Stranded Alien Dawn: Survival & Guardians A New Hope Ep 1

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well hello everybody and welcome to stranded alien Dawn now the numbers that I had you guess on were randomly generated and I had up over 200 people vote for who we're actually bringing into this campaign so we got 9 30 and 35 which is Hans raaka and Talis and so that's pretty awesome so we're actually doing the guardian scenario on the desert map I want a flat area we're will to do hard difficulty this time and the reason for that is I want to have a relaxed game play that's fun and I want to focus on Base building if you want to see insane playthroughs I have a ton of them this episode is all about just chilling out having a nice little experience so we're going to go with this so normal Moon the desert region hard difficulty uh I'm using the Hope name seed I'm hoping it's flat but if it's not flat I'll have to roll another one so as I said the random numbers that were generated and voted on were for these people I wanted to make it as completely random as possible so we have Han raqa and Talis all really good candidates now what's funny about them is each of them has like a funny trait so Talis gets hungry raqa is sad so we got hungry sad and we got Han who is bored all the time we can call him sleepy I guess if you want to that extent basically these three dudes have kidnapped a female robot which is incredibly fitting um it sounds about right and now all these robots are coming to take to take their girlfriend away from them or something so these three men have stolen a STI female robot and gone to the desert so that is the premise of this video so let us begin all right friends so this actually took me quite a bit of rolls so we're on like I said desert region hard difficulty but the seed we're using is actually sail quid I had to roll about 20 times before I found this nice flat area so this is where we're going to be building this is a perfect uh lots of stuff to kill but it's very flat this is going to be a really good canvas so I'm thinking because of the terrain that we'll want to put down our first stuff probably like right about here so let's get going so we got Han and I believe Talis is who we want to have the weapon for sure and we want to start observing things like the branched Cactus and the bright leaf plant and everything we can we definitely need some kind of grain if possible I believe there is a uh grass it's been so long since I've played the desert region actually now we don't have a lot of of uh trees in the desert which does make it very difficult so we have to use our resources sparingly luckily we're in decent shape so I'm going to get everyone to work and um what's great is that hope once she regains her cognitive matrices we'll be able to indulge in some of the research and that will be pretty important uh we don't have a lot of stone we don't have a lot of anything I think probably what we want to do is build our houses at a brick and since we're playing on a lower difficulty I feel like we have we can like do things I haven't been able to do before like relax and uh enjoy the JY so we need branches and hay to make bricks and branches to heat uh the facilities that make those bricks but I think it'd be really cool to do bricks uh since it's something that like basically we could just create over and over again now we should probably do some Scavenging too and we need to get uh research and get for sure lighting rods up as soon as possible so that people do not die so all right so I think right over here is kind of where I'm going to call home and hope is now in a place where she can help so let's go have her observe tall grass and then hopefully we can get um the trade trading post up so that we can get some more people too I'd like to get as many people as possible but this is going to be a lot more enjoyable of an experience with not having to contend with uh all the insane raids and just being able to so this gives us Cactus slime and I wonder if we can make healing bomb from Cactus slime like I said it's been a while since I played the desert region so I do apologize but I believe um Cactus slime is an incredibly useful thing and we're also going to want a workbench up over here so um what we can do is yeah just have it back to back nice 14 medical supplies that's perfect so we're going to get our shelter up don't really want to do scrap but that's okay and we'll just uh just take our time I'm not going to go on fast mode I'm going to go in medium speed cuz there's quite a bit to do and we're we're well we're well placed to do a lot of this well torches mhm okay well we can at least get the storage up because I know that I'm going to have one thing right there for storage and I know I'm going to have quite another for this so yeah if we have one there and then there be a middle ground then another and then we could have posing storage we're going to be building little Shacks out here here we go yeah so overhang middle overhang this is where they would go okay doesn't look like we're finding too much cool once hope gets that but yeah this is going to be a Barren experience of resources but we're going to get nan oh wait wait wait if we're going to be killing robots we could be building stuff out of Nano that would be kind of a cool cool thing like only build out a Nanos but uh you only get so much takes a bit to get to that point but that would be the way to do it all right cool we got fuel that's actually a pretty big accomplishment all right I think I actually am going to speed it up a bit just because uh we do I do need to get some stuff done all right um lightning rods and spaceship deconstruction would be would be wise let's do that and then tailoring so we can make straw hats for when it does get hot we will