Annealing brass with the new MARK II from Annealing Made Perfect

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[Music] changeup from annealing 17 hornet to 50 BMG and everything in between in seconds with perfect results every time since we first launched our original mark wanna Neela back in early 2016 thousands of our customers have discovered the benefits of laboratory-grade and kneeling those benefits include enhanced shot-to-shot consistency and of course extended case lock for that valuable brass our research and development is never-ending it includes work in our own lab and also consulting with other independent laboratories this has given us much deeper knowledge of accurate repeatable annealing we've also had excellent feedback from our many expert customers a number of them are world and national champions and we would like to thank them for their input and support all this work has resulted in the development of a new mark to annealer which features our revolutionary new Aztec software this gives users the independence to calibrate all their personal brass regardless of cartridge brand lock number or neck wall with exactly the same accuracy as a laboratory we believe it is the ultimate expression of annealing made perfect let's look at how it works firstly let's start with the basics this is an induction annealer that means no gas or flames it's safe to use anywhere in the house if there's a suitable power source you can even anneal at the range the interface is simple use the plus and minus buttons to navigate and scroll through programs and the start button to enter or select the setting to go back a page press and hold - and then start selecting our new Aztec mode we'll show you two options analyze and run we have some Norma 308 here which needs to be annealed and we don't know the correct sitting for it so we're going to sleep analyze to generate the code this only needs to be done once for a given batch of brass the next time you want to anneal a batch you can simply enter the same setting here it asks us to insert a pilot code the Anila uses pilots to ensure the case is positioned consistently within the machine so far we have produced over 100 different pilots to suit the range of cartridges and wildcats we have tested these are sold separately to find the pilot for your cartridge visit our website and go to the aztecs settings page search for your cartridge and the appropriate pilot and it's code will be shown screw in the pilot and into the code for 308 we are using pilot number 11 and aztec pilot code 0 1 1 b now we need to select the case to analyze here we have taken a handful of cases out of the batch and we weighed them from lightest to heaviest and we're going to choose the one in the middle take your shell holder and place it into the supplied brass group and tighten them take the chosen case and put it into the shell holder and then into the Aniela and press start as part of the analysis the case will be destroyed and as stick will generate the exact annealing code which you can use now or into the next time you want to anneal the same batch wait for the red light to go out before removing the case to discarded be very careful because it will be very hot we're going to anneal this patch now so we're going to select use and now we can start a kneeling each case only takes a few seconds when taking them out they can be very hot so place it into a heatproof tray when using the Anil and manually doing a few hundred cases only takes about half an hour but for those larger batches you can use the ant mate to automate the process leaving you free to focus on other tasks the first time you press start after selecting a program the program lock will appear that's a little asterisk they won't let you cycle through the programs to prevent you from accidentally changing the program during a cycle to remove it simply hold down the plus button until it goes away and then you can start to cycle the programs again a couple more features as well as a stick we've included the original standard mode which has all the preset programs for hundreds of different cartridges that we have tested in our lab the mark 2 also comes with vastly improved fan power so it's going to run all day with most cartridges we have also built an a function which keeps the unit quiet when the extra fan power is not needed as stick mode on the new mark 2 Anila makes it an incredibly versatile machine from the tiniest cases through the largest you will get the perfect anneal every time and just as a demonstration what we're going to do now is a bit of a live demo we've got some 17 hornet here and some 50 BMG and what we're going to do is we're going to analyze the 17 hornet and the 50 BMG to get their codes because we don't know the settings for them yet and we're going to anneal each one after we get its code so we're going to start with the 17 we've already got the correct part of the 17 loaded so what we've got to do and I've got my ABS - pilot code here for the 17 hornet which is 0:43 a I need to analyze it so we just come in here and we select analyze on the screen we want to select 0 43 so 0 is already there I want to come across and go to 4 into 4 3a is already selected so we're ready to analyze this I've got my shell holder already in its grip so putting the case in into the machine start and that's already done you can see the analysis has happened I can now put that in there which I would normally discard that I can take the second case and you can see we've got our code on the screen and it's saying use or go back so that's our code we would write that down normally so I can put this case in press start I have to run so now press Start again now it's running done literally took less than a second and you can see that's now annealed so now it's through the 50 Cal I want to take out the 17 pilot and insert the fifty-caliber pilot which as you can see is quite a lot bigger we take our 50 caliber shell holder grip which as you can see is also a lot larger this just screws in and there's a little rubber insulating ring there which also helps because these things obviously get very hot this just prevents you from getting a warm grip so we can go back to the analyse section we take our case put it in it's a pretty big case go to analyze now I've got my pilot code for 50 Cal here already so 501 a so we want to come up to 5 0 is already selected we can go to 1 and a is already selected we're ready to analyze this is going to take a while so that's now analyzing this takes about 12 seconds there's a lot of mass to heat up and you know it's pretty impressive thing yes you do this the first time still going okay it's just sort of stop heading right we've got our code there's the 50 Cal analyzed we can discard that it's given us our code which is 2 2 3 7 we ought to write that down take our case that we want to anneal put it into the machine we can select use and run again it takes a while it's a lot bigger than the 17 hornet that's now finished there's your annealed 50 BMG we didn't change anything in the machine that's all that's all it takes to change from the smallest case of the largest or any case so there you go we believe that our mark 2 Aniela redefines precision annealing whether you're a novice reloader or a world champion you can get perfect annealing every time and we're very proud of that we're even more proud of the reputation we've built up over the last few years for customer service and support at the end of our first video in 2016 we made a commitment to ongoing research and development we meant what we said the science behind annealing cases during manufacture has been around three years the science behind annealing multiple reloads however was virtually non-existent the three research papers we've recently produced working with independent laboratories have changed all that annealing for the real Oda is no longer a dark art it's a scientific process our original mark 1 annealer offered a new level of accuracy but we were constantly looking at ways to improve it could we make it run cooler for longer well yes we could the air flow dynamics took us months to perfect they work could we kneel 50 BMG again yes but only after redesigning for much more power could it be universal across all cartridges that was a hard path it took many months to perfect but we got there how about automation again yes it took Matt over 18 months to perfect camp mate but he finally produced an amazing piece of robotics then you add an Aztec technology and Wow now you have a laboratory in a box we hope you enjoy using it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Annealing Made Perfect
Views: 45,002
Rating: 4.838275 out of 5
Keywords: annealing brass, annealing, annealing brass cases, cartridge annealing, induction annealing, amp annealing, how to anneal, how to anneal brass, how to anneal brass cases, shot show
Id: h_6eVu75nFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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