Answering your questions! (100k Subscriber Special Q&A)

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hey everyone um just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 100k on youtube um it's been insanely you know fast uh for us to hit this milestone in uh almost like nearly a year um makes me very happy and i appreciate each and every one of you that takes time out of your day to watch my videos uh to celebrate this we're gonna do a little q a um so let's just get right into it um so me and mo met through a discord that we both used to hang out in a lot but didn't talk to each other in much we were both mutual friends with the guy who is now both of our thumbnail artists on youtube um he also does thumbnails for a bunch of other youtubers but that's beside the point his name is caleb really funny guy he's one of my best friends to this day me and caleb used to hang out and discord all the time caleb and mo used to hang out and discord all the time so obviously it was inevitable that mo would end up in the discord at the same time as me um so we ended up just getting along and that's how it happened so i was born in egypt i was born in alexandria but i didn't live there very long uh because of my dad's job my dad uh worked with hotels while i was growing up so we were always moving around i was born in egypt um shortly after we moved and then after moving we moved again so there's like a long list of countries that i've lived in we've lived in egypt and mauritius in cameroon you know we've lived in the middle east in qatar we've lived in bahrain and then we moved to canada in 2012. so my early life in egypt was very short however i would almost yearly every summer go back home to egypt to my family and spend the summers there you know at the beach or whatever um i mean because he's asked so politely next time i see him if i ever do we we can make it happen i guess [Music] um so i have arab parents especially for you to be out of university and having a stable job in the field that you studied in it's obviously very hard for you to you know come out to your parents and be like yeah i'm quitting my job and going full-time streaming especially considering that when i quit uh my job to go full time i was a much smaller streamer so it was a hard decision to make but on top of that after making the decision i had to announce it to my parents and that was extremely uh hard but it was a risk and you know like everything that's worth having yeah it's a it's a gamble and i told them i would what i told them is give me six months um at the time i wasn't making more from streaming than i was from my job but i told him that within that six month period if it got to a point where i could make more from streaming than i can from my job then i would you know take the leap and go full time but if in the six months i didn't grow to that point then i would go back to work they gave me the six months they trusted me with it i'm still very thankful you know for them uh to this day and i'm glad it worked out so to answer your question i guess yes they are extremely supportive and proud of me and you know i love them very much and hopefully i'll be able to pay back you know one day my goodness that's a tough question um to be honest i think this is something that like a quote that i heard not too long ago um and what it is is like if you want to make god laugh tell him your plans and you know i'm not the most religious person or anything like that so don't take that literally the like the takeaway from it in my opinion is i don't really have end goal i don't really have i don't really want something out of life i just try to enjoy my life day by day you know whatever happens after streaming is going to happen i'm still i'm not you know totally reckless and like i'm still trying to have a future but it's not something that is like set in stone uh like a concrete plan that i am trying to follow day by day it's just like going with the flow type of thing making sure that with the right habits and with the rank with the right uh work ethic eventually everything will you know take care of itself [Music] a lot of traveling like i mentioned earlier so growing up we lived in a ton of different uh countries with a lot of different languages obviously uh had friends from everywhere i i speak arabic with my parents and my grandparents i also like i think the key to maintaining a language is practice um i was fortunate enough to do an internship in egypt two years ago that was fully in arabic i speak arabic with my parents and my grandparents every day i speak french at home uh you know with my sister and with my parents i was educated in french i speak english because i live in canada i really don't have a choice but to speak english it's uh it's just the language here uh when it comes to greek i'm a little bit out of practice so my greek isn't that good right now but it really just comes down to practicing them every day and then the more languages you speak uh the more you realize that a lot of languages are very similar so for example when it came to studying spanish and university i realized that it had a lot of similarities to french not really in the the way that it is spoken but in the conjugation there you go yeah the conjugation the grammar that kind of stuff so it really wasn't hard to transition and uh yeah it's just practice at the end of the day that's it so we are um french-speaking egyptians in egypt um to many people surprised you'll find that a lot of people speak french um as a second language and so growing up i went to a french school in qatar where i lived for seven years i did my whole education in uh lise which is like uh the equivalent of a french fully french