Another 12 Lies About Reality.

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when i released the previous 12 lies about reality video i was really shocked at how positive the reaction was whenever i pull people on what would a feltest video they found to be the most meaningful and their general favorite it always wins out since then i've always wanted to follow up with another video once i got more wisdom but i felt a bit of pressure to live up to the popular original for those of you that didn't watch the original that's okay you can see this video as a standalone for some background information this is a video series that came into being once i read enough history and about the world in general i realized a lot of things i've been taught at how the world and human nature worked or were commonly believed just didn't stand up to scrutiny and weren't true in this video we're going to talk about what these lies are and show why they're false i'm also going to have a blurb written at the end of each segment talking about why it's inside people's interests to believe in these things and a couple books that inform my thinking on the matter as always of course i have my own biases that i can't examine here because i don't know them but i'm trying my best let's dig in and have some fun [Music] our understanding of reality is difficult to express but humans have found a variety of ways to present this to others one of the ways we do this is through art adding beauty and a unique take on the world we live in take mark rothko a leader of the abstract expressionist art movement in the 50s and 60s pioneered a style of painting called color fields to bring out people's bass emotions people wrote that they actually cried just looking at his works it may seem difficult to put a price on that feeling but people have this rothko for instance sold for over 82 million a few years ago and it's not just rothko contemporary art has a 1.7 trillion dollar market one that's been used by billionaires to preserve their wealth for generations now you can be part of this market with the revolutionary platform for art investing masterworks masterworks has so much to offer their research team analyzes over 5 million data points to find financially attractive works that they believe will appreciate and value masterworks acquires paintings ranging from 1 to 30 million dollars and since 2020 masterworks has sold three paintings with each returning over 30 percent to investors while there is a wait list for investments you can skip the wait list by using the link in the description and setting up an account now start investing in art today number one people are always inherently self-interested i guess i'm tentatively living in new york city right now but i'm originally from small town pennsylvania i drove back home for a bit and was just shocked at how nice everyone was for no gain to themselves for some background pennsylvania's a state in the american northeast but it's sort of culturally distinct and then it's more conservative religious and people are generally friendlier nicer and the pace of life is slower than other states in the american northeast it's called the keystone state since it's where the south northeast and midwest bleed together this is opposed to the other northeastern states in general which are an area with a reputation no offense to my homies and whitafaltest staff who live there for being fast cutthroat and people being rude anti-social and aggressive it's something i hadn't really thought about my high school best friend was an immigrant from china and we went on a lot of road trips together and he'd just comment on how casually nice rural americans are stuff like us pouring water out the window driving down the highway and the cop realizing we're just dumb kids and letting it slide or talking for an hour and a half with your barber or plumber alternatively when i was on the appalachian trail knowing that i as a hiker if i ran into any troubles in these local towns could expect someone to help me out i feel like smart intellectual people often like to focus on the rational and negative to the detriment of the emotional and positive an argument i often hear often from libertarians and people on the right but also from the richard dawkins left-wing atheist nerd squad is that all human behaviors inherently greedy selfish and self-interested to be fair self-interest is extremely important and by far the biggest driver of human and basically all behavior however it can be overemphasized which can leave us with an unduly negative and depressing view of the human race a major point to consider here is that nice behavior like the kind i talk about in pennsylvania is part of a group self-interest humans are extremely group oriented and have evolved to be that way this is since the groups that could work together well beat and outbred groups that didn't if you look at people's voting patterns and opinions they often support their group self-interests which are directly in opposition to their own as individuals for example young men of the demographic that supports wars the most which they have the highest chance of dying in or wealthy liberals often support high taxes even if this is a form of indirect self-interest it doesn't factor in actions that just make no sense even from that perspective look at america's truly massive charity effort to keep millions of europeans alive and the famines that came after the world wars alternatively how every social class in medieval europe donated large amounts of money towards building cathedrals to show their love of god the modern conservationist movement about helping the environment attracts millions of people who have practically no self-interest attached just