Anno 1800 | 2023 Guide for Complete Beginners | Episode 1

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hello everyone how's it going Dr incompetent here and let's play some ano 1800 shall we doing a complete beginner's guide ano is a series that I've really enjoyed and this game is fantastic but there is a lot going on and I think the best way to learn ano is to play the campaign it is intentionally there to help give you uh a kind of starter guide through the game and yet even though it's there to provide tutorial function there's a lot of stuff in my opinion that's missing from the campaign that would be helpful to know uh there's just some things that aren't explained and some wonkiness to it so what I'm going to do is start a new campaign so that you can play along or watch and see if this is the kind of game that you interested in playing and I'm going to explain my thought process and tell you how to play the game I'm going to explain the controls the UI add on to what's existing from the campaign so that if you're playing you can get through with no frustration now I'm not going to spoil it I'm not going to show you the fastest way to do anything the quickest builds um but instead I'm going to give you the foundations so you can really enjoy Ano on your own and play it at your own pace because it is a beautiful and fun experience once you know what's going on so I'm going to start a new game here and we're going to start a new campaign and I'm going to say this is good now you can do sandbox or you can do creative and sandbox is of course as you would expect um you're just playing without any story in the world of ano with challenges and in Creative um you have unlimited money and you can just go wild and do what you want so we're going to do the campaign to learn the game with a little bit of story and teaching as well so I'm going to do more guidance because it explains to you even more than less guidance does and even with more guidance I still think there's some stuff that's left out you can do whichever one you prefer but I'm assuming that you're a brand new player to the game or you're somebody that you just got it or you're new to the series and this is what's recommended okay so we can choose um a portrait of these and uh let's see I'm going to kind of scroll through now some of them are locked some of them are unlocked depending on how far you've gotten in the game if you have DLC or anything like that I do not I'm playing with just the base game here and uh this guy looks Stern but fair and we'll try him he's got nascot he's got a purple coat what's not to like all right and we need to choose our logo which is just what will be on the flag of our ships and this will represent our territory and you know we want something that's respectable um like guns or a skull uh but no what about this cool tree that looks good and then we'll be blue all right fantastic let's go and our player name will not be uh shiffy schniff although that's pretty sweet but we're going to be Dr in comp tutorial um this is fine this will fit all right now from here I think again if you're a new player you want to start on normal which is the default we're going to start with 75,000 bucks with high influence large world and Islands there's abundant minerals the islands themselves have high fertility of plants you get Full Construction refunds which which is really important when you're learning the game and you get free building relocation so what does this mean if you build something in the wrong place you can just move it or if you built the wrong thing you could tear it down without reprisal and this is great when you're learning feel free to bump up the difficulty start with L cash get punished for building things incorrectly uh if you want but I think when you're starting out normal is the way to go all right so let's set sale and here's the opening cinematic since that day you saved my life I have presumed I knew you but now a thousand letters from your father go unopen yet one scribbl from your sister changes everything I didn't even know you had a sister me either we are broken old pal we can't afford a passage back to your old world back to your family not unless you've suddenly remembered what work is nope Dynamite fishing you're serious well the Village North is always short on food all right so remember when we escaped the pits back when still some Dynamite left that's right so we got to go fetch the dynamite for some Dynamite fishing so we can pay for our way back and this part of the tutorial is just teaching us how to move our ship so you want to left uh click on the ship to select it and then right click where we want to go once our ship is selected you will see the blue ring around it and then in the bottom right corner there will be a tool tip window that pops up that explains this is the revolution it's an old fishing boat this is our boat it tells you stats about the ship when you Mouse over it tells you the inventory of the ship we have two cargo slots one of them has my sister's letter and um then it also tells you the damage that the ship can do and the health of the ship just looking at the screen you will notice that I can simply pause the game at any time if I wish and prevent time from passing now while I do that I can't look around or do much but I can do that I can slow things down if I want to play in slowmo um and then I can just push play to go at regular speed so in the upper right you've got the time controls the gear is the menu over here on the left you'll see our Quest panel which is telling us hey go fetch that stick of dynamite and if you click on this it'll actually show you the location so this little arrow jumping to a bullseye is telling you the target so this is we need to go to this Lighthouse right here now I'm here I'm zooming in and out on the the map by using the mouse wheel I can move the camera around using the arrow keys and I'm going to left click over here on the target place I owe my life to you you