Annoying Pear While He Plays Games!!

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[Music] stop it hey what is up guys it is pear most extreme gamer of all time I said extreme sorry that too uh here to play some bottle flip 2K to 16 what the crap is going on okay so I'm I'm swiping up to flip it and it's not working at all okay what do I have to okay that was a little harder okay okay there oh I got one all right rocking it look at that two bottle flipping okay how is this this is at the top of the app store right now like I'm not joking that is that this is literally the best game out there oh crap through it a little too high okay this is a game what is going on why do you guys keep making me play these games where I flip bottles how is that fun oh hey I got two in a row okay let's go for three of course not it's gonna fall like it always does oh man flipping bottles really hey what's going on you're flipping bottles over here yes and I don't need your help did you try flipping it to whip it I have tried that in the past but it is not working this time I got one are you sure you're doing it right yes I'm doing it right no you didn't do it right thanks I saw that okay how come you're not flipping it I'm just seeing if there's anything else to do this game is there no this is literally it isn't it I'm gonna go is there leaderboards or something like somebody's flipped a eight thousand times it's over nine thousand uh nope and nope that this is literally it this is just me flipping a bottle that's all we're doing oh Pete Walker's gotten seven seven so that's the score to be that is it's gonna be you could do a barrel I am oh yeah oh yeah oh Apple what's going on you should see this Noob game that pass playing yeah 2016. what they have a 2006 yeah isn't your mind blown right now it is seriously that is literally what I'm doing you are watching me do it what's your high score tell him bear one like 100 or 1 000. no one yeah you know how like JC has 99 Problems yeah well pair only has one no that he's terrible at bottle flipping seriously I just started playing it okay guys Bear's naked no could you please not do that Golden Street backwards did you just say my pants are on backwards no I would ever say something like that yeah because I don't wear pants dude yeah cause Paris naked oh we're out of streak again flipping bottles hey bear how long you been flipping bottles I don't know like two minutes you started annoying me as soon as I started playing me I've been flipping bottles since the beginning of time yeah me too yeah whatever okay can I just I just want to beat my high score of three oh he's playing Angry yeah because don't play Angry stop it don't play Angry don't play it don't play Angry don't play Angry there you go get it off your chest yeah you feel better now no you guys are in unison screaming in my non-existent ears holy crap I got four yeah we're helping dang I got whoa I got five yeah looking good I got a high score didn't I yeah thanks to us yeah how do you figure what do you mean how do I figure you guys are just screaming and yelling at me yeah we did that you did better I don't like where you guys are going with this what we're just saying that we motivated you pair no you didn't go there we go we continue to motivate you you'll do better no no motivate and listen orange is back with a brand new attention no it's just no don't you flipping that bottom thing yes did you say you punched a goat in the butt no way I said you're flipping bottles that is not what you said hey you gotta get better at this game yeah you guys not annoying the crap out of me would help motivating you no you're not no we're not well we better call in some reinforcements oh yeah what do you mean hey marshmallow come here no yes we need to help get pair motivated no you don't yeah [Music] you all sound like a bunch of chipmunks stuck in a blender hey look at them guys thank you we all love you too marshmallow I'm just oh [Music] I know I dropped the bottle yeah yeah no I don't want any more motivation you guys idea motivation is screaming at me hey if it works no questions I will question it now would you please just let me play the crappiest game in the world for just a few minutes okay Reese's Pieces no hot lava no don't even start that you guys can you please motivate me yeah oh my God you like that one that was a good one no it wasn't motivated yeah no I don't feel motivated I feel mostly annoyed you know what they say there's a fine line between annoying and motivating yeah and you cross the line many times over Bear's getting angry well how do you feel okay so say you're playing a video game and I come up behind you and start screaming in your ears yeah from both sides I don't have any ears you know what I mean I know a pair I would say thank you very much bear because this is awesome because I feel really motivated no you wouldn't you would not say that here see how it feels flip the bottom flip the bottom flip the bottles guys it was not an invitation to start screaming you're not very good at motivating yourself Perry you didn't do any better oh why why why why why cow pie no throw a french fry no Bill Nye the Science Guy would you please stop with the rhyming I don't want to