out of love of nature's beauty if you really want to extrapolate your thinking and always find some possible self-interest but after a certain point it just doesn't make a lot of sense and if you use occam's razor or that the simplest answer is the most likely you just have to come to the conclusion that good people really exist in fact i think most people without a sense of goodness and transcendence their lives shrivel up and become depressed and sad without the idea that there's something more beautiful and grand than the petty suffering in our lives we can't stand that petty suffering in order for society to simply function most people have to be kind to members of their in-group or tribe game theory studies have found that society is divided between three categories the free riders who always try to cheat which are about twenty percent of the population the saints who are also twenty percent and are always trying to help others and the more of us who are 60 and will do what everyone else is doing in my opinion the history of morality is largely that societies are structured to give either the good or bad in society more power in stalinist russia the evil generally won by creating an inefficient system with an evil secret police that encouraged backstabbing and cruelty meanwhile 19th century america for all its problems was a society where the good were able to end slavery expand democracy to a much larger group institute countless medical and economic reforms and treat millions of immigrants with relative respect this is pretty brutal but i think the reason people like to think everyone is self-interested is so that they can't be expected to be good people once you think everyone's always greedy and just doing what's good for them with the good people just being the most clever hypocrites it allows you to act that way with no moral judgment attached number two intentions equals results okay so self-interest isn't everything but it's very easy to do the opposite and act like goodwill is the only important thing this in turn create incredible problems when scaled giving people who want to do good too much power is how millions of people have died across history this always becomes a problem when too many people with power agree that they're right and think that opposing their intentions makes other people inherently evil across history religious fanatics have done this a lot and today the left is by far the group that's most guilty of it take the social justice insistence upon defund the police this comes from a good meeting leftist outrage that stems from police forces often actually being corrupt and mistreating black ghetto communities often like colonies in real terms however the actual amount of unarmed black men who are shot by the police is statistically very small the real effects of lessening police influence in black communities and replacing them with social workers who have an extremely bad track record and improving said communities is a skyrocketing rate of black gun deaths since the vast majority of black people who are killed are by other black people statistically police presence markedly lowers the murder rate and so to fund the police has actually ended up killing far more black people than it saved we've seen a one-third rise in homicide rates since 2020 the cardinal sin of left-wing philosophy is that it believes that people with good intentions are more important in a macro scale than incentive structures left-wingers believe that having the right opinions that brings them to utopia makes them good people rather than actually moral actions which is why communists have always willing to kill millions to reach their utopias for example left wingers often think right wingers are evil since they think the right wingers are willfully against progress well the right-wingers often think left-wing policies just don't work this obsession with intentions has often forced left-wingers into echo chambers which dislodged them from reality which has resulted in legitimately evil consequences caused by people who wish the best communism in a 60-year period killed almost as many people as every other religion and ideology combined across the whole of human history something really important is if you sacrifice a social group for having good intentions it will actively attract the most evil and unscrupulous people who will want to use the good will as a cover for bad actions this is why the catholic church attracted pedophiles communist movements the worst tyrants of all time or religious fanatics have often blatantly broke the tenets of the religions they hold so dear a great example of incentive structures working in weird ways is the british raja and india wanted to lower the snake population and so gave cash prizes to people who would bring them dead snakes this in turn resulted in people breeding snakes and killing them in order to bring them to authorities for a cash prize the british realized this and got rid of the cash prize which resulted in the snake breeders releasing their snakes into the streets which just made the problem worse the key point to consider here is that our brains were designed to deal with small hunter-gatherer communities people's brains tend to be on a spectrum between logic thing based and people feeling based the people feeling part of our brain tends to be better at in-person small-scale communications if your cousin makes a mistake but his intentions are good you should forgive him however once you scale to millions of people you need to view things logically and abstractly the problem is that when people try to make political decisions to show their morality become popular inside their own moral structure whether in soviet russia medieval china or 16th