need to like get air conditioning and stuff like that pretty soon nice we discovered cloth blossoms so um we don't have anyone who has high enough farming for that o we got a a nice little area for growing here let's do a little bit all right and we got these tall cacti here we will need a food supply and I know that the there's a certain Cactus we should go for and it's the medium one but I have no idea where it is and we will need to observe everything we possibly can nice oh here we go we got mushrooms over here so we can get healing healing bombs for those there's our healing bombs and we're going to need lots of healing bombs you it's like one of the most necessary things and I know that there's like a tall grass in this biome grain grain grass whoa whoa whoa did we already research it nice okay yeah yeah this is the grass for grain so we just want an absolute ton of this and um I think you can have a couple people per fi field but I I've always always done small section fields for some reason in the old way that it used to work insufficient sword space that's fine all right so another thing that we can do is create a storage like so just not worry too much about it need place to store things for now and hopefully we can all right well I hate building things out of scrap but unfortunately I'm being kind of forced into it cuz I do need to get them sheltered and I'm going to have hope come research the lightning rods I got a lightning rod we to make things out of metal all right let's slow it down because we got a lot going on we definitely want to get a table out for that small little bonus that they get okay all right now we can speed it up ooh nice Talis is going to get that that jacket for sure all right let's get this lightning rod up so we don't all die Roa is going to get that no no looks like Hope's going to help out ah all right safety there we go feeling good all right everyone's doing a good job I feel like we're doing the best that we can given the the situation grain is going to be pretty vital all right hope is idling um she's a little weird in the beginning of the game but she starts to take on a lot more responsibilities as she gains sentience but she gains sentience through research but once you hit 10 the game's over so that's kind of the goal but we're going to slowboat her there we're not going to rush her nice tall cacti that will give us the distasteful flowers and we'll just do a little bit of those oh that's a oh yeah I had the um storage there actually that's kind of cool I don't think it will do it would be would be cool if it uh worked but it won't they need a lot of space wrong one actually it looks like sorry it looks like we should put it over here 75% growth there we go a little bit we can Harvest some of those but that's not going to be we need the the Barrel Cactus looking things not these guys but uh nice there's some cloth right there I'm actually surprised I'm not seeing the the real cactus that we went for food I can do some Mass highlights all cacti Branch tall Palms bloated insects oo three dog or four dogs cool bring grass I'm really happy about getting the grain grass that's for sure yeah we're not uh we're not seeing that other cacti tall yeah that's not it it's like Barrel cact oh here it is rounded Cactus there we go oh that's right next right in the middle of three nests yeah I need to pay attention oh here we go big old H good enough yeah there's slime not you can do with slime I think we can make healing bomb out of slime let me check oh oh we can make antibiotics out of cactus slime now that is cool that is cool I definitely want that that's perfect and get some early antibiotics that way yeah the desert's a little a little funny that way um you know you just kind of have to make do and use what resources you got so we'll just get up a little bit more oh we got a poker I'm going to give that to Han since he's a hunter well I mean he he's better with the range weapon of course but for now Han is our guy okay hope is idling she has plenty of research to do nice I think we got a good thing going right here nice palm trees and we can grow these pretty much anywhere we want right there would be good and yeah a whole bunch over here would be good we want to plant a ton of those cool now we have antibiotics and let's make it so that foods and stuff like that can't be stored here no medicines I want all that stored under shelter here we go now she's drinking that's right that's right we need to get her um so she she drinks Fuel and she also um silicon we need to get uh silicon pretty much ASAP going uh it's one of the best food easiest Foods early game and then later on you just get so many crystals and stuff from breaking down Parts it's uh pretty insane God he was just he was just there he was almost done nice pulse rifle okay an's going to get the pulse rifle too oh we have a that's right we have a laser pistol cuz Alice we have two laser pistols perfect we're we're in good shape this going to be fun this is I'm actually looking forward to a little bit more peaceful especially because I like now that I've beaten it on insane I'm just decent enough that uh it should be enjoyable p bushes so we're going to need a lot of pom bushes and the reason for that is uh our fuel supply is going to be primarily sticks uh so we're going to need a lot low food supply okay um yeah I don't want her I need to get we're kind of at a Crossroads here we can go kill something though we have to or if we just feel like it God we got options H yeah we got one day with the food where's my boy my boy raqa all right we're going to burn we're going to get that guy going and we're going to make some meat meat stew all right cool hans's getting those bushes planted we're going to need more of these um quite a bit more yeah let's just cut all