Anno 1800 - Episode 01 - Our First Settlement

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hello everybody Minister I'm here and today we'll be starting up a new series playing Anno 1800 uh the Anno series is a series of city builders um that focus on resource management and this is the latest game in that series which I have played a bunch of of this game anyway uh co-op with friends and really enjoyed it so decided to go ahead and fire up a series on my channel although I will be doing it solo so that's gonna be a little bit of a new experience for me um because you can play this Co-op where everybody's playing basically the same Nation I guess you would call it and you're all taking over you know we're managing different aspects um wherever you decide to divvy things up and so that's how I'm used to playing this so taking over the entire thing is going to be again kind of a new experience for me with this game we'll see how that goes and so we have all of the DLC installed except for the Cosmetic stuff I think I'm including the couple of new ones that just came out semi recently and yeah go ahead and jump right in and get started so we're gonna do a new game be doing sandbox mode there is the campaign it's kind of story driven it's kind of teaches you how to play which you know I I'm already familiar so we're to go sandbox less guidance and now I want to pick a portraits now this doesn't really affect um gameplay it's just the portrait that's going to be used for our faction and um a bunch of these are locked behind um various achievements and stuff so what's one that looks like an 1800s industrialist this guy ah sure good enough uh we'll go with the blue and we will go what symbol I don't think it really matters all that much we'll go with this symbol sure all the DLCs on we have the Imperial cosmetic pack which is fine all right we're gonna do custom settings uh ran I don't know what we're gonna do with a seed um starting World size is large island size mainly large on difficulty normal fertility I'm gonna put that the medium and the mineral to pause deposits to medium archipelago map that's the map type that I found that I like to play the most on so we'll stick with archipelago um as far as AI characters now we do have the option to turn them all off if I want to but I do want to have ai in here um but again because I'm playing solo for my first time I am going to go ahead and put the lower difficulty AI in place are you just itching to LEAP into the Beyond we have bente Jorgensen and we're gonna have Willie Wibble sock if this goes and uh princess Jing if it is customary for you to have guests then I would be quite curious all right so you should give me the least amount of headaches but I do want again I do want some competition involved so uh we'll stick with those uh yeah all the Traders we want on I am going to leave the Pirates on because again I need something out there that will give me some trouble so we'll keep the Pirates on so we'll have to deal with them income um medium it won't turn on inactive upkeep we'll construction cost refunds are full building relocations on that's just because I prefer to have that it makes take some stress off of laying out the islands shooting post restocks uh normal student incidents easy quests frequency normal influence medium skyscraper upkeep yeah that's fine darting ships is gonna be a flagship starting Harbor is just gonna be standard starting capital is large no Victory conditions so just gonna run this thing until it I decide I'm done is that's everything that I want to do I think so all right let's go all right we're ready to go set sail okay so here we are our first Island that teen will have to rename that at some point but let's go ahead and get started what do we got we've got red pepper fertility right off the bat that's nice potatoes and grain we have three clay deposits two iron deposits two copper deposits a limestone and some oil we don't have any cold deposits though you don't really need those early on but we will want to find an island with coal all right so Flagship At Your Service let's go ahead and get the flagship moving I'm gonna actually slow things down for a minute so that I have some time to think and take some stock about what we're doing all right well we're gonna need to build some Road and I'm gonna want to kind of build out a bit decide where I'm going to want to put my so there's the oil deposit right right over here I think what we might do is build our residential area over this way uh we're gonna need a Marketplace just kind of be the core all right nougoser rifles likewise on whibley stick by me and you come good I guess we found whibley yep there's his starting Islands attention for the Admiral let's try to search the islands that are right next door first all right [Music] I can't I can't do anything with the game paused mark off some distances all right so we're gonna want [Music] we're gonna put our marketplace right about there all right then we'll start laying in some former residences to start [Music] you reached a new milestone all right yep age of Agriculture we have our first residence and we're gonna need to start getting Timber right away I think we'll start doing that over here now we don't have enough to build a warehouse so it's going to have to be within range of our original ports so get a road in here we need a lumberjax hut let's see how far away can we get right about there I think and I want to mark off the range a little bit of road so I don't want to interfere you don't interfere with the with the Lumberjack because if you start to eat up its collection range it will uh slow down its production all right so we'll drop a Lumberjacks hot right about there our Sawmill sorry