century spain this is my problem with isms like globalism capitalism communism etc since when you start treating political positions like religions that demand loyalty rather than tools to help your nation prosper you're going to run into this problem eventually an attachment to this is the cult of authenticity in which lots of people today basically believe that the way to be true and moral is to be as purely authentic to yourself as possible and in a lot of ways that's true or if you try to copy someone else too much or act in a way that doesn't make you happy it's going to make you fundamentally miserable and you're going to fail at playing games that other people are naturally more attuned to at the same time you need to learn from other people and balance out your own weaknesses so if you're a nerd learn to be more charismatic and presentable if you're a jock learn to be more wise or if you're a goth don't wear your black makeup into the workforce cannibalism's authentic to new guinean tribes and i don't think that fundamentally makes it okay but at the same time i don't think countries should throw away their individuality and enter into the world's mcdonaldization number three we have any idea on the big questions i do some consulting as a side gig to what a faultist which brings me into some interesting social circles and i was once shooting this with a crypto cyber defense expert and an ai quantum physics expert about what would happen if hypothetically we had discovered ufo material how we would determine what it was used for they kept on looking at the technical angle and my reply was this imagine having a babylonian try to figure out how a car worked there are so many natural laws that would separate them from understanding between internal combustion steel production but most importantly the babylonians didn't even have the concept of natural laws to them the world was a series of gods that controlled the rain their emotions and the outcome of wars that had to be placated through rituals i said the thing that separated us from those aliens would be similar to the babylonians trying to figure out how our car worked the modern world likes to believe we're infinitely smarter and wiser than ancient forebears but as we've discovered more scientific truths they bring up more questions in most scientific fields we've just slammed into black walls of random chaos that's unpredictable between the subconscious and psychology string theory and dark matter and physics or how mutations happen in biology in a godless world man builds his pride off his power which forces us to ignore the things we don't understand however if you look back across history we've consistently found that we've been really really wrong about how the world works on a regular basis just a century ago we believed that races were discrete biological groups that had wildly different traits that the universe worked on perfect newtonian principles like clockwork that human beings were blank slates with no inherent characteristics that nations were discreet things that went back to prehistory that psychology was driven by secretly wanting to sleep with your mother and women's envy of men's penises and scientific politics and economics which said the government should centralize everything all of those were just taken for granted but turned out wildly wrong with consequences that killed tens of millions of people there's this thing called the fermi paradox it postulates that if the universe is so big why isn't an alien species evolved to visit the earth yet or at least done something we can see my answer to this is that in fact we don't have the answer to this question means we're probably several unknown unknown natural laws from even being able to get close we're probably not even asking the right question when people ask me whether or not god does or doesn't exist i think he probably simultaneously does and doesn't in some way our puny human brains aren't even close to comprehending number four the underdog is naturally good i always felt american foreign policy was done a massive disservice by star wars being so popular let me explain in star wars they're the underdog good guys were fighting against the evil massive empire now across the world americans look for the story trying to find good rebels and evil empires a good example of this is in south sudan in which the american fundamentalist lobby forced the central sudanese government to recognize the christian rebels independence the result of which was creating a country with absolutely no institutions which collapsed into a horrifying civil war in a single month with factions committing genocide and starving their opponents the rebels becoming oppressors themselves the pattern repeated too many times to count in the third world another example is that the freed american slaves who formed the liberia colony in west africa themselves enslaved the native african population recreating the southern society they came from in great detail with the native african population even referring to them as the whites this comes from a christian position that respects and loves the meek and downtrodden but in real terms suffering and inferiority can allow greater moral understanding and empathy but also at the same time it can create bitterness in repeating the atrocities committed against them in turn the position of always treating the downtrodden is morally superior ignores of the successful are often successful for valid reasons for all its flaws and atrocities the british empire was the most developed society in the world on a technological military economic political and moral basis the romans introduced so many advances into the western european countries they conquered that