That's Gonna Be Controversial, Boss // FROSTPUNK // HARD // Part 1

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we roam the still cold world no Horizon in sight the rulers of old stripped With Pride and [Music] Glory it feels as yesterday we were turning the wheels of progress until the frost stopped it all suddenly without a war [Music] when Tides had changed they changed for all of us no matter wealth or [Music] class we've lost our word to [Music] snow and with it our last traces of humanity welcome to frost Punk everybody it has been about 6 years since we played through it on the channel in the pre-release Early Access we had and we're back we bid farewell to plenty and for those who remained came the time to adapt we decided to leave our homes and head north we graned for weeks maybe months leaving behind all the things we once believed have made us it was hope that pushed us forward slowly step by step we knew the cost of our journey and we paid the price 100 [Music] times finally the time has come to build the last city on earth it gave me chills bad that is a great opener what a what a way to start okay so we are playing on hard mode it's important to note because when we played this before uh we did not we just played on the basic difficulty setting and I believe anyways cuz I think you had to go through the opening part just on default until you beat it and then you can uh choose a higher difficulty there's multiple scenarios in this so if you guys dig it I'd be happy to go through all these scenarios uh we're just going to start with the first one and see how we do it's called a new home now when I was playing War Hospital on the channel recently I had a lot of comments about some of the similarities to frost Punk and you're right there were a lot of similarities in the way that things were handled and it kind of gave me this itch to try this again and then the the trailer for frost Punk 2 dropped and I was like oh my God this looks awesome and so here we are we're back in it this is a new home we fled from London and crossed the sea to reach the Frozen North on our way our Convoy hit was hit by a blizzard and Scattered a handful of us managed to reach the sight of this generator only to find it frozen solid and abandoned why is no one here did any of our people survive the blizzard are there any others out there whatever we do we should expect the worst now that the world as we know it has crumbled we have to survive yes we do this is our city and I need your help I need a name we need it we need a name for this something to maybe like on on a Frozen play on a frozen something or other Frost Punk Frozen we need something there and I we we'll Workshop it maybe I'll have a a moment of inspiration but if you guys have suggestions I would love to hear it and maybe we'll pick one of yours just drop something down below whatever you think we need to get the generator working provides heat and power to other buildings without it will freeze to death stockpile some coal and start the generator first thing I'm going to do we're going to we're going to pause I'm immediately pausing okay we're going to get some things organized pick our first laws and stuff and then we will unpause and let things rock and roll I'm not going to go through a full tutorial but if you guys have never seen anything related to frost Punk uh the the the way that you build in this game is very unique you are essentially building on these rings around your generator and you're trying to upgrade your generator to provide um more heat and to provide a further range all at the cost of using more coal which brings us to the top area here our main three resources are coal wood and steel steam cores are used for advanced uh things so we'll get to that a little bit later we also have raw food that turns into rations based on how we choose to make them you have speed sections and then you have a bit of a schedule so now I don't recall if this is always the case but on hard at least it looks like our temperature is going to drop significantly by two levels which is a lot if you don't know how that works we'll explain it once we get some uh buildings and stuff actually with stock piles I can show you these little segments here show you what the rating is in that building uh when people are living in the buildings or working in them if it's chilly they have a higher chance of getting sick and that's one of the big things we need to manage here is trying not to have too many sick people but it's going to be inevitable like look look around people are going to get sick here um okay so we have some raw resources scattered around that we need to set up and try to get to this little section would be good for a little resource Gathering Depot same with this it's wood crates and steel wood crates and steel and then over here we've got coal piles and we need we do need coal um so let's send some Engineers out there looks like we're starting with 80 people okay 15 engineers 50 workers and 15 children the children don't do anything unless I make some choices which I might do to have those children help us um this is a survival game after all we need to survive so uh I'll put Engineers there for now Engineers are used to staff like Hospital type buildings they are used to staff uh factories or workshops where we do our research and I only have 15 right now so I have to use them wisely but you know right now at this exact moment I'm just going to get them Gathering things so we're going to get two groups on the uh coal I'm going to get a group here on the wood and a group on the wood here and then uh the leftover people the the extra five can go to Steel it's not something I need a lot of right now but I am going to need it and they're just going to go out there and kind of gather this um for us okay we have 80 homeless we're going to