Anton Kreil - How to Begin a Successful Trading Career

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so Anton we've just spent the day in the city yeah we revisited some old haunts today yeah you're obviously looking back on it with the perspective of someone who has spent a lot of time in the city as a young guy how did you come into it and start and actually figure out the world of trade oh that's a good question like figuring out the world of trading Wow okay took a long time I started as a retail trader and I was trading with my own money as a teenager and then went to university carried on and then was hired by Goldman Sachs and I never really started genuinely figuring out until I was actually in the city because there is an investment spectrum and when a professional trader uses the phrase investment spectrum what they're talking about is on one side all the way over here on one extreme you have for example value investing and then all the way on the other extreme you have short-term trading and in between you have many other things many other strategies many other time horizons and trading these days has shifted from short-term trading to a time frame and an approach which is encompassing a lot of different strategies and professional trading strategies now are like 1 to 3 months unless you're quantitative okay once you go over a certain time horizon it stops becoming trading and it becomes investing okay once you focus on the time horizon that still encompasses trading there's many different strategies that you can deploy okay and yesterday we talked about for example when you asked me about the education of that of what traders would need like joining the industry the first step is always to get like a broader overall understanding and broader education okay the next step is actually finding that sweet spot within trading over those timeframes that are training not investing finding that sweet spot that suits your personality and this is something we always push in the Institute is that you have to have a systematic process you have to understand that you need a broader perspective not everybody is suited for example within the trading spectrum - short term trading not everyone is suited to long short portfolio management over a 1 to 3 month time for it but if you get the discipline and the broader education first you can always adapt and always be flexible if something's not working you understand how a systematic process works and then you can shift your systematic process over time to adapt to market conditions and actually like mentors that we have right now because they've done so much in the past and so many different things within the trading remit guys like Tristan for example have been long only managers they've been longshore portfolio managers they've been short-term traders on trading desks of hedge funds and actually a guy like Tristan would be amazing to speak to about this and he actually gives a seminar in Australia literally called matching personality to process where if your personality is more suited to things you should be concentrating on that but you shouldn't concentrate on it from the outset retail traders jump in to short term trading typically because they think that this is what they have to do or they jump into stuff that think their personality is match - from the beginning and they don't realize that when they start doing things either it doesn't pay as in it doesn't work or their personality is not suited to it and they have to then continue finding what actually works for them and it's all about hitting that sweet spot now the the institute's education for example gives you that broad education and then within that systemic process you can actually go out and find where your personality is best suited within the process so it's very very flexible and if you speak to Tristan about it he'll give you some really good tips on how this works so if you get five minutes with him at any time during the week definitely speak to her about it you
Channel: InstituteofTrading
Views: 716,972
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Keywords: Anton Kreil, Raj Malhotra, Jason McDonald, Chris Cathey, ITPM, Institute of Trading, Goldman Sachs, Trading, Retail Trading, FOREX, Instutrade, Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, Ben Berggreen, Stock Market, David Perlin, Ross Williams, Anthony Iser, Million Dollar Traders, Hedge Funds, Investment Banks, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Business, NYSE, NASDAQ, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Hichem Djouhri, Stocks, Commodities, Interview, Wall Street, Finance, Millionaire, Billionaire
Id: 49KXumQlaBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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