ANTHEM Gameplay - VIP Demo Free-Roam! (2K 60FPS)

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welcome to anthem look at this that art is beautiful so we're finally in the game but as you can see there's a little lag good update Wow gorgeous stuff oh [ __ ] whenever you see stuttering whenever you see like it looks like it's it's skipping I don't know like I rewind a second or two this this is called rubber banding that's not me that's not you that's the server's so don't you worry about that don't you worry your sweet little ass about that your little snaps we're overheating Jesus Christ good god oh it sounds cool Oh God you can see our backs just about to melt off hold on Lee move there we go now I can see the chat room now the game isn't fullscreen give me a second yeah okay there we go now it's whole screen so I can't do anything about that I could try connecting to another server but I mean it took me all day to get the game so I don't know if I'm gonna do that I'm considering drawing it I was kind of cool looked like I was the flash I just zip back with a little bit of electricity all right I'm gonna turn everything to max settings and then when it's dry flowing around okay Ultra settings everything's on max let's do this I am I kikuchi Iron Man but Iron Man nonetheless look at that water oh man so you cannot fly indefinitely but you can cool down your jets cool your jets man now seriously your jets will overheat but flying through or near water is gonna help you fly them a lot longer not indefinitely but better allergies whoops but there we go we made a bastard lines all right god I guess we didn't make it best what the hell yeah holy [ __ ] it's beautiful it's like Pandora I would definitely not call this a discount destiny I would there's a lot of comparisons he can draw between anthem and destiny and the division the division anthem destiny warframe there are birds of a feather however the division to and anthem are releasing within like a month of each other so that's gonna be a really interesting comparison I shouldn't be streaming this I'm doing nothing but good war I'm doing nothing but damaging the game but did that themselves well they didn't well they didn't bind up servers they taped out and chipped out on all of us they're a multi-billion dollar company and you telling me they couldn't pony up to couldn't pony up the cash to just have more servers than necessary just to be safe I don't even worry about crack [ __ ] crashing - y-yeah I just rewind time baby no those guys that are just joining what I'm doing is there's a there's an ability in the game that you can install on your javelin that allows you to rewind time like five seconds it's more like three seconds and it's a really Opie overpowered ability I'm spamming it which is kind of funny but that's what you guys are seeing it's I'm being completely serious right now it's not a glitch it is a temporal time displacement field that I have installed in my Ironman it's pretty dope I'm using a little too much I should really tone it down it's just like some people have Tourette's I have temporal displacement rats traffic increasing shaker energy detected in the area by the source OSHA database this make sure you use everything at your disposal use your abilities don't just focus on your gun it turns out the game yeah holy [ __ ] we got a giant crab with one arm now it's nuts who wants about that don't forget to stay where did there they are this lad is killing me but things got a wife bigger help rather than anticipated and we wrote about this Santa through the area you better back off whoa what is this not good you go to dust extruding you okay this lag is seriously dropping me nuts I can't stand this rubber banding I can't control him I can't fight I can't shoot I'm doing my best but it's not good enough have some goddamn faith master they are doing their damnedest to fix this yeah and we're done what was that like six you slammed her head against this rock like six times I'm gonna adjust the volume real quick be honest how much did they pay you what do you [ __ ] drunk man I have not exactly been positive so far I think you slipped into the wrong stream all right we'll go - seven point - and - anyways you you don't even you don't need to know the numbers just let me know if this sounds good it should be good the graphics are amazing I let's the cameras or whatever let's see if things have been fixed nope so I've got one too this is the first time since 11:00 a.m. today so I've been trying this for about five six hours straight and this is the first time been able to get in the game Hey look there's somebody else in he's the whole 13 how the hell did he play enough to get to level 13 how the hell did you level up three times and lag like this I don't understand please please stop please stop thank god hey that's a really beautiful string check this out oh now we're overheated well I got it if I can get to that I can get to that waterfall you can cool ourselves down again come on no don't you don't you dare I need to get to the waterfall please and stop dragging me back it's like a fire okay it's starting to stabilize a little bit we're playing on PC so what you're seeing if you're just joining us let me do some explaining what she cuts is seeing is it's not me it's not the video you its the game the game servers are having some issues today this is it's ironic because usually the last five years whenever there's been a demo whenever you've been able to play a game before it releases they call it a beta they call it an alpha even if that's not accurate that's what they call it this time around they called us a demo instead of a beta beta usually means it's unfinished this is for testing demo usually means this is a good representation of the final product they call this a demo big mistake I don't think they could have call this a demo if you ask me oh look at that shiny metal ass Wow all right well let's go let's try fly it again oh boy you're our glitch again holy [ __ ] I was gonna say beautiful but alright here we go dan that's gorgeous that water holy [ __ ] so you cannot fly and definitely your thrusters your burners will overheat which is why you need to use water to cool yourself down now you even using water you can't fly indefinitely but maybe if you're under water however water is going to help you to fly much longer that you would be able to otherwise something else that helps you to fly more than you would be able to otherwise is rubber-banding I mean it's beautiful but I didn't need to see that same clip five times hey it's like when there's a 30-second long teaser released and someone releases like a 20 minute break down the same clip just repeating over and over and over again you know what I got an idea I'm gonna get some vodka and I'm gonna take a shot every time a rubber bands of course if I do that I'll be banned for live stream suicide of course if I'm dead wasn't matter anyway it's gonna touch the water it's gonna pull me back out that's kind of a fun dirty game all right let's go fight some enemies so this is probably not I should why might this dream right now the game shouldn't be like this on launch hopefully well there might be server issues on launch I guess what I'm saying is the good thing is this these problems that you're seeing they're not the game they're the servers which are those are bad problems but it's better than if it was the game most of all is 76 issues they were game issues not server issues so that look cool hey can we got it instant replay thank you it's not gonna replay particle effects though let's not have rubber banding wars strange energies here these glitches are really unfortunate oh boy one more time I've gotten worse predicting when it's gonna loop so maybe it's getting better all right what does this help yes helps yards so this isn't the first time I'm playing anthemic dude am i loud enough by the way do I need to adjust my microphone volume let me know how the game volume is it's a cool sound what is that very good I thought a monster is spawning at the box some big giant crab spider monster but no I think it's coming from inside of that mountain now that's gone alright alright should i I am playing on the PC version but it's not my PC and if I was playing on xbox or ps4 this the same thing could potentially happen it's the servers that's causing all this it's not even the game this isn't a game glitch which is really interesting it's easy to look at this and think oh well that's another fall at 76 or that's another Mass Effect Andromeda but it's not quite the same I mean it's unplayable so what's the difference but there is a difference because it's a server problem they could fix it much more easily it's better to have a problem with the servers than a problem with the game because the problem with the game is much deeper and I know a lot of people are gonna tell you hey you know what it's not a big deal because this is this is a beta I mean demo but hey it's no big deal because better happened during a demo right no better it not happen at all I remember halo ever doing this during halos pre-launch play sessions Star Wars Battlefront didn't do this I had very few problems with battlefield 1 in battlefield 5 before launch I had you know what when fallout 76 had their first beta I had less problems than this so I don't know maybe it I don't know maybe you guys think I'm being a harsh spot for a billion dollar company to have the first day of beta which you preorder for they encourage you to pre-order the game for sixty eighty dollars so you can play first this isn't really playing if they if they fix it by tomorrow and they give people an extra day of play I think that would be fine but if it continues I'm gonna adjust the volume real quick let me know how it is I don't know it's it's just really interesting that they didn't call this a beta they didn't call this an alpha they call this the demo and it'll be one thing if this is an open beta okay here's some other interesting tidbit this is a not an open beta you have to pre-order the game or you have to pay $15 to play it to buy origin access premier and then you can play this closed demo but there's an open demo February 1st if they can't handle the closed demo how are they going to be able to handle the open demo when there's 2030 times the number of people trying to play it's possible that they'll have it fixed by then but I think they might have the closed demo fixed by tomorrow however I don't know if they'll have everything fixed in time for the open demo February 1st it's really rough today really rough I don't yeah I doubt that they're gonna give any extra days but it'll be a nice thing to do by the way there is a day/night cycle which I didn't know about I don't know why I didn't think about that but there's a day/night cycle hey somebody just joined let's see if we can find him it's not plummeting back to earth well you know it's not art for whatever hey do you think clouds clouds of condensation clouds our condensation do clouds pull your boosters down you don't he did you don't need to state you have a question go ahead and ask the question that sounded so dickish I could have said that better come we're all friends here we need not such formalities jeez he's flying enemies are a [ __ ] so this isn't the first time I played anthem the first time I played happened was during the Alpha and I enjoyed what I played during the Alpha it was so I know there's a lot of people that are fans of this game even though it hasn't come out yet I don't want to sound overly negative because I'm actually not having fun right now but I've had fun in anthem before first when I was playing the the closed alpha I enjoyed myself but I wouldn't set your expectations too high I remember before destiny came out there were these huge lofty expectations that people had for the game and it didn't meet those expectations I don't know if anthems gonna meet lofty expectations personally it feels like it feels like the story's gonna be alright the story's gonna be average it's not gonna be the highlight the environment the world the world building maybe the flying mechanics all of that then that's gonna be the highlight that's gonna be why you play it the gun plays all right but it's not the abilities are really fun but the gunplay isn't as tight as something like destiny it's not as tight as something like the division in terms of pure gameplay I'm I would bet the divisions gonna be better one of these clouds actually do pull you down they'll be coming dope but take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt but if you ask my honest opinion I think the division is gonna be let me know how the volume is I think it's still way too loud I remember uh earlier you guys saying your ears are being blasted out we'll go to 75 just to be safe all right that should be okay let's get that in a little closer yeah just to recap we're playing the clothes VIP beta demo thing on PC this is the PC version of the game I'm playing with the controller because it's just much smoother instead of doing this you know well actually that's pretty smooth - wow it's actually not bad except for the collision that is alright let's go ahead and land oh Jesus anyway if you guys have any questions whatsoever about anything I'll do my best to answer them to pitch it it's like it's like the Jedi just horses beating me against this rock holy [ __ ] look at more comforting mud that's gonna cool you find the quest mundane so far so I haven't had a chance to play quests in the demo but I've played a couple of quests and a story mission in the Alpha and it's so far it's what you'd expect honestly this story again I just played one story mission but from the one story mission I played I'm not expecting much from the store I'm not expecting much from the characters I don't like the main character I don't care for is so if you've played the division if you've seen videos on the division the division and anthem they're very close so I'm gonna use the division and destiny as comparison that guy Owen he's your he's her computer I think he might be a human being but whatever he's the voice in your head and he's very similar to Isaac or a ghost Isaac is from the division ghosts are from destiny anyway he's very similar to those but he's not as good as them like he doesn't that Isaac is just straightforward you know he's actually kind of a cool voice but he's not meant to have personality the ghosts are meant to have personality and I think they work pretty well for the most part but this guy is supposed to be like a ghost and I'm just not feeling this humor the characters are okay but if you're looking for massive facts nicely Old Republic level characters you might be disappointed from what I've played this is a bullet sponge game I don't mess I don't mind bullet sponginess personally some people hate it I think it's a necessary compromise for I'm not doing this by the way that's that's the that's the whole line outside of mission boundary still that doesn't affect your own branding that's I think I don't think I think they kicked me out I have such a hard time saying things like this because the divisions not out anthems not out but holy [ __ ] look at the size of that guy yellow healthbar that's usually top right yes dance still that's very helpful thank you you know what I'm just doing like an alien oh [ __ ] you pack some punch I don't think he has ranged attacks so let's use that to our advantage excuse your ultimate what's what it spot the underneath him Oh God that's not that's not [ __ ] good I've got no help don't do that okay so he does have a ranged attack it's like a turd in the wind it's like it's heard flying through the wind like Iron Man I'll tell you what if this keeps up for the next three minutes I'm going to exit we're gonna rejoin see if we can get a new server I think there's only one server or maybe a quarter of a server so everybody's got to share someone had a question this is lag and rubber-banding not bugs I may have encountered a bug I haven't noticed any bugs though but basically everything that you're seeing all the problems that you're seeing all of its server-side which is good it's better for to be server-side than for it to be game side but this is closed it's not open until February first so in order to play the game right now you had to have been invited or spent money by the way I totally forgot Electronic Arts in fact am I not gonna waiting to be repaired repaired by two I'm in free roam I'm not with squad thought that was like waiting to respawn like a cute little way to say respawn but I don't think it is uh give me a second I'm figuring out how to you know I might be in trouble wait wait it just took a while we're good anyway Electronic Arts gave me a code to play this but then I went ahead and pre-ordered it so I'm not actually using their code because I thought it wasn't working but