Ant-man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) - Let Me Explain

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listen damn it looks like I just got fed a bowl of malarkey so as the beginning of the Kang Dynasty a new Marvel face that's introducing the biggest bad guy so far and like I've seen what they did with the last one so I know that no matter how bumpy it gets the end game's gonna be pretty good and with Jonathan majors at the helm man I'm all in is Marvel gonna make me wait seven years just to figure out why Kang looked left yes but I trust him so much as an actor that I know he's gonna deliver one of the best cinematic characters of all time still y'all couldn't pick a different movie to start with no matter what timeline or variant like I really have tried my hardest but there is no Multiverse where I'm a fan of these Ant-Man movies each of these movies feels like they make you leave your house to go to a restaurant only for you to come home and you're still hungry I remember these getting discs for being the flavor of the week by another filmmaker man it's a daily horoscope I've marveled at what they've taken in previous films but I'm glad that people are finally noticing even faster and sure yeah they're supposed to be family films so you're gonna get like a minion butt that's thrown at you you'll have goofy characters who just mentioned holes yeah that's right but look I don't want to say that these movies put the ants in cans but I really thought this would be the one well you figured wrong the first half had some decent jokes but then the terms it takes brings it almost lower than the quantum realm and I had heard about these test screenings where they were split about how they were going to handle the comedy and all the dark serious bits and considering the reshoots sounds like they cut to one of those so unless you're curious for the IMAX I'd say wait till Disney plus so that the VFX patches can kick it look at that if this is blowing your mind which I'm sure it is just wait do you see Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania it's this kind of stuff times five let me explain you guys paying attention so previously on Ant-Man we have five appearances from him the first one begins in 1985 with a quick jump scare that shows a young Hank pimp who's denying Shield his particle technology As Long As I Am Alive nobody will ever get that formula well years later he drives up to his own tech building where his ID is his literal portrait in the lobby we meet his daughter his colleagues who still want his particles and his Protege who's always been curious about this myth of a tiny superhero with nanotechnology and Ant-Man so once he figures it out Darren crosses him and not even for the betterment of mankind it's just so he can change the name on the outside of the building he presents a yellow jacket technology which of course he wants to militarize war and just like that he's wiping his enemies literally flushing them down the toilet so he really comes off as a man organically designed only for killing he even sees hope as being just like him living in Pop's Shadow so he wants to pull a succession and wants her to vote her dad out of the company I saw myself [Music] meanwhile on the side is our main character the first time we see Scott laying he's getting beat up in prison and then the next scene he's getting fired by a Baskin Robbins so by the time he goes on a heist you're kind of rooting for him to get a win oh yeah my mom died too and my dad got deported but I got the van and his crew there's Louise who's a really good friend and was even there to pick him up from jail his van even makes an appearance into end game there's Kurt the computer wizard and Dave the getaway driver who helps him to not leave a paper trail but it's his relationship with his daughter that really makes a Trilogy yet he can't even visit her since his ex Maggie is sick of his arrest development she's also dating an officer named Paxton which leaves God to do the only thing that he seems fit rob a house The Twist says that he doesn't even realize it's a setup pretty much Hank dupes him into breaking in as a sort of audition because he needs him for a side job and after revisiting his jail cell he agrees to the job as he tests out the shrinking technology he ends up waking up in Penn Manor where the ants are so trained they're gone in one frame and then appear in the next but these two are pretty much betting on this man like he's job Scott I've been watching you for a while the plan is to retrieve Hank's technology from the lab so he starts by training the schmuck from scratch even though Hank's own daughter is overly qualified absolutely not this impossible mission also ends up being a trap since Theron's double crossing them again as he's making deals with Hydra they're not they were they're doing some interesting work hope wants to blame it on the particles but they end up getting in a scuffle as everyone scrambles and Hank had given them these Beyblades earlier that allowed them to shrink when they use the red one and enlarge when they use a little blue one hey are we the good guys yeah what are the good guys yeah good guys they fight in the vents a helicopter and even a train set since Darren is so evil he decided to take the fight into Cassie's room I love my mom in the end he's able to shrink the enemy out of this movie as they turn Thomas into a bullet train hope reconciles with her father and Lang reunites with his family making them A Fantastic Four in Civil War he just absolutely steals the show joining Captain America's side meaning he goes from fighting with Falcon to fighting with Falcon I'm always