that down I don't care nice hans's become a farmer apparently nice silicone Leaf perfect and we're going to want a good supply of this um for Hope there aren't too many good areas for it and it doesn't have to be close to base so we can do that oh yeah got this got so many great plants nice white leafy plant all the plants blade grass oh we got a ton of Blade grass over here for hay nice Barrel Cactus so this is going to be very important uh right next to how important wheat is so but this we want as much as possible so we'll get a big old area of that up perfect and did we get Han to a point he can do cloth blossoms Perfect all right we don't need a crazy amount of cloth but at the same time we need a crazy amount of cloth all right yeah this whole area right here seems uh decent enough it's not great but it'll do all right so we got a lot of farming going on you can Harvest this stuff too you don't have to just kill it all Talis whatever I don't care you do what you want Talis is a contributing member of society he gets the burn whatever want nice we got fuel fermentation we got sleep training meat printing printing components that's useless in this because you get so many of these yeah uh not really cool but F fuel fermentation is really good and wood mortifications definitely and construction Basics nice yeah Hope's always kind of just sitting around nice yeah it's nice having a team of guys with high physical I mean like they're just getting stuff done all right cool here's our first wave all right so we got a wave of four these are going to be pretty easy uh three crossbows and a spear and we've got Han I think they outrange us so I do want to draw them in um we've got a pulser so yeah I'll just draw them in and uh pull some out Heatwave okay yeah we got to we got to figure out how we're going to survive the heat that's going to be a problem um a good idea someone suggested to me was to switch around their sleep schedule so that they're they're out working at night and sleeping during the day so that might be something we try to do I don't know how easy it is to kind of get them off their Rhythm like that but should be able to do it right now it's only 97 so I don't see the need to it but when it gets like 105 in those areas really easy to die so I guess our first objective actually should be like pushing towards energy production so we can get a little in a house so we can get a little cooled room and uh I think what I'll do is I'll put the room right here and I'll keep this right here for um this kind of storage stockpile storage wow that's kind of weird but yeah we can um we can kind of use the existing infrastructure here that actually makes me want to pause real quick reduce that a bit so we can make the building a bit more all right cool so they're going to pop around this corner and we're going to screw them up they're kind of confused which is actually kind of funny a all right well surprise is over nice nice yeah this is pretty easy with a pulse rifle pretty freaking easy and of course um unfortunately Rocka did take an arrow wound but that's okay cuz we have plenty of things to help him out with that right illness Rocka oh no Raa all right so we need to scavenge these guys ASAP nice this is where you get your iron and you get all your stuff and electronics and all that good stuff um so with that said electric gits would actually make the most sense oh what do we wanted to do hunting would be good there's actually if you never teach her how to fight there's actually an award for that so hope is never going to fight we're not going to have i' rather have her craft I think she'll gain and I think the first thing you you uh put points into she gains in sentience into can't remember it's the first or second one so that that could be another reason but it's cool what you can do with these uh we can break this down into carbon and we can break this down into power cells and iron that's pretty dope uh of course I'm not going to do that yet cuz I do want to outfit everyone with really good weapons but yeah having hope being able to craft seems to me be more important than anything and um electric grids should go firstr okay so she's going to start researching for us and then yeah we'll get we'll get buildings here soon and we'll get all everything but yeah let's focus you know something I do kind of early game is I'll sometimes do two researchers but I guess it is important to kind of take the the idea that maybe just having her do it is is better I know earplugs work pretty well too um doesn't look like I have the capacity to make them yet all right and we got this but we never did anything with it my bad all right Talis I think you can do it cook some meat soup all right we're getting a lot done though and yeah we can uh reduce that we'll probably put a building as long as this right behind here is our first first building keep it small keep it neat nice Hans planting hope is not doing anything with I'm not even going to use traps or anything like that because um it's just this is so much easier than what I was where I was before droping block go there oh yeah we don't want Electronics here either crafting material I'm going to keep all this stored and we want at least 30 sticks for fuels and stuff so we'll do that cuz we do have Lumber we can cut nice and she got a little bit there and I think we're starting to grow silicone but they haven't started on it and that's scary to me I think I'll expand it through here to have them cut down all of these trees yeah plant a whole bunch of silicone here that's a great that's a great use of their time cuz I need that wood anyway I'm going to stop Scavenging for a bit all right and I think it's important that we get some Leisure um yeah put a dart board right there and let's go to their activities so we want