Ann Coulter: In Trump We Trust | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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but first up her new book is in this is ridiculous but her new book is in Trump We Trust urb is awesome look remember what we say now be nice when they go low we go high let's go high with a nice greeting for an couter all right yeah we go high hello look at your I how long have we been doing this for 23 years right starting no since 90 was when no I didn't I I was still practicing law it was 98 or 97 or 98 get away with the Min skirt that's all I could say so how's the campaign going fantastic thanks for asking um and apparently they're not that confident uh in the media that it's going to be this this 50st state Landslide for Hillary or they wouldn't be pulling out all these ridiculous charges 3 weeks before the election well okay well looks like a Hil Mary pass to me rid you think the charges are all ridiculous yes but do you think the same thing about the bill cause be charges no everybody had heard about that for years I mean look you know perfectly well and this isn't what we're talking about okay um because it's stupid um yeah very stupid but look with with somebody like Bill Clinton his introduction to the the American people was for him and his wife to go on after the Super Bowl and lie to the American people it everybody knew about it for years same thing with Bill Cosby you heard about it for years you knew about it for years as you well know you were a wealthy man you were a celebrity I mean this is like believing something in in divorce records wealthy men are going to attract a lot of lawsuits he's working with a lot of women this has never happened until three weeks before the election give me a break then let's then let's just cuz that's he said she said I happen to believe them but okay let's just stick to what he said let's get to the issues wait wait that is an issue why am I let me ask you all right just give me one no one is voting for Donald Trump because of his character or personality we never were it was always about his issues and this is coming up so that we can't talk about the issues which is what I really want to talk about okay we will let me ask one question though okay if there was a tape of Obama cuz you say this is not a big thing even what he said again we're just taking what he said about I put a search in my mouth I mean a Tic Tac plug for search I yeah yeah yeah he's posting about how wealthy men can do anything with women I don't know if you heard that wait not if it's not the conditions subjetive rich man and celebrities I if you've ever heard that before Bill remember that's all he's saying I remember my grammar and I bet you you do also because of Catholic upbringing the the the subjective tense were he's not saying if I were he's saying I do he's saying I do this let me read the quote when you're a star I better use some let you do anything I just in case I start kissing you I just start kissing them I don't even wait and when you're a star they let you do it okay here's my one question if you'd be quiet I could just ask it tape on Hillary's time my one question is if a tape of Obama had come out mhm at some point during his presidency where he said hey fruy give me a Tic Tac uh cuz I'm thinking about kissing a woman I've never met mhm would there be any kind of outcry on the right or would you just also would you would that have just like gone by the board and you would have said that's locker room talk um I would not believe probably anything from a hot mik alleged from the hot Mike Ty or or care about these charges is if it's right before an election I mean everybody and I really don't want to talk about this because I really want to talk about the reason we support Donald Trump the reason there is a civil war but I will say that everyone in television has said horrible things on hot mics that you wouldn't want to get out there not like this um no they're different things but you no matter how professional you are lots of people have said totally embarrassing things there are three people we've heard the hot mik T tapes from Bill O'Reilly Laura Ingraham and Donald Trump they're hot tapes on everybody it's humiliating for everybody this is all out War for Trump and why is it all at War on Trump because he is absolutely right it is the the American people against the uni party of both the Democrats and my party that I never saw until Trump came along they want open borders as Hillary said in her hot mic tape open borders that will crush the wages of not only the working class but the middle class um it's the trade deals to send any jobs that haven't already been sent to Mexico and send them to Asia it's because the endless war that your candidate wants to now start with Russia that's why we support Trump you win you you've answered my question that if Obama had said it it would have been no big deal not okay I'll tell you it would be no big deal if he were against TPP it would be no big deal if he were the only candidate who wanted to build a wall it would be no big deal if he were the only candidate who wanted extreme vetting for oh you know immigrants whose religion teaches them to kill us as opposed to quadrupling that are you going to defend that billar okay let me ask you about let's go back to the immigrants we're bringing in whose religion teaches them to kill