Anything I Type In Minecraft, Happens to My Friend…

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in this video i add a death note mod to my minecraft smp this show is a book from an anime that if you write someone's name in it and the cause of death they will die by whatever you wrote all within 30 minutes so i'm gonna put the death though inside my friend's house right their names in it and they're gonna see the cause of death and it's gonna be something random like hit by a plane and while they're panicking looking up in the sky i'm gonna add a play more to the server and take them out sit back and grab yourself some cheese and cool whip let's do this the first cause of death we have a heart attack i am incredibly rich very very rich look at this two diamond blocks that's from donny actually i think but i'm gonna trade this iron armor for some more diamonds so here i am on my server and as you can see at the top of your screen i'm in vanish i've been waiting for people to come online and linux is the first person i'll like hello linux i feel so bad i found him in his village it looks like he's having fun we should leave him alone i'm going to schemaze someone i'm going to be like oh yeah i got diamond armor i'll trade you for uh just a couple of diamonds and then they're going to give me the diamonds and then i'm just going to throw the iron armor and run that's how you do it but don't worry i'm going to give linux the easiest one ever i'm going to give you that we're just triggering him at all i promise hello sir how are you doing well here we go look inside the book it says death write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes limits has seen the anime i'm pretty sure so who know what it is i've got his david there now we need to do is write a cause of death so let's go ahead and put a heart attack okay i don't know what you're thinking donny how are you gonna give linux a heart attack and no instead of a heart attack you'll be getting attacked by your heart if you don't laugh i swell bro i have not seen a smithing thingy in a while man what's that thing where they spawn stuff inside of it you can get like iron and gold and i'm going to put it in parentheses i'm going to say good luck with the next food you eat there we go oh my god so he's never gonna eat he's gonna be stressed and while he's thinking i can't eat and when he finally does eat he's gonna realize i wasn't talking about you know his heart going i was talking about a giant heart coming in and bubble boom his face you know what i mean it's like that thingy where like uh ironsmith emerald nice well i don't know it's called man i don't know i don't know anymore bro like the thing where the lava is and the guy that makes the cool items what is it called where did he go i lost him there we go tp lyrics where are you buddy i'm gonna lose my mind over this bro i'm gonna die in real life we have to drop it like they do in the anime where they just drop it on the floor it looks like this except they have like furnaces on the side and then there's lava they're out the sky and they're just it's just gonna come oh please and there's a guy that goes what just follow my inventory oh that was so clean did he see that what was that read the book read the book idiot hook and quill you're probably wondering why is a black book falling from the sky oh snap read it to come to your fate death note i love that show brah that does the best write the name of the person they will die with a dirty cause of death heart attack good luck with the next food you eat talk about this bread the next food you eat why is my name in here he's holding you see him holding him brady put that bread away so fast can i change it now while he's stressed and while he doesn't eat maybe we'll even give him the hunger effect and i go back and i'm gonna go back to the page and now donnie's getting but then that's what we summoned the giant heart boss a mod given to us by our good friend bionic bionic thank you for helping me ruin this idiot's day if you guys want to see a tag team troll dottie and bionic let me know in the comment section below even anyone else just let me know no i just gotta i got 48 levels bro why what does this have to be now should i even team up with this idiot here okay i didn't mean that sorry i'm an idiot bro you're saying i can't eat he's dressed go and eat something not even a potato it's a normal potato he's holding the bread leader bread eat the bread please man eat the freaking bread there's no way i die from eating a potato there's no chance there's no chance there's no chance yeah there's there's absolutely no way fine you don't want to eat a fake game lyrics hunger what else do i have i have an egg i can't eat an egg man you silly billy you have hunger i have hunger i have hunger i'm gonna die bro i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh somebody stop is gonna die you better start running because you need to eat oh god is he gonna eat that look at him panicking it's not even going down i'm still i look i've only lost four health bars look at that i'm fine i'm fine this absolute board is panicking i'm fine it's gone down a little bit it's gone down five but that doesn't mean anything because it's not gonna kill you don't die from hunger pretty sure yes keep running my friend keep running you're only making your hunger go down pretty sure you could survive after you have no like hunger for a long time oh god you're making a hug and start running away from me you think something's coming for me no please tell me it's no why is it my name i don't want it i don't want it did i type in chat should i tell it to eat i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't want this i don't want it get me out of here i'm gonna put down a sign look eat no i'm not eating i ate i ate see and now he's like wait no heart attack i ate