all of them on heel we only want um Hope on re oh no wonder she wasn't on Research I thought she was there sorry so uh we do want her on those things too I don't want her cutting anything actually you know she might be helpful there the only person I want construction is Raa um planting is all Hans I think Talis can help with that too um Talis should be able to cook I think this is actually a fairly okay setup and then we're going to um go into their schedules and I do like to man have mandatory sleep times and I do like to have mandatory relaxation times like um any I kind of do like this anything approach that's like an eat to relax but we're going to reduce their workloads because they get cranky real real fast but yeah once they all right I'm going to have him plant he can start planting get that stuff growing all right so if the base is here then I think a perimeter should probably start around here so we'll get like some of the auxiliary perimeters started just as a reference point oops that was a little too much that's that's fine though um and then here and then lots of compartmentalization and then I think right here and then this will be the main area of the base but we're not going to do anything crazy quite yet eventually I'll have to destroy these fields and replant them but most likely this will be the entry way to the maze because it's just so easy um and then it's closer to this little weird lip which would make it ideal and these would be the perfect places yeah yeah the entry point is actually going to [Music] be right here to the maze so one two three four tiles perfect and the reason I do that so that the largest thing can enter it there's creatures there forti seems to just be pretty pretty good at that all right that should be enough work to get his construction up to a bit and I think that we actually have more than enough trees around here to build most of this yeah let's just let's just clearcut the forest and get this done probably would be wise to have our defenses I'm like I'm not going to do it I'm like you know what it I'm going to do it that's what always happens I'm always just like all right whatever scorched Earth all right wind turbines uh energy storage um and then flare shielding yeah we don't need spaceship deconstruction quite yet because we're not really running into issues and then [Music] um construction Basics okay U all right we need to start getting ready for some of the weird stuff that's going to happen all right honestly I'm just trying to get us prepared for the the heat waves that are going to come oh yeah it does look like I'll have to scavenge this and remove it so we won't be able to do all of the fencing but we'll be able to do enough of it nice Hope's getting getting jacked but um yeah I guess I shouldn't have her uncut because I really just do want her right now focused on even just not even handling but just research it's important to make sure that you do put your your gateways so people can get out replacing them now so there's extra points nice so let's uh get a solar panel up and uh let's get a power pole and then windmills are good yeah yeah we need to get heat pumping which requires us to find a CPU core okay so we will need to do a little bit more Scavenging or kill some robots and get lucky all those things are very probable ah no cook cook the meat and they didn't nobody planted the barrel cacti Harvest that all right once we get the building up then we just need a CPU and we got air conditioning can also get really cold too so um the AC will unit will take care care of heating and cooling so it's pretty Superior I'm going to preemptively move this right here all right let's cancel on all those let's just uh focus on what we got going on there we go some food they got a lot of work and then they can make veggies soup from that looks like yeah all three I guess I could start setting setting priorities here in a bit too to keep things running smoother but uh right now I'm just kind of trying to get all the manual labor stuff done I think we have more than enough to finish what they're trying to work on so I need to let them do it there we go yeah hans's probably the best candidate for farming cuz he doesn't have a lot of other talents So eventually I'll have farmer Bots that do all that so much cotton I'll have to prob after the first 2,000 cotton I think I may think I may have got a little little overboard there um let's just reduce the field and we can Harvest it if we need it um let's reduce the field in the areas where we suck is like right here let's just leave that yeah 1 th000 cotton that's a little bit more manageable all right we have energy storage now put right there for now I guess oh another Rebel we got oh we got Quinn hell yeah I'll take Quinn so yeah he just came out of nowhere like so you don't need the balloons and all that loves to go on Expeditions takes less time permanently increase happiness like me doing makeing snowman this guy is nice four Bros we got four Bros now that's good good no women this is a no oh hope is the only only woman for these guys I guess the game just knew it was just like I know what you're trying to do all right looks like I can put a bed back there so that's cool yeah and Quinn's oh man Quinn is so cool cuz he has construction five so I got two people who can do construction which is perfect cuz I'm building a base he's also crafting interested in intellectual he's indifferent to combat which kind of sucks but yeah overall really good character couldn't be happier to be honest looks like he's he's already yeah Quinn's already getting to work he's just like I'm gonna get done it's the kind of guy you [Music] need all right so Talis is the man and he will get that gun he will get the sniper and Quinn will get his pistol nice little bit more never hurts