Antioch Fellowship | Easter 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it is another Sunday morning another opportunity that God has given us to worship Him together even virtually from wherever you are today of course it's a special day it is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's right he lives and empty grave is there to prove that our Savior lives and so we've gathered this morning to celebrate that wonderful fact that wonderful testimony that our Savior is alive before we jump in today's worship experience let's be honest it has been a crazy crazy last few weeks with this pandemic likova 19 going on and affecting literally everything around us including how we worship how we gather how we do things here at the Antioch Church however in spite of it all God has proven himself to be faithful and you the Antioch Church you've proven to be faithful to the ministry you've been engaged you've been involved you've been excited about what God is doing through the Antioch Church even during this season and we want to take a few minutes first of all to say thank you thank you for being connected thank you for being committed thank you for all that you have done to prove that despite it all you are still committed to your church into your God we also want to take this opportunity to do a little recap and to show you just this last week what God has done through the Ministry of the Antioch Church like job through Thursday we had an opportunity to greet you as you drove through to pay your tithes and offering and to just wave and to say hello it was such a wonderful experience and opportunity to see your smiling faces as a matter of fact let me stop talking about it check it out what some people just drive through Thursday you've been here all day being able to bless people with food we've been giving out communion so we can protect you communion together on the first Sunday you've been able to drop off the tide but it's being dull just to be able to see everybody been separated for so long the bands that the cities put in place have kept us from being able to even see each other's faces so they spend the day just seeing your smiling faces and waving their people live it's been a blessing man it's been great to write the catch up with everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] not only did we have a drive-through Thursday but this week we celebrated Holy Week and in an effort to celebrate the week that led to the greatest event in history we had what we call cross conversations where our associate pastors took out the time to share on some events that happened during that week of Jesus's life in ministry we even had a special episode of cross conversation where our pastor Pastor Chris set with six individuals as are a part of our family of faith to share what happened on that Good Friday and the words that Jesus shared from the cross as he hung there on Calvary we had an amazing time of worship during that time I mean it was an amazing experience as a matter of fact if you missed it you missed the treat but guess what we got a special recap for you take out this time to check this out that when you give to Jesus you don't just give a drop of who you are or what you have you give your all to Jesus because he is worthy of everything and so his point number six be grateful God gave you the recipe to get to the promised here is Peter Lord I'm with you but we find out later that here is Peter also denying Christ just like he said he jesus said he would before being put in that situation Peter's words shows the ultimate dedication and it's easy to show dedication when things aren't hard after this Good Friday after this Easter my prayer is that you also are infused with this boldness your you're not caught up in what others may say or what others may think the prayer but believe God enough to give you the audacity to address those fruitless areas in your life God is not looking for anything fancy he's just looking for fruit [Music] Lord I lived in a morning hi would I love to sing your praises I'm so glad you're in my life I'm so glad you came to save us all you came from heaven to earth to show the way from we are to the cross my date you to pay from the cross to the grave from the brain to the sky lord I lift your name on high I love the fact that Jesus is so sovereign that even in this moment he says I am willing to give it to God to lay it down because Jesus Jesus said if I lay it down I can pick it back up again and as y'all know this is not how the story ends this is why we celebrate this is why we don't gather around some grave morning on days like this because the story then in there in here now you cannot speed up to Resurrection Sunday without taking in the depth of Friday what makes it good is the fact that it ain't the end it's been an amazing week and we're so excited about the resources and the opportunities and the people that God has blessed us with so that we can create content that glorifies God and edifies his church now we're about to get into our worship experience kicking us off for today's Easter experience our babies from the Antioch nursery are going to come now and share some of their speeches let's check out our kids that loves me this I know is the morning shall we so there is life Easter is hope if there is the restart of the good human values Easter and Jesus and [Music] [Music] everything to Jesus I stay for granting Happy Easter Easter at the time to sing thank the your breathing team isn't it a wonderful day happy Easter Antioch nursery [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on our baby's precious come on showing some hearts right now let them know how much you love them listen we're about to get into Antioch unplug the resurrection edition we're about to have an amazing time of worship listen before we go into worship there are a few things that we want to remind you of though we have been banned from gathering we have not been banned from giving this so we encourage you to continue being faithful in giving there are a few options that you have you can give via our website AAF MBC or you can use the Antioch Fellowship Church app or you can simply takes a ELF NBC to the number seven seven nine seven seven and if you're one of