Unreal Engine October 2021 Asset Giveaway

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hello ladies and gentlemen it's mike here at game from scratch and it is the first tuesday of the month and you know what that means unreal engine developers yes ho ho ho it's christmas in october yep the first tuesday of every month unreal engine for like the last two plus years have given away five free assets on the clock and generally one in the permanently free collection that didn't happen this time we've only got five free assets only i guess we're kind of spoiled entitled children at this point in time aren't we but normally when there is no permanently free asset that means there's going to be another announcement later in the month so let's hope that trend stays true so we're going to jump in and take a look at what those five free assets are now they are completely free but the key thing is you do have to air quotes buy them before the first tuesday of next month once they are yours though they are yours forever what you see in front of you well first off this is unreal engine five i have trouble going back to unreal engine four point x because it is so ugly compared to five in my opinion and this is one of the assets this is the cave pack everything you see to make the uh things you see here for this cave environment are included in this pack uh one of the things i really find interesting we got some of this uh really cryptic uh ancient hieroglyphs going on such as tic-tac-toe yeah and uh upside down smiley faces from our frowny faces from what i can tell so uh yeah that's uh that's fine uh so over here you can see kind of all the assets here are part of the pack i'll go ahead and showcase it there's the overview here it's actually not a lot of assets being used to create this but everything you're seeing is of pretty high quality uh and this is very easily used any kind of game you drop in these assets good to go uh so that is this a particular pack pretty straightforward on the whole i was also going to showcase the horror dining room pap and forge pack pap uh pack but unfortunately uh it ends up looking like this in unreal engine 5 although i can showcase uh some of the assets right here because that's pretty much what this one is about now this is a strangely specific pack in that it is assets to create a horror dining room that is a weird mashup of things but really it's things you would use in a house so you got things like old chairs uh dining room floors um fans and pots and pans and tables and windows and so on things you would need to create kind of a gothic style environment some nice completely uncreepy art going on right here uh you got what you're dealing with here again everything here is of pretty high quality as well and should be easily dropped into your game so those are two fairly straightforward asset packs let's go take a look at what else is included in this one as we head on over here so we covered the first one fantasy cave environment set pretty straightforward on the whole um everything here we've got 4k color textures and 2k color textures also roughness normal and ambient occlusion maps uh 26 meshes are in this pack works on pretty much every environment you could want uh so definitely a nice one there we saw that in action so moving on and we got the horror dining room pack again if you need to have a horrifying haunted dinner uh that's what this one is all about it's basically pretty straightforward another asset pack in that kind of gothicky style uh this one is in uh between four and forty three hundred vertices does it tell me the texture resolution 4k so again ready to use in just about any fidelity that you're going to want uh a couple of the things are public domain from the met by the way uh so just one of those things to be aware of some of those textures probably the one i showed you actually for that photo that's where they came from so those two are pretty straightforward on the whole next up we have the dismemberment and bone breaking pack uh yeah so the ultimate bone brake dismemberment and gore system as you can see it going on here uh multiple different damage states um animation management there for the different injuries so we have a fully network replicated full body damage system with individual bone health 16 damage states body part dismemberment bone breaking knockout system with replicated ragdoll and experimental form physics-based blended animation uh based off of damage state 300 plus animations got zombie artificial intelligence built in there movement speed penalty system 90 degree turn in place example weapon system easy to customize animation ragdoll death 3d aim offset for two-handed one-handed animation walk hop crawl one arm crawl so basically if you need to have um dismemberment and bone breaking in your system it is a set up ready to do that including the animation systems required so that you can simulate that fully next up we have the elite landscapes bundle pack a complete elite landscape pack features 23 landscapes with 8k resolution and seven matte painted quality sky panoramas so you can see them here in action pretty straightforward on the whole 8k resolution is always kind of nice even if you just need a bunch of sky maps got some really high resolution stuff going on there included in the pack we've got desert one alien pack one and two rocky meadow rocky hills and valley 23 landscapes seven sky images 24 levels with different light setups 8k heat maps basic landscape material landscape heat map is 8k by 8k textures are mostly 4k some of them are 2k and it has automatic lods works on desktop and console pretty straightforward on the whole and then we've got surface trails surface trail