Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Justice League Characters From Memory • Draw Off

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hey i'm mike ettineau uh character animator on the simpsons hey i'm kira lead animator on good advice cupcake today we are drawing justice league characters from memory from memory wow justice league yeah i think i love them do you know who the justice league are you sound very confident [Music] all right give us the characters matt today is drawing plaid the flash was my favorite one seriously wow your character today is wonder woman i feel like that's manageable i'll try a picture in my head superman okay it's like the worst one i would who is your favorite justice league character uh probably batman batman is too angsty and superman is too serious and he's a real but the flash is just right i like bumbling buff idiots you really do yeah i like the dumb ones that's your type i had no idea that you were a flash fan i really thought that you were going to be like what what do you know about the flash huh i know that his superpower is super speed i know that his name is barry allen yeah superman is a man that is super very powerful laser eyes x-ray vision there is nothing that he can't do i know vague generalities about dc characters but i don't you know i don't know much i remember i read one of the flash comics and i was surprised to learn he doesn't only go fast but he also can learn fast that's cool i guess isn't that wild and wacky stop saying while we're wacky isn't that wild and wacky with barry allen and turned off my cintiq turned off your cintiq how do i turn it back on superheroes are hard to draw so what do you usually start with when you draw i'll usually try to start with the line of action which kind of acts as like the character spine for the pose it's like a guideline for how the pose will lay mine's different every single time yeah i'll start with the body one day i'll start with the head one day i even started with a hand one time that's a good choice i love drawing hands people are such a weak they're always like i hate drawing hands shut up they're fun the buttons up here yeah it's up here it's over here on your side what did i do i always draw like 16 fingers on one hand people are like did you notice did you notice there's 16 fingers on the hand instead of five i'm like why would i draw 16 fingers on accident are you crazy i like how they ask you that question as if you're like close your eyes and do hands like whoops fix it fix it fix it listen fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it check it fix it oh i fixed it that was cool it's a good thing i was i thought quick on the fly like flash what you know what i don't like this i don't like what i'm drawing you're restarting i'm restarting i'm going to draw a cute flash i'm sorry this is just how it has to be i got the pose now i just got to do the details and i don't know the details of his suit i know that you know you can't really see his eyes right right he's got kind of a batman mask yeah batman mask he has he has the thing where his eye mask moves with his emotions right which is weird that doesn't happen in real life no her style of dress is kind of i think it's like sort of like a gladiator kind of yeah a little bit i know he's got tiny squinty tiny tiny tiny eyes big angular jaw curly hair i just know that it's red yeah but there's nothing else in my head right now yeah i know that he has the you know headphone things i got that yeah does he have a belt like a waistband maybe oh man what are her shoes she isn't she doesn't have a shield does he i don't think so she has like her her gauntlets right right on a rope in the robe i did watch the live action 90s flash show oh how did that work out it was actually that bad for the first season and then it got terrible okay but that flash for some reason i know that he has a belt with the flash symbol on it was it a rope called again the lasso of truth does he have a flash like a lightning symbol on his i think so on his chest i think he does because they sell flash shirts oh right how are you doing joanie i am having a hard time however i like what's happening to mine yeah it's not that great but it's like there should be low expectations for me is all i'm saying everyone's a critic everyone's a credit do you have a favorite comic book hero movie really like deadpool deadpool yeah i feel like maybe the reason why i hate superman and like batman and all these people is because like i would be one of the villains like i feel like i really like fit into that category and how i act generally villains are anti-establishment true yeah and i'm always like tweeting about how i hate amazon yeah it's the same it is the joker burning things down and me tweeting about how i hate amazon are like the same thing that's disconcerting okay i gave him way too much crotch how you doing over there i think i'm doing okay uh i'm tr struggling to remember this costume i honestly don't remember anything about the costume i'm kind of winging it and i think there's a w on her tiara yeah you're right i feel like she has a sword too i have no idea what that looks like though all right my flash is looking cute there's a lot of flashes so who can really say this is accurate too my drawing kind of looks like if a super villain was trying to draw superman like trying to make fun of him kind of i think i'm just i think i'm just straight up a villain from dc but i love this idea of method drawing you embody the character i decided not to commit to color so i'm just gonna add like tones sometimes color just like makes or breaks it yeah are the colors switched maybe they're switched you know i don't really know what his symbols colors are uh but i'm gonna go with white and yellow yeah it seems seems correct he's kind of looking more like a mcdonald's character right now than uh than a justice league character i apologize to barry allen and his son wally west oh wait is his son no i don't think so all right i think i'm done here i think i'm done okay okay i drew a handsome man because apparently even if you're from space you you're just handsome [Music] okay now i need to do like a speed effect real quick here's what i'm going to do i'm done i'm going to take the whole thing i'm going to pretend like i'm driving located i'm going to do a directional blur hey remember the thing you can do to make it look like your pencil is wobbly we get it jackie you finished before i did i'm trying to entertain them done you done kevin done with my flash finished it in a flash so mike how do you think you did i wasn't sure about her costume i don't know if it's a two-piece if it's a one-piece how about you i feel like i i remembered some of the stuff about like the central costume but uh colors it looks like a halloween store like discount cost hey june how'd you do i did okay i i superman um in transition from the mild-mannered man becoming superman mine is very plain i am going to warn you though there's a lot of crotch coming your way again bringing up the crotch there's a lot of crotch coming away so you're just going to have to deal with it i'm just going to deal with flash's groin his costume is so simple that there's no way to mask his groin i mean there is but you know kevin i'm just going to let it slide this time because i don't want to hear you say crotch again i'm just letting you know a lot of crotch all right let's switch oh wow this looks so good oh my gosh you made it look incredible you actually added full color this looks like a finished awesome drawing yours looks like i love the style yours has such a great pose like it's like that fibonacci spiral around it's like pleasing to look at yes this is yes i love the superman you dream so cute you do i love it i think that like you just like kind of drew him you know you really overplayed the crotch the way you described it i was thinking you gave him like a basketball in there it's really not that bad very spiky lightning bolt yeah yeah i think i put too many spikes on it i think it's going the wrong way i think you got it the right way i don't i you never know oh oh yeah you got it oh she's just wearing like a bathing suit i guess i was remembering the movie too much yeah i don't know why but for some reason we thought she had a w on her two i forgot the stars yeah the stars she's really really patriotic i completely forgot more patriotic than i thought there he is yeah you literally just drew him like when i said that earlier like i meant it it was like he literally just did it joni captured the inner essence of superman because there's a cost of being super at all at all times does it cost what wow no no no this isn't the flash i know wow he's got full on yellow boots which yeah neither of us you know what it's not fair to judge our flash off of one flash drawing because there's so many variations there's many classes so many costume changes he goes through this is true maybe this is casual day flash it's hard to get those little details but the broad idea i think i think we i think we got it got close enough close enough flash is a cool guy flash is a cool guy he's a chill guy uh cool super power i wish i was fast so do i yeah i'm real slow i'm real slow when it comes to drawing i'm real slow when it comes to thinking am i right ladies two brain cells hands up that's millennial talk for you what does that mean [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,781,026
Rating: 4.9093671 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Justice League Characters From Memory, animator, vs, cartoonist, draw off, animator vs cartoonist, justice league, justice league characters, draw from memory, animator draws from memory, cartoonist draws from memory, buzzfeed draw off, Draw Justice League Characters From Memory, buzzfeed video, drawing challenge, artist challenge, challenge, artists draw from memory, cartoonists and animators
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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