even so I should have put that disclaimer up so I'll do it right now let's see where is it text here we go right back grabbing like be right back grabbing disclaimer sponsored by yay thanks for the code all right there we go I forgot the real watermark so there's the disclaimer I'd like to give it a thanks to Electronic Arts for giving me a demo code for the game that's how I'm able to play right now so thank you for the code anyway um welcome welcome to anthem it's currently night time unfortunately day times by far my favorite nights all right but we got a cool little flashlight which is nice actually not sure where the flashlights are originating from it's somewhere on my face anyway you guys are gonna see some stuttering you're gonna see some glitches the server is not really functioning right now but here's another player I'm gonna see if I can say hi to him oh [ __ ] they have a different javelin Romney mode there we go looks like a flying squirrel so that's what it looks like when I'm flying actually mellow gamer Darrin when it says something like sponsored by EA that doesn't mean they paid you necessarily sometimes it does in this case they just gave me a a code for the demo so that's a sponsored by EA means in this case but in no way shape form or fashion I'm guessing you just joined up because I mean III enjoy the game but I haven't seen exactly calling about it you guys are weird when I BC sponsored it's like I don't like EA slipped into my skin or something if I turned my head around you would actually see the CEO of EA's head right there because his face is act it's like Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone really I should be wearing a hat so you know you guys won't see that cover the EI head on the back of my skull does it I'm gonna see if I can go back to uh let's go back to the hub all right where's my where's my camera camera keys as Christ on it's a map alright Eastgate the well Great Falls Academy ruins there it is alright for Tarsus nepotistic kind of pretty compromising the the map of Skyrim all right so we're a fair distance away from the hub world for Tarsus we're gonna fly there we're gonna see if we can get ourselves a new javelin javelins if you don't know they're called wait a second how do i set a waypoint I have no idea it's kind of interesting so there's another player he hasn't gotten very far um maybe legend tells me all right so I don't see a way to set a waypoint but that little yellow mark right there that line is what we've traveled so far so that's kind of neat anyway for Tarsus is over here and there's another player we're in free roam right now so you can just fly around do whatever you want I think this highlighted area is what we've explored or it's what we're allowed to travel in the demo we'll find out in a second anyway this this is the hub world for targets we're going to fly over there I want to see if we can get ourselves a new javelin which is what the Iron Man suits are called and yeah we'd have to do a blind I guess let's give our best shot so this is my javelin it's it's the most basic [ __ ] javelin you can possibly get it's very basic but it's pretty cool that you're what you're seeing that that's the that's the rubber banding that's the server problem it's not it's not a game problem if they fix the servers that will no longer be an issue anyway we are going to try to make it over to the hub world without stopping in order to do that though we need to get to some water fast Oh Barty over you you cannot fly indefinitely but you can extend your flying sign with water if you're not collision your rubber-banding that is the real reason we're going to the hub world is to see if we can fix this rubber banding issue I'm gonna see if I can reinsert or a new part of the server whatever I'm a man I'm a javelin pilot not a server technician I thought you would have a beard yeah you know what everybody takes that everyone thinks that have a beard when they hear my voice my voice has a beard I don't have a beard but yeah I know I get that all my face does not look like my voice but it will I'm working on those cigarettes man every day 10 packs I'll get there don't worry I'll have a face this gravel is my voice someday someday not yet I think we're rubber-banding less which is ironic you know what no I actually think we're rubber-banding about the same amount which sucks we're just not getting pulled back as far as we were waiting that stuff that's out of mission bounds oh okay so that's the demo area just go back we should have made a right in the cave what the [ __ ] I'm getting dizzy no [ __ ] I don't know why I'm streaming this right now I guess I'm streaming for the means I just think means an ironically I'm hoping it's gonna fix itself but just by streaming the game I'm trashing it and I feel bad about that because it's it's a server issue it's not a game issue but at the same time I mean I can't feel too bad because people have paid money they can cancel their pre-order sure but a lot of people have paid money by pre-ordering this game to play the beta and EA has advertised pre-order now to play the beta early and this is the beta right now they might have a fixed by tomorrow I'm hoping but you were promised a couple days early and if you can't play on one of those days I feel like they should extend the period of the period in which you can play because the open demo starts February 1st and this ends February 27th so they would have days that send this and not only that but if the server's can't handle a closed demo I was gonna handle an open demo there's gonna be four five times the number of people trying to play and it can't handle the number of people playing right now what something just it doesn't add up and I don't know if you guys want my honest opinion on anthem I think that flying's gonna be the highlight but there's no pvp anthem is PvE only it's locked to 30fps on consoles the gun plays okay but it's not great the abilities are [ __ ] stellar the abilities are awesome missiles the class specific abilities The Ultimates the grenades the magic techno stunt that's that's a lot of fun I really like that guns the guns themself the guns themselves aren't that great and the gunplay itself isn't that great if you want good gunplay the Division two is way better in terms of gunplay I don't know if the division twos story is gonna be good it could suck I haven't played the end game I haven't played the end game of the division two so I can't comment on that I haven't played any of this story stuff in the division two I can't comment on that either but I have played we're almost there all right I've played about three four hours maybe five hours of the of the division - so far I've played a lot of PvP a lot of PvE a lot of dark zone and it's pretty [ __ ] good actually it's way better than the first division enemies are way less bullet spongy because they've instead of having bullet sponginess be the difficult of it they've embraced the AI they've reworked the AI and you can melt enemies like that in the division to if they're not wearing Kevlar but if they have Kevlar you need to target the Kevlar or target around the Kevlar and bypass it so I don't know I think it's gonna be a really really good game and I think objectively the division 2 is gonna be better than anthem not only that that the division 2 has the developers have a track record of putting out tons and tons of updates the division when it launched it was rough it was real rough I actually stopped playing I had a headphone when I first played it but the problems wore on the I stopped playing the division because of those problems but they fix them they rework the entire game what I'm trying to say is the division developers have a track record by aware does not sell that's another thing against Anthem I feel like you get more for your money in the division because you have pvp and PVE and anthem you only have PvE you have no PvP whatsoever it could be added in the future or here it could be added in the future but it could not don't buy it expecting that PvP is gonna be added in the future if that's what you really want but a huge downside for the division too is that you don't have iron man suits you can't play as iron man Hey look at that I fell off the platform because the rubber banding and that sucked but then it teleported me back on the platform nice what's this wasn't that well I just pick up I was gonna like pop something up on the screen and I shoot this about these guys see them look at me like the queensguard hear that what is that it sounds like a dentist sucking water out of my mouth all right let's go back to the hub actually let's see if nevermind that answers my question I was hoping that we could just walk back into the hub world there how do I get back - for Tarsus scorpion infestation Academy ruins I guess we just have to do it from here let's write again you will not end free play there we go yeah kind of did sound like a coffeemaker PvP is for games that need PvP oh yeah I didn't explain what PvP is PvP well the chatroom already did but PvP is player versus environment that means you're fighting real human beings PvE means player versus oh Jesus Christ I swear I didn't have a stroke what the hell maybe I did okay starting from the top PvP player vs. player you're fighting real human beings PvE player versus environment you're fighting AI this game is only AI there's no human players that you can fight it's impossible to do that there is no deathmatch there's no capture the flag there's no crucible nothing like that you can fight alongside your friends against AI but you cannot fight people and when I ask the developers when I asked Bioware if they're planning on maybe adding PvP at some point they couldn't answer that at all so currently they don't have any plans or they just don't want to talk about the plans that they have hold on I totally forgot that I have a different language installed on my computer and it's it's getting annoying remove oh yeah that's so much better all right let me go into full-screen real quick but if you guys have any questions about anthem about the division to about comparing anthem to the division or to destiny let me know all right cool we're back at full screen welcome to for Tarsus this is the open well it's not open-world all right let's start that over welcome to for Tarsus this is the hub world of anthem and that is my javelin it's about a little Iron Man suit look at that shiny metal ass the art design in this game is actually fantastic it really is so far it's the best part of the game aside from the flying the flying and the art design the art direction is just outstanding anyway this is the hub world currently it's not correlate the hub Erland destiny you cannot you can't you can't meet your friends here there aren't any other players aside from you this is your hub world I'm sure there's a reason for that it's probably a story campaign reason oh my god look at that gun it's almost like a Warhammer gun damn that thing's big he's beefy that guy's thick those hips that nice tight hourglass oh God anyway this is where we pick up missions this is where you customize your javelin this is where you do all that stuff for some quick information about the beta or the demo this is the VIP demo it's playable until the 27th or the 28th depending on your timezone and you have to pre-order the game to play it or you can have origin access premiere for $15 and then you can also get in the VIP demo that way February 1st is when this demo is open for everyone you're not the pre-order you can just download it and play it February 1st is when that happens now you don't get to play this is actually gorgeous you don't get to play the intro in this demo it drops you a couple missions in there aren't going to be any spoilers but you can free roam you can play player missions you can roam around the hub you can customise your javelin a little bit you can work around with classes a little bit but keep in mind that progression and leveling and the demo does not work the same way it does in the full game they've made drops more common drops are more likely in the demo because they want people to get more cool stuff faster because the demo isn't gonna be that long which makes sense to me but just keep in mind it's gonna be different when the actual game releases additionally because you don't start at the beginning of the game you start at level 10 and the level cap for the demo is 15 but the level cap for the full game is level 30 so there you go I actually kind of like that it's not overinflated like it's not level 100 for the level calves it's level 30 that's kind of cool I like that it reminds me of arcade games back in the day you set like a 100 200 could be a high score but then it went to like 10,000 it's just we don't need that but yeah this is where you talk to people and get quests this is a Bioware game after all you do have dialogue choices sometimes what have you been up to you'll love it okay it's called the manifold well technically I call it the manifold and it does what exactly for years I had heard of a type of shaper relic that was able to amplify and augment the qualities of other objects never encountered one never knew anyone that had but thanks to the elysian manuscript I think I know where one is right here in Bastion and you think it'll amplify and augment the power of my javelin precisely excited yet uh not to worry once we find the manifold get it working you will be guaranteed first the manifold then we booster javelin you silence that heard a rage and boom everyone lives happily ever after it's a little more complicated than that ah details I've sent all the particulars of the location of faith I can't wait is it just me or does this guy kind of look like Jerry Riggs everything she's down for a walk is that baldest whatever so just a quick recap of what people think about anthem I'm gonna get the game play very soon in fact you know what let's go straight to the javelins let's see if we can customize the javelins but anthem runs at 30fps on consoles Xbox one X PlayStation 4 Pro ps4 base Xbox one base all 30fps I'm playing the PC version of the game this is 60 FPS everything is set to max I'm streaming it at 1440p if you see anyone playing on a console live streaming at 60fps they either aren't aware that the game is only 30 FPS or they're just pulling a bamboozle on you but the performance is pretty good so far however I'm running a 20 atti overclocked ready to face the world beyond the walls of for Tarsus visit the forge to start your first expedition yeah I know I know head to the forest to customize your javelins look check your weapons and gear and start an expedition with your friends is this the forge where is the force let's check our map I want to customize my Iron Man javelins a cool name I guess but let's be real these are iron then challenges oh yeah here you have the hub world I don't know if it's gonna be bigger once the full game releases in the demo ends but it's kind of tidy right now oh there's the forge you can't set waypoints for some reason but yeah it looks gorgeous on PC it really does I mean this is just this is this is [ __ ] beautiful this is striking I'm not gonna lie if you have the internet for it out highly recommend watching this live stream in 60fps 1440p but I've read people that are running this on a 1080 at 1080p and they're doing just fine on Ultra I don't know about 4k haven't tried 4k yet so do you expect me in more pieces than one I trust you've brought me work always good to give your javelin the once-over after a run what have you done this time lagged oh dialogue options good ones just my job fascinating I never would have guessed I just want to be sure everything's in order that's what I like to hear scars pastes relic based nonsense can't be too careful out there I'll run you some maintenance checks make sure everything's humming won't impact performance but I like moisture wicking fabric to the internal padding while I'm at it which one's the floor adoption just kidding I only flirt with robots and pillows can't argue with that why would you if you're running headfirst into chaos may as well become fate like the way you think my moments go on I've run the checks while you're off can you do the chat a favor and say something in a deep voice real quick bite my shiny metal ass that's not deep bite my shiny metal ass everyone what people are new to the channel I see comments all the time thinking that I use some sort of a voice modulator I don't try to make my voice sound deep it just is this is what it sounds like when I try to admit my voice sound deep I don't I can't help but talk in those you know those YouTube channels where they were making a video and they're like that I don't know let me try it and here we're playing destiny - destiny - is a game by Electronic Arts this is my journalistic voice my speaking is like a