those persons who still don't trust technology like that that's fine you can mail your tithes and offering in or you can come by during the week and drop them off at the church speaking of the week we have some exciting things coming to you this week we want you to join us on Tuesday and 8:00 p.m. for shop that sweet hour of prayer during these times if we don't need to do anything else we need to pray and so we encourage you to join us for a time of prayer and worship this Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. we also encourage you to join us wednesday at noon and at 7 p.m. for a time in God's Word Bible study Pastor Chris will continue in his series we are the church we've been blessed by these series of lessons so far and we are excited to hear what more God has to say so we encourage you to join us for that this Wednesday again at No and at 7:00 p.m. and then Thursday we have the checkpoint this week Pastor Chris will be joined by Maya Johnson she will give us some tips on how we can stay active and stay healthy especially during this time when everything else is closed but our fridge is still open she's going to give us some tips so that we can stay healthy physically then we want you to come back Friday evening at 6 p.m. for Friday night live we have a special time of interactive fun to help you alleviate that stress of the times to make your laugh make you smile to get your mind off of the negativity we encourage you to join us Friday this Friday at 6 p.m. for Friday night live and then Saturday gather the family together cook breakfast make lunch do whatever it is you do as a family and join us for Family Ties this week we will deal with trusting God in uncertain times we have something for everybody in the family and we want you to take full advantage of it that's what we have coming up this week now it's time to worship so listen we're about to get into answer your complex right now [Music] were you there when they crucified my [Music] were you when they crucified so times it causes me to tremble tremble at [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on this video Alpha and Omega oh my god [Music] you're the singer today and forever [Music] [Music] worthy [Music] nobody [Music] and don't make you're the same [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your name [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] come on right there come on give God your crisper come on keep in your best friend come on give him your best phrase right there come on have you made him Lord of your life right now God we open our hearts to you come on God we know that we are your temples and we know where we recognize God that you want to abide within us so right now got over my heart to you movie and God have your way in me living me Jesus have your way [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you can see they're with me [Music] Master Savior [Music] [Music] come on help me say he is wrong [Music] right where you are you can say that [Music] [Music] our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ father we come before you and I will submission we come in accordance to the word what he said men should always pray and not faint so father we come to you I created our sustainer you are the only true loving and living God Abba Father we come before you to thank you we thank your father God for who you are we thank you God for your sovereignty we thank you God that there is none like you in all the world we thank you God that you see us and you know I say you love us we thank you God for the blood of Jesus that covers us and gives us right standing before you right now thank you daddy thank you for your love thank you for the peace that you've given us thank you for the joy that we have because of our resurrected Savior thank you Jesus for giving your life for us for showing us how to live how to be submissive to the Father and how to give our lives for one another but God we thank you for the blood of Jesus that covers us that empowers us to live lives of holiness we thank you for the blood of Jesus that allows us to be courageous in this world god we thank you we thank you that our salvation is sure thank you Lord we thank you for the guy that your word told us that in this world we will have tribulation but we could be of good cheer because you've already overcome the world thank you God that we too are overcomers no matter what's going on in our lives father dad we can look to the heels from which come with our help because I help comes from you thank you for being our help father God thank you for meeting the needs of your people even right now father for those who we regard for those who are heartbroken father for those who are concerned and confuse God would you remind them that you're there with them you promised you would never leave us nor forsake us so god help us to stand on your word and know that your word is true God we just pray the name of Jesus that you would just help us to rejoice and the fact that you are Lord you are Lord you are Lord you are Lord thank you Lord for calling us before the foundation of the world to be your children help us to walk Lord the way you want us to walk help us to be a witness in the world that you live and that you will come back for your church so God would you help your church today help us to continue to let our light shines with others to see our good work and glorify you will you help us to be the church got it to care for one another when you help us to be the church guide and hold our heads up and not doubt anything that we see father god help us to know that you are still in control and we bless your holy - your righteous name we ask you forgive us for our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness we acknowledge we sin we've come short of your glory but god we thank you for the blood of jesus that covers us that justifies us and gives us right standing be glorified today father guards we give you glory we give you honor and we bless you in the name of Jesus amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] you have won the veto [Music] [Music] bi bi is now pierced hands will buy this blood we're washed clean now we have [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what