it's become a literal punchline to a joke if we treat all successful peoples and groups as villains what incentive does anyone have to do great things number five religion and science are at odds as i talked about in part one of this series atheists who i have most profound respect for as a whole often tout their beliefs as scientific but in reality they normally put up value structures that come from religion and make distinctions as arbitrary and irrational as religions however this battle is even more foolish than when you get down to it science and religion really aren't at odds in fact a majority of american scientists are religious a major driving force here is a misinterpretation of what religion and science are trying to do supposed rationalists and religious fundamentalists often get caught up on mythic stories that say stuff like it's clearly impossible that the world was created 6 000 years ago or that noah brought all of the world's animals on a single boat however all the church fathers like saint augustine gregory of tours and the like knew that these stories were allegories the way religions worked in the classical world was that the general uneducated public was given these magical stories and the priest classes and the true believers were told the moral truths that these stories represented which brings us to the main point science is the how and religion is the why religions very rarely make metaphysical claims about science's house jesus literally says that the kingdom of heaven is not of this world or plane of existence buddhism is a purely psychological journey knowing how electricity works doesn't in any way invalidate the spiritual and moral teachings that religions give to us an interesting distinction jordan peterson makes is between reality as it's experienced in reality as it scientifically empirically exists in an empirical scientific worldview life has no meaning however in reality as we live it life clearly has meaning in an empirical worldview it doesn't matter if you starve in our real lives as we live them it matters a tremendous amount and before the scientific revolution people only viewed reality as we experience it with our emotions and our desires and stuff as the only reality and now the scientific world view we totally ignore reality as we experience it religion exists for reality as we experience it science exists for reality empirically it's interesting to see science reach philosophic conclusions similar to religion i'm not sure how they did it but a lot of ancient philosophers and prophets seem to have reached accurate conclusions without the scientific method look at the pre-socratic philosophers in greece who figured out atom theory evolution and heliocentrism there's a fascinating book called the eye of shiva by famous french historian emily gillian cool about how hindu mystics figured out a lot of modern physics in the ancient world realistically if a secretive abrahamic god were to be operating it would be through things like an unexplained big bang which the universe just came into existence in which things just randomly jump in and out of existence we haven't even gotten into all the bizarre possible different dimensions black holes or alternate universes open up emdr and cbt therapies are literally based on the same principles as stoicism and psychologists have found the buddhist principles of mindfulness are some of the best techniques for happiness out there jordan peterson again pulling on carl young has done a fascinating job of using research-backed modern psychology to look at how ancient traditions are often psychologically true in the modern world we often naturally gravitate towards sciencism or the aesthetic appearance of scientific rationality without the actual scientific truthful nature take marxism or nazism which were both supposedly rational and scientific but in fact the science involved was so bad as to make them as irrational as religions in reality our supposedly reasonable and rational views are built on a series of false assumptions which is honestly what i want these videos to be about 6. you should listen to what people say over what they do in the bible the devil is referred to as a lord of lies and that evil comes from our ability to rationalize whatever we're doing when you look across history our ability to rationalize what we're doing has been horrifically good every era of history thought they were doing what was just no matter how cruel or stupid as i said in the previous video nazi germany was the best educated nation in the world and people who perpetuated the salem wish trials the best educated in their hemisphere there's an interesting book written in the 19th century called extraordinary popular delusions the madness of crowds which looked at when entire nations were whipped up into frenzies over things that those people in their right minds would have realized were completely stupid such as massive investment schemes that had no clear way of making money obsession with impossible foreign invasions which creators are thinking the world was just about to end it always confuses me how people put so much emphasis on how people justify their actions which i don't really care about i think the proper study of mankind and society should come from mostly looking at actions without reference to their words there's no other rational way to do it i'm always confused when people are judged by the virtuosity of their words rather than the effectiveness of their actions i hate to keep hating on our friends the wokes but they're doing so much wrong just look at how organizations and people are supposed to make statements of support to social justice which accomplishes nothing i find it really depressing and amusing when people