Animator vs. Cartoonist Draw Avatar TLA Characters From Memory • Draw-Off

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hey I'm Kevin and I'm Jess hey I'm Jason and I'm Brent hi I'm Kashia hi I'm Penelope and today we're gonna be drawing avatar from memory not the blue people I've never seen avatar wait you haven't seen it either how are we supposed to do this that's so I'm only halfway through the first season and so I hope we get a character that I actually know today you'll be drawing Katara okay okay good good good tarah I know Katara okay today you'll be drawing Zuko I did today you'll be drawing Aang okay that's the one with the arrow I'm sorry avatar stance I'm truly sorry for what I'm about to pick because okay I've seen the memes so the memes are like I know that there's like bending of different elements right so you have like an airbender a firebender or waterbender earthbender that's what I think I know he's got off arrow I'm not sure few wears pants so are you re watching this show Brent yes I am right in the middle of you're watching it I have a roommate who has not seen it yet so it's very important that I educate them it's like one of the best shows I think I agree it's one of the best shows what are your biggest influences it is like a lot in anime and then definitely like heavy into comics they mostly started with my mom actually she collected comic books when she was a kid no kidding yeah cool mom yeah yeah she's pretty great you know I'll be tell me about your process when you started drawing like what are your initial step see I'm usually if you just start out super messy and everything's kind of squiggles on the nevermind draw the spine and some version of a skull oh good then from there just kind of figure out what my gesture was going to you know like all these moves were based off of like real martial arts so it's like am I like dude drawing a fake martial arts stance you know yeah I don't I'm trying to figure out her hair so she's got that she's got like these hair dealies I'm like right that even her brother makes is like the hair dealies the like the the loops the loop things yeah my credit little hair loops like isn't that even it's a part of his culture too how do you know what the word is for it yep usually at this point I'll flip my canvas just so that I can see like what kind of problems I'm having with my figure oh that's so smart is it because it gives you a different perspective on your drawing yeah it does it helps me with the volume so like when you're drawing one way and you think you know it everything looks cool and everything looks right once you flip it and it looks real rustic it's like oh so just you are a storyboard artist for Marvel and other properties is that correct so how did you get to that point you know was your family always supportive of your career in the arts I kind of knew what I wanted to do very early on in my life my granddad actually he was kind of the one that kept trying to curb my enthusiasm kind of a deal he was one of those guys that really wanted me to get into science like the joke was every time I asked or said like oh I'm gonna be a I'm gonna be a singer I'm gonna be a dancer I'm gonna be an artist I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that and he'd always tack on astronaut at the end so you be a singing dancing ding astronaut astronauts the important part Jasmine really it was a case where like I 100% had to stand my ground and I was like Papa I am going to art school I'm going to be an artist I'm gonna make this my life and I and this is what its gonna be and then I went calling up the phone whoa and it was maybe a week later I get a phone call from my granddad and he's like you know Jesse I've seen so much animation and commercials lately and so is that like 2d like that's what you do and I'm like that's that's that's a bunch of stuff and so now I get calls from him all the time being like you know I just ran into this lady from DreamWorks and I wanted to show her your stuff and lo like he is he is my best promotion that's like a complete 180 ya know cool I actually know what Zucco's hair represents in the show you know what his hair is for like why he has it that way no so Zuko on his head is bald because he is disgraced he has a disgraced Prince so he had to leave the Fire Nation to go hunt the avatar but he's got a ponytail because that's like a sign of Fire Nation royalty so that's why that's the only hair he has left it's a little like reminder of his past so I am thinking and I don't remember what the bottom of her like tunic looks like it's almost like a Aggie like a right Japanese robe kind of thing right right but like this does she have like a flap down the middle do you know what I mean is that yeah so it's kind of its kind of like a it's like a panel down the front breeze down the front in the back that's named oh and the back okay oh cool so alright for once I remembered something correctly something that I'm doing right now am i drawing is I'm adding multiply layers I find multiply layers to be really helpful in adding levels and making things darker without making them muddy and usually I use whatever color that's predominant in my painting and this is blue and with multiply it makes it like a natural shadow that makes sense to the eye mm right I when I first saw it I was just like okay this is really cool and then like the the really serious themes taking so like executed so well like it was basically a show about ethnic cleansing you know like that's insane I a kids show I know I keep watching it I keep watching it and I have these moments every episode where I'm like I'm watching it it's like this was on Nickelodeon yeah I am moving on to color how are you doing I am moving to color as well what yeah yeah adding some swirling patterns to really make sure that it's obvious that like he's bending air but like what if he's not an airbender and like who were just what like his so his clothes were like different shades of brownish red right yeah I kind of cheated because I am doing Agni Kai Zuko so he's topless I drew them topless as well oh okay good Qatar's colors are she's dark-skinned yes because it's more that's the kind of clothing she's wearing is like Eskimo or Inuit style clothes because she's in the Arctic but because she's in all that snow so this is my science hobby Thank You granddad my science hobby coming back in because she's in all that snow technically she actually gets just as tan as if you were at the equator because of all that light reflecting off on all that snow mm-hmm yeah and I got drama sort of like ambiguous looking like thing going through the air I think I'm gonna make it into a dragon just because I think that's gonna look cooler oh you're so smart and it's like the mythos kind of just makes more sense to me that way pens down how do you think you did Brent dude this looks like Zuko I mean - some like clothing some accessories you know you can't you can't get much as you've got more Zuko than this I'm gonna go out on the limb and say this is the best drawing I've ever done on draw off what okay well Jason come on I think it looks cool this is definitely leaning towards what a bored pose would look like for me mine turned out be a little honest mine turned out a little more boyish than I wanted okay I think I did pretty well I'm pretty happy with the final product I wish I knew a little bit more about this character but I'm gonna remedy that's dude how about you how'd you do I did as well as could be expected all right let's done them to each other you nailed those like Fire Nation boots that's really good oh look at his pants oh he doing shoes you got it yeah don't wear any shoes you know because he does that leg sweep remember there's like that one shot where he like sweeps the leg I should have got some print do you think this is the best drawing I've done draw uh I would have to say I would have to say your minion is still it's still my top spot Jason it was fun yeah this one lands on the top three I'll give it that oh it is so good I would totally date this guy I love the flowy air thing I totally get that he bends air hopefully he does I was completely off oh my goodness I got orange in there I didn't have any orange I had all blue in my DNA I didn't get sort of this Cape shawl thing and I definitely didn't get the colors right I didn't know if you have staff I you know I didn't know that that that was this is really cool i love i love how we both got stank face like those I mean you gotta do stank face yeah how to do stank face with the guitarra wait she is about the business and the clothes is so dynamic and like the arcs of everything is just the arc of the hair and ah okay okay oh man I forgot her mother's necklace we both did oh that's so integral to character no no no I think you did an amazing job and I think your pose is so dynamic and I just want to know what is the secret well it's uh it's five years of Marvel kids it's drawing superheroes either jumping fighting or yelling for five straight years that's how you get it that's the secret to dynamic characters jumping fighting and yelling and yelling [Music] [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 445,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, draw off, buzzfeed draw off, animator vs cartoonist, draw from memory, drawing avatar characters, drawing avatar characters from memory, avatar the last airbender, avatar tla, atla, drawing zuko, drawing aang, drawing katara, drawing challenge, avatar the last airbender characters, avatar the last airbender cartoon, artist challenge, cartoonists draw from memory, artists draw from memory, PL-DrawOff, PL-DrawOff-S3
Id: P38gVPy-Dxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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