school it wasn't immersion or anything like that so we didn't we learned english like you learned french here in high school you know what i mean as like a one hour per day type of thing but everything was in french fully so french is my maternal language it's my first language growing up my favorite sport was soccer or football whatever you know whatever you call it depending on where you're from and my favorite team was arsenal and so my favorite team arsenal had just signed a player called alexis sanchez and he was like he was a great player and i was a huge fan of his so i decided to mix his name sanchez with anchovies it's a really stupid name like i thought it was funny at the time i was like 14. yeah it's not funny but it kind of had that like ring to it and i liked it and i ended up just uh making that twitter account called sanchovies and i would just tweet a bunch of nonsense and that's how it started yeah well it goes without saying but after like like growing up obviously i was the new kid a lot and because of like traveling so much and so it wasn't common that i spent the first few months or years at a new school with not very many friends because that's how it kind of is like that's how the culture is in school is that everyone kind of just like groups up in clicks and then there's the new kid and nobody really talks to the new kid especially coming from a different culture uh pretty often so like for example i remember my first few days in high school in canada coming from a an arabic country um i wasn't familiar with english being my first language i like i don't know it was just a completely different atmosphere i know a completely different like feel and uh so like there was days where i felt very down people weren't really like going out of their way to talk to me type of thing but uh after a bit you know i would start making friends and being more social uh just moments like that early on when i would uh move also i was a chubby ass kid i was i was a pretty big kid so uh i would um like i would definitely hear a lot about it that's about it i think so i graduated from college i have a university degree i did four years and it was honestly miserable because i was commuting for the first two years of uh university i would take the bus for about an hour and then i take the subway for 30 minutes and that's one way and i'd have to do that twice a day five days a week so that was three hours of commuting every single day for five days a week and that really took a toll especially um coming from high school which was really close to home there was no commute time as a very short bus ride so that that was really difficult for me now i don't really use my degree to be honest uh do i regret going to college no i think i learned a lot of things um that are outside to be honest the most things that i learned from college have nothing to do with my degree and more to do with like work ethic and like having good habits and i think that's like really been the key to my success on twitch um and something that i could not really have learned without those miserable last times in college so no i don't really regret it at all uh most embarrassing moment with a girl i was in high school and there was this girl i had a big crush on and she liked me too i knew she liked me because she would tell her friends and her friends would tell me but i'd never do anything about it because i was a [ __ ] um but one day i was walking down the hallway in gym class she started walking like next to me and she like gave me like a bump like that and she was like hey and i looked at her and i shat myself and i and and i just swung over and hit a bunch of lockers and it was like a thundering roar it was like a billion lockers being hit by my big ass body at the time and i pretty much like dented one of the lockers and like fell over and it was just oh my god it was the most embarrassing [ __ ] ever and everybody just stared at me and she kind of she kind of just laughed at me i don't know if she was laughing with me or at me but it was really embarrassing it's like one of those moments where you like just wake up in the middle of the night like five years later and you're just like what the [ __ ] like why did i do that i was just i was so scared man i was so scared of her she was like uh yeah i know she was she was a very nice person and like she didn't you know make fun of me for it or anything so thanks thanks for that oh horrible yeah it was not good no i 100 enjoy league i don't necessarily enjoy the people who play the game but i love the game and the thing is with me if you've ever watched my stream is that i will never do something that i don't enjoy even if it's for you know whatever more of user for money i i don't care about any of that stuff i love league the people who play it definitely can make it a [ __ ] [ __ ] time if i stopped enjoying league i wouldn't stream it anymore that's like 100 how my stream goes so yeah i know i i still do enjoy it uh well growing up i watched soccer football but ever since moving to canada i fell in love with basketball and now i the only sport i watch is basketball and i'm a huge fan of the toronto raptors so i have actually started a second channel with uh everything variety so whenever i do something that doesn't have to do with league of legends it goes on my second youtube channel so be sure to check that out uh right now i feel like there's a bit of like a drought when it comes to games that are good so i'm mainly streaming league but um anytime you know there's a certain hype game that comes out and everybody's on it i'm for sure planning to join up and make some content on that and add it to my second channel i think to be honest you [Music] never want to stream with hopes of it ending up being your career like or with expectations rather of having it end up being your career hopes is very different uh but when you stream expecting your your numbers to blow up then you end up being met with like this reality that it doesn't always happen even though you might deserve it the truth is growing on twitch is extremely difficult and the hardest part about growing on twitch is when you're a small streamer it's like a snowball effect type of thing where the smaller you are the harder it is to get somebody to click on your stream and stick around because if you think about it there's the chat experience there's like so many different things that you miss out when you uh miss out on when you click on a smaller streamers channel other than the fact that it is extremely hard to find a new smaller streamer and you know end up clicking on their channel uh so my tip my advice to you is to just stream and have fun try to get a bunch of your friends in the chat that's how i started off uh just streaming fortnite for a bunch of my friends having fun interacting with them and you know whatever happens happens and at the end of the day if you don't end up making it a career at least you had fun and if you do make it a career then it's a win-win situation uh but you know the sad truth is not everyone is the next ninja not everyone is the next you know tyler1 uh but as long as you're having fun it doesn't really matter so just be yourself have fun and uh whatever happens happens um so i'm not muslim my family is a christian but i grew up in countries that were mainly muslim and i grew up you know completely like immersed in in the in the in in islam and most of my friends growing up were muslim and i would go over to their house and you know i would fast with them during ramadan and i would like uh eat with them and it's like it really is a beautiful religion personally i'm not muslim but you know i you know i absolutely love the religion and some of my best memories are just growing up like i said with the with those friends and like in those muslim countries i am not a very religious person though and you know i love everyone and respect everyone equally type of thing it's not it's not a big deal to me pinoy is really talented like i think he completely changed the game when it comes to like breaking that barrier between like editor and creator where it felt like people would watch mo's channel for not only mo like you would watch mo's channel for pinoy andmo and i really think that's like super inspiring and really amazing he's really successful and he deserves every little bit of that and he's also a really good friend and i remember asking him for advice when i started my youtube channel and he was uh nice enough to actually take the time to answer all my questions and help me out with uh starting so he's a great guy i love pinoy thanks cutie i have two tattoos for now planning on getting more in korea hopefully but uh it's extremely addicting and i'm like very happy with them [Music] uh favorite thing is it's very skill expressive and it's a team game uh least favorite thing is that it's a team game [ __ ] sucks sometimes i have one dog just champs that fit my play style and just watching streamers that i enjoyed and and picking up their champs i remember when i first started learning irelia i would watch a lot of tf blade and i i learned playing her through watching him so much and he was super good at it and i was like yeah i gotta learn this champ like this looks like a lot of fun it's been uh three years two and a half three years it was nice i met her in spanish class actually um she was very handsome and uh it went well it went really well but unfortunately we had to um go different ways uh i like stricken i think that's like you know the classic runescape disturb song yeah it's a banger hey my fingers are not that long man i just get bullied all day because of my finger it's the worst [ __ ] ever oh um i my favorite of all time is gengar but if i had to name a few i really like gengar i really like gyarados i really like espeon alakazam and dark cry those are my favorites i'm six foot six foot tall uh ladies hit me up you know six foot tall not 511. i i'm really not a picky eater i love all kinds of foods but my favorite is sushi i'm i go crazy for sushi i could eat it every single day for the rest of my life and not get tired of it and my favorite kind of sushi is barbecue eel it's the best it's goated [Music] was everyone asking me if i'm gay [Music] [ __ ] i don't even know i probably keep doing what i'm doing right now don't have one i don't i'm not into fashion monkey good to be honest i lost count it's uh a lot um my favorite one though would probably have to be i don't even know i don't even have it it'd probably be grease to be honest do you agree that poop time is also v time but p time isn't always poop time that's true you really think about it that's true korea hopefully i mean we're trying to get the vaccine and we'll be on our way as soon as we can yeah i'm fluent uh i speak arabic every day with my grandparents a little bit with my parents but not really um lived in egypt spent a lot of time there over over the years so yeah i am fluent i can read and write and everything i like cooking i like to work out uh i like going out right now is like you know not an ideal time it's winter plus we're in the middle of a pandemic so it's a little hard to go out but usually you know in the summer i'm always outside and whenever i'm not i'm streaming um i watched a lot of uh mo i watched uh tf blade and um i was actually uh big into runescape so i used to watch a lot of um a lot of bodhi and to this day i think