say they don't care what others think about them and then literally do everything they can to please their peers alternatively when third world rebels claim moral superiority and that they'll change the system and make it a wealthy free nation but then merely fill the shoes of their previous dictatorial governments number seven the subjective doesn't exist and judging is always bad i once went on a rant on twitter about how disappointed i was the most common music you hear played at parties as modern mumble rap music which is simultaneously slow depressing not catchy as lyrics no one can understand and no beat the truth is that most people if you ask them don't think that kind of rap is good to party to either they just want to play what's popular and are scared of going against the convention when i dj for example i try to put on 2010's pop 80's oldies or edm hype that's catchy that people can dance to people were really pissed off that i said this saying that who was i to say one genre is better than the other my reply was that the world is made up of subjective standards that matter tremendously our lives are a series of subjective choices that we can't make scientific studies to analyze which choice is better in most cases the same choice to elevate purposely worse music is the same mental trajectory that lets people leave trash on the street or pave over beautiful meadows for a parking lot they're all choices about the aesthetic quality of the culture we share this is since we can't see the subjective in our culture and in the way we run our culture like is this food good or bad rather than the objective like what's the temperature however the subjective rules our lives just as powerfully if not more powerfully than the objective whether you live in a loving community in the beautiful mountains with an amazing partner and a fulfilling job means the world compared to spending your life in a hong kong workhouse lonely and poor you can rationally tell me hitler and santa claus are at the same moral level but your actions won't show that and as the last point showed reality is shown through action rather than word however we fail to realize that when you get rid of subjective standards you automatically get the worst quality product our modern society is terrified of judging anything that's in any way subjective it's almost like we're scared of human judgment in anything we create regulations to lower the power of human decision versus society creating committees we encourage group identities while discouraging individual responsibility the legendary german historian oswald spengler said civilization switched into decay when the society starts to strangle the individual's sense of judgment and choice and replace it with social collective controls he feared this process would happen to the west in the 20th century which it largely started to one of the common refrains i hear is that if something's not hurting anyone you have no right to judge it however culture is a group project in which we all need to pitch in if we're not giving it to their honest feedback we're gonna grow weak when i criticize youth culture and say it actively promotes sociopathy criminality laziness narcissism and decadence i always get attacked for being judgmental and not cool not for saying what i'm saying is factually wrong i often hear the argument that being a loser is your choice and you should be respected for it which is not true your parents raised you and you're letting down all the investment they put into you your ancestors struggled and died to produce you and you have an innate loyalty to your society which provides for you similarly you have a loyalty to yourself and the person you could be or the abstract concept like good you can conceive this is how the vast majority of the world in history has viewed morality with modern western atheist societies being the bizarre exceptions if you choose to discredit all of that or your family society and your potential as an individual or morality there's something very wrong with you an attachment to this is people who ignore how the subjective influences the objective a great example of this is i read a fascinating book that compared india and china's development over time and found that until 500 bc both countries were on a very similar trajectory then china became confusion in taoist and india became hindu and buddhist religions that took diametrically opposite views of the world and then both countries developed on very different political paths because of the religions and i mean realistically so much of this youtube channel is meet us talking about how religion and ideology affects the real world in the same way that your attitude affects how you live life a tremendous amount ideologies and religions do the same for society and since ideas affect how we live our lives so much you can't make the claim that the world's entirely material number 8 information can be harmful nietzsche once said you can judge a man by how much truth they can handle the truth is that the truth is the ultimate arbiter of existence having an understanding of how things work is the most important part of doing anything you can't be hurt by knowing information since knowing the truth is just knowing what you'd already have to deal with anyway knowing that a hurricane is coming your way might lead to short-term stress but it will allow you prepare for said hurricane however across history and the world today you see that regimes and ideologies try to shut off the supply of information saying it will hurt the public the truth however is just that information hurts these regimes in their power i remember an amusing anecdote of how catholic authorities in france were burning bibles during