Another CAT 320 Excavator Boom but with a Twist.

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hey guys got another job for us Another Broken banana this guy's broken right here did it pretty good so uh let's get this thing moved and I'll do a little more explaining let's go foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so after that struggle um next step is to assess the problems this guy busted which is not good so that's going to force me to have to cut this guy back up here I'm gonna go ahead and put a new plate on it and this guy broke right in the factory well it's interesting man oh man it looks like it it uh tore off from the backer plate but either way relax it's only metal as they say so I'll start chopping it up now I'm gonna leave my crane up on on there to kind of hold it in position I think I should be able to get most of this I'm going to try and cut this off here first so we can look inside and that will free up I'm sorry once I cut this top piece off these are in a bind under here so from this top opening I will go ahead and cut a patch out to free up this tension in here you know to where I can squeeze this back together once I squeeze that back together I'll know it's very close you know it should squeeze back together just right I could put some welds over it to hold it in position while I replace these plates uh first I will repair this tube in here though first a Dodge and weld that tube hopefully the pin's straight we'll find out if not this may be a line boring video too but hopefully not because they're in a rush so uh let's lay this out let's just do a lot of cutting and cut all that stuff away take a couple measurements for these bolts okay let's keep going all right guys so check this out huh this is a hypertherm hypotherm plasma torch attachment I went and tried it out at the Fabtech 2019 and they were coming out with a newer model it's a sink model this is a smart sink torch and they had when there's pretty much a scrapping torch which is a long neck with a 90 degree and I thought man that'd be pretty neat to try at the shop see if we can use it like a regular standard torch and so check this out foreign [Music] yeah trigger back here use it like a stronger torch this way pretty exciting this is a two foot model again I was trying this out at the Fabtech and it was neat uh Fab Tech they had the one with a I think a 45 degree angle one I forget exactly which one I thought man this would be super cool at the shop and use it very similar to the way I use a torch and maybe even make some Cuts this way so that's what I'm going to use on this project right here so we'll see how it works out man I'm pretty excited this is really neat so let's uh get this connected try it out and use this these um make a nice cutting cartridges they're all in one you should see 85 amp just like that man this can be very interesting now don't worry I will still torch cut everything it's just this is really cool you know I mean if if you have access to something like this and it saves you gases you know electricity is a little bit cheaper than the gases so if I can use this in the shop man that'd be wonderful so very cool add-on I need to make a shield or stand off unless they sell them I need to look into that but other than that that way I can drag it but other than that pretty exciting all right so here goes first shot it I'd switch the tip to the gouging tip I'm trying to gouge these little welds off to get these little posts off and then this guy off right here let's see what happens [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] first impression is pretty slick let me cut an opening in here now that I got those pieces off excuse me now that I got those pieces off now that it frees me up to be able to mark a line across here and cut this section off of it and what I would do to help with that it's all actually cut up it seems like more work and it kind of is but I will cut up this area here just inside of this wall and so I'll have a narrow strip right here and that way I can plasma cut this way through this material without affecting this material so it's kind of a trick you'll see what I'm talking about let me Mark this line here first so I can at least know where I'm going and then we can start cutting changing back to the cutting tip [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign man oh man would you look at that that came out nice wow that's crazy that's pretty slick too okay now moving on I did not see this here earlier but this Center section of this tube is broken broken not just cracked I thought either way It's gotta get fixed Okay so now I don't know if you noticed as I was cutting this free there's a lot of built up tension in that plate so that was a pretty pretty good that we cut it off now this is what I was talking about here I need to make this slightly narrower make another cut right in this area here so that I can cut that way and erase all this stuff here it's kind of a process but you'll see what I mean as I keep going uh hopefully at least I may try and put the welding lens on on this camera to see if if you can see some of the cuts that I'm making hey you know what's funny I actually shouldn't have cut that piece out now I don't have a steady rest to cut that line with either way it's all learning right so let's keep moving [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I put a little bit of tension on it and I still got a bit of a gap there so it seems like it tweaked open that way when it came apart so I'm gonna try and crank on a little bit more and hit it with the Tanya tiny four thousand and see if it'll move if not I'm going to make some relief Cuts in here we've talked about this before all this torn area makes it so difficult for it to squeeze back together so if you're able to cut a Groove in there almost like an open Root that'll free up some tension so let me just do that with plasma just kind of the line straight through it oh yeah look at that it busted all the way around there's probably a lot of tension in this spot right here you can see it's offset so I'll do that I'll follow the line on that side of the brake because this is a solid piece and see if that'll uh relieve some of that tension in there and then we can get that squeeze back together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign okay so after a lot of heating and beating it looks like I got it back to where it's supposed to be it looks very interesting because of this overlap right here but it could have been the overlap between the two Wells and just crack right down the center very interesting but nonetheless here we are got it about as close as I can get it to its proper spot and so what I'll do now I will attack this backer bar a little bit better that way it just holds it in position where it needs to be and I will test to see that the pins that goes in this bore it looks like it should right but there's just never really any telling because these things tweak and twist out of position a really quick like so I'll clean these boards up yeah guard dog over there um I will attack it in position see if the pin fits the pin fits and I'll start cleaning up these areas start gouging this a little bit better to put a nice weld in there nice penetrating weld which it really wasn't that deep of a world because it's just to hold those two tubes together I mean this cast piece and this tube I will have to hammer this down because it's protruding a little bit past the surface of flush this way so that's looking good I may go ahead and start cutting on this piece of material once I clean all this up and Tack it on there to hold it in position after I weld this up that way ensure that this holds and once it holds I put some good welds in there and try and weld as much as I can that way I only had the latest machine or this this boom over once and it'll be out of here so things are looking good a lot of grinding I'm gonna try to use it the flush cut consumable from for the plasma cutter try and get a bit of all this stuff here which will work minimize the grinding I did some of the removal of the welds here kind of chewed it up but that's what the grinders for right so get that done get this done they welded pretty good you know they put a little bevel to that so it's a decent size weld so now it's just a matter of removing all of that stuff cleaning it all back up and gluing it all back together so let's do that next [Music] foreign guess we'll see if it fits it's a little wore out that's all I got oh it doesn't fit oh no that stinks foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that's not good
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 119,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: LbXcu3dvn30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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