need to build housing for them we have to stockpile 200 coal and then turn the generator on so we'll do that and we're have the book of laws which I'm going to get into right now because I feel like why wouldn't we there's a couple of decent options to consider right away I kind of like the emergency shift but I also kind of like the child labor um the child labor if we choose the safe jobs then they can work in places like cook houses hot houses or they can gather resources and stuff right but they can be injured in accidents which yeah yes that can and probably will happen but it gives us 15 extra workers right off the bat because we have 15 children here right if I go into child shelters uh hope will rise um provides all children with a place in a child shelter gives them a permanent hope bonus and you'll have to build a child shelter but then like we have to get them training to be medic apprentices and uh engineer apprentices stuff like that it could be good I don't really know I don't know what the right choice is so so I'm going to put the kids to work I'm doing it I'm signing it in that's our first law I can't choose another one for 18 hours and you can see that's uh brought in a controversial law that people don't like if hope is too low or if discontent is too high bad things happen in and you can lose the game essentially if discontent is too high as well people will literally kick you out of the pit okay uh so now I have 15 extra workers and I don't think it's a terrible idea to go and gather even more wood so let's have him do that I think that's all we're going to do for now and we're going to unpause and we're going to move on so in terms of what I'm looking to build early I'm looking to build uh an early Factory an early uh what's it called here a medical post because then I can treat sick people I need housing as well now housing I would like to put on this inner ring so if we look at this temperature overlay uh once this is turned on you'll you'll see the area that this impacts and essentially it's going to impact this first little ring around it right uh when you upgrade it it can impact further rings but that's not going to be for a minute so for these early hospitals I think I will build them on the inside ring and then later on I'd like to move those outwards once we have a more controlled situation the reason is is because if that temperature drops too low and we have temperature dropping soon then we won't be able to operate the hospital like at all it won't run at all uh same with the Cook House I believe if it's too cold it just won't operate so some things like that we may want to have in the Inner Circle for now but uh later on my goal would be to just have like houses as close to the generator as possible okay so we've already stockpiled 200 coal let's go ahead and turn this on and now we have some tutorials coming in uh camera control resources I've already explained controlling time and temperature I've explained as well so we'll go through those tutorials whenever they pop up but yeah so you can see we're already we're already building uh a pretty substantial amount of wood Surplus I'm going to go ahead and place a hospital here and should I just go straight to two you know what I am going to go straight to two and I might even just throw in a little workshop here as well I don't know if I yeah should the workshop go in the first ring for now it's going to for now it's going to cuz people are going to work in these right specifically engineers and I only have 15 these each require five engineers at Max efficiency so yeah I think that's okay let's let's start with this the generator hums with reassuring warmth we shouldn't take it for granted if the generator goes down the city dies be mindful of coal reserves now food there'll be no City City if we starve to death secure a way to provide raw food and build a cook house to prepare meals so that should be the next thing that we build um let's see so the hunter Hut this these are kind of the food gatherers now the thing about these the way I understand it at least people aren't working in the Huts it's kind of like a almost a gathering spot and then they go out and hunt at night it's just basically a place where you can assign workers to hunt at night and for thaton I don't want to have them close by they it can be further out just in the middle of kind of nowhere uh so if I wanted to I would maybe just drop this out here and then I could build some streets inwards to connect it and I think that's that's fine for now that's fine um the Cook House here base heating level one oh this is heating level two okay let me actually let me cancel this so that ansers that question then so what I'll do is I'll put the Cook House in the first layer here and I'll put the workshop behind but I'm a little I need a little bit more wood here so let's do this we'll put the workshop in behind and I'm pretty happy with this opening actually so we can build streets we can dismantle streets and buildings like you saw there shows you their their placement this whole like radial grid system I just think is so badass it's such a creative way of doing things now you're probably wondering well yeah cool you started building that how come no one's actually building it well it's because all our workers are busy doing other things so what I'm going to do is find let's actually just hover here so the 15 workers that are up here I'm going to take them off of that and they can go start building you see immediately they head over there so it shows them as being Idol right but they're they are building and at night which is now every worker that comes back will build so that's kind of nice no roof over our heads uh people are understandably concerned about the lack of shelter they're falling ill from sleeping outside in the terrible cold we better do