said you never can trust a Stark who are you come on man in my opinion this isn't just his biggest appearance that he's had to date I personally think it's one of the best supporting roles in a Marvel movie ever it's complete and utter filler so boring and this one Scott's in trouble for starring in Civil War so agent Woo is hounding land because of his shortcomings I'm in the middle of trying to steal something with my daughter we also had the continuation of the after credits scene from the first one and now I realized that we were that we're working on it for you now in the first movie Hank let us know that the him and Janet went on a secret mission where she sacrificed herself by going subatomic to stop a bomb so we're here Hank lets us know that him and Janet went on a secret mission where she sacrificed herself by going subatomic to stop a bomb your mother convinced me to let her join me on my missions they called her The Wasp that's when Scott has a vision about Janet so they drug him and bring him over to the new lab where they built a tunnel that's meant to connect to the quantum realm we think when you were down there you may have entangled with her heck I would never do that I respect you too much in between all this they're having scuffles with a black market salesman who's helping them build their Tech and you can forget nanotech forget AI to get cryptocurrency Quantum energy is the future as they also face a new antagonist named ghost who single-handedly ruined their plants she's the daughter of an ex-partner of Hank who died when an experiment went wrong causing Ava to go through Quantum phasing meaning she's glitching through stuff all the time but it's not like her character is going to come into play after this one do you guys just put the word Quantum in front of everything hope and hang crank and hope that their tunnel experiment will work as Jada takes over Scott's body turning him from a cap burglar to a Catwoman clever girl I'm so proud of you they showed out a connection to recording it so Scott dips to secure the security deal that he needs to get and they get mad at him for trying to keep his job like if you're online hiring him and the Avengers aren't hiring him then honestly he's just stop fighting with Falcon in unionized Scott is able to dupe Jimmy Wu again Hank and hope end up in jail Scott helps them Escape through and GPS Scott calls Luis to help and you get a pretty decent car chase that goes Nano I wish I had a suit or maybe even just a suit with no powers the bad guys get Pez Scott goes Toe to Toe with a toe and Luis pimps his ride in order to come in and save the day while that's happening Hank takes a shift to the quantum realm where he's able to locate his wife Janet and return safely without passing Ant-Man three spoilers I'm not the same woman I'm when I was 30 years ago in the end the bad guys are able to become the good guys by beating the bad guys as they secure their deal Hank and Janet set up a beachfront with no plumbing and they're all able to clean up San Francisco before shangshi happens haha very funny guys okay seriously don't joke around bring me up let's go so after getting stuck in the quantum realm when everyone snapped Mickey comes in and helps them Escape sorry that must have been a very long time that's just it it wasn't for me it was five hours so after three years from jail wasn't enough here's another five that he's been gone from his daughter who didn't disappear with thanosnap just the actress did time works differently in the quantum realm the only problem is right now we don't have a way to navigate it but what if we did Scott helps The Avengers time travel back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones he stands tall and ready on the front lines versus Thanos and even hot wires himself into Victory as he becomes eternally known as a true American hero flick me listen everybody knows that these MCU stars are eating more calories and there are multiverses but when it comes to your average Scott Lang without the ansu Ain't nobody got the time or money to get as well as king but thanks to this video sponsor you can eat some good food while you watch a workout hungry root is a grocery delivery service that helps prep all of your meals from breakfast lunch and dinner using Tech that's better than pimps in order to help you personalize your tastes as it adapts with your every order you start by choosing your eating preferences through their online quiz you're able to set how many and when you want your meals delivered you can swap items snacks record any allergens but my favorite part is being able to try new recipes and having the ability to customize every order they even encourage you to get creative with whatever you may have in your kitchen and sometimes the packages do come with a little more than the recipe asks for so you know they do let you experiment that way you can spend less time prepping shopping and cooking and get to the main course faster with hungry root so if you're interested the first 100 people to use my code let me explain 40 are going to get 40 off your first grocery order with hungry root all you have to do is use the link in the description or go to hunger com and use code let me explain 40 they get 40 off right right right right so anyway now it's quantumania which is the third Ant-Man flick and the 31st movie in the MCU where a super villain from the 31st Century faces a superhero who Scoops up 31 Flavors so now that from here on out it's gonna be full spoilers but don't worry Kang doesn't come in till like an hour in an hour we don't have an hour so the Story begins with Scott doing a press tour for his new book that is supposed