system allows you to capture trails from objects on a surface as main usage for example there is no landscape demo with characters and physics objects leaving deformation trails after them so pretty straightforward if you've got footprints and such and you want to leave it in the space or here you can see uh you can use it actually for lava so it's for creating um you know trails for where your character has previously gone uh pretty useful on the whole uh but obviously pretty niche features include trails are captured and stored in some areas around player camera so system is independent from the map size uh tunation of all trails can be configured trail shape is defined by spherical components with configurable hardness so for definition of a box for example you need to attach several components to it then we've got actors are marked as trails receivers by applying special tags to them system can be used for a big variety of cases trails on water grass crumpling or any other surface vfx by dragging one material function into material the snow landscape example included includes photogrammetry based dirt material appearing under the snow so if you need to have trails behind your character that is what surface trails is all about by the way so that is the collection if you want to grab it head on over to the unreal engine um marketplace go to free go to free for this month as i mentioned normally there is a permanently free edition so you can find those under the permanently free collection uh this month there was no addition although again every single time they have done that in the past something was offered later on in that month so it'll be interesting to see if there'll be another video coming from me later this month uh but again free for this month available right there there is however something new uh we'll talk about that in just a second also i noticed um i got a single receipt this time so i added all five to my cart and did the checkout that's what you need to do by the way basically added card ad card add to cart add card add cart check out and then they are yours forever you just got to do this before the first tuesday of november 2021 and these assets will be yours forever you head on over to your um the epic games launcher and they'll be available there for you to use um i did get a single email receipt this time i think i normally get five so that's definitely a nice step forward it doesn't spam the heck out of my email let me know if that's new or not also again another freebie thing that's happened this month it's got literally nothing to do with the giveaway but this was announced yesterday and it wasn't really enough to do news about but just to be aware they released project anywhere xr a free example a project for mixed reality 3d geospatial visualization so this came out again october the 4th another freebie from unreal engine if you're working with xr this is example out there it's a collaboration between nvidia microsoft and cesium which were a um epic mega grant winner by the way and i've done a i've done a video on cesium's technology if you want to check it out it's a way of using real world um geospatial data inside of unreal engine and other platforms uh so this is an example you can download it works with the hololens too it uses unreal engine's pixel streaming features and functionality so it's available to download for free as an unreal engine sample project for you explore learn and adapt on your own features an interface developed using microsoft's mixed reality toolkit for unreal and it uses cesium for unreal engine plug-in so if you want that project is available as well it is on the marketplace you can grab it right here um so yeah that is it that is i guess we can look at that one as the other freebie i don't think so i think there will probably be something else but do be aware they at launch the project anywhere xr free demo so if you're working in that um augmented reality space this could be an interesting one for you a little bit less to do with game development augmented reality is getting more and more used in you know visualization and scientific computing and that kind of stuff uh but definitely an interesting space nonetheless and another option you've got so that is this month's free stuff what do you think so we've got the fantasy cave environment setting the horror dining room setting the dismemberment and bone breaking kit the elite landscapes bundle pack and the surface trails pack now i normally ask you if there's something you would like to see a follow-up video on but quite frankly to be honest this month's pretty straightforward if there's something you really want to see let me know but again it's pretty straightforward um the dismemberment and bone breaking is probably the most interesting of the packs but what it is is pretty straightforward if you want to check out there is a showcase video that you can check out on that one probably again i think this is the most interesting asset in the bundle uh but i'd be interested what do you think of this bundle of these assets and do you think we're going to see something more from unreal engine this month to make up for the lack of a permanently free or do you think it's the project anywhere xr kit which by the way is also available let me know what you think comments down below and happy unreal christmas in october i will talk to you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 9,080
Rating: 4.9383564 out of 5
Keywords: Assets, Engine, Free, Game Development, Game Engine, GameDev, Giveaway, Marketplace, UE4, UE5, Unreal, Unreal Engine
Id: -SP1cD7bj6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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