Who Was Behind The Big Bang?

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[Music] now the D and the A and the m and the m and the A and [Music] the we'll work on without it we got Carl how you doing hey uh hi have you ever gone out of your comfort zone and gone into nature been on your own with no friends around nobody just yourself thought to yourself who's behind all this I'm talking about who's behind what just and how it rotates in the moon and how come I I okay why do you think the the the question should be phrased in the form of a who well I mean it's bigger than man isn't it well yeah there's lot stuff that's bigger than me so so is so is a tree is a tree a who the but the tree is part of what we live in who's behind but it's bigger than man that's what you were just saying you you still haven't answered the first question why do you say who well I mean can you answer that yourself I'm we're saying the question is wrong yeah why did you say who I agree that existence the universe as a whole requires an explanation I just don't agree that that explanation that is a who okay so you're starting with a question that is flawed a question that requires some justification if you want to say who is responsible for the universe then you first have to demonstrate that it's a who and not a what well I mean you just have to go into your own uh you know into nature and find out that help for yourself I've gone into nature I didn't find any who any what who is he under a rock I mean I've gone for hikes you know who the guy who's playing first I mean I mean I mean this not I'm not trying to be funny or sarcastic a serious question I'm trying to POs to you right and yet you keep posing it the wrong way you haven't what what makes you think it's a Who well is it it's not man so who else is it then well it's not man so who else is there how about we what caused the universe you so you believe in the Big Bang yes so the Big Bang was just something who was behind the big bang oh oh boy who was behind God God is the Alpha and the Oma he's the perfect circle oh oh okay so there your argument if it's okay to say that God doesn't need a beginning then it's equally okay to say the universe doesn't need to be be doesn't need a beginning and for all you people who think that that that we need to draw some causal line back there with a super intelligent being Dawkins has a really good Richard Dawkins has a really good rebuttal to that which consists of the probability now we know that things tend to start simple and get more and more complex we know this from Evolution which I'm sure some of you just cringed as soon as you heard the word um but it's a fact it happens Evolution look it up go to talkorigins.org read a damn book or something um we know that things start simple and get more complex that's just the way things work so the Big Bang Theory is relatively consistent with that where you have a singularity that explodes creating the universe and this is you know there's a whole bunch more and I'm not going to get into science because I'm not a Quantum physicist the thing is what you people who think that there was somebody behind it some intelligence now you have created a system where before there was anything there was this super intelligent being who who's all powerful and doesn't need any any Creator infinitely complex much more complex than the universe itself by definition has to be more complex than the entire universe and when we and when we ask where did that thing come from or who created that thing you say oh it's the Alpha and the Omega that answers it it's a perfect circle it always was well okay and you know I prove it if you can't prove it if you can't show how it's remotely relevant um you know like we've had callers who who who buy into that argument but then don't believe in a personal God so they they you know you've got some kind of pantheistic or deist who thinks that well there must have been some super intelligent being who created the universe but he stays out of it and leaves us alone then why should we give a crap about it that's a useless God oh but no he was the prime mover he got this started no no no you're starting by asking the wrong questions when you ask who's responsible for the universe you're starting by asking the wrong questions start by thinking about things in terms of what is the explanation because that way the explanation could be a who or could be a what and you haven't prejudiced yourself against what answers are possible soon as you start with who you've already narrowed the field you've already by definition eliminated some options options which may be viable what we're saying is don't eliminate those options start with the right question how did this happen What caused this look through possible explanations and then accept the one that is most reasonable and best supported by evidence if your justification is well you just got to take it on faith you can say that about anything your God that you believe in just based on faith is completely indistinguishable from any other God any other belief any other hookum nonsense BS answer that anybody could possibly come up with including that the fairies who live in my underwear drawer created the universe 5 minutes ago and gave us all memories and created the light and root that theory is just as good as yours and it's got just the same amount of evidence believe that look for the right question to start with was that a good rant sure and the A and the m and the n and the A and the T and the i o lose your face lose your name then give
Channel: FFreeThinker
Views: 75,911
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Keywords: Who, Was, Behind, The, Big, Bang, Atheist, Experience, 482, Amazing, Atheists, Atheism, Christianity, Christians, Religion, Evolution, Theory, Science, Charles, Darwin, Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Intelligent, Design, ID, Religious, Faith, Belief, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Satan, Hell, Catholic, Quran, Koran, Terror, Young, Earth, Creation, Creationists, Creationism, Reason, God, Delusion, Richard, Dawkins, Secular, Coalition, American, Humanists, Matt, Dillahunty, Russell, Glasser, ACA, Community, Austin, Texas, Freethinker, FFreeThinker
Id: -gI9qXXRDgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 02 2009
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