go I follow okay until I decide the debt is paid so this guy owes us his life which is good and if I right click on the target place here it is I will get plenty of on the throw so if uh you're doing something and you're interacting there will be this window up here and it has this check mark which means yes we want to pick up the dynamite and so arant hands you the dynamite nervously and we say check and we've got it and it goes right here onto our ship we can see it we've got a stick of dynamite now I'm going to move the camera now if you were to right click not on the target you bring um you will move your ship uh to just some location that you can't interact with but anything you can when you Mouse over it it will highlight in white now these arrows are the schools of fish that we need to Target so I'm just going to right click on them to move over here and we need to use the dynamite when we're close enough it says left click on the dynamite to select it and then left click where you want to throw it I'm going to tell you right now at the beginning of this guide sometimes the tutorials ask you to do things that you won't really need to do too often in the game so don't worry this is not indicative of a lot of the gameplay experience um I'm going to then just say Okay throw my Dynamite over there um anded we hit some fish so I'm going to go right click to fish and you see we picked up charred fish what the chimy was that boom the grumpy ticket agent jumps in his seat at the loud explosion he was not happy we need to use this on more swarms so I'm just going to throw some over here um actually make sure you get this within your sphere of influence you see this big blue circle that's where I can throw so um I don't want it to go outside of that because I can't throw that far that so if you select outside of this blue sphere uh or circle of influence your boat will have to move and the fish might have swam away so right just select it while they're close by throw the dynamite remember you left click on the dynamite left click again on your Target and then you right click on the fish to pick them up and Bam now we have three tons of charred fish all the blistered fish indeed so we're going to right click on the target place first bang I knew it was you so come show me what you got this time this guy's upset but we're going to pull right into here be like hey it's us and we're boats coming in that burnt week hand over whatever it is and I'll help you get rid of it he's like ah that stinks we'll take it here are your tickets hurry Drifters the boat is leaving soon and nobody wants you to miss it this man wants us to get out of town and we will and here we go next cut scene so this was this is it this is it we're leaving Paradise behind you never talk much about family and the like but you're dead serious about this aren't you oh yeah no matter I made a vow to defend you and I don't break an oath even if a blind man could see you leap into the deepest pit of D it's funny you should mention that my next mission involves a dung pit we're going to test you buddy I never asked anything of you firstborn not when you stole away a tiptoe leaving the family burden at your little sister's door our father is accused of high treason dare you to believe it will you now stand by and Terri KN gentle father is in dungon it must kill him please come home we need you okay so now the story is unfolding I ran away sister wants us back dad's in jail bit of a tough situation is it really you dearest sibling it's me I never dared hope you'd return ouch do you remember bright Sands yeah of course you do we loved it here it's changed now the Royal Council will support Uncle edod father barely cold and he's pulling everything down oh God dad's not in jail he died in jail it's worse than I initially thought so now we get a a sight all those houses you never said how wealthy you were why were we selling food fish and sleeping in bars well never told your friend of good and Sons there is much to be said but not now dear father's funeral begins okay that's fun start with the funeral where have you been without you plats we'll never be done with this obligation it's Mr Nice Guy like de claimed the wrong brother heyo no matter so few are here when they are the few he loved most yeah it's not very well attended nobody likes a traitor let alone his tainted Offspring better make yourself scarce uh Uncle Eddie we shall dear sibling for now I have acquired a small island with the last of my funds and passage for all still loyal to Father together we shall clear his name or die trying you know it your sister reminds me of you must me new adventures await old pal I'm excited this is it ditchwater end of the world I hope you like it quiet look buddy I don't like how you emphasize the ditch in ditchwater this place is beautiful you'd be lucky to have it all right chapter 1 A Tale of Two Brothers one dead one that should be dead what still here establishing a rival company on that disheveled Island yes I am do you have a problem with that Edvard scoff a modest Island yes but if you're a t-like father you'll look Beyond appearances yes we will we must shelter the good loyal people who have shown solidarity with our family okay we need every hand we can get if we are to expunge this debris all right so now we get into the actually what ano games are all about which is building settlements collecting resources upgrading your technology to upgrade your citizens make them stronger make better stuff make bigger settlements spread to different islands and on and on and make a beautiful city the game looks amazing I just love look at all the detail here you know the people manning the artillery gun the people carrying stuff it's fantastic so first we need to build a Marketplace as the heart of your city it needs to be placed in an open space so your PE people can live around it now one of the things that's famous about ano games is understanding the area of influence so the marketplace which we can see