A Common Sense Test 88% of People Can't Pass

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[Music] a common sense test that 88% of people can't pass here on earth humans are the most intelligent species around we're self-aware we can think critically and we're incredibly inventive but hey don't let your head get too big while you're probably super smart your common sense may not be as sharp as you think it is don't believe me see if you can answer these simple yet tricky questions don't forget that the answers may be right there in front of you remember to give this video a like share it with your friends and click Subscribe stay on the Brightside 1 okay let's start with an easy one you have five apples in a basket and five people to distribute them to how can you give an apple to each person while still leaving one in the basket does your head hurt yet the answer is actually pretty simple just keep the last apple in the basket and hand the basket with the Apple in it to the fifth person to listen carefully to these words imagine you're in an office building and everything around you is on fire just beyond the desk in front of you is a door but flames are in front of it how do you get out [Music] the answer well stop imagining the beginning of the sentence was imagine you're in an office building so the scenario wasn't even real in the first place you were just imagining it three how can a man go eight days without ever hitting the hay the same way you do he sleeps at night the same answer would apply conversely if a man can go eight nights without sleep it's probably because he slept during the day pretty tricky right for picture this you live in a barn while standing on the barn roof with one of your roosters it lays an egg in which direction does the egg roll the egg doesn't roll anywhere because there is no egg roosters don't lay eggs perhaps the bigger question is why are you guys on the barn roof five this next question will put your knowledge of marriage law to the test is it against the law for a man to marry his widow sister [Music] while it's not exactly illegal it would sure be hard considering the fact that the guy is dead a widow is the living spouse of a person who has passed away got you there didn't I 6 you may have to really wrack your brain with this next question what goes up and down over and over again but never actually travels anywhere do you give up the answer is stairs you go up and down stairs all the time but the stairs are always in the same place unless of course you're talking about escalators which are moving stairs okay things are getting a little complicated here seven you'll love this question it's all about money honey do you know why 1968 pennies are more valuable than 1967 pennies well considering the fact that 1968 is just one digit higher than 1967 that makes the amount larger and therefore a smidge more valuable the numbers are referencing the amount of pennies and not the year like your brain probably thought generally no matter what your pennies were manufactured they're all the same value 1 cent 8 okay you're all done reading the morning newspaper you take out one page and fold it in half how many more times can you fold it in half [Music] can't come up with an answer well you can technically only fold the paper in half once if you continue to fold it you'll be folding it into force then 8 then 16 then you get the idea okay now the questions are about to get a little trickier do you think you can handle it let's put your common sense to the test 9 this is Tom Tom's dad has five sons named 10 20 30 and 40 can you guess the name of the fifth son the answer was right in the question the fifth son's name is Tom the question said Tom's dad after naming four of the sons the fifth one must be Tom 10 which weighs more 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of bricks you're probably assuming bricks since they're obviously much heavier than feathers but if you look a little closer at this question you'll see that the answer is right there both the feathers and the bricks weigh 100 pounds it's the amount of feathers and bricks that vary not their weight of 100 pounds 11 how far can you walk into the woods [Music] if you're brave enough to walk into the woods by yourself you'll learn that you can walk halfway into the woods once you've passed the halfway mark you're technically walking out of the woods or running depending on what crazy stuff you find in there you've seen the Blair Witch Project write 12 think you're a whiz at math let's see if you can answer this question how much dirt is there in a 14 by 12 by 10 hole okay before you get a headache from all that computing I'll give you the answer there isn't any dirt in the hole if it were filled with dirt or anything for that matter it wouldn't really be a hole would it 13 here's another math question for all you wannabe Einsteins out there how many times can you subtract 10 from 100 okay let's walk through this one together if you were to subtract 10 from 100 you'd end up with 90 so if you subtracted 10 again well you wouldn't be taking it from 100 you'd be taking it from 90 if you took away 10 more you'd be taking it from the new amount of 80 this means you can only subtract 10 from 100 once makes sense right 14 you know how Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world right well before this mountain was established as the highest mountain in 1952 which mountain was the tallest in the world [Music] racking your brain trying to remember what you learned in geography class back in high school well you're wasting your time if Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world today it was the tallest 100 years ago 200 years ago and so on it still existed here on earth we just didn't know it yet still hanging in there ok I have a couple more questions for you to solve you can do it 15 think you're a wordsmith do you let's try this question on for size which word becomes shorter after adding two letters to it [Music] wait a minute how can a word become shorter if you're adding letters to it that doesn't make any sense actually it makes plenty of sense once you realize the word I'm talking about is short if you add two letters to the word specifically E and R the word literally becomes shorter see it does make sense 16 do you know why it is illegal for a person who is living in South Dakota to be buried in North Dakota you know that burying a person alive is against the law right well that's why a living person can't be buried in South Dakota North Dakota or anywhere for that matter nowhere in the sentence did I say the person had passed away therefore they're still alive and well that was a close one 17 as you probably already know different countries celebrate different holidays but if you're in England can you still celebrate the fourth of July last time I checked the month of July does exist in England that means they have a fourth of July fifth of July and a six of July it may not be a national holiday over there but the dates still exists however you may be the only one in England craving hot dogs that day [Music] after attempting to answer all these questions there's no way your brain isn't tingling I know mine is if there's anything you take away from this just know that sometimes things are simpler than they seem trust your common sense and try not to think too hard about things you're smarter than you realize which question had your brain and knots the most tell us your thoughts in the comments we'd love to hear from you don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click Subscribe stay on the bright side [Music]
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Rating: 4.5612063 out of 5
Keywords: common sense, riddles, fun test, common sense test, test your common sense, common sense questions, common sense quiz, puzzles, personality test, brainteasers, riddles with answers, riddles for kids, tricky questions, test your brain power, test your intelligence, test your logic, logical riddles
Id: 8l1ZdYZc3zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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