everybody's singing [Music] [Music] see there one more time everybody Halloween [Music] [Music] [Music] come on if you're grateful if you're grateful for what Jesus did if you're grateful for what we're celebrating today the victory that Jesus would you Oh God your best worship was a matter of fact I dare you to make your living room for wherever you're watching right now a tabernacle of praise and begin to give God glory for what he did he didn't have to do it he could have chosen to do something else he could have decided to come off the cross he could have decided not to go through with it but today we celebrate the fact that Jesus thought enough of you that Jesus loved you so much that while you were in the midst of your sin Christ died for you while you were an enemy of his he reconciled you back to the Father with the price of his own blood that he won a victory that you were not strong enough to win that Jesus stepped in the ring against death hell and the grave Jesus stepped in the ring against sin after sin had beat you down and beat you up and had taken everything from you Jesus stepped in against the bully and won a battle you couldn't win on your own if you're grateful you oughta give Jesus [Music] come on give that Lord if you're really great [Music] everybody gives your voices think that play is crazy [Music] you act what the victory [Music] victory over hell victory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm safest it's off the road he's four isn't [Music] at the right hand of the Father faking it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see you have won the victory everybody sing hallelujah [Music] thank you Jesus from your victory over death hell and the grave we celebrate that today you are the reigning defending champion the victorious one over death head of the grave more powerful than seeing you snatched us out you rob the grave of its power the grave could not keep you you silence its boast and now you're seated at the right hand of the father making intercession for us in victory how we honor you Jesus how grateful we are Jesus thank you so much for your victory we honor you would you speak to us in these next moments just to understand what this great and glorious gospel is what this good news is we don't want to be guilty of simply celebrating a holiday and not understanding the width and the length and the depth of its meaning but you teach us through your word what it is your resurrection means settle our minds and our spirits to hear clearly what it is you have to say to us in this moment in Jesus name Amen what an incredible thing to commemorate today the greatest moment in all of human history the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ pray that you've been blessed by the service so far and we're going to quickly get to the word if you have your Bibles I hope that you do I turn with me the 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 I want to briefly help us to understand what it is we're celebrating today 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 we're going to start at verse number 12 this is the second installment of our series there's victory after Calvary in which we'll look at understanding what it is Jesus accomplished for us is the second installment of four of this series first Corinthians chapter number 15 beginning at verse number 12 this is the word of the Lord now with Christ is preached that he has been raised from the dead how do some among you say there is no resurrection of the Dead but if there is no resurrection of the dead then Christ is not risen and if Christ is not risen that our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty yes and we are found false witnesses of God because we've testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he did not raise up if in the fact the dead do not rise for if the dead do not rise then Christ is not risen and if Christ is not risen your faith is futile you are in your sins then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are in the most pitiable but now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of all those who have fallen asleep for for the sake of understanding the title I want to read a snippet of verse 14 from the message Bible it says it this way if there is no resurrection for Christ everything we've told you is smoke and mirrors that's what I want to talk about today smoke and mirrors smoke and mirrors this this is friends the word of the Lord if you've been in church at all at any point in your life you might have heard a version of the story that we are celebrating today it is it is the event in the Christian faith it paints the picture and tells the story of the symbol that is the centerpiece of our faith that is the cross of Jesus Christ if you've been following on through our series as we talked about cross conversations we've we spent some time over the course of this week letting you know what happened Jesus who came and was born of the Virgin Mary according to the prophecy he was he was raised up and he started his earthly ministry he healed the sick he raised the dead but he lived a perfect and blameless life all so that he could be the blameless pass over them that he could be the substitute for our sins so that he could be the opportunity for us to be bought back to the Father he purchased our salvation jesus took a cross up Calvary's heel he hung there from the sixth to the ninth hour y'all heard the story if you heard any Baptist preacher close a sermon or you've heard the story they hung him high as the choir sung a second ago they stretched him why he hung his head there he died they placed them in a borrowed tomb there's the choir so eloquently sung to us that's not the story ends on the third day this this resurrection morning Jesus was raised to life his his body that was placed in the borrowed tomb was raised to life and Jesus walked out of that bar Row 2 with victory victory over death hell and the grave more powerful than sin he literally took on our sin to the cross so that he could make right what we made wrong and then Jesus was resurrected back to life Jesus walked out of the grave in victory in power Jesus walked out of that grave the same Jesus who was dead make no mistake about it Jesus died