right here in the bottom center of the UI now we get the full UI not just the tutorial boat UI um is our kind of like action panel we can fully customize this as we see fit but right now we have so few options that this is totally fine I'm going to click on the marketplace right here and we need to build this now when we're selecting it in the bottom right you'll see what you have currently selected to build a Marketplace it has a maintenance cost of 20 bucks per cycle it could it cost 500 bucks to build plus 10 wood and right now I can't build it it says construction area blocked which is why it's red with an X but I could build it right here however this is not where you want to build it the deal with the marketplace is everything that people are going to be wanting to do in terms of living um and thriving they need to be close to the marketplace so they can go get goods from it so you want to build your Marketplace in um an area that allows maximum access to it so if you build it all the way close to the water then you're wasting space because people need to be close to this and they can't live on the water but if you build it like this for example now we can surround people around the marketplace and maximize its potential you'll have to build multiple of these as your city grows but right now one will be fine so just make sure you see the guidelines around the marketplace make sure that those are all clear and that you're getting maximum spread from those like this and I'm just going to left click to build this now um we have built a Marketplace but it's kind of like on its own and it says nobody will be able to reach your Marketplace until you build a road to connect it to your Trading Post so we need to build a road so you can either click on this or you can just push sests to build a road all our facilities are able to deliver the goods they produce please correct the situation so she's going to every once in a while tell you that your city is in shambles which it is because we're just starting out so um I'm going to slow the game down just click this so I can kind of look around this red icon above the marketplace that's rotating around means there's no Road it has no access it must connect to the harbor so people can take Goods to and from the harbor so we've got the road I'm going to push s to select it and I'm just going to build a road by left clicking and dragging and you'll see that when I build the road uh I can zoom in there is a grid that appears and you can just kind of build this easily like so you can left click and then you don't have to just click every tile you can move this to where you want and it will follow your mouse it'll take turns um you know to get to the location but I'm going to build it straight over like this and there for promises to be kept thank you you're welcome you can see that the money that that cost kind of floated up it said -43 but up in the upper left it tells you how much money I have this balance these bars um mean am I profitable or am I losing money I'm currently losing money because the Marketplace has a upkeep of 20 and I have zero people and I have 105 influence now what I like to do once I've built my Marketplace is surround it with road so I'm just going to surround the entire marketplace with road so that people can easily access it like this and then I like to build Road all along my Harbor like such okay great now it says housing people is essential make sure to build their residences near the marketplace and connect them via roads so people have access to Goods so this game differs from City skylines or Sim City uh in a lot of ways and we're going to learn how to navigate that so you can don't worry about time passing this is the tutorial for the most part you're okay but I do recommend saving it uh every once in a while just in case uh things get out of control but early on we should be fine so we can build a farmer residence by selecting it from the bottom center of the heads up display as she's telling us and you'll see when I have this selected it just says farmer residence and it just costs two wood so what I like to do is I'm going to build one right here a new Milestone and it's the age of Agriculture and now this means that farmers are going to move in to our city I'm going to build another one I'm going to zoom out and I'm going to push s and I'm going to start building some roads remember people have to be able to reach the marketplace so I like to build roads like this uh to make sure that I keep my networks open so that I don't forget to connect people now I can't build any more Road right here because there's debris from the old settlement you'll see there's a bunch of like ruined buildings and stuff that we're going to have to clear out so I'm going to um build uh another residence and I can't build it here or here because it's blocked so I'm going to build some right here one two now notice this does cut off uh a road going here but I have a road over here so I feel fine with this we need to build 10 so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to just left click and I'm going to drag do you remain here out of spite yes or is this some futile attempt at competition four more so this guy Uncle Eddie is as you are so desperate to appear responsible you'll be pleased to hear the cost of that Fantastical funeral Falls to you yeah he's a complete jerk and so it gives us motivation charitable dastard picking and choosing what he inherits so I'm going to build then one two more and now now we have all 10 and we just have to attract Farmers so far consumed wood we'll be needing more of it to continue correct so we need more wood and it says select a residence and observe how Farmers slowly move in because you fulfilled their needs for a market I'm going to just push escape to clear what I have held in the cursor and I'm going to select the residence here so in Eno you select where people are living and you can inspect how they're doing and if if you meet their needs they