bodhi is you know one of my favorite streamers of all time and you know the best ever do it he's the goat oh shake shack shake shack is insane in and out is not good it's not it's really not it's pretty it's like it's like got that instagram you know nice symmetrical bun with the lettuce in and out is that girl that looks really good on instagram but doesn't look that good in real life shake shack looks good on instagram and in real life shake shack is amazing a lot of people don't know that but i'm very introverted i'm not like outgoing at all uh the reason why it is so easy for me to be comfortable on stream is because at the end of the day i'm really on my own i'm just talking to a camera type of thing but uh when i first started streaming i used to get very nervous and i actually remember mo hosting me for a large amount of people compared to what i usually had at the time and i panicked i was like i was super nervous my face got all red i was like stuttering i couldn't play properly i'm like very i'm a very shy person a lot of people like just wouldn't expect that but yeah it's definitely helped me uh when it comes to perspective and like reinvestment uh for example in the first few months um of my growth on twitch i took a lot or most of the money that i made on twitch and put it back into youtube um and saw it as like an investment whereas others who may not have had the same like um experience and like knowledge might not have done the same thing but i was pretty much for the first few months of of my growth not making any money to be honest and just putting it all back into my stream i think it was uh well worth it to be honest uh the thing is if you if league is all you've got um bad days are going to be miserable uh because sometimes you're going to lose games and it's not going to be your fault you can lose three four five six seven games in a row and it feels really miserable so you always got to make sure you have something else for me personally i love cooking i love spending time with my family i love going on walks i love working out so those are the things that i look for when i'm you know having a miserable last day on leak i'm not gonna lie to you guys i've been offered by many many orgs uh i won't say which ones but i have received offers and i've said no to all of them uh like i said i'm not really the type of guy to like i'm not very outgoing i don't like doing content with people that i'm not really comfortable with so that's the main thing that's holding me back however if an org is willing to give me a cooking show then expect me to sign with them and that's something that i like i've you know wanted for the longest time and hopefully we can make that happen in the next couple years um i started like young bro i i had the ps1 i had the og gameboy color i had the game boy what's it called the big [ __ ] brick it was like uh it was my dad's and he gave it to me that's already like super super young my favorite game was pokemon and i haven't missed a single pokemon game since pokemon blue that was my first one ever since i've been playing every single pokemon that's come out since so i i started really young i had like a really strong support system and a lot of friends um who were already established that believed in me and told me that if i just put in the hours that um you know everything would take care of itself did i have backup plans i did i have a degree i was always hoping that i would never have to use it though um and yeah i'm just very lucky that it worked out you ever feel like you don't deserve your lp since you play good champs uh no i think that's just an excuse that uh people who play bad champs you know try to project on to others but if you play a bad champ then you are willingly playing a bad champ and putting yourself at a disadvantage that's just the way that i see it favorite mirror cook um i like steak i think steak it takes like some serious skill you know i like my steak medium rare so i you know it takes the right judgment knowing when to flip it do a little basting with the butter and the thyme and the and the pepper and everything so i definitely like the the cook steak i think that's my favorite meal to cook oh my god that's a deep one what the [ __ ] man honestly life is very short so don't spend your life doing something that you don't want to do or even working toward something that isn't your you know most wanted end goal just you know try to have fun every single day and do what makes you happy because at the end of the day you like you never know when it's gonna be your last day and just you know do what makes you happy that's it all right guys well that'll wrap it up for now thank you guys so much again for supporting me it means the world to me i get to do what i love every single day and i'm super grateful for it if you guys liked this video uh be sure to subscribe like it and um you know if the feedback is positive enough we can do another one of these at about 200 and 250k subscribers we'll do another q a so thanks again guys take care [Music] you
Channel: Sanchovies
Views: 60,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanchovies, yassuo, moe, karim, twitch, league of legends, LoL, league, tft, irelia, challenger, diamond, Funny, best irelia na, best irelia plays, best irelia player, best top laner, top lane, twitch rivals, tcs, loltyler1, tyler 1, tyler1, 100T, irelia guide, pentakill, imaqtpie, nightblue3, gosu, trick2g, voyboy, tfblade, boxbox, moe yasuo, irelia montage, camille montage, best camille na, camille, jax, vladimir, best vladimir na, shiphtur, pokimane, best irelia
Id: xdnAOOg1sHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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