and then Jesus was raised to life again he laid down his life and Jesus will say I'm laying my life down because if I lay it down I'll be able to pick it up again no man takes my life from me jesus sacrificially laid down his life and on the third day morning early according to the scriptures Jesus was resurrected from the grave this is the gospel message in its totality humanity failed we sinned it's what we talked about last week but Jesus came to give his a life in exchange for hours and then was resurrected back to life this this is the Gospel message that the Apostles preached if you study throughout the book of Acts as this message of Jesus Christ's prayer following the Ascension of Jesus back into heaven this was the root of the Gospel message in fact it is the Gospel message that is being preached all over the world today this is the Gospel message and it is this message that should be spread all over the world that Jesus came as a substitution for your sins he hung bled and died on Calvary's cross but he is not in the grave he is alive this is the gospel of Jesus Christ and it was spread all over and here the church at Corinth had to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and those who comprise the church were saved by this message if you saved the day this is the message that you were saved by you are saved because Jesus died and Jesus got up and if you cave into relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ if you will call yourself a believer today you have to do so with thee with the understanding that Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the grave however there was a tension in the Corinthian church because there were there were these Greek philosophers who started to to talk about how impossible it was for for somebody to come back to life these these these worldly ideas started to infiltrate the church and dilute the Gospel message so there were people who would profess themselves as Christian but then say they didn't quite know if they believed in the resurrection they they they came to church they they sung the hymns they heard the sermons but because of these worldly doctrines that started to try to marry themselves to the message of hope of Jesus they started to wonder if they could trust in the resurrection friends we be very careful trying to blend secular philosophy with spiritual doctrine because ultimately it will dilute the gospel that you claim saves you that that that a lot of the reasons we struggle with our faith in our doctrine is not because the word isn't powerful it's because we've taken the word but started to blend it with some of the teachings of the world and now our faith has started to become rocky because we try to blend and merge secular philosophy with our spiritual doctrine Paul's response to this tension in verse 13 lets them know that that essentially the resurrect she has to be understood and believed because it is the very assuring of our faith celebrating this day is important because of the implications of the resurrection here it is Paul suggests that the resurrection is not just an event with insignificant details but serves as the very foundation of our faith evidence of our eternal hope and the very lens by which we are to view our lives it is the resurrection that conquers the final enemy death and catapults us into victory after Calvary the resurrection is the watershed event in all of human history and the most important moment for the believer because of the implications of the alternative if Jesus isn't alive that our faith our preaching the Scriptures and our eternal hope of future glory is nothing more than smoke and mirrors it it would mean that the Gospel message without the resurrection is nothing more than an empty event with lots of hype and no substance there is this interesting Netflix documentary I don't know if you've seen it but it follows the story of this would be music festival it was meant to be the music festival to end all music festivals it was it was advertised as the most luxury music festival that would ever hit the market the lineup was incredible it had all types of names from all types of genres and they had they said that they had rented out a private island and that there was going to be there was going to be super superstar chefs catering meals and that there were there were going to be private man for all of those who would pay their money and show up and charter planes for all of those who would come and fly into the city and people spend all their money all their time all their hard work all of their substance to fly to this event only to discover when they got there there was nothing all of the advertisement was height with no substance and they spent all their money and hadn't been able to get any of it back because it was height with no substance that that that this event that was supposed to be a big deal really measured to nothing once they got there there was smoke and mirrors this is the alternative to our faith if Jesus is not a lot of Paul makes it clear that if Jesus didn't get up there is an alternative ending an ending that changes the whole story I'm a big I'm a big movie fan and I would often buy DVDs just to watch the deleted scenes and see how the movie would have ended if they chose not to end it the way it did the alternative ending is one bet that literally changes the entire story here friends is the alternative ending according to what Paul says Paul says if Jesus didn't get up at the end if the ending does not if the story does not end with the resurrection 1 our faith is empty it is hollow it is it is an illusion it's it's it's it's a good magic trick that holds no weight it it is like other religions just like the rest of them that preach hope but have no substance because the main character is dead so how can there be hope in your story if the person who's supposed to give you hope is too dead to give it to so everything that you have placed your belief in is simply an illusion our our preaching is empty we're just talking about something that's not true we are wasting our time and raising our voice about something that has no weight nothing that can hold you when the storm comes no wait nothing nothing that can keep you in a raging sea it has no weight