Hiking Annapurna Circuit in Nepal 4K (OFF Season with snow covered pass)

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Jens-Peter. How was the shower? Cold, very cold. But I was laughing actually.... I was laughing because it was so  ironic like it can't get any worse! We don't have any more water... Some coffee in the morning. Alright we are now in Besisahar after  a six-hour drive with a microbus. It was a long long trip, a bumpy ride but we  switched over to a Jeep to go to Bhulbule from   where we will start the trek to reach Ngadi  on the first day of the Annapurna Circuit. Here we go! Bhulbule! We are on the way! It is rainy but  it's good that we get to try out our gear. Here we go! We are now in Ngadi, we decided to stay here  tonight and not push further into Lampada,   because it's getting dark in about  one hour and still raining so... Yeah, this is the place! Second day on the Trek moving  from the small village of Ngadi   up through Lampada to Bagarchap  and then to Chamje into Jagat merging two days into one day to gain one extra  day to use as a buffer on higher altitude. We made it to Bahundahanda! We have been trekking for about two hours, 9.2 km. Now we're going to head to Ghermu. We're in Ghermu we just stopped for about an hour for lunch. It's 13:00 We've been hiking since 7:00 this morning yeah we will see if we make it  all the way to Tal, but we're gonna give it a shot! Hail... Hail is happening! Move! Step away from the path... We made it through the donkey obstacle , in a thunderstorm, in hail... So here we are in Chamje. 40,000 steps. We started 7:00 this morning in around 5:30, we are just dead. Pretty much... And just had a cold shower.  They promised us Wi-Fi and hot showers but they had none of it so... Surpise! Maybe some fried potato tonight? Maybe a Dahl Baht set? Third one since i came. Maybe I take Dahl Baht set! Is it typical for Nepal? It's rice and lentils, basically... We are now leaving Chamje! Today we're  heading, well we're trying to head to Timang. We will see if we make it, It's at an altitude of 2800m and will be very tough We've been walking for about an hour. Started down there, following this road... We are now in Tal where we had a short pit stop. Expensive actually, more expensive than at home. We've been walking for almost 8 km. Now we have about 1km hiking trails, very steep apparently. Going up to Dharapani. Now we're in the village Karte It's about 11:15 and 10-15 km. Soon, lunchtime! We made it to Dharapani. Fried rice or Dal Bhat? We're leaving Dharapani heading through Bagarchap to Timang and... The rain is back! It's raining, I'm cold and sweaty. It is really tough! Just finished our ascent from Dharapani and we passed Bagarchap. It was the toughest part so far on  this Trek, now heading for Danque  through and continue on to Timang We're heading into a forest area! Where are we now? I don't know... it's a  dead end. But you know what's really amazing "Echt Geil? We can say we did the Annapurna Citcuit and we even did a detour... We are so fu**ing strong! Cold pine forests! And now we're heading back... So we have a brown Corona dog  following us around... Puking. Okey, settling in... Timang! Hello Guys! I'm exhausted... What 3 items are you bringing to the fireplace? Shoes Pants And the last one I don't know yet... You need shoes. Damn, ok. I have to put on my shoes again. Yes but you can put on your other shoes. No I don't have other shoes. Oh yeah Ok so, we are in Timang. We're now gonna have food in this cozy little place where they lit a fire, we got some tea and we get to hang our clothes in the ceiling to dry, its perfect. My leg is tingling so hard! Another Day! So we are leaving to Manang from 2600 meters headed towards Upper Pisang at 3300 meters. It's snowed tonight. it's colder today but we slept 9-9.5 hours and she's a 07:45 quarter to eight so we're leaving a bit later than we usually do. We expect to start feeling the altitude a little bit after today's trek. Which is mostly on road. So we are now in Pisang, here is a split Lower Pisang and Upper Pisang where Upper Pisang is much harder. But we decided to make a  push for it, go up at some altitude so that we can move on to Ghyaru and Ngawal the day after. Supposedly it's one of the best part of the trek. So yeah! Lower Pisang, down there! We made it to Upper Pisang! Yes! Wohoo! So this is Upper Pisang, this is where we're going to sleep. Garlic Soup, apparently this is good to  prevent altitude sicknesses, to eat garlic... And... there is a lot of garlic! A fireplace and they let us dry our clothes here. Easier than we thought it was going to be! We're in Upper Pisang, getting ready. We just had breakfast and now we're heading through Ngawal to Manang. Going through Ghyaru first we think  which is about 3700m. But then we go down again to 3519m. We did feel a slight headache this  morning but we drank some water and feel better. We made our way to Ghyaru at 3700 meters! 