something about it this is a game where you're going to get a lot of requests and I'm hesitant to like overpromise something that I can't hit cuz then you'll get a huge huge discontent Spike um but if you do hit it it's great I just don't know if I'm going to be able to build enough shelter for everybody I would need to on the next day gather well I have 35 wood so that would be three and then I would need basically 45 more wood to build the other five I have two days and I would get a big bonus for this with the three exclamations or I can just say I want to dress it right now should I go hard here I'll do it I'm going to try to I'm going to try to help everybody I'm going to try my best now at nighttime what I'm going to do is I'm going to throw this into overdrive okay it's going to uh raise all the temperatures by one level so if we look here you can see that it's in livable right but I could get this up to uh comfortable and that'll prevent people from being sick I just I'm going to run that at night and you can see here yeah people are heating up I like that I'm just going to run it at night I'm going to see how this works this is a this is a theory that I that I'm crafting as we go here um we run that at night maybe in the day I could even maybe I could turn this off as well that might be viable I think that's actually reasonable because people are going to be out like working and stuff we'll check the temps we'll see uh Captain when facing demands remember this people usually look for the quickest solution not the best one you don't have to agree to everything they ask for if you fix the problem your way that's fine thank you buddy somebody has our back somebody has our back out there back out there back out there let's speed up time a little bit okay cook house is up and running now anybody can work here workers Engineers children I'll put workers there okay so we'll assign five to that Engineers five at the workshop five at each Medical post and uh that'll be that over here I can put 10 workers and if I want to maybe what I'll do is take the workers out of here or hold on a sec I have the children there where's my other worker groups at they're at this one I'll drop that just a tad we just want to make sure that raw food's coming in right away so I'm going to put put maximum workers there and then here we've got our Engineers so we can pull all of our Engineers off that coal pile now and we're going to staff them in the hospital it's very comfortable right now people from our Convoy with basic resources secured for now we can try to rescue the people we left behind build a beacon Scout Frost land and save as many survivors from our Expedition as possible you'll need a workshop to design plans for more advanced buildings and we're way ahead of that already so that's really nice we do want to get that Beacon and running soon I don't know if that'll be the first thing that I research Let's uh staff that with engineers and then tomorrow is going to be all about it's going to be all about um getting housing so let's add new research so the research here you have access to this first row under these different tabs right now and then to access more advanced research you have to go and research this and you can see the associated cost there and that'll unlock it for this section okay or for all the sections so drawing board I think unlocks all four tabs this one and then drafting machines Etc the first thing I want to get there's a couple options we could go heaters we could go steam hubs not bad but I don't think we need that uh faster Gathering is a great option I think because that's what we're doing right now Hunter gear is a decent option but we only have one Hunter Hut so I don't know if that's the greatest the beacon of course is our main objective yes that's good but I think I'm I'm going to go faster Gathering here and let's start that research this is only operating from 8:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. right now um but based on some laws that we could sign uh specifically emergency shift and extended shift we could make that work a little bit more if we wanted so yeah anyway these are the hunters going out to do the hunting illness and Healthcare okay so we're back we're behind a few tutorials so you can see a hunger thing at the bottom that's fine you can see some efficiency differences and improvements um as we increase our tech for these things the Hunter's Hut works from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. gets 15 raw food per day or up to that the workforce here it shows you uh who can work where in the social classes down here is the employment panel which we've already looked at research-wise kind of talked about this already an illness in healthcare sickness um one thing in that's important to understand is that if people get Gravely ill they can't really be uh cured until you get an infirmary which is pretty late down the the tech tree at least from where we're starting um they take up space in the medical post and that's a problem cuz you can't treat them so we we're going to have to make a law decision at some point for how we're going to handle Gravely ill people but anyways we're boosting right now this uh generator stress level is something to keep an eye on if you're running the overdrive if this gets to Max it blows up in this game over so you don't want that book of laws Okay so we've already started the child working there's another couple of options that I think we could go into next emergency shift if we want but it rises discontent when we use it it raises discontent but it is important I think because especially for extended shift I think extended shift is really nice it's just longer shifts in certain places the other option is um soup or food additives so we can stretch our rations a bit now food additives literally are adding