all right what do we have over here we have hops we have red peppers we have Neighbors all right so I'm gonna look into the fog here and see if we can find any other nearby islands like this one over here let's go see what that is [Music] all right now one thing we do want to look at here is our statistics so the blue bar here is demand the green bar is Supply so we're supplying for we're consuming four logs so this is on a one-to-one ratio so if I want to get this faster than what I want to do is I'll need a second Lumberjack so this requires five farmers can I even do that not without a warehouse [Music] all right we'll put a warehouse in [Music] we have 50 global population that unlocks fishery so we can throw them down a fishery make sure that's connected to the road so these are their needs the more you meet their needs the more people move in so Market is a basic need they need some fish and they'll need some work clothes but we can't do workloads until we have 100 farmers and then they have things that will increase their happiness we have schnapps which we need 100 workers and a pub between 150 farmers to be able to build that so all right so this is another unsettled Island it has potatoes grain and red peppers it has four coal deposits not bad but I'm gonna make a decision where my second island is going to be after I kind of um do some more exploring let's head over there let's see if we can get that 100 workers well actually what I would prefer is to have this [Music] oh need to wait until we have uh 10 Flagship At Your Service what we have here we have potatoes Hops and red peppers we have some coal there's something over here let's go find out what that is all right foreign [Music] this is a little island with nighter deposits fur and hops we're gonna need an island with hops but uh for now Flagship awaiting instructions I'll just keep looking let's see is there anything over here yes coordinates plotted [Music] he's up a minute oh there we go we have our 10 build that warehouse and let's get our logging Hut in foreign and then we'll put in our second sawmill good deal then we'll start expanding our farmer residences oop s I'm just gonna blueprint these in or you reached a new milestone all right Village that means we can now build snobs or schnapps production and work clothes and we are going to need we're gonna need tons of wood tons of wood planks [Music] let's see [Music] can I get another Lumberjack cut in here without interfering with that one um maybe and then allow me to put in a Third Sawmill because we should have what 12 production yeah 12 consumption that'll let that build up nice and quick now see what the happiness stuff does is it increases the amount of money that we get from every top that we have here what do we have potato grain and nighter hi hi that'd be nice let's see is there anything to the north east of our Island check over there we need something first okay let's get our potato farm and schnapps up and running let's see clay iron limestone [Music] iron clay I think we're gonna have a lot of Industry up this direction so farming is probably going to be in this Direction all right so let's go ahead and build a road and out here there's a coastline princess Ching my father and mother send me as an ambassador all right we're going to need a warehouse up here all right there's ching Flagship ready for orders all right let's go check out that Island over there [Music] all right so four schnapps we need potatoes drop it off farm and for the farm we need them then plant the fields which I'm going to plant the fields in this direction and then we're gonna need a Distillery oh I remind myself what the ratio is it's one to one and right now one Distillery should be more than sufficient now these needs to be placed anywhere on the island they don't have to be in range of anything well just the your production and Industry need to be within range of a warehouse but all the warehouses are connected are linked so I'm delighted to meet you I'm Ben to wait to work with you all right well there's bent day Flagship At Your Service all right sales let's keep searching what I need for my second island is one with hops this one's not bad and it's cold that's also good this one doesn't have Harps this one does but right now it's either going to be this one or this one [Music] foreign [Music] in some Road here all right yep here's the pub we're gonna need that Pub drop that in this is basically going to be my residential area here [Music] our initial residential area [Music] that should be good now we're also gonna need a fire station so let's get a fire station in proper job all right [Music] let's go now we're gonna need to make some work clothes we're gonna need more workers for that let's get that planned in looks like we just got a bunch of uh timber in all right now work clothes need sheep farms to reduce wool and then we turn that wool into clothes waiting for some more Timber okay we got another Island discovered here grapes grain and potatoes ready for orders I think I know what that is let's go down there and just make sure [Music] all right should have enough timber here let's go ahead and get a sheep farm we're gonna do sheep farms over here you have to put down the uh the Sheep bolts all right and then a Knitters [Music] now how many sheep farms are gonna need one it's like one to one okay [Music] Shake Your Booty out of angry Annie's Waters or she'll blow a hole in your mission without your service yep it's the Pirates ship under attack I am aware all right let's go see what this island is all right so now I know where the Pirates are right here all right very well and here's what I'm gonna do let's check Fish Production we are very good for Fish Production I am