Richter scale for an earthquake it makes me sound like I know what I'm talking about kind of hate that well whatever um where's the forge I want to customize my Iron Man suit so you have you got dialogue options in anthem they don't really mean anything it's really hollow it would have been better if they just had better writing and out there it is it's been better if they had better writing and they just did away with the dialogue options entirely because right now it's just the shell if people bitched about Fallout 4s dialogue options oh my god compared to Mass Effect the dialogue options here are just crazy stripped down all right let's check it out so this is our Iron Man customization oh [ __ ] that looks so sick if you play the demo upgrade the appearance of your javelin by changing colors animations and materials experiment with where vinyls and metal plate integrate the javelin you want use coins or showers to purchase a new appearance if so Micron's actions are supposed to be cosmetic only but they've said that in the future they're javelins are your classes basically um you've got different types of javelins here let's see if I can show it to you guys this is the Ranger create custom load outs for you javelins by equipping gear parts weapons that reflect your favorite place I'll select a javelin and choose new alota remember the loadout you have equipped will update changes you make at the forge level blah blah blah I guess I just have the Ranger think I'd be able to look at the other javelins at least I think there's five on launch the tutorials are very in-depth which I appreciate unlocking new javelins that's what we need new javelins are unlocked oh that's right I think the Rangers at level two and twelve is the other one so you can only have two javelins in here we'll get to level 12 very soon I promise anyway um basically new javelins add different ways to play different abilities things like that in the future Bioware and EA have said that they're considering having future javelins premium meaning you pay real money for them but so far everything except cosmetic items are supposed to it's supposed to be free which is good nothing like the whole battlefront 2 fiasco cosmetic only which I appreciate but I don't know about new javelins being paid if it's paid only I might have an issue with it but if it's like Rainbow six siege where you can buy with in-game currency or premium I think I'd be fine with that oh my God look at these options Wow I like how they're actually using shaders if you've ever worked in 3ds max or Maya this is what uh this is how they show you shaders and textures all right let's see primary so it looks like these are actually like shaders here they're not just textures some of some of these changes the color but some of them just change the the mapping I'm totally rusty on those terms so I'm gonna stop embarrassing myself look at that I kind of like this one still I feel like we should go for an Iron Man look oh that's sick that's totally Metal Gear you can unlock appearances and materials blah blah blah right now as you can see that's 25 coins everything is 25 coins in the demo that's gonna be raised once the demo ends but just to give you a chance to buy stuff without being able to play for very long that's it I like that one do I have enough I'm gonna buy it I love that looks like grout the UI is really cool I gotta say I will start a mission ASAP man I promise I'm just customizing our javelin first we gotta look oh it's like a moo cow print tan that's awesome I love that would be quick I swear but this is the first time I'm customizing it I've played the alpha of this game that didn't have customization it just had a story mission so I'm just I'm loving what I'm seeing here and I just want to dive in so it looks like what we unlocked is actually unlocked for everything which is kind of cool apparently that's a fabric weird I thought it was some sort of a hybrid metal you know what let's go with a war machine yeah just a total war machine look you know how I select different colors I thought selecting materials right now not colors so I guess that explains that holy crap Wow we don't want to go too shiny let's not get ridiculous with this they're gonna go for that action huh I don't know we're not working up perfection here let's just get moving yeah we should have that that texture this will switch to something more something mentally but not too ornate we don't want to get too busy that's sick all right it's this paint job but maybe the vinyls are what I'm thinking about so you do get an exclusive vinyl for playing the beta it's like a blue stripe or something that's sick wow I love that you know what I kind of like this one I like this one too okay you know what let's just move oh man I gotta buy it alright I'm gonna go with this one because I don't wanna go with a bunch of colors just yet sick it also fits what we've already done all right we only have one leg unlocked oh my god is this cosmetic only does that affect stats think that's cosmetic only I would be totally fine with most everything being cosmetic only because if I liked the stats of one leg but hated the appearance that kind of suck no I should have saved my money for four legs and stuff alright let's check the torso next so this is all you do just fly around and kill AI well to be fair what are you doing destiny you just walk around in Kill a I thought there's also PvP in destiny if that's what you're referring to I apologize oh we're stay that's cool I think I'm gonna go with new actually I kind of like completely worn let's go with almost completely warrant this is possibly my favorite part of any game so you'll you'll forgive me for how long I'm taking here you can skip ahead if you want to when this is not live I don't know if I like that kind of looks like coolly fully about chest hello it's the same oh I took a minute to load him all right what's a little bit from the back Oh totally totally it looks heavier though you think you would bring our weight up but again I'm pretty sure these are all cosmetic only they don't affect stats let's go ahead and select it there we go all right animations oh I thought it was like walking animations and stuff let's get out that's insane yeah definitely equipped that there's no downside but do you have to buy it that's crazy alright because there's a lot of health um what about our weapons we carry two weapons at once pistols that's gonna look a little silly you can craft guns of course you can craft a lot of things um marksman's rifle machine pistol heavy the shotgun sounds sick alright let's go for a shotgun he's the same no actually yeah shotgun see if we have a better assault rifle however we only have the one don't we yeah okay let's go I'm going for more of a heavy load out I don't think I have anything to customize here do i no no I don't alright we're done we're done here let's go let's go into a mission if we can all right so we've customized our Iron Man and there he is oh he's beautiful oh my god tell him my baby boy oh my baby boy it is tight little butt oh he's such a snack you know what I'm gonna have some faith I've been counted down on this game but I'm gonna have some god damn faith it's not their fault but the server's aren't working good I didn't mean to go there [ __ ] I meant to go into the mission damn it I pressed X because usually that's options but it's not options in this case whatever let's go Kilimanjaro first blood double kill Aegina Killian air there we go Kilimanjaro I can't remember how we said it dammit dammit I miss game announcers like that you know destiny it's like a good luck Guardian your team has taken the lead we're losing Guardian make sure you get some kills out there and back in the 90s and early 2000s it was a double kill first blood Killian air you know she's so such a octane oh my god is it fixed oh yeah yeah all right check this out you know I should say this disclaimer again real quick quick disclaimer and this is the corporate disclaimer I'd like to thank a for gifting me a demo code for anthems demo okay now that that's out of the way check this out so this is uh this is my Iron Man's right here and wait a second damn it black screen god did I did I kill it actually good not that I didn't realize that that was cut off she had give me a second right there we go done I'm not gonna be covering anything up did I crash it please God mercy mercy God I swear if you just pull the game back up I won't have another Twinkie in my life oh it's still working I think it shows it is working it I see it in my preview it's right there all right Anthony come on baby come on damn you disclaimer damn you disclaimer you know maybe it's just working entirely maybe I don't even have to worry about I could just restart it all right well this isn't gonna work out or restart anyway Godspeed all for that stupid ass disk it's a demo code I wish I just P ordered the goddamn game I'm giving me a code he's just inconveniencing me shouldn't have accepted it no but seriously thank you so much for that code I wouldn't have acted out of the game without you all right we're going back you know a lot of people think I'm black going by my voice a lot of people with a sexy voice are black Morgan Freeman the the guy that plays Kratos oh what a voice on that guy the guy that plays Bordas in the Orville so thank you for that it's actually it's a [ __ ] awesome compliment the second best compliment I ever got on YouTube was someone left me a comment saying you know I wouldn't even be mad out if you killed and slaughtered my whole family and maimed them in front of my eyes just as long as you talk me through it I'd be calm I'd be okay welcome to Anthem so quick information on anthem we're playing the PC version right now streaming at 1440p 60fps everything is cranked up to ultra console versions of the game xbox 1x ps4 pro base Xbox one base ps4 pro I mean base ps4 all console versions are 30fps if you see someone streaming or making a video at 60fps they either don't know that it's 30fps whether there's slope and a bamboozle on you this is anthems hub world this is Tarsus it's not open I'm sorry man look there's even LG in there the graphics in this game are really astounding this is not open it's quite small let me show you the map here where is my map there we go it's not like Destiny's whose hub world it's not like the tower or anything like that you can't see other people here this is just for you which is probably for story reasons anyway let's go to a mission right now because it's taken too damn long frostbite is in battlefield 5 isn't it yeah battle 5 is frostbite all EA games are frostbite it's gonna be so damn badass you know this games graphics are just so [ __ ] cool but now it's that just the graphics the graphics are good but the art I'm not gonna lie i wildly prefer this to Destiny's art in my opinion this is leagues above destiny but that's an opinion thing I'm not gonna say that Destiny's art is really just generic trash no I'm just kidding it's fine it's just not my thing if anything this this suit right here looks like it should be on a graphics card box but uh I like it I dig it it's it's bitchin let's do a mission I've been a little hard on this game but you know what it's time that I have some goddamn faith I'm gonna play this we are going to level up we're gonna get ourselves a new javelin a new Iron Man's and I'm gonna give this the honest shot it deserves we may have had server issues in the past but that is the past so it's too short that needs to be the entire loading screen show me more videos don't give me these images so the loading screens are really really really long even on the PC version which is what you're seeing this is a demo it's running from now until the 27th closed you have to pre-order the game or have origin access premiere to play this VIP demo but starting February 1st anybody can play for free you don't start at the beginning of the game you don't play the intro you cannot fly indefinitely so you'll want to skim the water sometimes get down into it airborne luckily you can hover this is so cool so we're playing where the missions get anthem right now like I said the demo does not put you at the beginning of the game your couple missions in you start it ranked in the maximum rank for the demo is 15 and the max rank of the game is 30 that's the level cap 30 by the way let me know how the volume is for you guys I want to make sure the game is loud enough this actually isn't the first time that I've played and when I played anthem during its closed alpha and this is really interesting for me because I played the division seal for about five hours and the divisions here that was weird there are loading screens that take you in between areas sometimes or maybe I was just too far away from my teammates I don't know strange device the object seems mostly deactivated the low power levels can be detected hey dude how you doing wave your robo arm and they please the feeling in loves to dance that's a clap I got I got a points there's no text chat by the way you can't type to people you can only talk to them there's only voice chat at the moment they might add text chat to the PC version I don't know all right let's get on with this find the manifold for Mateus search for clues string did I just leave didn't look like I was leaving the level or anything so weird design choice this story isn't great I'm just I'm gonna okay so that is a loading screen are we where are we supposed to be alright we were in the wrong place I don't know where that guy was did you do my message to a colleague at the academy no what I found a big part of combat in this game is mobility and feelings you want to make sure that you use both I've got a super awesome missile back and see we can use that there we go it's not cool gotta love that hey you look at that slowpokes have finally arrived to special dominions cygnets then that's what we need I'll send you the location of nearby Dominion chess these graphics are sick look at that we had a fellow Ranger that's our javelin class you unlock another javelin class level 12 so you can play javelin classes in the in the demo they've they've said that there will only be cosmetic market for microtransactions something that affects gameplay but they also said in an interview that they were considering having future javelins which are these Iron Man suits being paid so you can buy it with premium currency which I don't know about that if you could if you could buy with in-game currency and premium currency like Rainbow six all content in this game is supposed to be free so they got to make money somehow something I'm a little nervous about is the fact that Bioware is not really experienced with developing games of this nature so I don't know how rocky it's gonna be when it first comes out obviously we can't play the end game here we don't know much about the end game really this demo is just an example of base gameplay and some of the mission types there's no PvP and anthem by the way feel like I should mention that if I'm being entirely honest you're probably gonna botch this game because of the Iron Man suits and that's why I would buy it it Reese odd restricted hoping this war gets stuck yeah like I was saying this is it this is all you get this this is PvE and this is the only thing that's in the game so you've got to make sure you like the PvE I would highly recommend that you play this demo on February 1st see if you like the game before you decide if you're gonna buy it or not though I switch guns I'm not sure now XP it's been a while since I've played and this is the first time that the game isn't actually lacking maybe it's that no it's not that it's not you know I could just check the controls and the tutorials those are all emos my teammates hate me Oh holding why is that it no holding X okay oh [ __ ] that easily no way I can't Elsa with that yeah I gotta get out of here that's close those only turrets are Savage they've got long-range weapons close range weapons I'm using close and medium range right now I've got a assault rifle and a shotgun this shotgun specifically is a very close range shotgun if you want to deal good damage you need to get right in there this is not a game where your gun is your primary weapon I would argue that your primary weapon by your abilities your abilities are used and you want to make sure you don't forget to make use of them a lot of people that are making complaints about the games gameplay they're not using enough abilities there mmm well take my shields are down let's be careful there it is come on oh [ __ ] Mammal Scott oh yes anyway there's also long range you've got marksman's rifles I don't know if you have true sniper rifles you got lots of missiles the Ranger is a very basic javelin type you got the more special Technomancer type javelins later in the game they kind of have like mage stuff but this guy