us so that they slaughter 50 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando do you think we should be giving them an extra look because your candidate wants to quadruple the the immigration of of of Muslims whose religion teaches them they want to kill let me ask you about this New York Times piece because you were the star of it it was a couple of weeks ago thank you and you you really were and and I mean it would talked about how the fact that when Donald Trump made his announcement speech uh there was only a couple of lines in there about immigration but he had read your book the one you plugged on this very it's a magnificent book well it certainly was to him yes I mean I did not realize until I read that article how much influence you have had on Donald Trump you still think he's going to win um I think it's more likely than not but that gives a big chance for her to win I mean I always thought it was about 90% chance he wins the nomination about 60% chance he wins the election well no election day um because he I mean he really is his issues are the ones people want but what you love the most you said he could perform abortions in the White House I know that was as long as he keeps that immigration policy right but the wall uh he stopped talking about the wall not really do you well he hasn't mentioned in either debate it's not on his website anymore this is my whole point they won't there has not been one question about immigration this is why he is right about the media they do want to turn this into everything about his personal baggage I got news for you we knew he had personal baggage we knew he was allow but he's the only one who will do anything about the working class in this country and by the way as I also said on that show pushing adios America um who did I say was the toughest Democrat for him to run against Bernie Sanders because he too hang on you're not going to like me but you should like me um because we agree on the wall on this dumb low wage workers on the country we don't agree on the wall well you check I think Bernie's for the I want you to invite me on the panel with him because his position I never heard I would like to build the wall no I never heard I never heard but he did say uh uh borders direct quote open borders know that get the wall retail open open borders that's a coch Brothers policy he is right Donald Trump is right what do the Koch brothers rert murlock and George Soros agree on open borders TPP okay it is the unip party against the people I know you think that the the world is coming to an end if you could no it isn't not if Trump went would you would you steal this if you could would you steal this election would is it is it that bad that you that you'd justify stealing it we don't steal elections your party does but if you but if you could would you is it is it that dire or is it worth that doing that no but would I steal election would you what about what what about what if it was David Duke versus Hillary Clinton uh what's his position on TPP and uh open border no of course not give me a break would you vote for David Duke to stop Trump is he that different I'll give me a break Trump retweets white supremist he does not I didn't even think I don't even think David Duke exists he appears every four years so you can use him as a boogeyman and ask no look Trump has not talked to him talked about him had him speak at the convention Hillary has the terrorist father who shot up the Orlando nightclub sitting behind her to Rally can we have her disavow him you know what the okay you know there's another terrorist father the one who had the chicken stand said to the FBI my son is a terrorist that's a patriot much more than Donald Trump that's not true that's true okay but look this is taxpayer money that is being spent there are thousands of Investigations to follow Muslim immigrants they are in all 50 states Alaska and Hawaii instead of SP we that is money that should be spent on our own poor people on our own working class on our own plants and and and building the wall to help the American people why are we bringing in people who are so expensive you want to keep going with this Mass post 911 deportation plan now when you were here before you said the fact that the the deportation plan is letting ice do its job okay but you said they're not really 12 million illegal no they're more like 30 30 40 50 we don't know so to deport 30 million that's going to be a little expensive no but we're already paying no no no no a once you have the wall guess who doesn't have to collect unemployment insurance go home and sleep get injured on the job a wall just sits there night and day without any work you build ice does their job we're already paying ice all right an cter her book is Trump is great thank you very [Applause] much
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 1,808,526
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Keywords: HBO, Real Time With Bill Maher, Real Time, Bill Maher, Bill Mahr, Bill Mahar, Season 14, New Rules, Episode, Quotes, Show, Overtime, Realtime, Podcasts, Guests, Series, Comedy Full Episodes, Watch, Online, Politics, Government, Roundtable, Politicians, Liberals, Conservatives, Republican, Democrat, President, Jokes, Laugh, Funny, Preview, Clip
Id: nit-Fr9qJtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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