it is it is literally just an empty belief it is you holding on to a false promise you you've you you've been guilty of holding on to a false promise before you you know how it feels to believe in somebody's word that has no weight which would suggest that Paul says the next day I'm gonna move quickly it means that our faith in our preaching is empty because watch this Oh Paul Paul suggests here that everybody who has declared it to be true is now a liar so so so all of these gospel messages all of these scriptures all of these stories are written by liars Paul actually opens chapter number 15 the first six verses or so going over the fact that there are a list of people who saw the Living risen Savior that he even goes on to say there was a group of about 500 of us or 500 people and some of them are dead but most of them are still alive suggesting that he had a working list of all those people who saw Jesus alive Paul says if he didn't get up then every one of us who said we saw him is a liar meaning not only can you not trust the resurrection but you can trust the report of the miracles you can't trust the report of the Cross you can't trust the preaching of the Apostles because everything that we said is a lot the alternative ending suggests that that if Jesus didn't get up our sins haven't been forgiven this suggests that the shedding of Christ's blood without his resurrection from the grave does not complete the work this is this is an important doctrine under the thing to understand because I hear somebody who's really smart and knows your Bible in tune in to cross conversations Friday night say wait a minute you say it fast Chris I heard you say that when Jesus said it is finished it completed the work let me teach you a doctrinal lesson it completed Jesus's work Jesus looked had enough faith to finish his work because he believed that the father and the spirit would then do their work so jesus finishes the work that he came to do trusting that the Spirit would do its work and the Bible says part on the right that the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive enough so Jesus completed the work because he trusted the spirit to do its job the text suggests that if Jesus does not get up from the grave then the work is not finished it could only be totally settled at the resurrection and not for the resurrection we are not forgiven and we are still subject to the penalty and the punishment for sin if Jesus is not alive you still got a debt to pay if Jesus is not alive there is still a price tag on you the wages of sin is still death and if Jesus his day then somebody gotta pay if Jesus is dead Paul says all of this suffering verse 19 we are a of all men the most some translations say we are the most pitiful of all men Paul actually writes this verse through the viewpoint of suffering Paul understands that those people who claim the name of Jesus had to suffer for his namesake right and you've experienced it if you claim to be a Christian in certain circles you are son you are rejected our brothers and sisters around the world are threatened their lives are threatened on a daily basis because they claim the name of Jesus Paul says with all of this suffering if Jesus is dead we're pitiful for living for a Dan Savior so all of the suffering that we've endured for his name is useless and you could have spent your life doing something else that if Jesus is dead why would you deny yourself to follow him that is Jesus is dead why would you why would you reject temptation and try to live a life of holiness if Jesus is dead why would you let folk talk about you and let yourself be shunned by society and Jesus is dead you might as well go be like everybody else because we look beautiful living for somebody that's dead David gusik says it this way the divinity of Jesus the sovereignty of Jesus our justification our regeneration and our ultimate resurrection all hinge and rests on the resurrection of Jesus Charles Spurgeon says it this way the fact is that the silver thread of resurrection runs through all the blessings from regeneration all were to our eternal glory and binds them together friends the simple fact is if Jesus isn't alive nothing we believe in matters if it's all smoke and mirrors nothing that we believe in man but verse 20 says there is an actual event yes there's a there's a there's a hypothetical here there's an alternative ending here there's another possibility here and that possibility is the Jesus isn't alive but verse 20 says but there is something that we know for certain there is something that I can testify to for sure there is one thing that I'm sure of and verse number twenty but jesus is alive Jesus Jesus is alive he lives he lives he lives and there is an actual event that means the opposite is true since Jesus is alive our faith and our preaching is waiting what we carry is substantive our Proclamation matters our evangelistic efforts matter we have in these earthen vessels a heavy weighty treasure our faith would be empty if the grave was food but because the grave is empty our faith is food because because the grave is empty we got a faith that can carry us through all different types of seasons and situations because the grave is empty we have a belief in something that holds us when the world is going crazy because the grave is empty it's more than just smoke and mirrors it is a substance because the grave is empty I'm almost done our faith is full our Proclamation matters because the grave is empty our sins have been forgiven somebody ought to be happy about that because because the grave is empty the sin debt has been paid in full the penalty for sin has been settled once and for all times because he is alive currently making intercession for us because because the grave is empty God's Word is true and can be trusted we can trust what the Apostles saying we can trust the Gospels we can trust acts we can trust that the the faith that we have received because of his word how do I know buckle up because miss don't make martyrs nobody would die for a myth these apostles who spread this gospel were all slain because they placed their faith in it because they stake their humanity on it because they live their lives for it because they made a profession that they