Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Pokémon Characters From Memory • Draw Off

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hi I'm Brett hi I'm Jason we are redrawing cartoon characters from memories specifically Pokemon can I make a confession I've never seen Pokemon oh my god I'm old Jackie you don't look a day over my age okay I got this I don't got I got the poor in Vaporeon it's part it's an eeveelution use the water stone to get it from Eevee I have no idea what any of those words mean he is spiky hair yeah yes baby the update is look I feel like every few years they do generations you sure remember like the og look give me some clues to the construction okay first of all blue it's blue it's a water pokemon okay so it's gonna be like fish features but not like really hardcore is it like a fish man no so this Pokemon is closely resembles like a cat he's like a cat electro cat it's a mouse house but as we've discussed they don't ever look like the animals they're based on well I was starting with like a kind of basic cat construction but it's kind of turning more into a dog there's nothing wrong with a little flair of your own I was one of those kids who like loved drawing animals so much so I drew all of the Pokemon I don't think I've ever drawn yeah she cared about and it's like he was just a vehicle first to see cute pokémon I think I went in my head in the electro tail yes right I don't even know if I got that right I think that's what it looks like I think I'm drawing a snowman with electro tail actually how do you get the baseball hat to not cover the face I'm gonna make characters don't have like deceptively big heads I know the like what you're generally supposed to do in Pokemon is the guy's name is ash he collects Pokemon in order to battle against other Pokemon collectors and they use come on this is this is just cultural osmosis here like I don't this is just what I know from being a person in the world I think of his body I guess maybe it's like a sack I don't know it's kind of got like a slim frame it's kind of slippery it's not like fat I don't know the sack of flour yeah he's a sec fire anyway when you beat someone in Pokemon you don't get their Pokemon you don't you just get there you get the bragging rights what happens that's it when you defeat someone in chess you don't get their chess pieces you just get bragging don't oh my god oh my god I love Pokemon because it's just you could just go as a child and explore the world and your mom's just like okay I think that hat is red and white penny is like a green symbol on it so Vaporeon is the evolved form of Eevee okay and Eevee is this Pokemon that's really popular because one Phoebe's adorable okay Pikachu is an electric pokemon the evolved form of Pichu and the pre-evolved form of right you got put goop against him and two because Evie's like one of the only pokemons that like has like multiple evolutions fun fact Pikachu can learn the move surf so this is not an inaccurate thing I'm driving doesn't he just say Pikachu could you could you do it for us Jason do you know disco there we go there you go that goes my expenses my dollars on Pikachu alright well if these this extra time I have I'm gonna start drawing Ryan or Ryan Reynolds Pikachu oh sure in what situation would you use a Victorian against fire type Pokemon be not against an electric-type pokémon no I would yeah so ash basically just is on this never-ending quest to be the ultimate Pokemon master but he's a fool who only catches like five pokemon and he catches like the worst pokemon yeah I am drawing something very interesting but it is most definitely not a Vaporeon I kind of wish again mine was more simplified and cuter cuz I feel like I'm gonna see what it really looks like and I'm gonna be like you know what all that time I spent making fun of you should have been me practicing how to humble myself yea Glass Houses check ya Glass Houses hubris all that I give him an A for Alvin like broken hearts okay I'm done that there's no pose it's just a like it looks like he's Flat Stanley but oh my god his arm is so long I'm so that's it whatever done don't stop that's pretty darn accurate with the cartoon Pikachu I'm not gonna lie pretty embarrassing if I was like way off the mark with this one I think if you look at mine you can say that is Pikachu yeah I don't think I got the I guess the shape of Pikachu right at all I mean it's not a good drawing but I think that it is ash I think I got like the feel of him like like a fan art drawing of him but I oh I did him so dirty on the outfit I'm so sorry I love Pokemon I think I did pretty okay if it doesn't look like beforehand I think the drawings really cute so - both ah not Vaporeon but also not quite really a great drawing well you know what it really do be like that they'd be like that sometimes it's true it's true oh I actually did kind of better than I thought I would you know I tried my best and that's all that matters oh yeah oh come on spitting image looks exactly like him I should have given his eyes a little bit more character but yeah I think it still looks like a Pikachu oh I think I didn't do horrible okay how am I supposed to like remember all the like eeveelutions you know so if anyone has anything to say to me don't because I'm really sensitive it's gonna hurt my feeling mine is not correct at all ah but it's a lot closer than I thought it was going to be you got the shirt and the spirit do it better his best it looks so comfortable they gave them a puffy sort of Marty McFly vests yours is definitely a little bit more I think accurate yours looks like water Garfield I love it if Garfield was a water type that's what this would look like cuz you said it's like a water cat what I can't when I think water cat I think well Garfield and also give the bus - yeah I must say this Pikachu's pretty accurate yours is actually really close I feel like it's it's it's like it's I forgot the whole head nod do you even remembered like the the bifurcated tail we like both remembered similar things yeah pants look like this and he definitely has like this going on but I like he's got like battle scars all over him like these brown marks I'd rather these needs to draw I'm gonna do some hatching and lining you are much closer I think yours is good for someone who never watched or thank God into Pokemon from the very bad description I gave you you really made it work I really love the antenna right it's I just don't understand do fish have antennae some do I know more about Pokemon that I do fish right yeah put us together yeah put us together we're the perfect person we would be water gym leaders I don't know what that means but I'm in that means we're the best at water pokemon kind of there's more than gym leaders there's a lot of them there's the Elite Four [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,701,871
Rating: 4.9469976 out of 5
Keywords: BAg7, artist draw pokemon, artist draw pokemon from memory, artist try to draw pokemon, buzzfeed, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, cartoonist draw from memory, cartoonist draw pokemon, cartoonist draw pokemon from memory, cartoonists and animators, cartoonists vs animators, draw off, draw pokemon, drawing, drawing challenge, drawing pokemon, pikachu, pokemon, pokemon characters, pokemon drawing, pokemon drawing challenge, vaporeon
Id: ypq9qlO_y1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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