rhyme I don't want motivation please no I'm pretty sure I heard him say he wants motivation no I don't want motivation I just want to try and beat the high score I have to get to seven and there's only one way that's gonna happen pair yeah I just have to keep playing until I get it no it's if we give you motivation don't do it just a little no no side jokes I wasn't even trying to do that guys could you please just leave I I just want a place what Dunkin Donuts now has on the go ordering pair fantastic why are you telling me okay I see it's on the ad at the bottom yeah it's trying to tell you drink some coffee get motivated no please don't put that bottle fresh no way you know what I'm done I'm done I'm done thank you very much I'm not there's naked hey what's up guys it's bear the most extreme gamer of all time oh okay uh we are playing a game called what the golf looks like it's just your your standard golf game man hey all right this will be relaxing people wanted me to play this game I'm not quite sure why there's cats on the course but that's cool whatever we'll just go with it uh so yeah you guys just apparently wanted me to play a really relaxing golf game okay well I lost my ball off the side what happens if I hit the cap oh ah murdered cats what did what just happened you so if you hit the barrel they ball okay well this game just took a a Twist to turn we're we're somewhere that we were not before Oh wait am I gonna make it oh oh oh oh that was actually pretty good um although maybe I shouldn't bounce hey we did it cool cats now what the where's the ball oh the ball is the club we're having a ball at the club ah toasters fire and stuff and pineapples and all right look out banana I'm coming at you oh no oh man I hate hitting my food friends all over the place oh man hey all right welcome to the club all right we have a guy here this time look at that he's looking like I said [Laughter] oh man I have really enjoyed this game you think it you think one thing's gonna happen and then something completely different happens okay we have a house it's the whole house oh no what is what are you guys doing you're just driving off the side of the mountain how are you driving up the mountain man those cars have some torque like yeah home in one nice man orange would love this game a lot of puns in it well I hate that somebody fun no hey that hole looks really moving yeah because it moved yes I got it stop it looks like it was a false flag operation knock it off I'm trying to enjoy this game yeah fine you'll get the swing of it no stop it you can't to be kidding me that's all I'm gonna hit you I'm gonna hit you so hard oh my gosh so many puns so many terrible puns all right what the golf wow this is super cool you guys all right my my ball is going up the pipe and down through there oh oh yeah all right what do we have here oops I hit a computer did that oh hello ball hey what's going on what are you doing here the golf lab is closed is there such a thing as a golf lab what happens in a golf lab all right hit the button open okay apparently I'm just ignoring my uh robot overlords and I'm just going in we're going into the golf lab you guys wholesome joke get it whole okay enough of the pause stop it leave me alone hey look okay he looks perfect all right line up the shot that what the hell I just made a divot yeah divot yes a divot oh did you eat a gremlin or something no I've just had enough of your jokes stop it it's not true I just said the game has a lot of Pawns in it I'm not I did not say for you to come over here and give me a lot of puns what you know the puns snow way that was cool yeah welcome to the club oh stopping the pods there asking me to stop saying puns it's like asking new dude to stop being naked yeah well I would like to request that as well because nobody wants to see that I'm sorry oh man look at are you gonna hit that cat yeah probably you can't no knock it off yes give it to me hey I was playing with that yeah it's mine I I am playing this game yeah perfect pot yes yes we got it it was a button what are you not having a ball with my puns no that's it come back here come back here oh okay access denied access denied access denied okay I just I had I have to take a break I just what okay this is this oh wow I'm actually hitting the entire couch am I supposed to go all the way I must be going to the fan [Laughter] ouch I get it I get it thank you thank you no more puns uh we're good we're good on those what is this oh no I broke it I broke my beautiful voice [Laughter] this game actually is a lot of fun and oh no okay this one's actually a little bit more difficult than the previous ones I'm gonna hit this one all the way over there there we go now we're cooking okay oh no it's rolling oh no oh okay so the physics on this game are actually pretty good here we go now it's continuing to roll there we go I'm just gonna hit it very lightly nope nope nope okay now oh yeah see this the physics are great on this oh no no no no no no oh that was close oh okay is the lab 98 whatever it is oh I'm taking the whole TV with me come on boob tube no no I lost the boob tube over the edge of the mountain I hate that when it happens sorry guys sorry you're not gonna be able to watch