were willing to lay down their lives for nobody would die for a rumor these apostles were willing to die to be stoned to be boiled alive to be crucified upside down because they know that Jesus is alive they saw him alive why would they lay down their lives for a savior they never saw because they were willing to do that because because church history teaches us that every single one of these apostles had to deal with death attempts and martyrdom we can trust that their word is sure because myths don't make martyrs we can trust his word because they were willing to die for what they saw his word is true finally we're sure we're sure of an eternal reward for suffering because this is good according to verse 20 Christ is the firstfruits of all those who will be resurrected did you see it in verse 20 when he says that Christ has become the firstfruits of all those who have fallen asleep I like the way the message Bible says it here the message Bible says that Jesus is first of a legacy of folk who will walk out the grave y'all didn't catch it you you you look you I see you're still not understanding it you should be hollering in your living room or wherever you are watching this because it was suggest that Jesus in the only one that will be raised he's the first one well meaning meaning that one of these days you'll join the legacy of those who come out of the grave you've already come out of the grave spiritually but Paul says let me tell you a secret one day when the Trump of God sounds the dead in Christ shall rise first this resurrection and those of us who remain will be caught up to meet him in the air meaning that all this suffering down here it's for something eternal all the hell we got to go through down here it's because one of these all morning and it won't be long you'll look for me and I'll be going there is something on the other side of this meaning I'm dealing with all this hell because I know I got a heaven to get to and it is Christ's resurrection that assures me of it because he's alive I can trust and know that one day I will be brought back to life with him I'm through when I tell you when I tell you this I'm done I'm done that that there is an alternative ending if Jesus hidden alive but that's that's hypothetical the actual event that we celebrate today is the fact that jesus is alive let me tell you about this assuring evidence and I'm done wait a minute preacher you've been saying all this stuff but you hadn't said anything that that should make me know he's alive you hadn't given me any scientific proof you hadn't you hadn't given me any actual evidence to assure me that he's alive but here friends is the issue of you don't have actual evidence that he's alive your story's not like mine if you don't have any actual evidence that he's alive then uh big you don't have my testimony matter of fact the hymn writer said it this way I'm doing come on T the hymn writer said I serve a risen Savior him writer said he's in the world today I know that he is a living whatever men may say I see his hand of mercy yes sir I hear his voice of cheer and just the time that I need him he is always near here's the chorus of it he lives he lives Christ Jesus lives today he walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way he lives he lives salvation to impart you ask me how I know he lives I got an answer for you he lives within my heart if you wanna know this morning how I know my Jesus lives it's because he lives in me do I have one witness here who can testify that he's alive in me how do you know he's alive and you preacher because when there is chaos all around me somehow or another I find myself at peace in the middle of a raging sea I got peace like a river am I talking to anybody out there who says I find myself calm when the world is going crazy how is it it's because he that he is yes he does if you want to know how I know he lives here's my answer when I want to go off on people because they talking about me crazy when I want to go off on people because they got something to say there's a still small voice that says hold your peace and let me fight your battles and every battle he's fought on my behalf I've seen victory because he lives I don't think I'm talking to anybody but is there anybody here who knows that Jesus and lives because in the middle of a world going crazy when stuff seeks to bring you down you got joy on the inside this joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away why because he lives deep down on the inside of me he walks with me he talks with me he tells of me that I am his own the reason why I know it's because when I'm crying late in the midnight hour only Jesus couldn't wipe my tears I got a witness today that knows evil is am I talking to anybody who can look back over your life and say every time I think I should be in my grave and I can say yes he does Jesus lives in me he walks with me yes he does he lives in me you oughta know he lives because when you think about Jesus's a wheel gets to turn in that's how you know he lives because when you think about Jesus a fire sparks to burn him why mama used to say I wouldn't have a religion that I couldn't feel sometimes and when I get to feelin him that's how I know he lives because he has a way of lighting a fire on the inside of me that Jeremiah said is like fiber shut up in my bones that fire that's burning is evidence that he lives do you know my Jesus you wanna help me nobody can love me like nobody nobody can hold me like he's taking me he's taking my hair anybody can suture this morning life is a work I said life is worth the living just because he lives I'm through y'all but y'all know I can't eat until I ask somebody my question can I ask somebody my question [Music] and I am a simple that the Holy Spirit dwells here I got a serious that cheers of the lives I've been filled with His Holy Ghost and because I got the Holy Spirit I've no kita leaves I said cuz I got the Holy Ghost I know he lives because when I think about him I get a run him in my feet because I know ki the reals when I think about them I get in my hands cuz I located live if you're low-key live don't fool me now I said if you know he lives didn't laptop repeat I said everything say so if you've been redeemed say so if