is really basic he just has missiles and he makes things go boom if you're just joining us welcome I'm playing with two other people strangers to see how well we work together nice there's no text chat by the way so I would have to talk with them on a microphone now there is no PvP in in anthem and that's something I'm really skeptical of that because I keep making comparisons with anthem in the division too but they come out less than a month from each other that both lugar shooters they're both very similar in a lot of ways more so within destiny in my opinion the division - seems like a better value because in the division - you have extensive PvE extensive PvP so no matter what you like to get a lot of gold so even if it's specially assault rifle if you don't like PvP that's fine because there's a huge focus on PvE if you mainly care about PvP that's fine too the division - also has more experienced developers and the endgame is huge huge part of the division - we don't know much about the end game of anthem honestly from what I've played I would say this is a little unfair so don't don't take this is not a review this this is to be taken with a huge grain of salt and I'm just talking about my personal opinions but okay that's yield the stove in my personal opinion the gunplay in the division is way better it makes this gunplay go kind of basic actually I think the divisions gonna be the better game I don't know about this story the division 2 story gets stuck for all I know but I haven't played any of the story in the division I've played the story and anthem a little bit and it's not very good I don't think the writings great I don't really care for the characters so far it's not-it's no Mass Effect it's no nice building public I need to start using my abilities abilities are huge the abilities are really fun I got to say a negative for the division though is you don't have iron man suits so it's it's more grounded also the division 2 is less bullet spongy than anthem is but there's all kinds of pluses and minuses you can't fly into Division two you're not in space you don't have like alien Tigers throwing boulders that deal you don't have this Pandora like gorgeous environment the graphics in the divisions who are great but you know it's not it's what we have in our world so it's not as visually interesting yeah the servers are definitely recovering I'm not having any issues right now so if you can play if you have VIP access now is the time these rocks look great if it's only going up to 1080p for you I try refreshing the page but if you do have the internet for 1440p 60fps I'll check it out is it looks really nice at 2k 16 and I'm playing at the highest settings so it does look really good she's not a mission bounds my bad where are they oh they're up there I waited too long I should have just flown right past the enemies Xbox is having the most trouble really I thought PC was having the most trouble cyberpunk 2077 should be incredible I don't know man I think that I think a more realistic setting with you know modern-day guns is gonna be less full of spongy that a game with Iron Men and people that have space forcefield armor but I know what you're saying because the first edition was full funding however if you if you do some reading and you do some research you'll see that it's it's not as bullets Bungie not nearly it there is some sponginess because you literally can't get rid of it because it's a video game and it's an RPG light you know it's a living shooter so all its fun doing it how to get out of here I'm completely overheated some of the enemy attacks will overheat your thrusters yeah look Luther shooters bullet sponginess is a thing if you don't like it you shouldn't play it unless it's ridiculous bullets mundane as' then that's that's completely different but in a game like destiny in a game like anthem or the division there's gonna be some bullet sponginess because the game is one of this you know you're not gonna just change the genre magic like holy [ __ ] oh no no no that's actually really dope with so many enemies we're getting overwhelmed - back up over here oh [ __ ] I need some goddamn backup over here what the hell are they doing critical failure cannot be repaired javelin malfunction all right my teammates to be fair I wasn't doing great either oh there's one of them just gotta wait to respawn see him on fire some of the fire attacks instantly overheat your thrusters PvP could be added to an update the thing is how long does responding take if it could tell me how long I have until I don't care if I have to wait a couple minutes or if I can't respawn here but for just to say respawning dot dot is a little annoying anyway um PvP could be added in a future update but the thing is PvP might be weird I think the reason that PvP isn't in the game is because they couldn't figure out a way for it to be fun with the Iron Man suits I could be wrong about that but I could see where it'd be tricky to design fun PvP around the gameplay that they have in this game because the the shooting isn't great like the the guns themselves the assault rifles the shotguns they're okay but it's not it's not destiny you know gun playing destiny is out of this world it's Bungie you know it's og halo of course it's out of this world the gunplay in this game reminds me of Dark Void which is a game that none of you know but Dark Void is a game where they came out I think over a decade ago on the Xbox 360 and ps3 okay now everybody's dead now we're respawn now it's got a countdown see if we would have told me that like can't respond until restart or something all right though if they would have just taken out the respawning text at the bottom that would have been helpful just something time-of-day shifted it's now tonight I'm digging that flashlight I like that it's got a brighter ring around the edge I'm gonna spaceman suit but they still tried to make the flashlights realistic all right we've got one hell of a fight ahead of us let's do our best I don't know where my teammates are but I sure could use some backup quick tip for those you guys that are gonna be playing this this demo abilities use them they're key they're more important than your guns I would say your guns are just a way to chip damage off until your abilities finish cooling down all right we got a new person joining out some great great stay mobile you are in a flooding Ironman suit for a reason whenever your mobile it's harder for the enemies to hit you good good good I gotta fix it get some cover the past you gotta love that the big boss so not only does he have a huge health bar but he's got a massive shield actually he's not a big boss he's just uh it's just slightly more powerful than the rest of these guys whoa we got it down jab one I'm gonna see if I can revive him but it's a little dicey come on yes see now they're games together the high gear yeah that's definitely not a box count like for these guys obviously certain weapons and abilities are more powerful against yields or help than others there's a lot of flexibility to building classes and spec'ing out your load a lot of flexibility which is great the customization for the javelins is actually really fantastic let's push the shotgun man the colors are beautiful this is an extremely close range weapon but there are long-range weapons as well it's not afraid to be gamy which I actually respect like you've got giant health chars that drop when enemies die some games they try to act like they're not video games but they are at the end of the day I'm sure you can probably turn out the damage numbers if you want to but why would you it's not that type of a game you know it's very gamey I'm okay with that it's unapologetic which is nice kind of refreshing what my teammate it froze me to the ground so far so good you dead whose help just a glitch something that's kind of interesting to me is they call this a demo not a beta which in my opinion demo has a sense of finality to it like this is representative of the full experience if it's a beta it sounds unfinished it sounds like it's a work in progress like it's a test but for them to call this a demo that sounds pretty final if you ask me by the way this demo doesn't start you at the intro of the game I'm sure you guys already know this you've probably heard me say it before but it doesn't start you at the intro there isn't a bunch of tutorials it throws you in a couple missions into the campaign you're a little 10 we're just kind of cool gives you a better feel for the games actually like she's got a cool voice the sound design is great too that it's a good Niall Asia alright see and I was just playing that's not how you should play each other people mobile than that I mean you're in an Ironman suit make use of it huzza might see my doing he's dead always stand in the shield look it's you being all safe bite my shiny metal ass I'm not doing another fetch quest is this the first questioner it's like a protection quest you just jump scare me Oh wonder what that was is it just me or does that Valkyrie enemy right there look super destiny alright so yeah the flying's incredible you cannot fly and definitely a lot of people aren't quite aware of that so you need to skim the water like I'm doing right now that's gonna cool your jets waterfalls cool your jets you think clouds would but I don't think they do you can fly for a long time as long as you do what's necessary but still not for very long that's probably something you can upgrade in the future as well is that a crafting chart crafting is a big component of the game yeah it is you can craft weapons you can craft parts for your javelin look at this this is pretty nice it's gorgeous if it's not working for you if you're stuck in a loading screen and it's just endlessly loading restart the game because it's never gonna load but if you keep trying that's disgusting I love that it's like a face hugger actually that's a face hugger it's like an exact replica face are weird good design though good at great animations if you're on PC it's working fine for me in North America so if you're in North America if you have the PC version give it a shot I really hate you I can't blame you man what are you on Xbox servers still down I'm sorry for what it's worth EA insists that they're working on the problem they insist they insist I'm worried we are working on it have some goddamn faith we are working on the problem it will be fixed stop insisting the four bumpers hey look who decided to show up came just in time doc what's expecting them to come at me yeah wait I kill all these guys unfortunately I can't use melee on it kind of sucks now I can't melee so badass look at that I got a giant electrified billy club I was kind of expecting electricity short out my boosters but it just shorts out my shield you can hover you can a OE melee there's actually a lot of ways to shift up the combat if you're just if you're just using your guns that's not how you're supposed to play this game it actually literally isn't you're supposed to if you see people just running around shooting things it's not how you're supposed to play it's linked to the entire superstructure purpose it takes some getting used to but you got to use everything your disposal at all times that's the most fun way to play so as I recommend doing hey it's kind of unfortunate that you can't shoot and fly at the same time that'd be kind of sweet what am I supposed to do here oh I just shoot it automatically that's what I do for everything oh it's a little puzzle that's gonna cool actually all right so we got one yellow to yellow are we supposed to make them all yellow we're all blue all right they're all yellow now so I guess yep yellow is activated and oh I wasn't paying attention I should have been paying attention all right so we've got purple yellow and blue I think he's careful I guess red is deactivated but this one's not red he can't believe that I did it you know is that it this feels like he's talking [ __ ] all right you really get out of here Brooke for fun I like that the loading screens it's the same guy in the same pose actually there's a lot of similarities to this game and drama in terms of in terms of combat it's weird how quiet it is give me some music I don't know about these endgame screens I need to speed him up a little bit really we've got so many more feats than he did and we got the same XP okay I got a little more experience it's good still I didn't get much more XP than he did that's kind of [ __ ] I did so much more work he came in late game actually who the hell is the header zero how was that the guy was just playing with this is my loot oh that's cool look at that aftershock grenade launchers that a sniper no machine gun machine pistol shotgun and grenades have to whose secret missile awesome I'm gonna go spec out our javelin again yeah it's the loading screens are a bit of a disappointment actually if I'm being honest they're a little more they're a moderate disappointment because I mean the world is one of the coolest parts but when you have loading screens to go in caves and stuff especially in a game where mobility is so huge it makes me feel disconnected it makes the world feel like I'm exploring a a wold theme park like a really beautiful really well built place that's not real and I'm just going from area to area and I've better be careful not to go too far otherwise I'm gonna see the you know I'm gonna see that the trees are really made of wood and if the rocks are made of plaster that's that sounds so entitled I mean if if I took this game to people in the 80s and 90s their minds would be blown but it's true I wish there were less loading screens it does affect my enjoyment a little bit a little bit let's see what we got so that's just a upgrade in general but this has a greater radio AI status so it's it's different the radius is lower by one you know I'm gonna go for this Frost is cool but against the enemies I'm fighting right now wouldn't be that useful I might change it later on let's switch our secondary weapon for the grenade launcher because that sounds like fun where is their grenade launcher crafting you can craft admins by pressing a if you have a specific a rarity a blueprint unlocked and required craft materials it's like the division blueprints are unlocked primarily by completing mark challenges crafting materials are obtained primarily from harvestable objects in the world like the one that we got earlier alright that makes sense it's simple enough where is the grenade launcher okay I guess they're a launch is a different type of weapon we'll take a look at we use the machine pistol why not we'll use the machine pistol and our blue rare light machine gun which looks a lot cool it looks like a ghost in the shell' gun bulwark point deploys a spherical shield that blocks projectiles nice wouldn't even have that aquit components armor reinforcement that's what we applied earlier we don't have anything better now these are just stat things I'm assuming these things would be what you're like legs and arms and heads would be if they affected stats now we've got a seeking missile great I still don't see the the grenade launcher does someone know where it is oh Jesus Christ trees made of wood ah I meant not tree wood but processed painted wood that's meticulous and made to look like a real tree and the leaves are plastic oh no I don't I don't see the maybe it's for another class speaking of which we have to be at level 12 but yeah we have to be a level 12 okay yeah that looks so cool like that does your guns just floating there - that's nice all right let's go back out there go after another mission it'd be nice if you could run in the hub world that you can't actually hold on wait that's walking and that's running it's barely a difference isn't it it is there a difference yeah there is you start shaking slightly more but I mean that's just that's a minor thing it would be nice though if they would add that in the in the demo is if you have to do a lot of walking back and forth in the hub world that's gonna be really annoying so there's something called the game changers program and the game changers program that's where youtubers that's where they fly out to the developer offices and they give feedback on the game and they also take home some early footage to publish on their YouTube channels I was a part of the game changers for Star Wars for a while I think I still AM I'm not sure I'm not part of the game changer changers on anthem but why didn't any of them suggest faster walking speeds in the hub they should have oh look it's Jerry Riggs everything I'm sorry if I offended any of you with my baldest miss the total baldest there's nothing all this if you like ball people though right here's the manifold it's much smaller inspector huh hmm well Jules not gonna hurt it bubbly there okay you hit that switch again it's just me or nothing happened