The Biggest Reason Why 90% of Retail Traders Lose Money

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yep do you believe the biggest mistakes made by babies how specific is knowing money believing all the in the market so again we're back to this conflict of interest a lot of either bad people or people who are incentivized in the wrong way will either tell you lies or they don't know certain situations occur and they're just doing their job but they're just a bit stupid yeah I will tell you things that you want to hear all the time no what you what people want to hear about trading is that everyone can do it it's easy and you can make $10,000 a month trading the International forex markets if you follow this line on a chart yeah complete nonsense so a lot of these people with companies of interest will tell you that stuff but it's obviously a lot more difficult than that you know the trading is is can be straight forward but you've got to take an approach where you've almost got to be a little bit very cynical and a little bit angry at the world because the rest of the world is there to take your money right so if you're a bit cynical and a bit angry it's a good basis to start trading because you're going to question everything every method every system every objective of some individual Peter of individuals you're going to question everything that's a very good basis in life anyway but especially in trading so I think the reason why most people lose money is because they they're probably too trusting you know what's the experience of people when they begin trading and they've never done it before sit down on their computer at home type into Google learn how to trade what comes up first well on the SEO on the left-hand side of Google it's all brokers and they've all got a conflict of interest and on the right-hand side you've got paid search where people are paying for you to click on that why because a certain percentage of people who click on that pay them enough money that they can do it again so you've got to be careful you know there's a you're not going to learn how to trade by by going onto Google typing and learning how to trade and going on 20 courses 23 seminars what you're going to learn is a load of rubbish that will never make you money and then everybody goes and puts money in their trading account and blows up and they wonder why and then they sit there for a year save up some more money and then do it again and they never actually seek out a proper education so that's why you know people that people are taught things like we're told that's what people are told what they want to hear but also the assets that people tell you to trade and how and how they tell you to trade them is actually the reverse of what professional traders do so someone somewhere within that company probably the big boss is making sure that that's what everyone is telling everyone to do
Channel: InstituteofTrading
Views: 336,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anton Kreil, Raj Malhotra, Jason McDonald, Chris Cathey, ITPM, Institute of Trading, Goldman Sachs, Trading, Retail Trading, FOREX, Instutrade, Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, Ben Berggreen, Stock Market, David Perlin, Ross Williams, Anthony Iser, Million Dollar Traders, Hedge Funds, Investment Banks, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Business, NYSE, NASDAQ, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Hichem Djouhri, Stocks, Commodities, Interview, Wall Street, Finance, Millionaire, Billionaire
Id: kAk8iZowAOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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