you've been forgiven say so if you've been raised to new life in Jesus say so he lives he lives yes he does I don't care what the world has to say but I know he leaders I said I'm no cheater live because I got the evidence of the Holy Ghost so I know he lives because he's made me love my enemies I know he lives he leads me into all truth I know he lives because he's open doors I couldn't open for myself I've know he lives because he's provided for me when the job laid me off he leaves because he keeps on making away over and over again you can't make me down cuz I know too much about them I said I know he leave and you can't tell me nothin cuz I know he leaves and the reason why I know that my jesus is alive is because he's keeping me right now I said he is keeping me right now oh to be captured by Jesus that's how I know he anybody here got a testimony and can declare when I look back those are my life and I think things over he's alive yeah [Music] I know he lives I know he lives I know he's alive cuz he lives in me yes he does and if I have a witness here you might as well talk back to me and say I know he lives I know he lives doing your dopey the lives have you tried by Jesus do you know he's alright have you tried by Jesus anybody here know he live somebody shot II where [Applause] [Music] yeah I said he leaves I'm trying to let him solo but every time I think about Jesus in Saturday night [Music] [Music] and because he leaves I don't that this paper into my sovereign but he lives because his all things to work together for my good because he lives if he can take care of depth of the brain what is this a mountain because he lives if he can take care of death death of the lane what is a virus he was awarded for my transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him but because he lives by his stripes we are healed but believe this later in but he's gone to prepare a place for me and if he's gone to prepare a place for me one day he'll come again but God he live I could brag on something that other boat a flag on who the steel day Mohammed steel day confuses his dad Chris Lee is dead but Jesus isn't [Music] what could wash away my scene [Music] what could wash away my sin [Music] you know what make me whole again [Music] could wash away my sin and what could make me whole [Music] what could wash away mercy [Music] and one could take me home [Music] see nothing but double or nothing from the will of the flow david blast [Music] Oh crashes makes me white as snow [Music] [Music] now somebody give God glory because of love [Music] if somebody if somebody you're watching with is looking at you crazy right about now cuz you done toe up your living room you can tell them right here I don't need a whole lot to get me happy when I survey the wondrous cross that's enough for me and and and I just I gotta be honest I gotta say it feel how you wanna feel about it buckle up but I don't want to be around people who say they love Jesus and don't get excited about the cross all right I can't stand being around folk who claim they love Jesus but don't get excited about the resurrection but when you know what Jesus purchased well you understand the depth of your own scene [Music] nothing but the blood of Jesus [Music] we celebrate because we understand the blood if you're watching right now you should understand the value of the cross and now you should see the beauty of the resurrection and what it can mean for you but if you would only place your faith your hope your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ you can experience the benefits of this resurrection it's extended to you whosoever call on the name of the Lord shall be saved that will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you can be saved if you're streaming now and you say pastor Chris I want a relationship with Jesus I want to come it's a right relationship with Jesus would you just go ahead right now and make the step to send us a direct message right now I want to be saying type it in the comments right now I want to be say and we'll reach out to you one-on-one and tell you how simple it is to accept and receive the benefits of this resurrection [Music] gospel is simple the gospel message is simple this is a moment for you so receive the benefits of it if you say pastor Chris I've been streaming in and I feel the Lord telling me that this is the place that I want to unite with I want to join this local body of believers send us a direct message right now telling us you desire membership shoot us an e-mail to membership that AF mbc dot oracle just go to the website right now AF NBC dot or you can unite with our body of believers if you need prayer send us a message right now say prayer send us a comment right now this is i need per our desire for and we will pray with you right now [Music] the Gospel message is simple jesus said himself for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son whosoever would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life so these next couple minutes it's for you but you just allow the Holy Spirit to prick your heart of your stream and you're a believer right now would you begin praying for the also extreme and who needs to come into relationship with Jesus begin to pray right now that somebody would embrace the message of the resurrection [Music] I shall have [Music] that gave his only [Music] so should not pay [Music] sure but a facial hair [Music] everlasting [Music] father we thank you for your word we thank you that your word is true jesus is alive because he lives we have a opportunity to receive the benefits of the Resurrection reconciliation to you justification new status before you cite the fication the opportunity to be sunni to be made into the image of Jesus one day we will be Collura fide we will be like him we will take off this flesh and we will enter the presence of the Lord living forever with the savior of our souls I pray right now that you will continue to prick hearts until somebody respond thank you that you're still saving souls prick somebody's heart caused it to respond to send a message to take that step to come into relationship with you Jesus how grateful we are for your obedience to the Father even unto death but we're so grateful that you