will basically promote or upgrade when you tell them to or you can automate that to another rank which allows them to do more sophisticated jobs so right now she's a farmer and she is content and you can see there is three out of the maximum 13 that can live here but this these green arrows mean that people are moving in is the way and if you have them selected they do funny things like that now these these are their needs right here so you see how they need a Marketplace and they're so close to it that this bar is completely filled up the further they get away from the marketplace and the longer it takes for them to travel to get there this bar will deplete we don't have access to fish or clothing which is the other stuff that they would need to improve and then for happiness uh we're going to be working on this soon but right now we need to build Timber so we select Timber and then to make anything you need to build the production Hut first so place a Lumberjack's Hut in the forest to start producing wood so I'll select the Lumberjack's Hut and these are obviously forests where you see trees and when you are building the Lumberjack's Hut you can see how many trees the Lumberjack's Hut has access to based on the number next to the tree icon So like um if I build it here I chop down a bunch of trees so that's not wise but if I build it here I have access to 25 trees that's a lot so I'm just going to drop it in we can always move these later I'm going to push s to connect us to the road and she says place a sawmill near the near the Lumberjack's Hut and connect them with a road The Sawmill will consume wood to produce Timber so one of the great things that you always want to do is put if you can your Gathering Place next to your processing facility so I'm going to put child is it thank heavens I am so ashamed of every single word your uncle had me print so the newspaper man is going with Edward and smearing us and the newspaper becomes very important in this game we're just going to confirm it and ignore it he twists every article in his favor at our and Father's expense yes he does so I'm going to drop this in right next to the Road here like this Timber very good I'll try not to think of the coffin yes please don't think of the coffin so now um I need to put a road here I thought I built Oh I pushed Escape that's why I didn't actually build it push s left click and then click again to build it okay great now that icon disappears because they have access to the road you want basically what's going to happen is people are going to work here and they're going to chop down trees you can see here's the Lumberjack Hut they're also planting trees they they try to keep things sustainable which is fantastic and then when they're done cutting the trees down they will take the wagon over to The Sawmill but the Sawmill currently has no wood so we need to get some wood and we'll get there in a moment now at the moment also we need to attract more Farmers so I'm actually going to Speed the game up to regular speed and just wait for the farmers to move in we have plenty of houses for them to move in and here's a big recommendation I have for you at the early game when you're doing the tutorial do not build more than they tell you to build because it's calibrated very carefully you're going to see as we get more sophisticated and complex ano is a game about balance it is about balancing the ratios of laborers to resources and if you um extend yourself too far it can be a real pain to try to correct things so you want to build very gradually and then test your balance to make sure it's safe us to sit on our before expanding one Prospect was in such a state okay so she wants us to work on the island our towns folk and ask them to Spruce the place up correct and Spruce the place up so it says the another Quest we have is clear a ruined residence so she's clicking on um this arrow is a quest thing and we can left click to select this and you'll see in the bottom right it says ruined residence did district and this is adding M or subtracting I should say attractiveness it's minus two attractiveness eased we have others for company sibling once you left click on it your people will automatically work on that labor for us all we should cater to our tired hungry people you're right okay and there will be a you can only work on one thing at a time we are running low on Timber there's plenty in the ruins we should clear some to stock up correct so there's Timber that we clear that away and we get all this Timber so you can just left click on this with your mouse it turns into a hand and you pick up this Timber and you can see in the top Center I have 20 out of 75 Timber I Can Only Hold 75 Timber at the moment uh we'll talk about this but this is basically here um at the top center of the heads up display there is an island population how many we can have how many we do have this is their happiness this is the workforce for and right now the Pitchfork means Farmers you'll get more workers based on promoting and getting different types of citizens and these are empty pets that you can customize to display Goods that you want so you could put fish clothing whatever you want up here to just have at your quick access what's great about this game is how customizable it is uh and we'll look at that more but for example if I left click on this you see that this desolate church ruins they will work on this but I need more people before I can demol these ruins so we'll have to wait now for the time being The Sawmill is missing goods and it says Timber needs to be stored in either a trading post or a warehouse make sure the Sawmill has a road connecting to one of these locations within range so what we're going to do is we're going to build a small structure which is a warehouse and I want to put this as close as possible to the Sawmill but watch this cart move this is the key to this game this cart is moving I'm going to push Escape so you can watch this it's transporting Lumber right