that Great British baking show now yeah that's right because if they cook my friends anyway so you shouldn't be watching that kind of stuff yeah that's what I'm saying what well what's this I already did this level though but there's more to it wait a second okay max power oh so you can only hit it max power is that what's what's going on here can I go over here oh oh geez that was definitely not what I wanted to do so yeah it looks like the only thing I could do is go max power oh I almost made it that was a fail fail fail this is uh this is a little bit tougher than I thought it was gonna be but I think we're gonna do this go okay okay let's roll it in yeah roll it in roll it with my homies basically overpowered ah very funny another pun ishments stop I know what your favorite band is what Ace of Base oh stop it just stop it that wasn't even clever that wasn't funny yeah it was clever and funny are you choking on a hamster what's going on there I am trying to concentrate on this game it is very difficult when you keep screaming puns and laughing in my ear yeah what ear you don't have any ears okay yes I don't have any ears you get what they say it's a figure of speech he sounded like a trade whistle yeah your face sounds like a train whistle it's not funny it's not funny here we go here we go here we go here we go yes Windy City I know it's windy too [Music] I just want to play the game all right so we're okay now we have an office chair all right nope nope nope don't want to go over to the side okay okay it's it's delightfully quieter in here now that orange is gone I'm gonna hit a ramp nice I totally ramped that bad boy cherry out no stop it stop it stop it with the word jokes not the p word I can't say the p word because anytime I say the p word then Orange shows up so we're not gonna do that all right we got a box of balls here time to box up the wall that was amazing oh oh the box is stuck in there all right it's fine it's fine whoa I launched that bad boy off the side did not mean to do that no get out of the way boxes seriously here we go here we go nice that's looking pretty good oh into that box oh there you go save it no okay why is this level so tough for me right now oh that was a good one and all right unboxing not funny not funny yep not even oh geez okay so we now I gotta get over it there oh there we go that took a little bit all right we got some birds should I hit it at the birds what the oh I actually hit the swing meter that was weird what what it hit it I don't even understand what just happened all right here we go here we go got it got it on point another word joke oh I see okay so I think every hole must have multiple challenges that you can complete and then you get your uh your King's hat uh the crown that's what it's called The King has anybody ever called it a king's hat I mean technically that is what it is right it's a it's a hat for a king I mean we call it a crown but that's all right okay so what what am I supposed to do here holy moly that guy got blown up what are these even rolling at me are those pigs what am I supposed to be doing here just not gonna yeah just hitting them are they okay I bet you they're trying to go for the the hole and I do not want to let him get God this thing's hard to control nope okay there's way too many what the heck what the heck fire okay let's do this 18 okay I feel like we're doing pretty good we're doing pretty good get away from you you roly-poly Piggy monstrosity nope nope nope okay yeah we're working around the clock because it looks like a clock yeah I got puns too oops I had to oh no no I didn't mean to say puns did you say puns no I said buns look at look at those buns oh yeah oh yeah look at those Buzz look at those butts look at my buns buns out of my face please hey what is up guys it is bear the most extreme gamer of all time as you very well know and we're gonna play a little solitaire no this game uh I don't know if you guys have ever played solitaire but it is Extreme look at that look at that putting cards on top of other cards just like that it's it's pretty awesome I gotta say so so if you've never played before the point of the game is that you want to Stack you want to alternate you want to alternate cards so you you want to lay them in order like five four three two but you gotta alternate the colors so you can't put a five uh a black five on a black six you gotta see just like that you gotta put a red five on a red six and then there you go see we're doing it up it's so exciting what are you doing I'm busy dude what are you playing well what is that what is that it's called Solitaire dude it's not called group Fun can you please can I help no it's called Solitaire it's just one person but I can help you know solitary it's just one last one there's not and plus an orange no there's no plus an orange it's just me playing with cards Dude orange no it's one player it's a one player game okay when do the zombies pop up there are no zombies dude this is not when do they ask the questions this is not Trivia Crack Dude where's Mario this isn't a Mario game obviously do you see what I'm doing here I'm playing Solitaire it looks like you're just farting around cards if by farting around with cards you