didn't stay dead but you are alive ascended seating at the right hand of the father making intercession for us thank you Jesus thank you for your sacrifice how grateful [Music] [Music] forgot some announcements sorry guys Oh this week join us as we continue gathering together online again I pray that you've been blessed by all the online content thus far last week we took a hiatus from a couple of things because of cross conversations we thought it was essential to really walk through the journey to the cross and ultimately to the resurrection but this week we'll be back to all of our regularly scheduled streaming contents on Tuesday you can join us online again at 8 p.m. for sweet hour of prayer for shop we have had a powerful time of Prayer every week please join us as we continue to seek the Lord them as a family of faith and petition heaven and bombard heaven and ask the Lord to heal our land that's Tuesday at 8:00 Wednesday you can join us at noon and 7 p.m. for our weekly Bible study as we complete our series we are the church this week is the last installment we are the church and we're going to talk about how we are the tabernacle of God or we are temples of God we house the very presence of God so join us this week as we discuss that on the Wednesday Thursday you can tune in to another episode of the check point where we'll be dealing with physical health last week we talked about Minton well yeah the week before last we talked about mental health dr. Katie Johnson this week we'll be talking about maintaining our physical health in this strange season the gym is closed and refrigerator is opening but we're gonna talk about how we can maintain our physical health and then on Friday check us out Friday 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Friday at 6 p.m. we are hosting an online family game night so I need you to make sure you tune in our digital platforms and pastor Brandon along with some more of our the staff team is gonna lead us in a evening of fun hopefully fun competition if it gets too competitive we'll have to shut the thing down cuz I don't know how to act but we got a family game night it's gonna be music we don't have a good time so make sure you tune in Friday night at 6 and then Saturday we'll be up for the 2nd edition of Family Ties I hope y'all enjoy family times last time we'll be coming again with it this Saturday on WWF NBC org now it's the part of service where everybody can participate no we're going to offer continuing worship now as we seek to receive the Lord's table in your offering that's all the time that's holy unto God it's a great opportunity to give them as you know we have been so diligent in our outreach efforts of course of last couple of weeks we fed over well over 1500 people and it is charting up were more able to do that because you are continuing to be faithful in your giving we have been able to bless those around us so please continue to be faithful in so many ways you can give you can text again you can give you can give through the app so please please please continue to give the ways but you can give or on the screen so so continue to give as you're giving if it's your birthday we've had a birthday this past week including today we're gonna let us know in the comments right here happy birthday to you I know I can't see it if I could I would say your name happy birthday I'm official wedding anniversary this past week including the day happy anniversary let us know in the comments if you got a job or a job promotion let us know congratulations to that if you had a chance to retire let us know right now congratulations to you we're going to continue to pray for those who have been laid off a furlough during this season we know that God is the provider he is Jehovah Jireh your job might have been the resource but Jesus is the source and I believe that he will not allow the provision to run out he will miraculously keep you miraculously provide for you in ways that you do not believe this is another opportunity for you to see God and that's provider continue to pray for those who serve on the front lines our medical professionals our first responders pray for the sick pray for our seniors we're going to believe that God is about to stop this thing from spreading any further we're about to see a miracle I believe it let's contend for it again I love y'all I miss you so much I'm not forgetting anything else cool I love you I miss you as you know virtual hugs social distancing it on it but I'm hugging you from the farm I love you I miss you wow what an amazing worship experience we've had today we pray that you enjoyed it we pray to you were blessed by it we pray that the message of the Resurrection has ignited a fire within you and it's encouraged you to run further to go harder in your commitment to Christ listen again we want to remind you of the opportunities that we have we want to remind you to give being faithful be committed in giving again we have numerous options for your giving via the app the Handy ox Fellowship Church app you can go on our website AF NBC org or you can text AF NBC to the number seven seven nine seven seven or you can simply mail it or drop at the church God rewards those who faithfully give to him again we want to remind you of the wonderful and amazing worship opportunities that we have coming up this week we have shot the sweet our prayer this Tuesday at 8 p.m. we have Bible study on Wednesday and noon and at 7:00 as Pastor Chris continues with his series on a week on the church also this Thursday we have the checkpoint Pastor Chris will be joined by Maya Johnson who will give us tips on an active physical lifestyles and so we want you to stay tuned for that and then on Friday we have Friday night live at 6:00 p.m. time of interactive fun and then Saturday family ties gather the whole family study God's Word together we pray to your blessed by this week's experience we look forward to seeing you next week until then god bless you
Channel: Antioch Fellowship Church
Views: 2,678
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Id: Cuqm9bLPgFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 19sec (6919 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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