to be the Avengers official retelling of the infinity War I just don't know why they picked them they had him promoting it on Miss Marvel's podcast it's popped up on the news but like I didn't realize that they actually had this available for pre-order my his very real book as the third in the trilogy it's really trying to prop up the family aspect of it which is why they uh decided to recast the daughter from the previous movies and even got rid of his entire crew oh we can handle it we're professionals honestly Louise should have done the audiobook now director Peyton Reed worked on Back to the Future so he homages it in the Family Pizza scene here where Hank drops is pimmels on a small pie to make it a family size since I guess the book sales and being employee of the century weren't enough I just saved eight bucks in that same dinner scene the family gangs up on Sky worse than they did in prison because they're belittling him for going on tour and not like finding another Thanos to fight which I think is kind of like crazy can you imagine fighting an end game to bring back your loved ones and they still expect more from you I would have snapped I literally saved the world thank you Spiderman hope is not working to save the city's problems with pen particles and say completely and utterly destroyed it in the last one meanwhile Cassie's been to jail twice due to her activism which kind of tracks since previously she tampered with the FBI are you trying to find my daddy yeah I am sweetheart hope you don't catch him why can't you just leave my daddy alone oh Cassie you you know if I had something like this when you were gone and I could have found him Cassie's built a satellite to explore the quantum Realms and she spent five years reading Hank's journals and is worried that you know going missing runs in the family personally I just felt bad for a hope in the scene because she spent her whole life working on what Cassie just made in the basement and my character is really cool she's super messy and not perfect he's got a great team around wouldn't that be nice yeah to be a messy superhero yeah so you've been studying the quantum Realm why didn't you ask me about it ma'am your daughter did you just shut her down now I don't know how they accidentally built this subatomic telescope in the house without another scientist knowing that once they flipped the switch it leads to all of them getting sucked in and ending up in Disney's Strange World pretty much these subatomic layers are meant to be a secret Universe beneath theirs so it's like those toe commercials where they magnify in Scott and Cassie end up in their own and after fighting a Flying Spaghetti Monster come across some Quantum people who've been displaced from their homes because of this evil dude named King and since they're literally the little guy in our house list they decide to help they will burn the world to find you they end up giving everyone in the movie This ooh so that they can communicate with each other down there but it was interesting to find out that the character of vev was actually Mo capped and voiced by David Des malcian so at least someone from the crew snuck in Hello Kitty is also in the quantum place and can read Vines how many owls do you have he has seven holes yeah that's right the town that gets attacked and they go on what like no life feels like a NASCAR race because I swear they were running in circles around the violin for what feels like five minutes the ships are shooting bullets in a straight line but it's always like hitting the side of the characters like even after an hour it turns out that Cassie had a suit this whole time you have a suit wait you have a suit okay I have a suit yeah I noticed we then have Janet Hope and Hank who continue these pointless meetups that Marvel's been loving recently like they'll create the zany world for no reason and have these ships that'll split down the middle just to do a goofier formation that the Chiefs but it doesn't mean anything like it's just there to fake out the audience but then you're just wondering like why isn't Janet telling her family who's good or bad the people who were supposed to deliver the dirt um accidentally delivered uh dirt with manure in it yeah it was it was yeah it was manure count you look at it and Paul and Catherine in that scene uh you may be able to sort of suss Out imagine what that smelled like it was it was it was pretty unpleasant so it was crappier than I thought they go to a bar to get some information and even though Red's been selling zero percent alcohol and the ads for this movie Hank needs something to get him through the movie our place in the Galaxy holy that guy looks like broccoli damn how much the writers have we then be Bill Murray's character who's pretty much Zapp Brannigan from Futurama and it turns out he's got an up close and personal with Janet when they were Freedom Fighters that is until bill went Elite wild stuff [Music] you mentioned my wife again turns out everyone knows who Janet is because she kind of let a lot of people to die so she kind of takes over the movie and gives Anella me to her side of the story she breaks down her Quantum flashback and how a man with a scarred face crash landed near her she sadly didn't have Disney plus so she didn't realize that he was King the Conqueror who takes out timelines and that the reason his multiversal ship got stranded there was because the other versions of Kang banished him to a place that has no space or time that said he is a good actor so he's able to convince Janet that he can return her to see your daughter no I don't want you to go once the ship's fixed though she touches it and because it's