the reformation for fear that people would upon reading them become protestant which my reaction is wouldn't you realize you're the one at fault upon realizing that the appropriate reaction to reading your source material is that you're wrong when someone tries to hide information it means that they know they're on the losing side of the argument but want to keep power this is true between tokugawa shogun and japan stalinist russia or inquisition spain you can always tell who the bad guys are based off those who vilify the truth and tell you you should support party thinking above it there's a difference between this and the addiction models that come with modern social media however when an already beautiful model with photoshop and filters make women feel insecure they're not getting information they're getting propaganda of something that isn't real similarly social media apps are designed to be inherently addictive as an inverse to information propaganda is inherently harmful the low degree of trust in societies in the modern world is likely a result of the massive propaganda campaigns of the world wars that all outlied to their populations similarly although i think they're evil i do understand why authorities want to keep their stories about the world and filter out competing information because says stories are how societies work and by degrading the common myths of societies you degrade cooperation however i think what people should do is edit their stories so that they can fit into new information and that's difficult but i think it has to be done and also to be truthful i do draw an exception for very extreme situations for example how native peoples often saw the collapses of their social codes upon discovery by the europeans and realizing that their entire world view was wrong and many native societies collapsed into crime and alcoholism for said reasons number nine the world is naturally fair or balanced all 20 of the tallest mountains in the world are in asia why is that important because it's indicative of how almost everything in the world is naturally extremely disbalanced and unequal you can't find a single statistic that isn't horrifically lopsided into certain regions of groups for example there are more people in bangladesh than russia alternatively the richest 26 people in the world have more wealth than the bottom half of the world's population most statistical sets between social inequality and lobsters the size of nations across history or iqs are extremely power law distributed with the top outliers in the system being ridiculously influential there's this thing called the pareto distribution which finds in so many categories between computer processing chips inequality and land ownership in italy wealth in most industrialized nations or even stuff as basic as how many papers academic students publish they find the top 20 of the population often gets 80 percent of the output the belief that the world's naturally fair comes from the human beliefs and fairness which originate in our hunter-gatherer roots in which things were roughly equal distributed among a group sort of like friends or a family today however now that we believe that humans are mastered the universe and our own destinies we're shocked at how often reality naturally distributes things extremely unfairly look at how our ideas that philosophy architecture drama history and art come from an adult male citizen population of 30 thousands in athens over a 30-year period meanwhile you find many countries that have had millions of inhabitants over thousands of years you struggle to find a single philosophic military political or technological breakthrough from another corollary to this is that we're surprised when bad things happen when bad things happen we're often shocked but really terrible events are the nature of the world lots of people were surprised when covet happened but in a rational world we would have applauded that we had a century that had passed since a pandemic which is absolutely remarkable to be clear on this point i'm not saying we should accept the world as unfair we should strive to make human societies as fair as possible we have to keep in mind that we're working against the world's natural state likewise statistically the fairer society is the larger it normally works in many different levels through crime social networks happiness and the like number 10 there's always someone to blame in ancient jewish custom they would get a goat and cast all the troubles and stresses of the village onto the goat and then send that goat out in the dead or to die from this came the colorful term for a scapegoat or the person who is to take the fall if something bad happens even if it's not their fault in a lot of ways there's a reaction of the previous rule and that people want accountability the perfect example of this is that with blaming statistical disparities upon oppression i know this video hates on social justice a lot but they deserve it and it's something most of us can relate to for example the wage pay gap which is blamed upon the patriarchy however once you look for hours worked in position it vanishes similarly women who choose not to have children in fact make more money than men do another example of this is that people are quick to blame capitalism for poverty in the third world however the truth is that poverty is a natural state of man that 90 percent of the world's population existed in it 200 years ago poverty needs no explanation wealth does and that has been generated in great number by capitalism it's kind of depressing to see with political crises that people naturally look for groups of people to blame when i say the problems of modern america are caused largely by macroeconomic