Anti-Vaxxers: How the Media Created a Monster
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Wisecrack
Views: 266,133
Rating: 4.8754568 out of 5
Keywords: are vaccines safe, vaccine controversies, andrew wakefield, vaccine (drug class), the truth about vaccines, flu shot, jenny mccarthy, small pox, are vaccines safe weston, oprah, regis philbin, anti vaxxers, mainstream media, how safe are rna vaccines for covid-19, wisecrack, show me the meaning, philosophy, current events, news, deep or dumb, what went wrong, video essay, documentary, bbc, anti vaxxers vs, anti vaxxers compilation, medicine, science, anti vaxxer vs doctor
Id: egXV7H1CKng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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