neurokinetic she's able to get an entire recap of all of the past present and future conquering that gang's done and realizes he's like the new blue Thanos shatter existence in the last minute she busts the cord to his ship and leaves him stranded but not before he gets a super suit but then she decides to skip the most exciting part of the story she's literally like yeah he has his 31st Century attack built an Empire and I hid in the trenches for decades but I don't want to bore you they escaped the Cantina after an attack as Hank drives away in this new ship with her grip he hasn't had since the 80s what a rice honestly those tentacle the houses also look pretty funny not to mention that the soundtrack titles look at a sketched I just can't get over how these look like a viral Twitter ad the steering wheel that doesn't fly off your hand while you're driving now of course I need to mention the similarities because they may be subatomic but they're the same gun designs from other guns out there in the galaxy you know you don't just have prico Cantinas in this but you have like kings Clone Wars soldiers I don't think it's escaping the Dune allegations they damn near brought up the sky people but boy do they need to cut Robert Rodriguez a check I mean down to the variants who are you people we eventually meet modak who ends up being Darren from the first movie who after getting squished like Jordan did by the monsters was anakined into becoming this killing machine and he's actually the one who sucked them down there and boy did he look ugly he looked like a fan art poster of the whale his face somehow looked wider than Lord farquaads like I love the part where Kane comes in and he just chokes him out telling him to not speak when he's in the room then we have Kang Majors is clearly the best performance in the movie second would be the audience who has to believe what's happening on screen for two hours and they really must be banking on this thing being really funny in the future because it makes no sense like it has to be that we'll eventually see how bad he's going to be and all the destruction then we'll come back to this first movie appearance and hear Scott say he made a big mistake and it's gonna be hilarious because of everything that he's conquered in the meantime you haven't showed us anything that he's conquered like he's walking into the scene looking all menacing forgetting which Avengers he's killed talking like there's an extra space between each word and then they do this you're not the one with the hammer it's Thor [Music] we get confused a lot similar body types terrible writing like y'all really took an old interview Meme and used that to undercut your villain for a bit I ruined the moment tonight yes you did yes after all that Ken kidnaps Cassie in order to force God into retrieving his Powerball hoping he gets lucky but Scott's Palm starts to get so sweaty he literally turns into his mom's spaghetti all while Darren eggs a mom to not become Schrodinger's cat I'm a cat burglar you mean you're a Pope saves him in the last second as Hank flies in to scoop them up reuniting the casts for like five minutes before they all get split up again modak fights with Hank saw something in the sun I never had perhaps then he aborts Mission and crashes as king swats Ant-Man and the wasping then kidnaps Janet so that they can act in their own scene honestly when you look at everything that he's working with in this movie they're giving him nothing and he's carrying it he's giving it his all like he's an Othello while the rest of the cast looks like they're waiting for lunch so to find out that he was coming up with some of the lines on his own yeah and I I do it during rehearsal you know so I'm pretty it was off I was gonna ask you about that because he has that great line time is a cage yeah what does that mean to you one I love that you love that line because that line was made up on the day oh really by you yeah yeah y'all better give them more writing credits than y'all did Chloe Zhao after falling down Hank's aunts used their Basic Instincts to communicate through his earwig as they've aged so fast down there that they've helped rebuild his ship poor man thought it was the ooh speaking to him we had a deal gang promised he'd return Janet to her daughter but then eventually we see he couldn't even return Lang's daughter to him which leads to their final fight Cassie goes to rescue that ripped lady from like the raid games and is able to defeat these fully trained Quantum soldiers no problem like she then hacks Kang's 31st Century Tech in his own domain there was one day I ran through a set with these big explosions and they did not tell me that the walls were gonna like come down like that and the fire was gonna happen like that and I did it and I was like they were like if we had told you what was going to happen you probably wouldn't have done it so everyone comes in to save the day after hearing Cassie's message Fab gets his holes and both Langs go supersize in order to take down the ship but what's funny is that technically you know they're still tinier than an ant I feel like I'm hugging Godzilla in the last time Darren realizes that he can decide to be a man or dick or killer because for some reason that acronym never crossed his big head yet after having an Oscar worthy exchange with Cassie he ends up giving up his life for the fight in order to redeem himself I just personally would have double tapped on the forehead because you never know no you can never be too safe at this point Kang realizes if he blast them One By One The Harder They Fall so off goes the light dude up goes his ship and then out of nowhere he gets