i didn't mean to oh fine wait i didn't even mean to eat look see i told you no heart attack see i told you i know i'm fine look he's having a game eating so stupid but then here comes the time all right i'm burning the death note i'm burning it in the cartoon version that's what you're supposed to do look who's in the sky what do you mean heart [Laughter] no no no no no no no no no no no no no what is that why is it smiling at me look at the size of me i just wait till he sees i wasn't talking about the heart attack wait what look at the top of your screen it says i'm low but i'm in creative mode you can't kill what's in creative mode heart attack wait i have to burn the book i told you look at him he's bad again i told you the heart attack was coming no stop stop i never said a heart attack i said hot attack the game trying to fight me it's not even hitting me okay i'm fine stay away relax relax we can be friends why is it moving so fast no come here why is it just running away let me send out my little minions whoa whoa where's that noise whoa my little minions go but wait it's hearts attacking me heart attack yes my little minions fight him bye team look at them look at the fight look at my head no no i can't die like this bro imagine dying like this this is such a sad way to go bro yes fighting my baby hearts there's just tiny little hearts [Laughter] not train the way go go go go go go go go go gaze my children go go get this idiot i got this from eating bread come on come on watch this watch this ready big brain play hey i think it's time for a hot nuke i'm gonna get it [Music] i have a plan give me the steel ready ready go down the floor say goodbye it's gone it's gone you're dead you're dead now i can't hit it oh no what what did i do i think i explained it by accident oh i swear that wasn't me ignore the chat that wasn't me okay i play these pigs shut up hump me stop get up oh that's what i did okay that makes sense wait this doesn't even do okay yeah it does never mind okay sorry mr editor please cut that out i don't want anyone to know that i'm a murderer oh my what happened to lyrics who did this who did this don't worry linux i'll help you get to the bottom of this i wonder who did that what idiot would do that to linux for the next cause of death we have bat but it's not what you think and there is the house of our second victim kiply look at her stupid house it's just in a desert and and shut up i can't think of insults all right we need to do some organizing today we got this new nice house all built the chests look a little crazy if we can't please one i'm just gonna write back that's gonna she's downstairs i don't like this go downstairs look i got a table nice fancy outdoor patio little tanning bed right here for all the sun oh she's a nether eye i don't know if i'll be able to kill her this is right down first got a nice little fountain this house is looking perfect you know the best part is it's away from everyone on the server no more people messing with me no more people stealing from me okay this is a peaceful abode this is basically my retirement home in the middle of nowhere here we go death note write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes let's just put kiply and then um cause of death we'll put bat i don't know what you're thinking donny how are you gonna kill her with a bat in minecraft right no i ain't talking about but i'm talking about a baseball even got this nice little kitchen cook some chicken right up boom i am living the life just bow bow how about there we go perfect what oh my god you see how fast i did that i just heard her chest open and what then now look she sees it this is sauce she sees it oh god oh god oh she's shaking for teeth no there's nothing under the chest why would i put tnt in someone's house i would never do that man oh my god where did you come from i was just talking about i got away from everyone what is this it's a black book and quill okay let me fix my floor nothing exploded that's a that's a pro why doesn't no one trust me on this server man it's not fair all right let's see here death note write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes i hope she knows where the death threat is please tell me you watch out of me please give me tell me you watch anime kiply cause of death that what wait wait a second why is my name on this book yes the death don't i'm not gonna die donny i swear to god bro i'm just trying to retire and live out my life not get killed by the most useless mob in the game she's reading she's definitely stressed right now but she definitely knows it's me that's that's okay no no no no we're not going exploring okay we're not going into any caves where do bats spawn in low light source areas no no okay this this is dumb donny right now she's probably thinking it's all about like minecraft animal bats so let's just spawn a couple bats you know just get a bit scared before we bring out these bad boys that's donny's book 100 this is donnie's book it's bad luck man i'm not trying to die i got too many levels uh-oh she said donny in chat i know you're there you rat oh god probably won't respond to me anyways i know you're there you rat oh god oh god she must be really happy to see me i have too many levels do not kill me kill me and i'll kill you irl i have too many levels do not kill me is this the face of a man who cares stay out of my house man no trespassing i don't care at all you're done i just bought a couple bats down i swear if you spawn like a killer bat that poor bite didn't even do anything somewhere in my house i'm gonna be upset now whatever happens during this video she deserves it guys where is it it must die it must come here yeah you can't kill it are you an idiot oh it's already begun i already just took a heart of damage from that come here are you gonna cause there's gonna be so many