over and you can see when you select the cart you see the path it moves from The Sawmill right to or I'm sorry from the lumber mill right to The Sawmill if I were to put a warehouse closer in between this it would unload the stuff at the warehouse then have to un load it again and transport it so you want to build a warehouse but you don't want to put it in a place that gets in the way of this chain of events so what I'm going to do is actually build a warehouse but I'm going to put it right over here and then I'm going to p uh push s to build uh a road and I'm actually going to build a road all the way around this like this Ain of my TR in humanity and like this I like to build roads first so I don't forget them now this is like a double Road and why would you need a double Road well you'll see but warehouses can get stocked up I'm actually going to wrap this around like this too there warehouses can get plugged up let's see what happens if I build this okay no it's good with carts all the carts need to have easy access to the warehouse so I like to surround it with roads and the farmers are hungry so we need to build a fishery I'm going to select a fishery and I'm going to build it now you have to of course build it on the water and you'll see that if I try to build it here it's red not in the water it needs to be hanging over I want to build this as close as possible to my Trading Post right there this allows people to get here immediately and allows them to transport the goods immediately all right so now we need to clear another small ruin for Timber and um let's see if we oh here's another one right here we're going to clear this little ruined cabin and you'll see there's this progress bar we don't have to do much it just fills up and it works um and now I'm going to just click this again to minimize that and it says the storage is shared throughout all warehous houses once a good is delivered to a warehouse it becomes accessible to the whole island and this is another key of ano if anything is in here and I build a warehouse way over here they have like instant teleportation so it's sharing it to the whole island it shares it to this place and to this place so you are going to be building a ton of these things but the way that we set this up maximizes the efficiency of taking the logs directly to the production house instead of taking the logs to the work uh the warehouse and then to the Sawmill so always look at the path of the transportation you see the yellow line when you select this make sure that it's as fast as possible and they're unloading right here all right I'm going to push escape and we need to attract more Farmers well how can we attract more Farmers we need to build more houses so let's do that I'm going to go ahead and build more farmer residences I'm going to build one here and one here it takes two wood you see I have seven wood I'm going to build one here and I'm going to pick a side and build it here and I'm going to build another one here I'm not going to build much more than that but I need to get to 100 so let's just make sure I can get to 100 okay good remember you can always left click to see do these people have access to the market yes they do their bar is green they don't have any fish though which is a basic need and they're not going to be happy about that but look this fish is filling up so you can click on your fishery and you see that it's at 89% production at the moment it's moving up to 90% so it's doing great work and look at its path the cart is going straight here from The Fishery Pier over to our Trading Post which is the same as a warehouse if I click on this notice number one it tells you what you have selected but then over here in the bottom right there's zero wood there's one timber and there's zero fish I'm going to actually click on this pinable good and I'm going to click fish and now you see I can see my fish up here I'm going to click on pinable good I'm going to click logs and this just tells me how many logs do I have how many fish do I have well why would that be important well um remember this is all a game about balance if you have too much extra it's actually bad you want to start selling stuff because you can't store everything but if you don't have enough you run into a deficit and people get upset so it's about kind of hitting sweet spots having enough storage having enough trading going on to manage everything that's so much of what this game is managing the numbers and the ratios and the sweet spots all right so we're attracting more Farmers attract 70 Farmers I can Mouse over this and it says we have 70 Farmers now we have 71 out of 150 now what if I go to fast speed let's just speed it up let's actually go to the fastest speed what I do so much of the time in this game you can click minus and plus on the numpad to increase and decrease the speed space bar will take you to the map um push space bar again to go back to the game you reached a new milestone great so now we're a village because we have 100 farmers and it says you can now move multiple objects at once use the move tool and drag a rectangle around the objects you want to move that's a new feature to this ano demol the lar ruins let's breath some life into this place okay so now we can demolish the larger ruins um and let's go ahead and grab that Timber don't forget that now this notice how we have 75 free Farmers if I click on this then um wait where do you want me to break the larger ruins um we need closeth the abandoned Market District where is oh not this yet this is still too big if I click on this here we go now they're going to get through it so this plus number is like how many laborers I have free so some people are working but not everyone my labor pool is 20 and only 40 of them are working so I'm in the Surplus by 80 beautiful we cleared this I'm just going to um a long click all of these and pick them up need to rest and maybe W their so now we need to build clothing and he's talking about how people need a