Announcing Pokimane

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hello everybody hello I come from a place of working very very very very very very hard for the last week getting this all together and I'm excited to share it with you guys we had over um 280,000 people show up and submit very exciting all right streamer Awards our first nominee for best creative art streamer is R Ross for art he does art on Twitch our next nominee is Anie giri uh she's really cool she's a vtuber she does cooking next we have AR at home for music he had a pretty good year he started doing an an IRL uh like music system it's very exciting and Trisha is a birdie for her cooking streams so there you go there are your nominees for best creative art streamer best MMO RPG streamer this category is always listen we've got a lot of top dogs in the industry that's all I've got to say we've got a lot of top dogs when it comes to MMO RPG coming in at this year's first nominee we've got the two-time winner asmin gold who would have guessed who would have guessed next we have returning for their second nomination soda Poppin next returning for their third nomination San [Music] TV seeing a lot of returning here and then returning for their second nomination maximum next we have best strategy gamer or best strategy streamer sorry best strategy streamer this is another category with a lot of returns but to me that's exciting cuz I think that means the goats stay the goats and we see who wins every year best strategy game streamer your first nominee is boxbox our winner of last year has returned your second nominee is disguised toast your third nominee is qu queso joojo cjo and I know he hates this picture and I told Taylor to change it but I think she missed that K SoJO but it's okay we'll we'll change your picture we'll change your picture and finally Emily Wang K3 SoJO K3 SoJO that's what it is let's go next we have best chess streamer and this one is actually presented by big shout out to our sponsor of this award best chess streamer Gotham chess Anna cramling botz live and for their first nominee in this category ever Tyler won I'd like to remind everyone that the streamer Awards isn't necessarily about the best at the game but the most entertaining at the game so a few people said meme nomination it's not true cuz all of these people were very entertaining while playing the game so you vote for who you think was most entertaining for you to watch it's about the art of entertainment it's not about skill in games next best software w/ gamedev streamer this is a category that got voted in this year it's the first time for it to be in the award show so very exciting the first nominee pirate software who would have thought the next nominee vendal 987 our next nominee Doug Doug he chose that picture he chose that picture sorry Veetle Veetle sorry I'm dyslexic I'm really bad at names vle vle vle and our last nominee code M exciting year this is a new category best fighting game streamer this is a new category that was also voted in this year I will not say his name correctly but he's very nice and he's very sweet and he's actually attending the show this year it's very exciting it's TOS a TOS a TW a TOS aall aall a TW best fighting game streamer your second nominee is Max a million dude your third nominee is s jam and your final nominee for best fighting game streamer is hungry box best speed Runner first nominee [Music] squeaks again I'm a big fan of speedrunners but I would like to say clearly about who's most entertaining not who is best at speedrunning if you have watched any of his speedruns just throwing that out there next we have virtual third year nomination next we have Distortion 2 final nominee Liam with the oldest photo in the world I think okay this category is really special to me because it's important to me to highlight smaller streamers in the industry this is for streamers with under 100 viewers which makes up about 95% of the platform this is going to be a big one because a lot of people campaign for this one obviously the most amount of people campaign for this one so the most amount of people are disappointed that they don't get a nomination if they don't get a nomination so please don't give up if you don't get a nomination it's really important to me to say that and also celebrate those who get nominated and focus on that okay this year's Hidden Gem nominees are the everything now show the next nominee is L May the next nominee is gappy V and your final nominee for Hidden Gem goes to shaa Black congratulations no forcen unfortunately I know I am upset about that one for sure best Battle Royale streamer we've got Timmy we've got nice wig we have Cipher PK and and Asian Jeff young Jeff says I have competition yeah we're going to put Asian Jeff and young Jeff in an arena whoever comes out gets to keep the name best FPS streamer how do I say his name s somic somic s s s sorry can you guys at least stop accusing me of only giving nominations to friends now I don't know any of these people but that's amazing I'm very happy that he was nominated so s CS congratulations on your nomination actually I will say I'm pretty sure lwig watches this man's play valerant every single night I think I think it's you I think it's you and maybe we can be friends I feel bad cuz I said we're not f i don't we've never met I hopefully we can meet that'd be cool anyway congratulations on your nomination next tar next we have super TF