Anne Hathaway Tries 9 Things She's Never Done Before | Allure

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[Music] I feel like you rigged that there trick pins I'm gonna do that again yeah now we're getting serious yeah yeah okay that's right second time cygnus okay I'm going to now apply lipstick without using my hands okay I'm just gonna put it in the crook of my elbow remember Breakfast Club but when she puts it down her bra and does it that way I'm not that cool so I'm just gonna do this way there we go I think I got that left peak right peak oh god I should have stretched first okay oh sure on generally how to do pretty good okay great now I gotta say thank you [Music] I think it's windy or I think we need to do more do I look heroic fantastic let's see what number one is number one okay it kind of it's fruitier than I imagined something pasting okay I don't have a guess yet the martini glass people love alternative milk is that's oat okay definitely oat number three the champagne of alternative dairy that's almond that's that's that's got that lovely sweet nuttiness number one just has to die it's I should have guessed the ones that I like last hold on I'm a big girl you can do this is it soy it's soy yeah I'm sorry you soy livers are weird I don't I don't know [Music] the main thing that you want to do with grave loves just go up to people and like blow their minds and then oh god then you get kind of lost and you want to blow your own little alsa really fun anyway is this a peach or nectarine I don't know how to contour I've never I've never it's never been my thing oh yeah this nectarine needed me I think you're supposed to put it like along the front part and then give yourself a jawline and then I think probably you'd want a little bum chin blend it in make small talk how was your day honestly you look a little bruised like don't get me wrong you are gorgeous but this is really bringing out your natural beauty and then we add highlighter in here to really bring out the apple of your nectarine this and oh how beautiful you are yes thank you this I can't paint right so I just need you to know that upfront it's not the hot sauces fault here we go I have sort of a round face little no situation there I think I probably would be wearing a red lip delightful I've decided that in my self-portrait I'm gonna have bangs there we go I have a you know what we've got some freckles freckle and you know what I am wearing sunglasses oh dear it's just getting worse I'm a sign it there we go that's me my self-portrait in hot sauce so this is a Jade roller I've never used it to flatten play-doh however I do have a three year old the best thing about play-doh is there are no mistakes so even if you rip it you just make something else make a little snake I'm gonna use this to make a family of snakes at owns an ice cream parlor together this is a pink one she's a little self-conscious because she's shorter than the green one who I think is her cousin who's visiting trying to learn the trade this is grandma she shrunk a little due to osteoporosis she drank a lot of alternative dairy a lot of soy but you know she's still kicking it she does Pilates so she stretches out look at her grandpa the osteoporosis is back so there we go there's a lot more drama but we don't have time for it so you'll have to tune in for chapter 2 of ice cream snake stories you
Channel: Allure
Views: 9,900,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9 things, anne hathaway, anne hathaway interview, never done before, try 9, try 9 things, try nine, anne hathaway funny, try nine things, anne hathaway 2019, celebs try new things, try nine things 2019, anne hathaway interview 2019, anne hathaway makeup, anne hathaway allure, anne hathaway allure cover, anne hathaway try 9, anne hathaway tries new things, anne hathaway first time, anne hathaway lipstick, anne hathaway singing, anne hathaway paints, celebrity try 9, allure
Id: m8ubmPSJ_vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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