sawdust the problem with that is people will get sick so if you see in the bottom right here if we go with soup hope will fall slightly discontent Rises slightly and eating soup will cause discontent um so here as as they eat it's not going to raise discontent but people get sick and it's so hard to deal with sick people so I think I'm going to go soup to just get more out of our uh raw food here so now you'll see there's a standard meal option that we could choose four rations from two raw food or five food rations from two raw food I don't know maybe maybe this is not worth the discontent but the way I look at it it kind of is okay so I've got 25 Wood here let's get some tents built and uh we won't be able to get all these tents near the first ring unfortunately but uh I will try to get the tents built for everybody best I can cuz that's what we said we would do all right so it's daytime now people are going to start getting up going to their job jobs we're going to turn off the overdrive and let's start queuing up more tents here and I do like that once you place the last one with available resources it just backs you out of there so you can't place anything else it's just kind of a nice little design thing okay so I'm going to need two more um during the day I am going to I'm going to turn this off cuz this is going to save us some coal right and we do have people Gathering coal or do I actually I don't I have them all on the on the wood and stuff now so let's move these kids over here and then let's move the extra workers that we have there this place is functioning but it doesn't have enough raw food so it did make the rations like we asked I could technically pull people out of there now a family torn apart how dramatic a woman came forward after we built the workshop she said that her husband and daughter didn't reach the city with the main group but she's sure that they're still out there she wants to join the first scout team we'll send out and she urges you to hurry we will do what I can I will I will try to get that Beacon up and running ASAP I will so the generator is slowly shutting down here and I believe there's a way yeah in here you can see your consumption compared to you're bringing in so right now our consumption is zero but that will change now uh notice there's an efficiency thing here so this is kind of cool anytime you see an efficiency thing on the building you can hover it it'll tell you why it's being under 100% efficient and it's usually because people are sick so you can click into this and you can see okay my workers are here I have two in treatment and that's why so they're in these uh hospitals let's see just in this one right now okay so let's go ahead and queue up some other tents here and I'll try to maybe keep a bit of a residential Zone I don't know what's where it's best honestly but I do need to build some streets so that they can access this I'll maybe just build them in the back like that and then that should be enough 1 2 3 4 5 so that' be 8 and we would hit that goal one day they can come home and build that at night I don't necessarily need to worry about that right now heating is off generators down but that's fine we talked about that not a problem the medical post here is still livable based on the temperature we save a little bit of coal I just have to make sure I don't forget about it here's the day night cycle it's kind of explained we talked about emergency shifts and and um shifts uh extended shifts that we'd like to get into so we can sign a new law in 2 hours time but we'll let them we'll let them build at night okay so it's night time we're going to turn this on and we're going to go into overdrive I don't know how long it takes for this to dissipate but it is quite a while as you can see my hope with this and I'm not sure if this is very efficient but this is my hope is it just prevents a lot of people from getting sick right away and things kind of spiraling out of control so I can sign a new law now I think we maybe go emergency shift it's an option uh radical treatment versus sustained life in the healthcare area is kind of interesting so radical treatment means that if people are gravely ill we could amputate them now amputees don't do anything they would just be essentially a drain on your uh rations unfortunately but I do believe at some point you can get into Prosthetics if I'm remembering correctly so that's an option it's a decent option because if we go sustain life problem here is that the Gravely ill will be kept alive but they're untreated in medical posts until we get to that infirmary we can't do anything with them and they'll take up beds in the medical post literally preventing people that are just normal sick from getting healed so they're a burden it kind of feels not great in that regard um this will raise discontent slightly but I think it's the better option so that's what I'm going to choose listen everyone new law is signed faster Gathering is almost done the housing is almost done somebody is hungry understandable but uh it's probably just people that are currently working cuz we do have food and now we only have 10 people homeless we actually are going to complete that in time so that's good I'm very happy with this opening so far now I know that some of you are going to be very good at this game and some of you are going to be like man why would he do this so keep in mind like I haven't played this in 6 years I played about 90 minutes to kind of warm up on the normal difficult ulty and this is my first time playing on hard so I'm really analyzing things as best as I can um My Hope Is that together we can kind of figure things out so if you can like please leave tips or advice but don't be so exact where it's like um you know you have to do this you have to do this kind of thing cuz that takes away from some of