400 meters straight up from where we started off this morning. Feels very good to reach this place. The path to the next village can't be far right? Lemons, a pair of glasses, forest, a big house, a blizzard, Jonathan, a Banana tree, 2 walking sticks and... 1 pancake. A ship comes loaded with... Oranges, Annapurna 2, Annapurna 3, a big house ... ... Jonathan, a Banana tree, a walking stick. Wait what did you say? Walking sticks or trecking sticks? Wasn't it TWO walking sticks? You're wrong! 2 walking sticks! F*ck me! The german is out! Thank you, I'm a proud winner. There we have Bragha. On one side snow-covered alpine mountains. And on the other side almost desert like rocky dry. The sun is scorching, it feels like walking in the desert. Just arrived in Manang we got 3 rooms here and met a french guy called Ghiz who joined us. They had this in the previous hostels as well that if we eat  here you get the rooms for free. This is the best room so far! Double bed, cozy, view over the mountains, it''s really good. There's even the Western toilet, real luxury for being this trek. Even a shower! We have a picture of  Thorong La Pass at 5416m. We heard from someone yesterday  that it's very difficult to pass at the moment because it's snowed. It's snowed a lot so it's been  clogged. But we hope that someone can clear a path for us. So we will stay here for an additional day tomorrow just chilling to acclimatize to the altitude sickness. And we hope that we get clear  skies we can pass the Thorong la Pass. We have three buffer days so we should be able to make it (hopefully). If we don't, we can go back to Manang and take a Jeep all the way back to Besisahar and actually skip all the hiking trails. Alright! What's up Knut, how're you feeling? I'm very good. A little trip-day from Manang to Chang Por viewpoint. A couple of 100m higher than we are now. Just go up and down to acklimatize to the heigth. Somewhere up there... We left our large backpack in Manang, it feels very good! Instead of 13kg probably around 2kg. We're trying to get up to that point  over there, it's about 200m. We're about 150 meters higher up and Manang is down there. Because we didn't bring our crampons we decided to not go  any further. Getting steeper... it might be unsafe. We found a bakery and we ordered... stuff. Pain au chocolat, Pain au chocolat. Alright so 07:25 in the morning we are leaving Manang after having spent an additional day here to acclimatize to the height. Today we will go to Yak Kharka which lies at about 4050. So it's about 500 meter incline, yeah. There's no more talking to each other... on this attitude! Down there we have Yak kharka at 4,000  meters. She's 11:30 which is a really good time, we all feel good. We only have a slight headache so we decided to push ourselves 100m. To a cottage lying slightly higher up. Okay so we are leaving Yak Kharka. We all feel good with the altitude so we're heading to Thorong Phedi at 4,500m. It's about 07:00, it's very cold maybe -10 degrees celsius, going 15? We made it to the Thorong Phedi or Thorong base camp at 4540m. Really feeling the altitude... So we're still in from Thorong Phedi, it's about 16:00 and... it has started to snow! We are now getting ready to go  to bed it's about 8:00. Ok so we're at High Camp at 4850m It took us about 1.5h for 500m elevation and yeah! We're heading for Thorong La Pass! The sun just came up, helps a bit. Comeon you little Fu*ker... Lets do this! Yes! I wanna have a break... We did it! Yes! Hell yeah! Thorong La Pass! Never Again! Fu*k you Annapurna! Oh! We made it! I'm on top of the world... Was it easy? When do we climb Everest? Hard! It was hard! Thorong La Pass at 5446m. Slight headache, nausea... But now we go down. It is now the day after crossing Thorong La Pass. We're leaving Muktinath where we stayed and just went up 6:30 this morning now it's 8:00. We're heading for Jomsom it's about 20km and should be quite chill. 1000m going down, we expect it to be warmer. And from there we will try to book a small propeller plane to take us to Pokhara. Where we will end this trek. Our trip is coming to an end we are in Jomsom 06:30. We're headed for a Pokhara, Indiana Jones style in a small propeller airplane. Probably the most dangerous obstacle so far for this trek.
Channel: Jonathan Lundmark
Views: 144,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anapurna, trek, nepal, thorong la pass, 4k, gopro, annapurna, annapurna circuit, hiking, ABC, february, winter, hike, trekking, thorung la pass, altitude, himalaya, 2020
Id: jbVv5x0cL5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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