going to up our increase I'm going to increase our schnapps thank you for schnapps production and our work clothes production all right we are short a whole bunch of workers okay this is gonna be doing this Balancing Act okay Flagship awaiting instructions we have hops fur and nighter on this really big island this is a really nice Island we've got iron we got coal we got zinc we got copper we got limestone the red peppers here this will give me hops it'll give me fur and nighter all things I'm going to need I think this is our Island yeah I think this is this is the one it's it's awfully close to the Pirates so we're gonna have to reinforce this heavily but I think this is our second Island [Music] uh do we have any other beaches there's another there's a beach over here [Music] you know what I want to use this beach because it's on the other side of the Island from the Pirates uh we have a quest we do have a quest what is this I've Summit to put before a towns person a puzzle you can't make better what's already gold buying and collect wild animals foreign supposedly they're over here somewhere um I am not exactly sure but nothing's easy things I need to do because we can now upgrade our residents a new milestone all right and so now that's all we ask we have workers now the workers have additional needs they need sausages right now they need sausages okay I just don't know what I'm looking for here for the wild animals thing thank you foreign we'll have other opportunities yes I know one of my shows was under attack all right Bill the trading posts than me Flagship At Your Service typical unit rub it in with mob forward won't let me expand okay so for now you want to keep exploring actually uh let's keep heading in this direction oh my ship to go all the way to the corner all right so we're actually gonna need a whole bunch of these workers yeah I present my humble duty to you and I'm confident you will transcend your present circumstance okay so here is I'm here if you ever need a steady albeit somewhat arthritic and to guide you Archibald Blake who's one of the Traders we can buy stuff here we can sell stuff here that's good Her Majesty leans on me to detain any who defile her Sovereign laws including you all right Eli bleakworth who controls the prison is right there Flagship ready for orders all right now what we need to be able to make sausage is we need pig farms not a problem we also are going to slaughterhouse The Slaughterhouse needs bricks make bricks we need clay and brick factories so let's do that Play Pets uh Clay Pit I was gonna need a road we're gonna need a small Warehouse and we're gonna need a brick Factory uh let's drop it there okay now we have another clay deposit out here go ahead and throw a road in for all right orders yep I'd like you to move all the way around the Border what we have here we have grain fur and grapes okay one final look ah a newspaper really entirely marvelous to meet you and that we may show truth or or anything actually in my uh broadsheet all right you know what this looks fine minus 50 Riot chance plus 25 right chance plus five happiness yeah then I actually find it's fine go ahead and polish it uncompromising journalism I too hope to hope this news all right so right now we're producing two we're only consuming one so one Clay Pit looks like it can support two brick factories now actually what I'm probably gonna do is move this like there move it even a little bit further foreign let's see if I throw in a Clay Pit there nope actually that's not gonna work so we are gonna have to go ahead and do two warehouses then we'll just move you back over there that's fine life's fine as a nuke you reached a new milestone now how many workers does a brick Factory need it needs 25. thank you all right we can build a harbor now I might want to do that Bunches of one Elm are we not you want trade rights and you're demanding Seven Grand in payment you know what such connections may I meet expectation how I knew I could trust you just fine all right so what do we got over here we've got this island potatoes green and fur we've got this island which is potatoes Hobbs and nighter of this island green Hops and red pepper Flagship awaiting instructions and this looks like the last Island to be uncovered all right so what do I need to build a ceiling Harbor we need 25 bricks 20 Lumbers and you can afford it oh The Emporium exotic attention for the Admiral another traitor that should be it all right let's let us crank out bricks I might want even more logs or Lumber noise oh I can get there good all right now I need to check my loads looks like we do need another Fishery uh what about schnapps fine and work clothes for fine they preemptively took care of those all right excellence now pig farm let's do our sausage production out here pig farm like the sheep farms they have uh big styes Pig production and we are we don't even have to trade it's just in case all right you just want to go ahead and give me trade rights all right trade is vital to opening cultural dialogues very well I'll take your you are behind we need talents Like You on the stage now here's the thing right now let me go ahead I'm gonna shut down a couple of the bricks factories just until we get enough workers because what we really need is we need we need the sausage being produced once we get the sausage being produced the sausage will start to fill up and then we'll start to get more workers in the buildings that we currently have is actually a settleable island brain fur and grape Flagship ready for orders all right let's send the flagship home yeah you need to be upgraded but we need bricks and planks to do it will rise a gloss to you gav you can take all the credit for any fines I make here