bats like batman just left the most useless mom in the game how are these guys gonna kill me huh oh my god she's just one shot in them oh wait two shotting them there's no way he must he must spawn some blood sucking that okay oh my god it's gonna drain me of my life and my will to live come here so right now she's convinced that i'm talking about these bats daddy stop it don't just wait this book says 30 minutes that means all i have to do is survive 30 minutes i can survive 30 minutes without dying to to a bat here we have the baseball board and it's the right bat and the basic baseball no if i just throw one of these down i just boo okay i missed as long as he doesn't keep spawning anything or doesn't spawn anything weird i think we'll be okay i think we'll be all right so what happens like of course if you throw them up in the air the baseball comes down and then you just boom oh slam dunk three-pointer oh my god i just hit a crazy goal i don't play baseball no he's gotta be somewhere this is a no bat property you know what let's just let's just block all the entrances huh but now if we do that but we do that to our windows are we just like no killer bats today what is that it just broke my window what is this looks like a baseball look at oh she's trying to pick it up it just broke my window oh god wait look wait baseball baseball that's oh god this is a good thing why is there a baseball flying through my windows this isn't good did he mean oh there's a tie there's too many baseballs he meant a baseball bat didn't he no no no no no no no no okay get where there are no windows oh my gosh i picked them up i don't want to die to a baseball man you'll patch the whole patch the holes don't think there's any other entrances i think we're okay [Music] no no no no no i need to survive 30 minutes i can do this i can do this i can do this oh that one almost took my head off man now look let's unveil she should know that i wasn't talking about a bat bat no just oh god oh oh okay you little rat she barricaded the door i think this is funny breaking my house um you think this is a good time let me come out advantage on the game i'll join the game you rat hold on the baseball bat no get away from me oh god he's got a bat [Music] that's what he meant it was the bat no no donnie please dodie please [Laughter] get away from me oh my god where is he [Music] can i hit her with this oh my god where is he can i fight him where is he he must be invisible where is he go where are you dodge bomb and win mom and weave avoid the bats avoid the bats oh my god oh the baseball bats hurt don't they oh my god oh my god they're stop eddie run the comedy principal's best bet don't come upstairs don't come upstairs get away from me you demon deflect did you see how close that was yeah oh my god i hit the carpet wow wow okay chill out man wow oh my god oh my god wait can i hit the back he's gonna die no no no donny please keep please okay oh that was close please not like this i don't want to die to a baseball get away from me oh my god you try to hit it back oh god i think we did too many baseballs oh cool oh oh my god no no dodge dodge my house is filled with baseballs this is not okay she's panicking so much this is not okay this is not how i picture dying just think of it like a gas fireball kicker bro just hit hit hit the ball oh oh god he's breaking my baseballs playing baseball with me okay no run i don't want to play baseball i want to kill you with that baseball run run run where's he come out of invis you coward face me like a man she said come out of it you counted my baseball frick all of them break all of them she stand still for a second she's done this is a baseball freak house get out of here oh my god why are there so many oh god that would hit me in my head yeah you better rob what are you gonna do now oh i'm breaking the window now my windows stop stop my windows oh my god oh my god there's too many there's too many break them break them break them oh my god no stop no i can't feel like this not like this no no no no no i'd rather be killed by the bats i'd rather be killed by the bats now stop stop get away couldn't think fast is that really the title dawning bro remember what i said ben you remember a little rat that was an accident guys i swear i just wanted to get away from this man i only threw one baseball at her and it somehow ignore these baseballs on the floor but i swear i only threw one stupid death notebook and stupid baseballs and stupid animal bats and normal bats and any bats how did you die what happened oh no why do i play on the server bro don't worry you can't believe the detective thought he will figure out who killed you coach is coming for me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll fix it i'll fix that dude it's fine it's fine you like baseball bats donny huh that's fine i'll buy my own baseball batman i'll write your name on it and then i'll shove it in your and finally for this cause of death we have hit by a bus yeah you heard me correct guys i have the next victim of my service somebody we haven't seen this channel for a while it's rga minecraft so i mean it's not that bad of a house i think it's pretty good for a day's work i put a little too much time into details honestly like normally i don't put details in the house but i was told if i don't put a lot of detail into what i build i'm gonna get kicked out of this server he's been on the server for about i don't know like a month now and we've never been online at the same time until today but i just realized you know i don't have anywhere to really sleep like this is way way too cramped i don't want to live in this tiny little house forever this is too small his house is looking very pretty and nice and pretty and nice uh too bad he's gonna die soon we don't need to go up more or down so for rga it says they don't write the