place to have fun but let's build clothing first so um all right he wants to tell me about the relocate button I'm just going to click on that so he doesn't tell me about it anymore now we need to make clothes so we need a sheep farm to get the thread to be able to make the clothing so the sheep farm just needs empty space it doesn't need trees it needs empty space so I'm actually going to put the sheep farm right over here um actually I'm going to put it out a little bit further because you want to prioritize when you're building having as much space for houses around your Marketplace because the houses must have access to the marketplace they do not the houses even though that's where your laborers are they do not need access um that's close by to where they work it doesn't matter I see trouble what matters is the marketplace I'm going to slow it down their misery doesn't become a problem all right so he wants us to build a pub all right so first I'm going to build a sheep farm and I'm going to um I'm going to push s and just extend the road out just kind of do some preemptive City Planning and then I'm going to click on clothing and uh I'm going to click okay I'm going to close this okay dude thank you and I'm going to click on this and I'm going to put a sheep farm right over here and once we click this down we have a sheep farm but we're not done all right I need to push Escape I need to click on this and you actually have to build three livestock areas or sheep folds so this is something the tutorial it sort of explains it um but we build this building but it's not going to produce anything the lumber mill does its thing by itself but this needs a sheet fold so you click on this circle with the sheep fold or you push G and you build these little squares it has to be within the area of influence of the sheep farm that you built so I'm going to build one I'm going to build two and I'm going to build three like that and now we have all three right there and it can only take three and now the production is going to start filling in now what's our next job we need to build a knits we want to build this so that I'm going to build it right next door and see what happens and we have to make sure that they take the thread right here to this if they don't a we might need to change things but hopefully this will work so let's just see what happens um in the meantime I'm going to Speed the game up and I'm going to see what happens when this goes I'm going to go all the way to 100% where's the the thread go okay great I'm going to um I'm going to oops I keep pushing space bar to pause the game in this it is not bad P pauses the game I'm going to show you this cart is going right next door it takes the path of least resistance so whatever's closest the warehouse is here to take extra but it's going to go right here and now we're going to start making clothes and I'm just going to push play and you see that now pay attention we're down to only available workers because this um knits took 50 in the bottom right corner you can see it took it takes 50 coins to upkeep and it takes 50 workers and then this um sheep fold takes 10 workers to upkeep and 20 um for money so we right here that's 60 of our labor is just going to making clothes so yes we want to build a pub but we need more more Farmers which is why it says attract 150 farmers and we only have 120 change I'll for or For Worse so I'm going to push um I'm going to go ahead and build a farmer residence and I'm just going to click on this and I'm going to say all right um build me a farmer Residence One and Two And if I click on this watch this fill up still full so their clothing is filling up and their fish is sort of filling up but not as much as it should and if I click on this you can see right away we're storing too much Timber um this indicator is telling you this green bar as it fills up how much you can store how much we're getting the Green Arrow right here means the rate at which it's either going up or down it's red going down if it's down to the side means no gain no loss and if there's more Arrow that means it's really going up or down right now we're doing great on Timber but we're going to run out of how much we can store in a moment but that's not that's neither here nor there first let's go ahead and build a pub so I'm going to click on the schnaps production chain and I'm going to click on potato farm and a potato farm takes 20 workers and you can see our people are unhappy uh which is not ideal but I'm going to build a potato farm and I'm going to build it right here behind this um sheep farm and I'm going to click on it and we need to build potato Fields so I click on this and for the you need way more of these you need 72 of these so to make sure I have enough I'm just going to um put some here but I'm actually going to drop the road in it's got to be connected to the road and I'm going to build the road a little bit like this and then I'm going to click on this guy and I'm going to click this and it has to go within the area of influence of the potato field but I'm going to build some more oh oh it can't be it has to be adjacent sorry let me kill this road we plant them so I need to get rid of the road and I'm going to uh do that very quickly by just clicking demolish this pick and I'm going to just bust up the road a bit right there and then now uh I'm going to give him this and we're going to just kind of drag this around and let's build it like this and then you can see how many do we have that's 34 we need more so I'm going to push G and I'm going to build some more um over here and here and here okay and how we doing we just need some more still there are perfect ways to build these buildings by the way and you can look online for images of the best orientation and layout uh I'd like to do this you know fairly organically but what the main thing I'm trying to make sure I do right here is um and is that enough one I need two more no problem there so now it has full potato field the next