and finally the last nominee for best FPS streamer tens let's go Rising Star okay this is going to be another one this is a category for streamers under a thousand our first nominee for Rising Star Award Norah Explorer our second nominee for rising star is Mari our third nominee for rising star is handsome fella our fourth nominee for rising star is chibii all right next best roleplay streamer okay listen I have to say something cuz I know a lot of people are going to be upset about this I know role play has popped off in the last month it's been crazy however this is for the year 2023 so some of your favorite streamers in roleplay that just started actually didn't have enough hours in 2023 to get the nomination best roleplay streamer nominees are Phantom Lord Kean agent00 omy no women I what do you want me to do what would you like me to do what would you like me to do congratulations best Minecraft streamer I know a lot of you are excited for this one this has been a great year for Minecraft tubo foolish both nominees from last year quacky and your final nominee first time nominated tinin let's go qmp sweep holy moly holy freaking moly can you believe it best IRL stream what an amazing year for IRL streams extra Emily returning to the category with a nomination and then we have the waddle Thon Victor herself Jenny followed by Rob CD and finally a first nominee in this category papan papan it's going to be a bit of a hard decision this year I think it's going to be a really hard choice this is this is this is stacked there's a lot that are really stacked next best stream game I think everyone's excited for this there was a lot of good games last year we've got lethal company we've got the one that's won all the other Awards Ballers Gate 3 up next a classic a goodie GTA 5 I believe it's been nominated before in finally only up for those of you saying I don't know if this is a good stream game I don't stream I saw a few people say that you don't have to stream what has been the most fun to watch on streams what is the game you saw this year that you saw people playing and you're like I can't miss that next best shared Channel this is a new category to highlight people that share channels that split paychecks and your first nominee goes to nmp LOL next goes to votz live their second nomination in this show now we have a first time streamer Awards nominee R DC gaming and another first time this is my favorite thing about bringing new categories is you get to highlight lots of different channels first time streamer Awards nominee for our fourth nominee for best shared Channel we've got alvea sanctuary cool category I'm really excited this category was cool I'm excited it's stacked it's so stacked are you going to make them split the trophy too absolutely cuz I did not order extra trophies so you know uh they will have to split that is that is true uh we're working with a budget here I don't know what to tell you we're getting into the big big categories best org with their third nomination otk third time nominee returning offline TV second time nominee for best org V SoJO first time nominee for the streamer Awards we've got am I encourage all of you to check out these guys' YouTube videos they are orgs but they mostly make uh they orgs in the streaming space but they mo mostly make YouTube videos check them out they've all made great stuff this year genuinely that's it's going to be a hard one it's going to be a hard one best streamed series this is a new category that we added this year it is a partner to event it is qualified as a series if it is Parts if it is a returning show or if it is episode one episode 2 episode 3 episode 4 so if it's got Parts episodes or series or you know it's every Friday that then that's what qualifies it as a series our first nominee goes to generation lost the social experiments by Rano next we've got em paranormal quantana by cellbit and I definitely said that correctly next we've got name your prize I did that not do that Justice I did not do that Justice whatsoever fourth nominee we've got schooled by MK best streamed event sea doog va's Charity Auction nmpp LOL Molen Wild West and I will say some people get a little confused the reason Wild West is an event and not a series is because technically the stream never ended it was just one big thing it wasn't like episodes so that's why lwig Creator dodgeball and finally Kai cette with 7 Days in another stacked category impossible Choice inpossible freaking Choice it's actually such an impossible Choice best International streamer a new category this year I'm really excited that we brought it quacky selbit is that right and rivers GG let's go I would love like to point out at this point quacky has two nominations in the show selet has two nominations in the show and ntoa has two nominations in this freaking show congratulations best breakthrough streamer these are streamers that freaking Rose to the top this year were like where the heck did they come from Hello and our first one queso I think he went from like 1,000 viewers to 40,000 in the last year no big deal next we've got jinxy same story squeaks and our final spot for breakthrough streamer of the year Playboy Max PL sorry PL I thought it was play oh my god I've always thought it was play I'm blaming the dyslexia there we've got Max we've got Max okay we've got Max plaque plaque boy plaque boy Max sorry best vtuber huge year for vtubers and we've got iron Mouse oh just iron