mean playing Solitaire then yes I am farting around with cars bad minute he's partying around the cards yeah okay best fighting around okay can you please knock it off I mean like breaking my concentration knock it off like a fart knocker wait yeah dude that one was juicy okay that is enough can you please just let me play Solitaire in your underwear no what you're naked oh no parents playing Solitaire and I can see his derriere oh would you just quit it please don't do that dude right now everyone's gonna write that in the comments awesome it is awesome yeah all right okay okay can you just tone it down a little bit I've almost got this okay so how do you play Skunk bear it's Solitaire and you know it no I thought you said skunk bear okay can you please just knock it off with the rhyming okay geez I didn't know Solitaire was such a serious Affair dude it's not funny man you just okay yeah okay all right so here's how you play how do you play you you have to grab a bazooka no there no there are no Bazookas in Solitaire what that's a real shame I think this game could definitely benefit from some more Bazookas well how would that even work like you just press the button and you shoot the Bazooka and explodes all the cards and then the game's over that's that's really that doesn't even sound like a game yeah it sounds like the best game ever no it just sounds like you blowing stuff up that's all it sounds like well exactly that's what I want to do yes I get the fact that you like blowing stuff up I understand okay but seriously how do you play okay so you have a deck of cards and you have to you have to put all the cards in order from starting at a king all the way down to two like this they're full stack there you go what's up with those twos on top oh those uh two twos up there [Laughter] yeah that's because you make stacks of each of the individual suits and then you you started Ace and go up to two three four five all the way up okay so you make fat stacks in this game well yeah but there you go that's what's duck about there I didn't even realize he makes a fat stacks over here getting that money no I'm not not fat stacks of money I'm just stacks of cards which you then trade in for some money honey right no you don't trade it anymore why I'm not making fat stacks small Stacks no I'm not making money from this game it's just you're making stacks of cards that's the whole point of it you got to get the cards up there well why don't you just put them up there here I'll help you up there stop you can't just put up any card you have to do it in order in order of which one's the biggest butt toucher right no what a Jack look at the Jack he's got his mug look on his face he looks like a genuine butt toucher he's not a butt touch what are you even come out of here I don't even know why oh there's two Jacks now they're both butt tractors everywhere in the building how are you even playing this game dude could you please stop it what the Jack's totally weirdo he's sitting on the Queen's head he's he's sitting there because he I have to put it in order okay I'm pretty sure the queen did not order that pair no you know what I mean mean Jelly Bean no we're not rhyming sure about that yes yes rhyming does not help Solitaire at all I don't know about that but you know hey do you know where my favorite place to play Solitaire is I didn't think you've ever played it before my favorite place to play Solitaire no no don't do it it's Times Square I knew you were gonna do it dude there are you full of hot air no it's mentioned Apple at the daycare stop it don't go to the daycare you jerk what okay dude I've almost beat this level can you please chill it do you want me to say a prayer for you stop it what a solitaire prayer knock it off what I'm not trying to be a nightmare gold for crying out loud I can't stop the Rhymes are everywhere please dude grizzly bears and easy chairs waiting to get dental care play Foursquare somewhere in the Market Square please Solitaire kitchenware in the air in Delaware brushing hair with silverware in the Solitaire thoroughfare okay Jim seriously seriously I've had enough what you don't like that I've had enough obviously I don't like that you want to go outside no why get a little air oh that was a funny thing wow okay that's that is by far anyway enough what no more rhyming dude I can't take it anymore where are you gonna go if I keep rhyming I don't know anywhere oh snaps bloody snaps okay pressed air Delaware dental care that's it I'm everywhere honey bear in the air hey this is pretty fun we can put this right here go put that right there oh yeah it wasn't that there oh that's good I like that oh yeah oh there I won I won Solitaire this is an awesome game okay Dana I'm so good at Solitaire in the air compressed air oh yeah camel hair thank you
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 92,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, Annoying Pear While He Plays Games Supercut!, satire, spoof, lampoon, parody, cartoon, comedy, pear plays, annoying orange gaming, video games, what the golf, solitaire, flip the bottle, supercut
Id: deXNGC7p0Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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