thing we have to do is build The schnaps Distillery now this is going to take 50 workers which I don't have but the key is I wanted to leave enough space so that the potatoes go right to The Distillery before they go to the workshop we need more people so uh we need to build farmer residences 1 2 3 4 5 we have so much Timber now here's a trick that messes me up in this game a lot we have so much Timber so the tendency could be like well let's just build a million houses that's great but every house you build puts a strain on how much fish we have and how many clothes we have and if that balance gets messed up then the farmers will become unhappy so why are they unhappy well because they do not have a pub their needs are met but their happiness is low um and he's telling us we need to build a pub and I will build one he wants a fire station too but let's build a pub we need to build it in a place that all of the citizens can get to now if you see how if I build this Pub not next to a road um there's no access but if I connect it to a road everything turns green to show the area of influence of the pub I'm going to build it right there in the center and you're going to see immediately that people are going to start getting happier because they have access now to a pub once it gets the required uh resources of schnaps which it doesn't have yet because the schnaps Distillery doesn't probably have enough laborers and it hasn't had enough time to produce the alcohol um but we're getting there and they want us to build a fire station so I'm going to build this right over here in the center and I'm going to build a road to it and if I click on this you can see in green the area of influence the darker the green on the roads means the more access this fire station has to it and you see how it gets lighter and lighter and it's not even really touching this I can't put out a fire here uh yes I can just barely but it gives you a sense of how far the fire station goes and where you need to place them so that there is fire service across your Island now I'm going to build a road that goes around this like so fantastic and I can actually um we are now positive on the farmer Workforce and now it's just a matter of waiting until the schnaps gets made so I'm just going to click it up to the fastest speed and this is something you're going to do in Eno all the timeon this Immortal look at this it's filling up here we go here we go we just have to have it last for 1 minute feels an eternity since the funeral and the cost why it was extortionate I bet so he's going to make us pay back the debt you pay me now or sell up a flush I feel sick to the stomach that edod could ask so much of us so soon after father's death that's his style okay so we need to give four schnaps to edbar or pay money so let's just get the schnaps and I'm going to just for the time being click here and I'm going to track clothing and I'm going to tracks going to need as much as we can clear okay so they want us to break out this big ruin finally I'm going to click on it and they will do that and you can see we're actually like oops I look at this guy um we're actually almost out of uh a huge minus in our money and this will fluctuate don't worry too much right now all you're doing is just getting the basics remember do not build too fast in this tutorial don't build a bunch of snaps places don't build a bunch of uh clothing places don't build a bunch of Fisheries wait and see how much you need to maintain and then adjust what I do all the time in this game and you're going to see this is going to be a series this is a complicated game we're going to keep showing episodes and talking about more content but what I do in ano is I set it up and then I go with the top speed for a while and see if I can maintain my current levels of production before I expand at all because if you expand incorrectly you just have to play catchup and it's a miserable experience so be sure you're set before you start building more and be sure you're profitable before you start expanding but check out how beautiful this game is it's just so amazing seeing everyone hang out at the bar they're at the marketplace they're coming over here he writes of a worker riot in bright Sands and now we need to find our cousin it seems we are not alone in our contempt for Ed yep and we also need to get four schnaps we already have three and we're rocking and rolling let's pick up all this extra Timber we've got here and we've cleared out another ruin our people are happy we you have 40 free laborers to work with and that's fantastic people don't really get unhappy for being free laborers that much in this game it's not a big deal like it is in some games but you have to make sure you have enough to maintain your uh what you want to build everyone this is a good place to stop our first episode of this complete beginnner guide I hope you found this useful so far and please post any questions you have about the game in the comments below we're going to keep playing this to show more and more of the game as it unfolds because it is is quite a dense game but it's it's just a really satisfying game in my opinion now if you are an ano 1800 expert my charity and you want to share your tips please do so but do so in the manner of understanding these are brand new players and do it in the most non-spoilery non-overwhelming way you can I would really appreciate that thank you so much everyone and we're going to repay the debt get get this guy off our back finished brat and he calls us a brat what a dude everyone I'll check you in the next episode take [Music] care
Channel: Dr. Incompetent
Views: 6,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anno 1800, Anno 1800 lp, Anno 1800 2022, Anno 1800 blind, Anno 1800 lets play, Anno 1800 gameplay, Anno 1800 ep 1, Anno 1800 playthrough, Anno 1800 first time, Anno 1800 lets play 2023
Id: LzYFU6vlIvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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