okay easy easy yeah this is here yeah this year I mean the connections are right aha I know there is this tried-and-true technique never fails to vice was no incredible so far fancy well friend all right we struck the manifold manifold definition amplification or multiplication oh we've been multiplied this is total scorp Tron wait wait wait this can't be multiplication you're surly and I'm not he's pleased and threes what happened division of course um an inverse function of the manifold divided you I don't like this physical multiplication psychic division a personality split three ways no no no it's not the manifold are supposed to do we have to fix this the Dominion soldiers in the ruin there were three do you think a manifold affected them two three Dominion soldiers the same soldier I'm not sure we have to go Jack I've read any information will help wait what are we supposed to do in the meantime stay out of trouble the troubles my middle name no it's Errol guys focus it's Errol go you're right buddy oh that's actually kind of cool all right let's launch the expedition they need to get weird with it you know get games need to start taking risks taking chances the worst thing a games can one of the worst thing a games campaigns can be is boring or safe or just very corporate and calculated and got a tick all the boxes a lot of movies are like that Marlin movies are like that just you know stuff like that that was fun but that was the most fun I've had in a campaign so far I played a couple of missions a couple of them in the the alpha and so far I was thinking the story's gonna be the weakest part of the game by far the writing is just not very good but that was good so maybe I think that's an outlier or maybe the game just hasn't gotten good yet in terms of story and writing I don't know Bioware used to be known for their stories Dragon Age one was great Mass Effect's stories are usually great nice school Republic I was very disappointed by Andromeda however so I thought the gameplay was good and the gameplay front dromeda is you can see it in here anthems gameplay is very and drama to ask all right inverse function says for we need to go you can go into free roam as well I believe yeah all of this that you see along the dotted line that's going to be part of the open-world so it's not really that big actually I'm hoping there's different biomes maybe this is only part of the open world maybe it's like destiny and you can go to different areas but you got an instance into it first unlike the division where it's all seamless maybe that's what it is that would be fine I'd be fine with that like if you could take a spaceship and go to different parts of this planet and they have different biomes that might be added later anyway mission let's go I'm just gonna group up with some randoms it keeps cutting off before the helmet shuts down it's still really cool though the reason that can't be the loading screen is it's it's it's live we are all here and able to speak to you Oh God wonderful isn't it well I do hope you find something fascinating back at the ruins shaper instruments moment wow look at him flashing kind of jealous I thought about going all flash or gloss but I chickened out he went for it - I respect that you look [ __ ] dope so the reason we're all skimming the water is because you can't fly for very long before you open your engines but if you skim water or fly under waterfalls you can fly a lot longer those missiles being shot at me what the hell wait so did I it said I was going out of them oh that's so lame I'm sorry that's so oh I hate that it loaded us in because this is where we were earlier the map is like the exact same oh yeah it is because if we're returning to investigate this again that's my bet but the Lotus trees suck I'm not a fan of that I gotta be real I don't like that at all it's very disorienting because it looks like it's completely open so then all of a sudden you hit an invisible wall that's clearly invisible you're like what the [ __ ] oh it's loading the end so that's a shame but the design is amazing Wow check out the machine pistol oh that's so sick god I love that I don't know if I'm gonna go heavy or about to go light Jesus Christ I swear I'm good at flying these light guns are really fun normally on the heavy in my games but this is kind of dope I thought this machine just is gonna feel we cannot satisfy but it certainly does not oh [ __ ] that's disgusting Oh [Music] that'll make it easier to continue the investigation looks like some kind of decomposition to quick unlikely perhaps the metaphor side-effect of division so a lot of the missions feature gathering like what we're doing right now she's on expedition helping the Sentinels a lot of missions feature fetching like this some of them of our protecting things but some of them have little puzzles which is nice but when you think about it I mean what else could the missions be in that way like it's not like destiny or division or warframes missions are all that different I guess it's the execution really it's the scripts and stuff like that the writing I don't know about the writing so far the writing is a little little iffy on uh in the demo anyway and the Alpha ya Dark Void finally somebody gets it I guarantee you they played Dark Void and oh she's sorry guys conclusions yeah my bad I didn't realize it was covering the weapons and stuff cheese Jesus it's not that is that helpful for you to see that anyway we're gonna see still I did not realize rookie mistake I didn't realize the waters that currently there is no underwater combat that might be a thing in the future they haven't sit-ins they don't really answer much they don't know if they're gonna add PvP they haven't said if they're gonna add underwater combat you can fly underwater which is kind of cool that would be a great way to hide loading screens remember the elevators from Mass Effect's I don't think Bioware does now that I'm there's a technical limitation for it I shouldn't be too hard on them but I'm not a fan of loading screens that sounded soap michael vick was designed a soundtrack for a second yeah see this is why wanna be mobile you also hover so you can get a better angle on these shield guys normally I don't care for shield guys in video games but if I can get above them that's kind of deal by the way when you guys are seeing wag that's not me my computer's not lagging it's the game the server's I mean he's been making [Music] these grounders are so amazing but yeah I'm running this on just about the most powerful rig it's got a 20 ATI I have dual 20 ATT eyes that I'm using one because I don't think anthem supports SLI I got an i7 7900 X 32 gigabytes of RAM everything is over cloth even the RAM this is installed on an nvme harddrive so this is the best case scenario for performance I'm running this max settings 1440p I'm getting about 60 FPS most of the time sometimes a little higher but the server has been rubber banding a lot today it's way better now than it was it's almost perfect it's definitely playable as you can see some of these entities have weak points you gotta be sure to exploit those don't forget to use your abilities it's kind of hard to see but even the small guys have weak points if you shoot their head is gonna deal more damage the gunplay is really satisfying it's not as good as destiny but it's still really satisfying to see those numbers if you ever wonder what damaged numbers are there it's not necessarily to help you like oh look at that he's 35 points down now it's because it's a dick thing and I'm not saying this in a bad way you know I enjoy it actually but it's addicting to see those numbers go higher 15 entry points or if you get a better gun and just to see how quickly that damage smells it's fun so once says leaving restricted area like that sometimes it I'm curious what's going to do it now the prisoners in the Strider you should take he mentioned the bad news do we know what this card looks like possession said it was huge and dangerous they're just gonna stay in there holy [ __ ] hell looks awesome Wow look at this no fall damage is nice this looks [ __ ] dope boys let's go okay really little Wow the environments are incredible holy [ __ ] now this is more like this thing of a weak point does it believe you will oh come on I can do better than that now tell me do you bleed no [ __ ] it I'm just shaming Ben Affleck man like jumpers are gone now waiting to recharge there we go they got a coolant with these mission boundaries man they're way too strict now crap whenever you see this big glowing orange dots you're overheated it happens sometimes don't even notice it coming something he attacks can instantly overheat you by the way so you gotta watch that as well this thing is so cool the conversation should be in district 9 whoa it's got a little tight t-rex arms we're actually blasting pieces of exoneree off I like that that's pretty fun can't tell what a weak point is [Music] massage to follow me or is it enough it's stationary that's still pretty cool though that's a personal shield some of the controls are a little dodgy sometimes got night they'll get that that's so stupid return to mission I barely even left it I'm sorry I thought I was supposed to fly on this game what's shooting at me I'm just a better watch myself I like what a kidnapper is this giant mech well to be fair that's his personal vehicle and it's it's totally him are we safe here we're safe here that's good I'm sorry did you expect this mech to not be a bullet sponge was it supposed to go down like a like a beanie baby it's um I can't even fly right now because my over yeah ah very frustrating you're supposed to fly open it up a little bit why is it so imperative that I stick right in the mission area because they don't want me to recover too much health I guess maybe that makes sense I don't know is this the loading screen for returning me to the mission area great loading screen that's awesome it's so long I'm being so negative I feel like an [ __ ] but I'm not I don't hate the game I actually am enjoying myself quite a bit that sniper is dope it brings you down to a quarter hell and it knocks me out of the sky I gotta get out of here that's amazing though it knocks you out of the sky and brings you down to 1/4 health completely obliterates your shield more can I get that no but seriously some of you guys are just insane with this bullets punch stuff sometimes I agree with you but sometimes you guys are just nuts like if I was fighting a Gundam right now tell me how quickly should I be able to kill it should it feel like instantaneous should it be more than this the taneous should it be death before I even see it is that quick enough for you I need my super my super is available I got a regenerative health though it's only targeting me look at that red dot [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] not only that but their attacks are just obliterating my uh my jet pack all right good [ __ ] let's take advantage [Music] can't figure out what is a weak point is I'm assuming it's rough back those other guys had canisters on one about him it's very disorienting though just like I'm inside a slot machine they don't really I don't really have the time to see any Telegraph's this is insane I'm actually really liking this ah eyeballs itchy it's too much input so that guy's got canisters and that's his weak point and they glow a little bit but I can't seem to see the weak point on the on the giant mech Xbox I don't know if Xbox is still glitch help I guess I should let the chatroom answer that the PC is good I'm not even rubber-banding anymore but I'm genuinely curious like what all you people that are like now not talking about the legitimate complaints but I'm talking about the extremists bullets what people what what do you envision this looking like like you die in one shot give this to the head and everyone else dies just one shot to the head how could you [ __ ] play this I'm genuinely curious I'm not I'm not trying to straw man here I'm really curious as to how this game would look I would also be really curious for you guys to become game developers and make your own game for work on the game and for you to like like I don't know approach Bungie or something to be like hey so I got the idea how about everyone dies in one shot to the head Oh God what a novel idea I hadn't thought of that before I think you sir have saved the gaming industry what if every game played like ARMA it's good it's a great idea I'm serious you should come to the gaming companies and then tell them about your your master plan okay now it sounds like I'm strong manic I'm doing it a little bit but I'm genuinely curious about that like like a lot of these smaller guys they melt pretty quickly once the shields are down it's not like they're human beings it'd be different if they're a human being like the division but because they're monsters they're alien monster people like makes sense to me so he's on his health bar now right if I'm shooting his head he's nothing pretty quick space except I can't hit his head because it's too much but if you don't like bullets sponginess that's fine I totally understand that I happen to like it but I understand why people don't like it but I'm talking about the people that are like it doesn't make sense why don't make it both Bungie sure okay man what about MMOs yeah you don't play World of Warcraft then they all die in one hit the death house should be I'm a game developer on reddit the problem is though you've got a lot of people so the divisions subreddit it's got a lot of great great constructive criticism and some of that actually helped to save the game so player feedback is incredibly important thing is the people that have really good constructive feedback they're not the loudest people the people that have no idea actually they actually don't have an idea they just wanted to say something they're the loudest so it you're taking away your D legitimizing the people actually have legit ideas and the people have that have legit feedback [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] in a perfect world well I guess the thing is you don't know if you have constructive feedback or not you don't know if it's actually gonna be useful and sometimes developers they don't listen to good feedback and then sometimes developers listen to bad feedback I can't remember any examples right now but I've seen games actually be ruined by listening to player feedback too much because sometimes players don't know if they're talking about oh [ __ ] it's overheating oh no no no no don't transport oh thank god don't transport we're back please oh I don't want to wait in the loading screen for 30 seconds but sometimes developer I mean player feedback saves a game like the developers of battlefield 5 I can't remember what the change was I think it was time to kill they thought it would be a good idea to change the time to kill and although I'm trying to go fullscreen there we go it was a terrible change that they made and the players revolted and the developers are like oh [ __ ] because change this back fast people are gonna start refunding so that was an instance of player feedback working out really well like that help spot like he melts quick enough for a small little enemy that's not what's supposed to be a threat but now it would be interesting if this game played like Rainbow six siege [ __ ] I was doing so well that was my first death all my other deaths because I went out of bounds but I wasn't really I didn't die I just plucked and take him back in oh yeah that's right cannot be repaired malfunction iris I've helped other oh he's going for me is he gonna die he's working on it yes yes I wish there's a text chat but there's not if there was I think there's only voice chat alright we have not the focusing of this guy not at all we've been allowing ourselves to be distracted by the gutter you know the most opie powerful weapon is the one that disengages your thrusters it's ridiculous wish Adam marks in the rifle right now man that guy's super that he just did doesn't say took a huge chunk out of this boss I'm a lady to death I'm gonna try it soon as this help is low enough let's go for it where is his weak point people likes in the back oh wait I think I see it against the canisters I can't tell them so I don't know this guessing [ __ ] I can't move oh no my thrusters are gone yo dude do me a solid oh you're saying you're an angel thank you oh you so close all right it's go time [ __ ] mail is a bad idea but I'm gonna do it anyway yes anything about those samples pop like a balloon that's a pretty good mission I enjoyed myself the bubble shield is really weak I actually what when I was standing in front of him I was activating it but it takes a little too long to activate so it wouldn't have helped me out very much anyway he would have destroyed that in 0.5 seconds no I'm not