and macrohistorical problems people think i'm weird since we like to naturally ascribe human intent to things it's much more natural to believe it's the left right globalist or elite interests that are destroying the nation rather than giant impersonal processes middlemen minorities like the jews often normally bear the blame for problems like this number 11 purposely misunderstanding people is okay one of the things that drives me absolutely insane in debates is when i put a major point across and then the other person just nitpicks a bunch of minor details without touching the core point of the argument it's depressing to see great men often get torn down for minor things they would have scarcely thought about and not considered for their greatest achievements sigmund freud is mocked for penis envy in the edible complex rather than figuring out the underlying basis of modern psychology in the unconscious an alternate figure whether you love him or hate him is jordan peterson who is criticized for his comments on transgender people while the entire pseudo-religion he is construct based of jungian psychology is completely ignored this is since our minds are inherently irrational and if we dislike someone since it's against our self-interest somehow we look for reasons no matter how petty to do so and since we don't want to come to terms with their core beliefs we purposely misunderstand by nitpicking and trying to cut things in a lot of little ways this may sound like a minor thing but it's actually a massive factor in tearing down successful interactions in people the way you prevent big things from happening is by heckling them look at countries like italy or spain which have ground their economies to standstills with lots of regulations if you're a teacher the best way to discourage a student from being brilliant is by cutting them down by grading them too harshly for spelling mistakes society is built on cooperation we can either structure it to be a negative force for criticism and belittlement or a positive one for encouragement and positive growth negative examples of this include stranger danger systems in which children were encouraged to view all strangers as dangerous which resulted in a generation of isolated unsocial and lonely people alternatively academia's immense insistence upon exactness which cuts down genius and works of broad scope we need to structure society with hope rather than fear growth rather than littleness in mind number 12 people are all genetically the same oh boy this one's gonna be controversial the post-world war ii world is largely built off the compromise that all people are genetically the same or at least in the same genetic range however this is something that science just can't back up let's first look at intelligence in which most modern studies say that intelligence is between 50 to 80 genetic when you look at the extremes as well you would expect a higher degree of genetic fluctuation since society which we all share wouldn't be able to produce outliers so great meaning that the average person is likely genetically incapable of being a genius genetics controls basically everything in our lives with genes that we found result in political alignment music taste organizational ability driving speed and the like of course genes aren't everything but we think that they're about half of most personality traits meanwhile one of the strictures the modern left is that men and women are mentally the same but scientifically that's not the case women have lower fluctuations in iq where the average man and woman is equally intelligent but there are more male geniuses and retards which definitely holds up with what the historic record shows a fascinating feminist philosopher named camille paglia once said the reason there's no female mozart is the reason there's no female jack the ripper meanwhile when it comes to race from all the evidence i've looked at i don't see evidence for meaningful differences in intelligence dependent upon ethnic group however that doesn't mean there aren't objective genetic differences between different groups the spread of pastoralists around the world was heavily dependent upon their ability to digest milk meanwhile bantu africa's immunity to malaria allowed them to populate both tropical africa and the americas the gene that controls for extraversion and risk-taking behavior fluctuates between zero percent in east asian populations to 80 percent of the natives in the amazon our society is founded upon the idea of the tabula rasa or that people are blank slates that society can impose whatever they want onto however the truth that's emerging is often the opposite that they were all hardwired to the beautiful mosaic of the human race that we are i'd like to make clear that with all of these differences humans of different origins seem to be roughly equal and even if they weren't i don't see a person's intelligence height or whatever you want to measure as much relation to their inherent value as a human being hi what a feltest and thanks for watching if you enjoyed that video please like comment subscribe or stay tuned for additional content alternatively i'm launching my pearl and pillar communities and be sure to check those out i'm doing a pearl live stream this weekend it's going to be amazing also check out my patreon where i've got the first couple hundred pages of my cultural history of america and history of the world or my social media as always thanks so much for watching and have a wonderful day
Channel: Whatifalthist
Views: 684,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere_Elements_2021, SDADS
Id: JE2tdlGTqUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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