayer okay and she has one more ad which puts her back as the head of the state in I'm sorry the head of the church and on the Anglican Church axes premises right so reestablishing herself is the head of the Anglican Church all right the reason why I forgot Mary's to understand that Henry the eighth set up the church with him at the head so that's controlling religion for sure inventing a new religion bring yourself the top of it that's deadly controlling religion the very kind of starts to undo it try to make a Catholic again and then Elizabeth the first undoes that and brings back the Anglican Church makes herself the head bit the monarch ahead of it and also requires there to go the same since church to an Anglican Church and he's the same comic book of Prayer so you get to talk about state-controlled religion and period one would you have something to talk about would there we could also talk about any times they have like we did melon or Peace of Augsburg because is that still the state controlling religion that's his first star who is from the Catholic mother so first on her second daughter captive mother cross okay now we run don't think one although that is that example because there is a group of people anyone's who feel like the ankle constriction there right the Anglican Church is too close to the Catholic Church we have like the same hierarchy almost we have a very similar system of rituals is not really different from the Catholic Church in there right the open church is very similar in structure and practice to the Catholic Church so there they say these people believe that the Anglican or the English Reformation wasn't hardcore enough it wasn't pure enough what are these people called appearances and it was from the Pearson's half Danville Kentucky it's too similar the Catholic Church right so these guys felt like they weren't hardcore enough English Reformation was apart for nine disagreed with near Catholic practice of Anglican Church practices of angrily okay but there's a problem for these Puritans now after Elizabeth the first what's the problem they have now they have to what that's gonna Anglican Church and also there to be the same booth right use the same book of Prayer so are they being persecuted by the state yep they are who also is being persecuted by the state over there in the Germany area this should be like a instant answer like no problem got this who's being persecuted by the state in the Holderman Empire Germany area not the peasants and Baptists guys and a Baptist wait a minute and about this is all right Harley Anabaptist being persecuted for by the state how we're Anabaptist being persecuted by the state over there Nolan Empire David yes it was even here by the way he just walked in congratulations not expert um so yeah Anabaptist for brisket by the steaks they didn't have a government that supported them right you happy to be Catholic or Lutheran if you weren't you were forcibly converted or punished for that so does that sound a little bit like state persecution yeah that's true like a go see guys like an automatic so yeah there are radical reformers and they are person
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Length: 88min 41sec (5321 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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