oh [ __ ] that's why people are asking about Xbox and now I'm playing on PC with an Xbox controller I'm not using a mouse and keyboard because it's jank in my opinion I'll show you why in a minute but uh yeah for a flying game like this I just rather use a controller there's no pvp anyway it's only PvE so why not see oh we did know we're all got the same amount of XP I got a lot of feats I think I did best maybe that guy got more XP than I did here though this allocate screen is so weird it's not very exciting there's no music it's just kind of quiet and things shift around a little bit now and then and it takes so long it's so slow this is all of our loot sniper rifle nice we got someone commons been no rare we got rare last time but once we get to level 12 then we can then we can get a new javelin I don't know why people are excited about no PvP you're getting less contact maybe not Matt maybe okay so this is why I don't like a mouse and keyboard is that fun to watch I don't think it is I think that's ugly as hell I like this yeah I don't know I'd rather have you know realistic motions if I'm playing by myself it's different actually you know what know if it's PvP I'll use a mouse and keyboard but if it's PvE screw it I just rather look nice it's this weapons-usable eye rangers storm and hunters yeah let's see what the grenade launchers clausus only okay that's why we couldn't find it it's weird that it drops weapons for a class you can't use in the demo that's just me this is this is actually kind of similar to destiny let's spec out our javelin and get back out there um so there's a lot of comparisons to destiny and I would say it's closer to warframe or the division but it does have similarities except there's no crucible it's it's actually the map has more in common with destiny than than the division because the division is completely open except for the dark zone because that's instanced but this game is not really open there's a big empty area and that's the open world and if you want to go in anywhere it's a loading screen apparently which is disappointing for me but that's what you have to do in destiny it's a lot of loading screens um this is our shield by the way bulwark point means we'll stay with one we have we didn't get anything good that's some new weapons see we can switch out a machine pistol something better damage is better but oh that's a heavy pistol ok sniper rifle alright let's go for a sniper and we'll stick with the light machine gun because it's kind of wanna go for the assault rifle but it's not as good this is the only rare weapon we have so far alright I think we're just about done here we didn't really unlock a whole lot we didn't get any blueprints either you can play to level 15 we're a level 10 right now at level 12 you unlock another javelin the store might I believe not a whole lot of customization in the demo customization is supposed to be the only thing that you can pay real money for but the thing is I forgot to apply my legs those thighs are amazing it's very thick we should be in a rap video um let's go full shine we got 30 coins so we don't have we don't have a whole lot what was I talking about she exists Christ I completely forgot get full shine oh yeah so the only this game is not supposed to be pay to win the only thing that you're supposed to be able to buy with real money is cosmetic stuff which is why all this is cosmetic your javelin customizing it like this it doesn't affect stats stance or somewhere else so you can buy this stuff with real money but the thing is in the future they might charge money for new javelins in the future they said that they might consider doing that right now javelins are just bought with in-game currency but when they add a new game new javelins to the game it might be it might be paid with a real money I don't know if you'll be able to unlock them with in-game currency or if you can only unlock them with a real money but I'm hoping it's in-game currency or real money we'll see but they haven't decided yet so the thing is nowadays games can start out completely free or non pay to win and then in the future the pay to win stuff can be slipped in after all the reviews are done you see what I'm saying I don't know if they're gonna do that I'm not saying that that's what they're gonna do I don't know sound accusatory I'm just saying that that's a possibility oh god this thing's so ugly like this well we're very shiny Wow you know what I kind of like that it looks like Silver Surfer liquid metal it's kind of sick I kind of want to go for that I think I might just stick with liquid metal looks kind of sick looks like war machine yeah you know what no I'll keep that on I'll keep that on all right let's go some of the custom options are very subtle which is it it's a good thing I appreciate that but you know if you want to just bling yourself out it's a little tricky look at that bite my shiny metal ass good that guy RTX on oh yeah let's go check out this mission it does kinda look like something from crisis you get in-game currency through missions I think you can scrap things for in-game currency maybe just crafting materials I'm not sure about missions there's a lot of missions there's raids there's things like that not in the demo there's not raids in the demo but in the full game there will be listen if you guys are waiting too long at the menu screen we're at the hub right now by the way if you're waiting too long at the menu screen or into a mission loading screen if you're waiting more than two minutes to restart it's not gonna load it's infinite good yeah there's samples you brought me what were they well I used to be Dominion I thought it might be something like that reality decay is not pretty reality decay when a shaper instrument taps into the anthem it affects reality and reality is a lot less stable than you think it is one incorrect variable and the entire equation collapses reality collapses these Dominion whatever happened to them altered their nature the fundamentals of their existence but it wasn't right something wasn't right they could have lost what's this got to do with Mathias whatever happened to these Dominion happened to Matthias - you're not saying the manifold affected him that means he they are unstable and in real danger I gotta go I don't know about the writing kontin is only available in the phobia what is this at the cortex I'm guessing it's just like a little collectible so this is the the hub world which is it's kind of cool very small it looks a lot like destiny looks like destiny and Venice or Egypt that kind of looks at the Star Trek symbol I wish you could run in the hub you can't it takes a long time to get anywhere minor that's a minor complaint I sound so negative god you're back that is you isn't it I can't quite focus my eyeballs where's Sumner where is the manifold he was impatient he wanted to pursue his own theory he took it and pushed me not hard but it hurt my feelings what did you Runa say the Dominion soldiers were affected by some kind of reality decay as a result of their divided reality shifting in unintended ways as a result they were wobbly jelly that didn't quite set oh that explains why I'm feeling oddly porous it's uh it's not a great feeling and none of my limbs work right we need some nur back and the manifold the generator of the effect must be part of the solution do you know where he went he talked about needing a drink maybe the bar it's a start how long do I have I smell burnt toast not long please hurry that does not look like keegan-michael key in communion nuts there are cutscenes in this game aside from I don't really consider that a cutscene that's just talking there are cutscenes I haven't seen any in the missions yet in the demo that is but in the Alpha there is like a mission mission like a story mission and it wasn't very good I just I'm disappointed by the writing anyway there are cutscenes with javelins fighting around and it's cinematic and they look they look pretty cool but some things are a little underwhelming so I would highly recommend even if you don't think that you would want to buy this game play the demo anyway so if you ever consider buying it then you'll have an answer like should I get it try not get it oh yeah I played the demo and I know it's not always gonna be free to try actually there's probably gonna be a trial in origin access but that's technically not free although that's cheap and you can rent it from red box I digress let's hop in the mission Academy ruins tyrant mine what is this another slaver I want to fight some aliens personally well I guess we have been but you can also change difficulty things like that you can invite people you can have a maximum of four including yourself and of course there's consumables that are gonna boost your stats do we have any consumables yes we do shield inscription for a single expedition increased maximum shields ranked by 10% of base strength and chill generation by 10% of base regeneration that's pretty dope actually let's go with uh one description no man Wow I want that except I don't have uncommon embers so I can't apply it oh that's for crafting rights I didn't realize it wasn't in the equipped tab I don't have anything to equip I totally have the necessary materials to craft so let's just go inside we're so shiny that you can't see us in the darkness you have an oxygen bar for the water oh I didn't notice that I haven't been in the water that long all right holy [ __ ] Tarsus mrs. wendice call this care about scars this the start making city weapons to attack supply counter phones that's a good reason we think this is where they're making the asset holy [ __ ] those Colossus are told I didn't realize the Colossus was in the demo I guess it is I guess that's the level 12 unlock I thought it was the ghost not the ghost the the mage just gonna call it the mage I thought the major is the level 12 unlock maybe there's three javelins I didn't realize that thought there were just two nice that the grenade detonates on impact it's actually super super helpful because if you have good aim the grenade is not useless against aerial targets and aerial combat is big oh I'm so close to death I got it ah I'm not a safe place to be revived though alright I was not focusing maximum effort let's go I swear I'll be a good boy if you give me another chance anybody Oh and tire squad was defeated [ __ ] in a sick way that makes me feel a little better about myself a little shouldn't so losers say oh you unlock any at level 12 so you get to choose storm that's what I was thinking up storm weapons to attack supply counter bus that's a what are those mines oops peak shape responds right Oh fiercely renounce them who need to silence the Bennett the music's great that's all it comes talked about [Music] it's kind of Star Wars II sometimes like that ah that note you just heard that's extremely Star Wars and a good one I guess this is where EA's been putting all that Star Wars money why couldn't they have made a Star Wars game like this instead of anthem of [ __ ] I I'm not doing what I should be doing you know what shield there we go there we go all right so we gather ourselves and must redouble our efforts I got you meet you heckle good name always going pink and white like the Justice gun they should make a Gundam game somewhat like this but you know more Gundam fight and we got the combat should be more more Gundam ish as well of every new build oh let's check out the sniper rifle is that the sniper rifle can i zoom in no that's that's the machine gun wait what oh no that is the sniper rifle okay I could have sworn I had switched I guess I hadn't so this is what range looks like it makes sense that there's no there's no Bobby there's no sway that's what I was thinking of sweat there's no sway because it's machine you'll have to breathe it absolutely sucks Kushiel's this one does I don't know if there's different types of ammunition but I'm sure there's a potential weapons that are good for better against shields or armor or health and route of ammunition will that love it sucks that weapons the worst I wish I have my pistol oh [ __ ] meat Shack I'm sorry man Airwolf what is wrong with you there's some god damn son help Oh what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that I was trying to run that death is mostly on me but I was trying to run and I was I was hitting an invisible wall and I couldn't run any further I was running into nothing watch you anybody if I can save me me shackled he's gonna try but I mean I've had to revive him so many times already he's not gonna make it poor son of a [ __ ] this is a no respawn zone even though it says responding at the bottom of the screen just ignore that it's a lie they're still alive I think Colossus has some sort of an awesome shield I wish I could have washed them if you can spectate that'd be dope why can't you spectate while you're down if you can't be revived anyway I mean if you can't respawn yourself if you didn't if you don't want anthem for the store you're in luck I think you just quick match to play with random errs it automatically pairs you up and if you lose someone it'll put someone else in there for you what from what I've seen I could have sworn that all of my squad members left when they died and then I got another one yeah yeah that is what happened cuz we didn't have four we ended with three thank you thank you so much does that meet shackles I don't think it is he isn't that's not meet shackles that's Airwolf meet shackles I never thought I would be betrayed by the likes of you you were a son to me I helped you I got you back on your feet and this is how you repay me this is how you decide to pay my efforts back what was this where's the shooter some of the things went down I thought now how or where is our objective what silenced the relics oh right right right whatever one of the relics that looks like when you all put liquid on a subwoofer and that thing up there is a sub woofer a lot of sub woofer inspired stuff all right what are the relics and where are they echoes delivered all right I remember what this is so there's no tutorials in the demo which is odd but we have to fly around and catch things and bring them back so they capture the flag but with AI there isn't that go thank god that's a seeking missile come on come on god I wish I didn't have a sniper rifle holy [ __ ] he's seriously took down my health I gotta wash myself so I've been preaching that you guys need to be more mobile and yet I have not been nearly mobile enough yeah the music's don't one of our boys down now they're all good oh [ __ ] got some big boys over here like us some backup please it's one tough son of a [ __ ] my grenade did next to no damage how do I lock down with my secret missile need to figure that out oh I got one of the souls with me great it just sticks to you so really there's no reason for me to kill these guys is there I can just get out of here trying to use my melee against two it's not working all right let's go deliver that thing so so we're here let me see if I can find the rest love that superhero lending we just need one more I'll be damned if I know where it is one of them may have found it by now the open demo is coming out February 1st February 1st anyone can play this and you don't need to buy it you don't need to preorder it you can just download it PC Xbox ps4 February 1st this VIP demo ends this 27th or 28th depending on your timezone they should extend it but they won't to leap of faith that's embarrassing I actually thought that I was gonna regen before it usually doesn't take that long to regen or to cool down but probably my bed I guess we can fly above these things yeah nice so you can and will overheat often unless you cool your engine's down I recommend skimming water whenever possible most of the water you're gonna find on this planet is shallow so shield shield shield oh thank god now get out of here get out go go go go go these enemies can melt your help fast sometimes which really helps grow mobility all right nice one of our boys is already down meet jackal of course like I was saying you can use waterfalls but most the time you're just gonna have to learn how to skim really shallow pools of water without crashing very important holy [ __ ] I'm almost dead again we're gonna take those towers down that's the stealing most of the damage I could try using my sniper rifle god I hate this thing I mean it's okay but for the amount of ammunition you carry it's just not worth it in my opinion but there's no sway which is nice all right that should help and we're out of net we're not quite out of ammunition Rula doesn't care very much that's terrible against shields as you can see rate of fire is pretty good though trying to shoot his head what how'd you get her in one hit what was that dude you can almost fire as fast see pull the trigger almost but not quite see that