my enjoyment of also seeing how we can flush this out and make it a successful run um but I do want I do want some tips so if you can just try to be um helpful but not as like you have to do this have to do that I think that would kind of land itself really well for us okay so discontent low a couple people are sick yeah that's fair Let's uh turn off the overdrive now let that start cooling down only one person sick being treated right now and now we're back to daytime okay right on so what do we want to accomplish today um we're going to finish our research on the faster Gathering so that's cool I actually think that maybe speaking of gathering we should get into some Gathering posts I'm going to need a little bit more steel if I want to build multiple here so let me come off of that we'll throw some extra workers there for the time being okay and then I can do one Gathering post here and I can do another one here what these are going to do is basically just gather from any uh resource that it's touching and it gathers them a little bit faster too so the efficiency is is higher I don't know how that interacts with the law that we sign for faster Gathering but um yeah I feel like this is just slightly more efficient so let's do that and let's connect this okay faster research wreckage piles wood crates coal piles now increase by 15% let's go ahead and shut this down and let's add some new research so do we maybe I just go for the beacon just give her the beacon is going to require some steel as well so maybe we'll keep those guys on the steel deposit or actually when this is built we'll be gathering the steel anyways and I only need a couple more steel to get another gathering post over at this side so I think I'll do this as well just trying to line it up to the edge of the I have to go here actually I was going to try to make a nice road that connects here I can still just connect it it's just not as pretty right okay now what should we who should I take off of gathering to build this we definitely we definitely need to get more coal let me just look at our Workforce here okay let's pull from here and this place already has a path so let's just do that and then instead of this wood we'll pull them off so they can kind of build I do feel like I maybe do need a minimum of 10 to build see I've got like eight assigned there okay no it's good they're starting to build now cuz I don't necessarily want them to build at night so you can switch between buildings this is actually a really great system um I don't know if this was always in the game but once your city gets pretty established you'll have a lot of similar buildings that that look similar and are the same type but it's hard to kind of find them in the cluster of buildings so if you just select let's say a cook house you can tab using these arrows or use the bracket keys to tab through the same buildings to see all of your locations essentially okay so this place is up now what we'll do take people off of these piles make sure that no one's assigned to them and we can put 10 workers in here okay now it is going to be chilly at some point it is going to be chilly uh do I not have a road like actually connected there oh yeah okay cuz I didn't connect it to the um I didn't connect it into here got it so we need to build a road through there or through here child injured at work of course got distracted and has been injured the accident was not serious and happened entirely due to the child's carelessness so we can give the kid the day off so we lose a worker for 24 hours hope goes up or we can say uh hope will fall slightly and scold them I'm going to be a little bit more chill on the children okay minus having them work of course cuz you know we do need to work we can introduce a new law let's go okay now uh our sickness seems to be handling itself pretty well so there's a couple further options that are kind of neat specifically overcrowding this lets us double the capacity to our current medical facilities but it causes um discontent to rise a bit and whenever we're using that extra capacity it causes discontent to further Rise um but you do double the amount I think I think for right now I'm going to sign the emergency shift law so we have some flexibility there in the city okay generator's down but that's that's all good we know that we're just trying to trying to be efficient here and I don't know I might be over efficiency things I don't know if this is a great approach or not but that's what I'm [Music] doing and now here we'll put some workers and who else all these kids out here uh working in this on this coal pile I will remove from there come here so now we've got trees we' got wood and steel coming in wood and steel and then man do I just build another [Music] one I need 15 if I build another one here I can get that going [Music] let's build it there and then my my thought is I just dismantle these at some point [Music] right oh I don't have any wood right now so I can't even connect that okay so let's pause that I'm going to I don't want people out there building at night I'm going to turn this back on now and then uh when we're ramped up and we get a little bit lower or later I should say let's go overdrive now just keep people nice and toasty so this is how to build streets building abilities so uh when you sign in certain laws like the 24-hour shifts those are abilities specific to buildings sick absences we already talked about and weather changes we've talked about as well okay so temperature overlay here so yeah okay this second tent area is livable so there is that at least but when this temperature drops those people are going to be struggling at night I think we'll see how it feels um research-wise good to build the beacon I actually don't know what that's going to cost so 35 steel okay well I mean look we're Gathering steel