Mouse I think our three time nominee I think she's been nominated every year last year's winner and we've got Sho vle finally we have fillian I decided to do something different this year it took a lot of thought but looking at the top categories on the platform the most popular category is usually just chatting and most people stream just chatting or variety on the platform and so when I was looking at this year's nominees I thought to myself I do not know who the heck like it was just so close and so then I said to myself how about we make the five biggest categories have five nominees so this year just chatting variety Sapphire award gamer of the year and streamer of the year will all have five nominees best just chatting streamer nominees kaiset Hassan your rage pay money wubby and will nef I leaked that one a little bit my bad this is Kai cat's second nomination in this show why am I here well I don't know what to tell you people like people people love you Superstar people love you of course it's two fear and members yeah you're right yes you are right you figured it out you figured it out all right best variety streamer again a massive category C dog VA lwig queso xqc and our last variety streamer foosley this is CG va's second nomination in the show lwig second nomination in this show and queso's second nomination in this show the sapphire award a new award added this year as you guys saw a lot of the categories there's a bit of a glass ceiling for uh females and minority genders so you know what we have the best female and minority gender award and we're calling it the sapphire award and this year's nominees are valky emiru fan fan Lydia Violet and extra Emily this is Emily's second nomination in this show unfortunately no forsen correct I'm sorry League of Their Own this category is uh dedicated to streamers that aren't really doing anything like anybody else like what they're doing is pretty different uh so this category is always really exciting we've got hitch if you guys don't know hitch he's a IRL streamer that literally hitchhikes like everywhere and does a bunch of other stuff like that we've got big boss Bose who does True Crime content we've got cardboard cowboy who does like live animation and uh kind of like little sitcom esque shows as his stream and for a person with their third nomination extra Emily who does all sorts of homemade challenges that uh literally I've never been done before crazy stacked lineup for League of Their Own they're all very very unique very exciting very exciting year for League of Their Own gamer of the year we have clicks we've got jinxy with his second nomination this year tar with his second nomination this year kaid with her first nomination this year and our final nominee for gamer of the year is shroud give it up for our Gamers sag no e- rub I know no e- rub for gamer of the year I'm pissed I'm pissed oh streamer of the year everybody's favorite category to be mad at here we go this year was a crazy year very excited to announce this year's streamer of the Year nominees as I think they're all insane and very freaking deserving our first nominee for streamer of the year is jinxie his third nomination this year our second nomination for streamer of the Year kaiset our third nominee for streamer of the Year iron Mouse our fourth nominee for streamer of the Year quacky quacky nominated for three categories this year jinxy nominated for three categories this year Kai sinat nominated for three categories this year iron Mouse nominated for two categories this year and our final nominee for streamer of this year making this their third nomination as well queso congratulations to everybody that is nom nominated voting is going to go live shortly so maybe you guys want somebody to win specifically you can get out there and vote for them get out there and vote vote vote vote you'll have two weeks it'll go until February 7th however I've got another important announcement I've got another important announcement it's not a streamer Awards day without an announcement this year's streamer Awards red carpet hosts and and co-host of the show Welcome to the streamer Awards red carpet show that is amazing tell me what are you most excited about which award are you looking forward to here I'm sure the chat is absolutely flooded with pogs and claps dude I've never been in a place this insane before thank you so much I couldn't let anybody out gay me this year let's just cut to the chase please welcome to the stage good evening you guys are going to make me blush up here it's not my award come on let's [ __ ] go that's right we've got sea doog VA on the red carpet with Will nef and extra Emily added a floor host awesome show and my co-host this year is the one the only Pokemon man you guys are going to make me blush up here it's not my award come on woohoo W let's [ __ ] go it's going to be awesome it's going to be amazing I hope you guys are excited I saw Pokey in chat thank you pokey excited to have you it's going to be so fun that's [Music] it
Channel: QTCinderella
Views: 186,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QTCinderella, QT, QTC, twitch, stream, pokimane, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, the streamer awards, streamer awards, host, co host, cdawgva, ludwig, qtcinderella pokimane, poki, streamer awards 2023, streamer, austinshow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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