name off the person a little diet in 30 minutes so we're gonna put name rga minecraft cause of death so this one is gonna be hit by a boss i know what you're thinking guys how on earth are you gonna hit with a bus i have my ways but luckily i've got some strong armor plot four i don't know i think i'm pretty good and i think i should start finding a way to generate some money i feel like currency would get you get like more diamonds or netherride or something like that maybe i'll take a trip to like the end or something we need to let him see perfect oh mama we're revenge right now obviously so he has no idea where it says vanish study bulbs look at this this is the first time we're trolling rga oh my god this is going to be good what the heck you know is it waiting was this chest there the whole time i think he's actually streaming right now too so that makes it even better please wait it kind of does blend in with the crafting table no i would have seen this this there's no way what is this oh but that just like a main booking quill here we go that's a that's weird looking what [Laughter] he's gonna read it why's he got golden apples oh no death note write the name of the person and they will die within 30 minutes name rga minecraft cause of death hit by a bus bro donny you're so stupid you're so dumb bro i know this is you who else would be able to put this on my claim death note you couldn't even name the book right are you serious like oh hi i'm donnie welcome to my server i don't even know how to name an item what an idiot hit by a bus like bro what are you stupid bro this is totally donny oh my god is he on here hold on donny oh i said dude i know this is you bro why did everyone lose me you're so stupid he said i know this you bro oh god he's a lot of control than the rest you're so stupid there's no way there's no way i'm gonna get hit by a bus like it said i'm gonna get hit by a bus right i was gonna reply but no i'll leave it there's a bit of doubt in his head there's a tiny bit in the corner of his brain that's doubting that it's me right what is he gonna do like have a dozen mine carts hooked together or something stupid like that but it's fine we'll let him simmer for a little while a bus really how how dumb oh god dude the day i get hit by a bus in minecraft is the day i quit forever like seriously no no bus i swear oh my god why is he looking around wait i got an idea okay i mean donnie i i know don he's been known to do some weird things before but a bus is this how do you get the book a different color though that is weird is there anything else in this book no okay so it's just an empty book that is freaking weird all right here we go slash paste our rodent [Laughter] bro i know you're in vanish just come out you're so stupid he said i knew you're in vanish he doesn't know that trust me whatever anyways what was it ding what did i say i was gonna go do um like now there's a road in front of the house and next time he comes outside i think he should be able to see that's right we need to go get more diamonds i guess we could go start a mine somewhere my shovel's got decent durability left yeah look he sees the road what you know what let's go either down here then let's paste again bro what why is there a road in front of my house oh god are you serious well you think i'm stupid enough to step on that he does what's about to happen no way no way are you serious right now what is he got it rigged with explosives or something bro you have to think i'm an idiot or something there's no way there's no way i'm stepping on that road nice try hold on i need a sign i need a sign again uh let's just grab some wood i hate ruining my tree no thank you there's a bus coming for me why is there a road outside my house ah all right actually dang i had wood on me i just broke that for nothing i forget i have wood on me okay and then look here we go nice try i'm not stepping on this it's time guys time for us to support the minibus don't ask questions with where i got this there we go what bro what is that what is that no donnie it's a bus what bro you're you're so dumb you're so dumb no no way you think you're where's the bus gonna come from creeper get out of my way bro no no no no there's a bus on the server okay stay off the road rule number one if you don't want to get ran over stay off the road what is this should i come on let's just run let's drive away for a second you know let him think where is the bus gonna come from and let him be a bit scared and then right behind his mountain we break it but now he's scared he's like where did that bus just go wait where did it go where'd the bus go it was right here and then we're gonna come over here and the one's gonna come from behind him okay well i know for sure i'm not stepping on this road there is a bus in the server look so now he's looking at the back of that mountain while he's looking back there baby what baby rga minecraft was hit by a bus bro what there's a bus right there no are you serious right now oh my god i was hit by a bus baby wow okay well i guess i'm done playing on here wait did we destroy his stuff as well oh my god all right this is the boss's house now he left the side nice try i'm not stepping on dude that's the best you've got you added a bus in minecraft wow you ran me over that is such a donny thing to do honey ah another person taking off the death note list i can finally sleep in peace
Channel: Doni Bobes
Views: 1,561,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, doni bobes, mcpe, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, challenge, try not to laugh, doni bobes face reveal, doni bobes face, Anything I Write on Minecraft Happens to my Friends World..., Anything I Type In Minecraft Happens to My Friend…
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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