at these places and both have the max number of uh people that can work there so cool cool I do have some kids I guess that I could send specifically to another one um to try and just get some steel in quick so that when this is done I can build that Beacon right away everyone's roasty toasty man okay we do have five sick Six Sick back down to five let's turn that off a protective mother a mother refused to let her daughter go to work afraid she'll get injured we could look the other way this time but others might see it as unfair I could raise hope a bit and they won't work for 24 hours I do yeah and where it says nothing will change like I'm not sure the impact here um obviously nothing will change immediately but I I feel like if we start letting one person take the time off then it's like okay but then you know I don't know and they're kids too it's tough I I'll okay okay fine I'm letting her have the day off it's fine it's all good okay let's uh unpause that now people are going to work and now we are very cold okay so the temperature's at-40 now I'm going to leave this running but you can see like these guys are already chilly okay so this is not great people are going to start getting a bit more sick it is what it is okay let's look at some new laws here so discontent is actually under control I feel like now because people are going to get more sick we should maybe consider the overcrowding the alternative to that is extra rations but I just feel like that's going to be a huge drain so I'm actually going to pick overcrowding discontent will go up but it allows us to utilize our our um current facilities a little bit more this place has a lot of sick workers oh they're building okay interesting interesting I'll connect this out here for now okay the Beacon's done oh steel I have enough oh I don't have enough trees currently I need 20 wood but we'll get that right away here and then let's add new research so now my question is do I want to go into heaters to help if it gets colder um let's pause it we're going to see the temperature rise back up in a few days so I don't know if that's necessary although these little gathering posts could benefit from that they could benefit from that steam Hub would also be great Sawmill steel Works coal Thumper Hunter's gear would be great I should probably get some more of hunters going I think I'm just going to take heaters start with that and now the people that are at this pile we're just going to put them here okay so now they're getting coal for us from there I'm good with that wood crates have been depleted so this one's gone eventually all these things will be gone actually all the wood from this is gone so it's only steel wreckage now and then we'll dismantle that when it's gone completely okay so we do have somebody Gravely ill now it says mild frostbite but I don't see a Gravely ill marker so so keep happening if that they working such cold I I get it I get it maybe at the steel wreckage here let's just pull all let's pull people out of there okay we have at least some insulation in the Gathering posts so that's fine and we have steel at both the Gathering posts I think that's that's I think that's much better I do think that's much better okay yeah okay one sick one Gravely not too much I can do about that I do want to get the beacon going so now I can build it and uh I'll maybe place this way out cuz this is not a place where people need to be um working this is just basically where the scouts are going to be okay so it's night time cold homes here's the problem okay they want us to heat their homes we can say let's heat some of them I can heat four of the cold homes within 2 days then keep them heated for 2 days that's okay so that's fine um but I just don't think first of all I'd have to run it at overdrive to increase the increase it to where they would want it based on the current temperature and if I run it for overdrive for 2 days my generator will blow up I can't run it for 2 days so if I promise this and I don't deliver it's really bad if I just say no I I think it's less bad so I'm just going to say no and discontent will rise slightly I mean what are you going to do right this is inoperative now because uh we have nothing to gather so we're going to take that out and we're going to dismantle this building building uh we'll do this and actually let's do this tomorrow as well let's get people back inside being warm for right now everybody get back home we haven't gone over the 56 so I feel like that's not terrible let's overdrive this again just to keep people roasty toasty at nighttime um we are definitely behind on food so that's probably the next thing that we need to uh tackle here so if I queued up some Hunter Huts how many they each take a lot of workers but I need fewer and fewer workers currently because of the um the Gathering post stuff anyways I don't have enough wood but oh let's pause this I don't want people going out and this all of these decisions here this is of course based on me understanding sicknesses correctly right so if I'm misunderstanding any of that uh feel free to clarify for sure let's see if we can get through this night here yeah see now you can see people are starting to get sick and we don't even have like it's definitely people in these um well okay maybe not I thought people in these houses for sure going to treatment there going to treatment going to treatment could who knows who knows but you can see discontent is rising because overcrowded at the medical facilities bad food cold at home request ignored so yeah that's not great so hope and disc Contender level are crucial for social stability of the city there's many factors that can affect them the most important are people's needs buildings laws and abilities hope and discontent also change due to random events and the death of your people so yep and