to have more antibiotics yeah I love having Hope just completely dedicated to that's really cool um metal refinement would be a good one to get um spaceship deconstruction probably on the radar okay let's just we'll stick with that for now nice and Hans cooking yeah we're in business now do I have what do I have the Max on for veggie soup or okay seems reasonable yeah this is really cool uh having all these really good characters all of my favorite characters too they like these are actually all of my favorite characters they're just each of them are just pretty cool I like Quinn because you can s him on Expeditions and he's just Lightning Fast let's get you a pistol yeah we should get um cuz we can get hay we should definitely get tailoring too soon as possible and uh looks like Quinn needs to make his bed there you go Quinn happy campers happy campers now yeah this will be great for making bases we can do lots of cool stuff and uh eventually like I'll have to remove even the bushes here uh this is probably where I want to Center my building so we'll build one building and then we'll build another building off of it put doors and just you know kind of make it as we go all right and the crossbow I'm going to break that crossbow down down for the Nano Parts might be doing that a lot in fact and we can make carbon actually if we can make carbon armor it has the best heat and cold tolerances it's better than anything so like going into carbon armor um early as possible would actually be really advantageous because we're going to have a lot of carbon nice nice yeah they're all doing a great job look like we need a little bit more wood might as well just start cutting it all down since we have so many so many guys are can work on that stuff then Hope's just powering through the TCH it's actually pretty impressive both tal yeah Quinn also is just uh his permanent happiness I mean is pretty huge he also has really good phys starting physical at three um he's like I said crafter he's just all around good they're definitely better characters but I mean you can't go wrong yeah H Han is definitely pretty sweet like his interest in physical like he just becomes a really fast labor really early on and um master hunter and entertainment's easy to get and both Han and Talis like armchairs interesting social SK okay hope all right she got a social skill so she's a little bit more interactive um does Hope have food I could lose the whole game if I forget about that again right she has some food I think she's been eating drinking the oil but does she have food food okay we've been feeding off a lot of the robots that we kill so that's been good been good for us let's get some more of that yeah that's an issue because I told everyone but hope to uh yeah so let's let's take a let's take a research break I don't want to have them researching but at the same time I do need make sure that I observe everything before the critters come and eat everything oh no where are the magical mushrooms that's the one that's really important I'll probably go send we need to get these going um so we can get healing bombs made for when we start getting Burns I remember mentioning that the beginning of the video and then totally spacing on it cool but yeah we want to get this blade grass they seem to be all doing fairly well they're not breaking down just they're just doing everything they need to do think we have a little bit too much wood so I think we're good now right Hans almost got that grass he's almost got the [Music] mushrooms blade Grass Is Ours all right another Heat Wave that's not good um probably start putting these things in places where I'm not going to need them so much yeah once she gets the mushrooms then we can go back I'm just going to have Quinn start researching we do need to kind of pump out the research so we don't die oh yeah so I'm GNA tell them right one of the things that they try to do is they try to eat raw meat and Grain and you don't want them to eat either of those raw disable those permissions and that's great nice glitter cap okay there's a good spot for you yeah that's actually kind of not cool because if I place a house there that's one of the best places for farming but we got all this area over here too also not the end of the world if it's not perfect place it right there just need enough glitter o 106 degrees Outdoors okay all right so that's work that's sleep cool so we have him sleep um during the day and then working so I think that would be good enough keep them out of the heat but um holy it's 103 under the roof 124 over there this is nuts yeah I think they're okay yeah they're not all screwed up Quinn is but Quinn has a fur coat on I'm G tell him to take off the coat I'm actually going to break that coat down cuz we don't need anyone picking that thing up all right there we go nice she still has a little bit of food left yeah working at night seems to be the wise way to do things and we'll see if they have any adverse response to that I think they don't like working in the dark it's dark yeah so they get a little bit of a negative burnout okay well that's not good yeah the first night might throw them off cuz they're basically not going to sleep probably should have uh ah there's only six of them and we have Han wandering sad so we unfortunately have to um let's just take the fight to them we have a snipers so yeah we'll be fine oh that didn't work okay that wasn't such a big deal wasn't very was pretty sloppy but not a big deal oh we need to scavenge these guys ASAP all these Spears and everything have carbon in them beautiful carbon and they're not that bad they're just hurt a little bit um four and one yeah they're not even thir uh no Burns yet so that's good yeah I have to have everybody come out here and start Scavenging these guys so we get