the attack that it just did on me it knocked out my uh my boosters thrusters whatever because it's it's a fire attack so it overheats you she's kind of cute you can also dodge there's a sidestepping dodge that you can do what I just did but you have mobilities key and I'm gonna start stepping it up right now you have an Ironman suit you should use it dammit see that yeah is that a good job everybody you just got to grab those Souls echoes I don't know what they are with the twenty echoes right we gotta bring the echoes to the relics I swear to God look up liquid on a sub woofer that's exactly what that is and it's right next to a subwoofer that's so weird that they also earlier I don't know if you guys remember bud you know Jerry Riggs everything who was cloned the NPC we were talking to he gave us a switch right but the switch was literally a hotus joystick is that a passive hotus botox anyway who's who's a joystick which is really weird they just like probably scanned it into the game it's weird seeing real-life things like that in the movie alien covenant they had GoPros mounted to the explorers which I noticed in movies it's more forgivable but in the video game where you can create anything now the sub love your thing I'm not blaming them for that that's that's fine that's not scanning a hotus joystick that's like if he handed you a Nintendo switch to joy Con and said hey presses button okay I'll press this button on the super futuristic thing we're not even on earth anymore Jesus Jesus all right dude you're right next to me he doesn't see me oh we're on a respawn area no we're not it said respawning in four three two one now it says respawning but we're not gonna respawn audio down check the audio oh it's like two people who said everyone's saying audio down what really is it still dumb Oh they'd had to refresh the page that was very confusing for me because it looks like it's good apparently it is good it's just YouTube's problem yeah let me say just kidding mics fine oh it's a joke see that's why don't listen to the chatroom I'm dead anyway it's not like I can do anything else were you look in the menus and these are kind of neat I like how they just kind of like swoop in Oh everybody died we're going back just kill it Titan in free roam really good job man I don't know how you had time to do that with how long the servers have been down assuming Titans have huge health bars there's one there's two you carry more than oh [ __ ] see that homing missile set me on fire oh god damn it no I shouldn't have just gone straight in there but yeah we're playing the PC version everything's max oh look at that HUD settings so you can turn off damage indications okay that's cool I don't know why you would for a game like this it's not immersive necessarily it's third person for one thing you get a revive please not that I deserve one I don't and still down see there's no text chat if there was you know how do I do voice chat let me see if I can take care of this squad defeated don't even need to but where is it there it is t alrighty is push-to-talk you can only use microphones there's no contextual chat there's no text chat nothing like that so you got to use voice what it is what it is all right now let's start being careful wait did I count the [ __ ] these explosions are insane all right who's doing the most there it is these turrets are ridiculous yeah let's definitely take some strategy strategy to this is that another turret and now it's a sniper I didn't headshots I think he's got a shield on I can't get that juice we gotta get some kill so I can get some help actually you know what there's another turret nearby let's take that down first is that a turret yes yes it is I'm here to figure out who's shooting those amazing rockets don't [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm almost dead I was doing so well earlier I guess I'm getting burnout what time is it I'm starving oh my god at 7:20 it's been down most of the day so I just just been waiting for it to get back up and the waiting was taxing oh yeah hey hey could I get a revive can anybody hear me look I'm sorry for my failure I will not fail you again if your trust in me if you put your faith in me I will do you good thank you sir though you are a winged angel I have no idea if you could hear me you know what let's make him proud I will make you a proud papa that will be a good son Trey we're out of ammo you pick up Anna off of dead bodies you also pick up health off of dead bodies oh my God look at the distance on that who a fruit baby didn't throw Oh put around the rock is there anyone here that can kill me no helped way to grab that stat then we got our echo shut there were three of them that was just the lens flare Jesus twelve echoes we get the point I got maybe we're supposed to have gone after the echoes before killing everybody because now it's just taking my time what it's doing oh I guess this is why we have so many more enemies come little fetches sometimes that's the best part of the game right there oh man it's like crack I just want to keep playing until I get my ultimate again you know what if someone would record a video of that ultimate I'll just put it on loop and I'll be good that's that's all I need now one of the other ultimate sir is satisfying as that is [ __ ] I grabbed some health charts now no bad bad bad call bad call I got some decent kills in there but luckily we can respawn or can we because that's so stupid why would it say respawning four three two one oh sorry I forgot I'm the game's UI that I forgot you can't respawn here this is in that respawn zone what I said earlier forget about that also I'm gonna continue to say respawning wait is my do my webcam die Oh No yeah the ultimates amazing actually this is a very good ventriloquist trick all right I'm gonna eject my cam okay oh no I just unplugged it unplugged it hot oh [ __ ] my face is so bright and washed out that's not good I think my camera did die well yeah my camera's dead I was using a razor webcam and by the way it'll ever ever by a razor webcam it sucks I spent almost 200 bucks how's this yeah let's keep it in there yeah don't ever borrow a razor webcam it sucks don't have any goddamn faith in a razor webcam and I still can't be somebody oh wait I'm sorry that's all I want to say is I'm sorry but this time I swear if you revive me I will do right by you I will not let you down that is my promise that is my bond can they even hear me VoIP push-to-talk oh listen I'm sorry I failed you again but if you revive me I swear I will not let you down I will do right by you I'll make you a proud father and that will be a good son they don't have VoIP on I had VoIP off I didn't realize it was off by default but I guess it is so that's a shame yeah you gotta go down here to VoIP and turn it on damn what if it's push-to-talk anyway why not have it on by default that's why I haven't been able to hear anybody if you could hear me please need assistance or need a revive don't be a Micah actually I misspoke don't be in our third Morgan be a maka naka is a good man or therm or Deon is a slippery snakes son of a [ __ ] that you cannot trust I thought I was getting revived but it's just these weird little guys is it just me or do those look like people in costumes those straight-up look like people and I guess it is people in costumes me shackle you know two of us are down why can't I type why is that not a thing that's so stupid that you can't type it's it's PC is there any way I can communicate can I do it I can't wait oh my god meet shackle you're so close please please revive of us I don't care who it is I revived you twice I have revived you twice you traitorous bastard this is why they don't have VoIP on they don't want to be [ __ ] talked by me the reason there's so much hate on this game is oh [ __ ] you meet shackles go [ __ ] yourself the reason there's so much hate on this game is because it's EA and because memes um I mean I'm not completely positive on it there's some things that I don't like about it there's some things that I do really like I love the flying I think the designs are awesome I think it looks really cool alright I cannot die because if I do the whole match is screwed I'm the only one that revives people consistently it's like mr. bean was piloting an Iron Man suit we have to be fast is we're gonna stick the cover if they see us we're dead oh [ __ ] I think the turrets are back online yeah they are no that's a sniper whatever we need them dead they're writing in this game it's just not very good if you guys want my honest opinion I think the division 2 is gonna be a better game than anthem but you don't have an Iron Man suit in the division 2 I'm actually really curious so to battlefield 5 I like the game I actually do I enjoy it I think it's a fun shooter I think it's a good battlefield but a lot of people don't like it and you know what it didn't do great in sales I think Monster Hunter and smash brothers beat battlefield 5 in sales I really should be dodging these things more but my point is battlefront 2 performed below slightly below expectations battlefield 5 performed slightly below expectations how is anthem gonna perform his anthem going to sell really well is it gonna sell poorly I don't know I'm curious I follow box office results of movies and I also follow sales of games because I just find it interesting I wonder who's gonna win the division god his shield her gently the sniper rifle sucks against shields the division is let's see if anybody needs a Reebok nope the division is a direct competitor to anthem and vice versa one's gonna win who's it gonna be really they locked one of these things up in a cage the hut the cage wow there's something a little funny about that I guess they forgot to build a cage around this one but yeah objectively honestly the division to it feels like you get more for your money I trust the developer to the division to more because they're experienced they made the division one and they fixed it when it had problems we get in here not only that that the divisions who has PvP and and a huge focus on the endgame so it's cooler but there we go oh how refreshing oh [ __ ] you know what it should rain sometimes and whenever it rains you can fly indefinitely I thought I'd literally thought that was someone talking VoIP I didn't realize it that was an in-game voice I don't like getting these things I don't know Gina well not you know sorry do you know who said that Oh dick boy I don't know thick boy I played the division and anthem honestly the division has better gunplay so if you took out flying an anthem no doubt about it the division has better gunplay BarNone objectively speaking no question and nobody would argue that no game journalist would argue - yeah damn it ah it wouldn't be so bad if I would get revolves every not holy [ __ ] he has not moved from the corner of the map he's just been camping there the whole match here he comes is he coming for me no no of course not I think that guy sees me I think Airwolf sees me thank God he'll be on his way what he can but um I'm just when I'm comparing the division to anthem I'm doing it objectively I have no stake in ei I have no stake and who be soft I don't I'm not a shareholder I want both of them to be good but one is gonna sell more than other one is going to be higher reviewed in another that's just how it works I don't know if you guys can hear me but um could I get a revive please is that even the right push-to-talk button you see me do you see me I wish like I feel like I'm Tom Hanks in castaway I'm just stranded on an island does anybody see me oh you gotta see me come on and I'm down here I'm down here please sir sir oh come on you look straight at me you bastard I've got this big giant annihilation sourah man aye that's blocking there just seeing that they're not seeing me oh you bastards oh he's coming he's coming don't walk past me oh you [ __ ] oh you insolent [ __ ] right there dude I'm right though oh my god thank you so much yes we're bad baby oh I will never die again I swear let's kick ass come on where are the rest of these echoes I think the rest of the echoes are in cages do we have to kill everybody to get to the cages I don't think that's how locks work oh [ __ ] look at all that health Jesus Christ so like nine times out of ten when I die it's totally my fault but [ __ ] if I could just make a note it's really [ __ ] hard to read these Telegraph's if you're being mobile and and not like shooting from cover shooting from cover is smarter and that's what I should have been doing but still it should work like Dark Souls or Darksiders or God of War where you have a bit of a telegraph and you can dodge if you have good timing I'm really curious to try storm shadow is that what it's called know that's that's GI Joe damn it I'm really curious to try the light really really mobile mech javelin because I'm sure they're low health so that's gonna be interesting I'm assuming that mech is based around mobility and in timing of dodges but I'm probably gonna be better paired with Colossus because Colossus can take a beating and then again I like being more mobile so maybe I don't think you can fly that along with Colossus so that may not be a good idea he's using his ultimate which is one giant missile that's pretty cool oh no it's more than one it's at least three [ __ ] that's dope I'm so hidden this is the worst place I could have died at least last time around I was exposed my ideal build of a javelin would be like Ironman where you can just be extremely mobile just flying in and out of everything you're mostly in the air instead of on the ground I want to be in the air more than I am on the ground if there was a time spent in the air versus on the ground statistic in the menu I want it to be at least even storm trooper I don't think you know what you're talking about man great VIP demo had it installed all day with zero chance of getting on because they prioritize all the youtubers for promotion we don't have a separate server we're on the same server I just got luckier than you I've been down most of the day but I got lucky I got in I don't know I'm not you know what I'm actually not a game changer for this I am not affiliated with EA some youtubers are affiliated with Electronic Arts they'll tell you anyway if you've been seeing anthem videos the past couple weeks or months those have been from affiliated with EA youtubers those are youtubers that are flown out to play anthem by EA for da which there's nothing wrong with that they're not paid to say good things about it but those are the people that are affiliated I am not affiliated with with anthem I'm not affiliated with the EA they sent me a code for this demo but that's it our suit is so shiny I love it we're like a polished war machine but those EA youtubers I don't think that they have separate servers I wouldn't know but I don't think that they do well if if you're clever with flying thrusters last a decent amount of time you just got to cool it down wait heading to the missionary why is it loading me in that's not the stream that's the game I think the game crashed yep game crashed yeah oh damn you can pick any suit at level 12 but you can only pick one that's tough that's evil it's very very evil oh yeah Space Camp being dead ah I would not pre-order this game until you play it because some people are gonna like it some people aren't February 1st if you have an Xbox Playstation 4 or PC you can play it for free and you can decide if this is for you or not um don't okay so these are my opinions this is not my review I will probably change my mind on this stuff but my current opinion right now is this games not gonna have a good story it's gonna have fun flying gameplay fine gun play but not exceptional okay mission structure and I have no idea about the end game also the deaths are a little question am i back oh yeah the deaths are a little cheaper than a game like the division or destiny because there's just a whole bunch of distracting [ __ ] going on like there's just it's it's a strobe show it's a light show it's a rave whereas in the division or in destiny there's more strategy there is strategy here but it's mostly flash I didn't realize that was solid man might this is the perfect environment for this guy that I got here he's so shiny he looks awesome where they at yo oh wait wait wait hold on is there our way form out there's no way point all my boys now they're down there yes it went 4-1 was that the wrong direction oh maybe I was going in the right direction they're just slow yeah that's what it is but I don't see uh I don't see a waypoint what's up with that down Jesus Christ I came out at the wrong angle uh-huh oh god I hit my head yeah these suits are kind of tight and falling and you got a lot of the same abilities you have in titanfall oh [ __ ] where those cobwebs on me all they are that's what stopped me I guess