stopped by ants and the family then drags across the portal as if there's some Quantum TSA leaving Scott to bang it out with Kang in hot ones I didn't eat the chicken wings I ate cauliflower because I want to support vegetarian I think it's a you know I think it's a cool thing plus sometimes I get a little weirded out with chicken wings Sam's Ant-Man and for whatever reason God decides to fight wish me luck no run I'm worried he's gonna Apollo Creed they're allowing this exhibition one slap would have sent him to whatever realm comes after the quantum one he scooped them up 31 ways and it's supposed to be even it's already bad enough that you're introducing the newest villain in a place where he has the upper hand and and there's no casualties like black panther 2 got rid of two main characters this had two senior citizens and everyone came out unscathed oh we're all gonna die Scott ends up going from a fist fight in his first movie to a fist fight in this last one here which is just you telling me that a random sound like could even take out king somehow Kang didn't see the timeline with the reshoot so Scott is able to trap him inside the core in order to put the biggest and baddest new super villain in what practically seems like a timeout Cassie then opens up the signal and just like that she's able to easily beam Scotty up but I have my own family to think about now in terms of some of the theories for the future I'd be curious to see what plan does Kang claim they were seeing because obviously they could have lied for a bunch of the stuff but there's this big what effect that ends up happening with Scott at the end which I thought was done very well and I know they said they cut out a lot of the dramatic parts and I wish they would have kept them here because I thought this one was really cool you know there's that whole sequence with the possibilities in the high scene where he kept getting in his own way that's how he saw it hope knew not to get distracted but the movie even plays with Cassie's biggest fears that she had dad a guy dressed like a bee tried to kill me in my room when I was six I've never had so considering all the talk about the quantum realm giving you these extra powers or even like messing with your mind I'm curious to see what they're gonna take with them I feel like Cassie's gonna be able to communicate with the quantum realm a lot easier now that she's developed a lot of the stuff uh Kang also being in the core I don't know if that means he's gonna multiply himself because they dropped the line about that uh they claim the longer you're in the core the more your mind also becomes undone so we'll see how that goes it's very dangerous especially on the human mind so be careful time and space work very differently down here the first of the after credits has all the kings coming together in the king claim Kingdom and honestly it was like an old Eddie Murphy movie in there uh it also doesn't help the second one has him looking like The Nutty Professor but uh personally I just hope that we get to see a lot of these variants appear in the other MCU movies I hope he's able to just appear in a bunch of them so we don't just get used to the doubles but we also get to see a lot more of Jonathan major but I also wish that they would go crazy with it like let him cross over to DC now that they got an inside man over there just fully jumped the shark so when he's really talking about not knowing the difference between multiversal Heroes an Avengers the next one seems to be a scene from Loki season 2 where a variance is presenting is like Carousel of Progress and what's crazy is that Ant-Man didn't even get the final text in the movie instead it said that Kang will return as everyone sat there in the theater watching an after credit telling them to stay home for the next one it's a tie does any does anyone out there know how to perform rotator cuff surgery thank you all for watching this video I'm curious to know your thoughts Down Below in the comment section like I said I I'm really excited for what's going to be the Kang Dynasty I know that Marvel can have its ups and downs and I'm just sad that they started it with something that like sacrificed the drama and the stakes right I don't think funny movies need to do that but I I did feel a lot of that from this one uh not to mention that I it's just I don't know it doesn't hit like a lot of the previous movies have in my opinion uh I also think the grounded nature of having the old crew in the uh previous two movies was definitely missing in this new one but I'm curious to know your thoughts Down Below in the comment section uh anything dealing with this movie now that they're in the quantum realm it's exactly what Marvel wants they don't have to worry about time lapse and math none of it like Janet came out older but Paul Road came out younger it works whatever way they want right let me know your thoughts theories and anything else dealing with that man and until next time don't forget to comment like And subscribe and Paul Rudd will wink at you tomorrow there's different variations you know it's like the casually oh
Channel: Let Me Explain
Views: 231,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explained, movie review, trailer, Clip, Scene, Antman 3, Antman recap, Antman lme, antman and wasp quantumania post credit scene, antman modok, modok scene, modok explained, quantumania explained, Kang explained, spoilers, Easter Eggs, Antman timeline, post credits, Loki, MCU explained, Paul rudd, Jonathan Majors, antman 3 explained, ending explained
Id: 2wrTIM93uIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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