everything off of them nice nice that's what we were waiting for heat pumping once we get heat pumping we can just make them do whatever we want automated turrets cool I'm going for heat pumping First Construction Basics then heat pumping and tailoring then whatever sleep training I think sleep training would be really good to get right now cuz we can really increase the amount of productivity with that it's going to take a while but nice now we have energy working at night doesn't seem to be giving them too many issues outside of the um it's dark negative all right she's eating the silicone it's good yeah having an extra person too is a huge deal cool get a bunch of those glows down we got a big old nest right there nice we're doing good um the spears I'm going to break down into power cells and more carbon we're almost at construction basic so once we get that up we'll get our first little house up probably should have put the P bushes somewhere else that's fine oh yeah that was one thing I I wanted to get oh yeah carbon fortifications would be pretty sweet there's so many cool stuff but a spaceship we should get that up before we do the sleep stuff yeah that way they have something to do while all that research is going on hope improving hunting and fighting Construction cooking farming healing let's do healing yeah we're not going to do fighting I'm going to go for the uh there's an achievement you get for having her never fight I think that's kind of cool so and I think we can do it pretty easily all right make sure that there's plenty of food there's lots of food so but I don't know if they'll eat it yeah they'll eat it Rob but we should definitely be doing meal prep nice to see them all working though think I think it would make sense to uh start getting out parts of this right so Quinn's doing some observations so that's great Rocka has risk of meltdown yeah if we can section this off we can at least push him through this area over here um with that said yeah let's let's start narrowing down their entryways controlling their movement it's amazing how much more enjoyable this is I don't have to rush to defenses at all like I typically do cool got the tree ball tea tree for the tea now um we don't need to harvest all of them we should Harvest some of these caps I don't think we need to really grow any of this stuff but it's always nice to have something case you need it we're going to have a of grain here soon and know where to store it I definitely want to get this house up next did we get the hay and I just didn't do anything with it we never finish the hay there's a ton of hay right there and that's a blade grass cool so we have housing now blade grass no I thought we planted some must not planted enough uh I feel like bricks like I feel like we just need to kind of focus on one thing at a time but like once we get our house up then we can focus on building everything else at a like either the carbon which would be pretty pretty cool I guess that actually would make the most sense it would be it's going to take a bit to get to a point where we could build something big but it will look way cooler it's hard it's always hard figure out like what's logical um antibiotic production would be advisable so pickling all right so there's that all right so for the time being we are going to be going with wood 1 two three four five six seven um that big cool and we need walls and we need doors and we need all that jazz before we can even figure out where we want our openings okay so I'm just going to have a common area for all of them and then I'm going to have an area for storage and crafting and all that jazz so let's get the roof on and you can actually lower the angling of the roof or increase it so uh roof incline so we want to lower the roof incline a little bit oh we can't we can't lower it any more than that is well DRS it's the way it is I always end up being just like one tile off I'm going to have this one really weird roof tole that's cool I guess that's I can't remember if I use planks or not all right yeah we always end up having one weird roof tile that's just seems really really standard um but I'm going to keep this outside it's uh and Keep Storage that can be outside there's certain materials that that um don't degrade as long as they're under roof they're indefinite so you don't need to store them inside all right we're going to have scrap metal staircase though just because we can and then we're going to have a uh door doors are cool wooden plank right there okay and that goes into their rooms get rid of this and then from their rooms into here and out there and I think that's sufficient um that's a sufficient way to do it we need to get um yeah that's actually one of the researches that I should do is uh tool smithing I'm sorry yeah so we can make ear earbud things so um you can make it so that they don't get Disturbed in their sleep when sleeping together but uh with the heat pumping and all that stuff we're we're going to need something so let's let's just go this route for now yeah so we'll move this storage in here with crafting and we'll have a little bit of raw storage of course um but this will be our first building all right and this is going to be the beginning of the next let's play uh this is this will be an exciting area to start the next let's play on so thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: TactiCat
Views: 12,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranded alien dawn, stranded alien dawn gameplay, stranded alien dawn robots and guardians, lets play, robots and guardians, stranded: alien dawn, stranded alien dawn dlc, stranded: alien dawn gameplay, stranded alien dawn base design
Id: glQe4gx3VBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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