I flew into a car this giant ass Iron Man suit is a cobweb that's it he's done he's taken down to be fair it's a damn you spider-man to be fair it's an alien cobweb thank you meet shackling so you show me where it go boy look like oh where do I go boy okay hit my head again well swear I'm not drunk where are we supposed to go all up there okay really No the world of it's [ __ ] beautiful the world is kind of empty I'm not going to lie search tunnels oh okay well we're there it kind of hard to see where the tunnels are the world is very detailed but kind of cluttered him that way dude tunnel up there no we're already up there Jesus Christ is over here oh we're supposed to be under water okay I see now I was looking in the completely wrong area I guess there's dead ends [ __ ] that's beautiful God look at that Wow yo shiny is the way to go it really is honestly the shot I don't think this is an opinion thing the shiny suit is just more visually interesting that's a great sound what's he doing I figured shooting off flares no one knows where they're going I hope Airwolf does me Jack me you know you're going bro yeah I'm playing on that 20 ATT I know I'm not playing with the 220 ATT oz I don't think it supports SLI so I'm just using one I will test if it supports SLI though is we're supposed to be this is the exit y-you look dope dude you need help you jump huh well I wave wave what I guess we search the tunnels now look at all those flares okay can you see the dust that's beautiful [Music] I'd recommend that you choose the female pilot that's just me though the mail guy he's okay but I wonder if the female voice actors is better than the guy what are these things why do the spiders like these little glowing works was like their rage oh that was of no consequence my bed I keep getting distracted [Music] this is like if Envy DRTs was a javelin those are disgusting I love them alright well oh [ __ ] what exactly is in here oh I thought he was alive and you just like spoofing me whoa he's freaking me out I don't like that I don't like it I don't know oh I can't fly lon carrying objects that's interesting I should have made him carry it this sucks if you guys aren't able to get into the game right now I would try refresh rate the flow oh [ __ ] Ellis don't those drills are awesome all right I got it where do I need to get this thing again up there now the weight points are pulling me in different directions is this the place yeah good I just want to be able to fly again that's all I want the gunplay is really not that bad it's just not as interesting as the division or destiny Destiny's gunplay is so class I wish I liked destiny just for the gunplay but I don't destiny has some of the best gunplay out of any shooter objectively it really does it's fantastic the balancing whether you like the weapon suit and that's a different story but they can play itself the mechanics the wrong mechanics it's great hey man you didn't know that all right you poor bastard look at me I'm flying why aren't you Jesus Christ feel like I'm gonna have a stroke don't play this game if you have epilepsy hey you're so close and it snows everywhere give it a minute it should work itself out energy readings I say but I think events are they just stay in the center and these parents are cool too energy to spark again all those disgusting Oh like that that mailing is sick now he can't fly if you're carrying something you can't fly works you here five minutes ago is when the game told me that I recognize you thik boy you were here earlier you're a contrarian that's all good I'm just giving you a hard time man dan that male is sick oh wait thick boy did say he wait you just pump it yourself man and let's be total chaos inside of your head that Meili is sick goddamn paws down the platform my bed but thought I was a fire but thought this was America my bear I'm sorry I guess this is Communist China well there goes my 10 cent sponsorship oh thank God I got it sweetness wish I could fly around but apparently I can doesn't want me to what am I supposed to do here again Oh enemy interference slow subjective progress all right you know I've got this amazing suit I can fly around and it's so dope it's the best part of the game and sometimes I can and that just kills me like uh how about stay in the air and they got some waterfalls around or something like that you know I would rather have to fly around the waterfall fight in the air stay in the air and being on ground slows progression of the objective and enemies slow the progression of the objective see that would be more fun for me you know the depressing thought is like someone buys this game and they just stay on the ground they don't even like flying didn't even have to fly they just if they can't they'll walk it's just walk everywhere Oh God got a jeweler for people like those something I'm kind of worried about is we ship out ton here damn something I'm kind of curious about is if this servers couldn't handle the small amount of people playing the game right now don't touch that dial we're just getting started salute I gotta say I'm digging that paint job it's your sweet ass over here let me look at you well you are a snack there's such a tease no but in this beta is only open to people at a period of the game for paid-for origin access premier so those the only people that can play February and this servers have been whacked all day and they still are apparently my question is what's gonna happen February 1st when it's open for everyone really what's what's gonna happen I'm genuinely curious I don't think they're gonna be able to handle it but that's just me I've been a very important question for you guys alright and I need everybody to answer damn you spider-man hey they both got stuck too I guess you bounced up and down how they get on the spider webs I didn't see any spider webs that looks good what the hell are these spider webs liquid andaman tiem I don't know how long we've been streaming but it's been a little while 3 hours 31 minutes it looks like Sugar's dangerous I'm sure you guys already know that the hyperbole sure sugar is dangerous I think of BC just like like the leading cause of death or something or contributor whatever sugars dangerous but what's most dangerous is that it's not only hazardous to your health but it's so goddamn addictive so I bought this cereal so if you're in the u.s. you know what I'm talking about you know you know what honey buns are not the real honey buns but the honey buns you get in the cheap plastic wrapper and it's made by like Little Debbie or hostess well there's a honey buns cereal or each cereal piece there's a little tiny honey bun and out of nowhere it just popped back into my head and I thought man I could sure go through some sweetness honey buns I'm out of them though so I can't pour myself a bowl of honeybunch sugar but that's so [ __ ] ears like I never think about sweets I eat them sure but I don't I don't think about them but out of nowhere my brain just sloughs like honey buns honey buns where did this thought come from it actually just thought about honey buns and now I'm tasting them like I could taste it I want it as babies as dangerous oh there's also have you heard of Donuts they're like little tiny mini donuts you buy them at the grocery store or Walmart and there are little tiny mini powdered Donuts well they have a dill nets cereal I'm not even joking Thank You Kenny seriously man I really appreciate stuff like that that means a lot I love those spiders I got a lot of spiders where I lived and they look pretty damn realistic yeah doesn't that make the pop-tart cereals in normal honey buns [ __ ] honey buns I think that's the most unhealthy junk food that's saying a lot that's like if there is a deep-fried Twinkie cereal oh [ __ ] no this is as far as I go not a goddamn giant near the spider you just made me grab a goddamn honey pot sorry I'm so sorry have you heard of honey bun sandwiches people take they take slices of ham the drizzle honey on it and they sandwich it between two honey buns is that a giant tire next time I expect big ass bugs to be in the mission briefing Oh hello he's coming for you Oh dump some furniture god that's so dope that's so [ __ ] cool holy [ __ ] let's get out of here this is a good plan I'll say we don't get the hell out of here go to city ma'am man if I cut up with a mango and saw a bunch of spiders come out I [ __ ] my pants at people to play break open a banana there's tons of spiders inside spiders just climb inside play a bunch of mics it's sick you know what I want to see I want to see me Mele this guy above let's do it damn this is a one shot of me that bastard no I'm gonna I'm gonna definitely editing and cutting this stream but only the beginning work lished well I'm not gonna cut all the glitches out I'm gonna leave some Incas are funny but there was a long time where we couldn't play was unplayable so I'm gonna cut some of that out but it's actually it warms my heart a little but that some of you guys prefer my stream unedited because I don't know it's just like it's a huge compliment if you just said that because there's a part you wanted to go back to her a glitch happen or something he's not even talking about the commentary no but uh if you were it's very sweet of you poo oh yeah oh god I wish I had holy [ __ ] at Starship Troopers they should just nuke this whole planet for more but no no don't you dare Oh God now you can't tone down the effects I guess you could set particle effects too low but you can tone down the UI UI is pretty customizable you leave free roam by pressing pause and then holding X I don't know if you joking but now this is not with our TX on because this game doesn't have RT X although my suit does look like our TX luckily we can just go right back into the mission thank God Thank You Garrett yo if you guys if you guys like Red Dead Redemption and if you think Dutch is the sexiest video game character of 2018 I've got a video where I'm playing with sounds like pizza he does Arthur Morgan I do oh oh oh I had plain hair goddamn faith and you have taken my fridge and [ __ ] all over it screw it I'll make my own game with mangoes Tahitian hookers well yeah I've got a I've got a video where I do I did I did Dutch vanderlin impressions for two hours straight with a youtuber called sounds like pizza who did Arthur morgan fresh morgan impressions for two hours hours straight with me and we improv the cat third and we just told people in red dead online i've got a video on that it's like the the upload before my last upload was was uh that video it's it's called well anyway you you can't miss the thumbnail it's dutch with a warm head but you might you might like that you might enjoy that I enjoyed it I enjoyed making it man it's it's too bad that we killed way more bugs than the developers did I could have had better structuring on that joke but I could have been bothered see that's the thing that bugs me if if people EA advertised the [ __ ] out of if you preorder this game is that rejoining we can't rejoin [ __ ] ea advertise this [ __ ] out of the fact that if you preorder this game you can play it early right well almost all of today nobody could play I think they should extend the VIP beta an additional day and the open beta an additional day to make up for it personally it's the most fair thing because if you a lot of people paid money to get into this yeah they can they can cancel their pre-order but still the gaming companies aren't viewing it that way they're viewing it as we want you to buy this game to get early access so that's what a lot of people did right and they couldn't play most of the day I don't think that's right but if they extend the beta a day for the closed beta people that's not quite fair to the open beta people so I say extend both another day if if I were the head of a video game company those are the types of decisions I would make which is why I would be promptly fired by the board of directors and shareholders I can't choose a new javelin yet no thank you commander rocker for that donation my friend also commander riker [ __ ] nice nice name a love ooh those are sick I'm not gonna buy any more customization for this javelin cuz we're gonna get a new one but I love the next generation so excellent excellent username oh that looks pretty nice it's not as shiny it kind of looks like crumpled tin foil but it's not bad unfortunately though I'm gonna be live-streaming more tomorrow in fact tomorrow if you guys have some free time if you want to see some more anthem I recommend it because it's gonna be better than this livestream today I'm gonna have another javelin it's gonna be bitchin but really important question guys really important question if if all of you that have signed in would please answer this what javelin should i unlock I can only unlock one what should it be let me pull up the names of the javelins alright so anthem javelins I'm assuming most you guys are gonna say storm but yeah vote so tomorrow I'm gonna be live-streaming more anthem but I'm gonna be in different javelins I'm gonna have better loot better weapons better customizable stuff and my gameplay is gonna be on point so if you guys want to join me tomorrow it'll be my honor I'm also gonna be live-streaming on Facebook later today or later tonight like in probably as soon as I end this stream I'm gonna be streaming more casually on Facebook for little bit but I'm gonna get some food first so if guys want to join me on Facebook I had a link in the description of this video but yeah in other news I'm going to be having some exclusive division to end game videos very soon I'm actually flying out to San Diego the day after tomorrow to capture it at Ubisoft that's gonna be pretty cool so yeah cool stuff in the near future sure and everyone's saying storm well not everyone some people are saying interceptor actually let's see so storm god I hope you guys are spelling these correctly otherwise you votes aren't gonna be cast all right storms got Jesus Christ Chrome is lagging 21 votes I think it's got 21 votes all right you know I'm just gonna scroll up and down and see what I see it's like split between the middle between interceptor and storm with a couple of Colossus okay you know what I'm gonna have to open up this chat another tab because this is lagging out like crazy okay here we go storm yo um Google is dead or crunk Google Chrome is dead I I can't I can't do this I'm trying to control F and then search I'm trying to control F but in reality it's just F okay there we go its vex storm has 26 votes interceptor has 22 votes and Colossus has 17 so I am most likely gonna be pickin storm storm our interceptor okay interceptor now is thirty storm now has 36 yeah it's probably gonna be storm or intercept through one of those two most likely storm in case thank you for joining me for this livestream guys I'm gonna be streaming again tomorrow and I stream almost every day on Facebook a little more casually without totes cache just hanging out but yeah if you guys want to follow me on Facebook or Twitter I talk to you guys all the time on social media of course I make all kinds of youtube videos so if you follow me here there's that I stream and upload videos on YouTube all the time but if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook that's the easiest way to talk to me especially Twitter just tweet me and yeah ever you ever want to save something whatever you got a question I'm not technical support so don't think that but yeah I'm on Twitter and I stream almost every day on Facebook and I make videos on YouTube so yeah hopefully you guys join the gang but until next time until tomorrow game massively and good luck I recommend all of you try the beta if you don't have the game pre-ordered I recommend all of you tried on February 1st that way if you ever have any doubts if your friends are suggesting that you purchase it and you're like I don't know I don't know if I'm gonna like it I haven't played it before well your your only chance to play for free is February 1st anyway I'll see you guys soon but until then may the force be with you always god it's really hard to try to do an obi-wan Dutch the force will be with you the force would be with you always Jesus Christ that's a mutant that's an abomination it's impossible to combine those two you can't do it maybe Darth Vader Dutch but sure as hell not obi-wan Dutch maybe Arthur morgen obi-wan alright guys until that's done take care
Channel: MassiveG
Views: 183,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthem gameplay, anthem demo, anthem vip demo, anthem live stream, massiveg, anthem gameplay storm, anthem gameplay ranger, anthem 4k, anthem 60fps, anthem demo live, anthem pc
Id: majm_fTgC5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 59sec (13619 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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