you want to [Music] settle on this island yeah such impressive foliage and I have you to thank interesting that it's asking me to let them do it Predator raised a settlement because I'm not used to that happening all right let's just see what quests there are out here what Puzzle Quest your Celestia I do not want to do that what about you what do you got thank you for all you've done it's a straight up gift okay and I just have to sail over to your clippers we doubled our efforts very well I'll sail over okay let's go ahead and keep expanding complaint stop and we can go ahead and turn these guys back on and I can go ahead and actually upgrade you all right now the other thing that I need to do relatively soon is get this built we just need piles of bricks piles and piles of bricks more farmers check the strain on my work clothes check the strain on my schnapps we're probably going to need another Distillery here so let's go ahead there we are oh that's gonna need us some more workers but that's fine we can swing more workers I'm gonna be making this first episode on every street corner in no time uh agribusiness to take a spotlight Animal Farms all around the world class silos wide blue Horizons uh apply within you're the example to us all right there's our 13 Grand all right so now we'll be able to build silos I know you're busy but I have a favor to ask coordinates plotted all right he wants me to build a silo at a pig farm and we need to deliver grains we need to start uh um farming rain Bastion is going to be where um you know what I think we can start farming grain out here let's do this maybe I should move those anywhere um yeah let's do this let's move let's move my brick factories over here we'll probably need need another Warehouse because it's gonna overload this one and then we will get rid of this road come on there we go we'll build a road across here 's our warehouse and then let's start farming and grain okay that will allow us to make bread so we can put down a Flour Mill how big is the bakery it's a three by four and the flower Mill is also a three by four all right we have sufficient workers all right two out of two demands we can actually they say people supplied two bakeries off of this flower Mill but we need an additional Farm because if we want to build a silo we're gonna need extra grain what's this from us to make the foreman work I'm only a cog it's you what pulls the levers wants a picture of our brick Factory done no bite look for a big boss Builders tools huh all right now yeah we're gonna be getting bread here soon we're gonna need soap I mean a church can I can I build a church I can build a church it is a sizable piece real estate building Church does not fit okay here's what we'll do then let's grab you guys let's move these houses move those houses over there let's get rid of these roads uh let's slot the church in right about there actually it's not the church in right about there almost enough go start somewhere life's not always an easy chair you know let's see what you conjure up all right you want me to pick up some stuff all right well we'll send my um where are we at all the way over there okay yeah we'll send our Flagship out there to go take a look we earned this all right so we now have our church up and running I wish to find a new kingdom here uh yeah that looks about what you would want go for it and tread new soil benevolent one okay then a competitor raised a settlement I know I let them do it okay yeah we're starting to come up on bread how'd I check this yeah we're fine for bread production let's get that Silo and Heaven you want me to pay you 11 grand for an alliance no sadness come with a better offer and I'll think about it what does that need it needs 10 bricks oh yeah where are we at as far as this 25 bricks lots and lots of bricks I'm gonna speed things up a little bit okay there we go there's the bricks build it and we should have some grain that can be delivered to The Silo yes because we're over producing grain by a little bit that Silo added in a little bit of extra demand but we can more than more than a and handle that all right [Music] a school what do I need to do a school we need 750 workers okay we need a soap plant as well which we need a rendering works sounds delicious proper job foreign rendering works and a soap Factory which is going to need Steel oh we need steel for that okay uh attention for the Admiral stairs man you're flourishing all right so I just gotta deliver that uh that stuff that we picked up that'll complete that Quest what do you want alas my bowels churn afresh and I must beg your expertise I can go ahead and do that I think yeah that shouldn't be too big of a deal just need to get my uh just think about Flagship back home I think we'll go ahead and end our episode oh I always want to hit that that's the world map I will go ahead and end our episode here and I think when we come back for next episode which will be kind of more of a normal length episode rather than this is kind of double length episode and we'll try and get our steel production up and running and then we can get the soap up and running which should also increase our population of workers I want to basically move on to the next tier of uh citizen because then that'll open up a few more things so we will work on that next episode so for now hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for watching go ahead like subscribe and comment and I will see you next time
Channel: ImminentStorm
Views: 5,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio
Id: P68cDTRVwak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 37sec (4057 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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