you can see people are getting sick but we we have the space we have the space so I I think we made the right call by the overcrowding even though it causes some discontent I mean what are you going to do like needs to happen it's almost morning here okay so let's turn off the overdrive and we just run it normal unpause this can I actually just click this no unpause that unpause this now this place uh okay it's because some people are going to build that's fine efficiency wise could be a little bit better what are we running here heaters right right right yeah that'll be good but um coal wise we're doing okay we're doing fine I could probably move another like once this is done I move a gathering post out there or build one I should say okay the beacon let's go such a beautiful game too like it is this game in my opinion is just stunning especially at night you and you got a bunch like a whole city going you zoom in close with all the lights and stuff it's so cool so here's the lost expedition and that's our main goal that we need to do and then here's an observatory so we can find people out here we can find materials supplies uh all kinds of stuff but scouting is uh pretty important in my opinion uh that being said I need to assign more workers to that Hunter Hut so we'll do that and at the Beacon I need 40 wood which has to come from here and I need uh five workers as well not children but workers so maybe up in some of these spots like where where are my children at currently five out here all right so I'll take workers from there and put children in and we'll take five workers from here and put children in and then oh yeah then I'll then I have more enough okay now they want double rations for kids these guys are just is everyone just unhappy like we're all just trying to survive man like what's the problem in the wake of recent child workers accidents the parents argue that we could give working children double rations to make them stronger and help prevent injuries I can be a little tyrannical at some point but I'm not heartless okay I do see the need for the children I actually I'm curious if they eventually grow up here mind you we're operating in days not years so I don't think so so I feel like any kids that are going to come in now um will just eat double rations that's a problem for me I think in terms of supporting this this Colony I'm going to have to say guys I don't think we can do that I like the kids too don't get me wrong uh people cheer as a giant observation balloon Soares above the city this is a real feat everyone feels proud of the work they've done to make it happen volunteers have lined up eager to go looking for our lost people in the frost land the woman who came forward earlier is among them we needed a win yeah big time I need speaking of a win I need 40 wood I need 40 wood guys hit me okay so heaters are researched now now what do I want next build steel Works extracts iron ore from Deep deposits The Sawmill I actually think might be decent here because we are going to be out of wood soon there's only 14 left there there is 100 left there okay but outside of that nothing so a bit questionable we could also just go to drawing boards it's 50 trees uh but then we could look at upgrading generator power and stuff that could be good I'm actually going to go Sawmill here I'm going to get that going I know that sets back the amount of wood that I need for the uh Scouts now what I'm looking at here and I don't know if this works but you see These Guys these two children I'm going to dismiss them from here and then I'm going going to read some children to see if we can get that back up no they're in treatment I'm not sure if you can just manually assign children to or people to stuff I'm actually not sure um I have okay well I have workers so let me put the other workers in there going to dismantle first okay I don't know if that's a good way to kind of balance things or not so you guys let me know about that one if you don't mind can I get 40 wood today ah man I don't know if I sent people to also work this pile maybe it's going to be close there it is okay let's make a team so we've got a scout team we're out of wood yeah cuz I just spent it I think we'll go to the lost expedition first so we select our Scout yep oh that's our city okay and say go here it's going to take 11 hours it said all right so I think this is maybe a good place to take a break we've got our Scouts up and running we're going to rescue people at the lost expedition hopefully we do have some discontent to handle and I've got some ideas of how to do that regarding one of our next laws that we're going to unlock and uh we'll go from there guys if you like this please drop a like it helps a lot I know this is an older series I don't expect this to just all of a sudden be this huge thing but if you do like it and you think it would be cool for other people to see liking it leaving a comment all that stuff it obviously it does help so I would appreciate it um but at the same time if that's too much work all good man I just hope you're doing well and let's have a fun time playing some Frost Punk hopefully you guys are doing well we'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: ChristopherOdd
Views: 60,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frostpunk, frostpunk strategy, frostpunk survival, frostpunk tips and tricks, frostpunk 2024, frostpunk 2, frostpunk hard mode, frostpunk extreme, frostpunk build order, frostpunk asmr, frostpunk lets play, frostpunk playthrough, frostpunk part 1, frostpunk ep1, christopherodd, 11bit studios, frostpunk gameplay, frostpunk lore, frostpunk explained, frostpunk beginner
Id: gd82mhbef0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 54sec (2994 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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